Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 533: Weapon Spirit Battles the Bear King (3600 words, please subscribe)

After a while, the Bailing flying boat crossed thousands of miles and approached the battle site for about a thousand miles.

The bear king who was besieging the Xuanyangmen flying boat group, the six Jindan demon kings including the Baiyun Spirit Fox King, and the five Jindan in the Xuanyangmen flying boat group also detected their traces through their spiritual consciousness.

The bear king, who was extremely intelligent and had only the peak of the ninth level of the Jindan, but relied on his superior life magic weapon to possess the perfect combat power of the Jindan, glanced at the back of Ling Pengyun and others who were rushing here. When he did not notice the three Jindan red gold bears that were previously sent to chase Ling Pengyun and others, his expression suddenly changed.

It was not difficult for him to guess that the three Jindan red gold bears were probably in danger.

"Three more of our fellow Jindan died."

"Including the four Jindan who died in the previous battle, the seven of our fellow Jindan I brought with me this time have died."

"It's over now!"

"If I fail to complete the mission this time and drive the human race out of the Baiyun Mountains, the land affiliated to our race, I'm afraid... I will also lose my father's trust, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get the Yuanying spiritual object that my father promised to give me!"

Thinking of this, the bear suddenly felt a lot of resentment in his heart.

Although this bear has good potential, the Red Gold Bears, as a large Yuanying clan, have never lacked people with extraordinary talents.

It is also just one of the Yuanying seeds of the Red Gold Bear clan. It has a half-brother who is also a Yuanying seed in the clan, and its brother is a few points stronger than its qualifications.

If it weren't for its mother's high level of talisman making, even if she could refine a top-grade third-level spiritual talisman, she would have a good chance of success. Otherwise, it would be difficult for it to get the attention of its father, the Yuanying demon king, and it would be even more difficult to get the Yuanying spiritual object promised by him.

For a moment, the eyes of the bear demon turned red, and there was only one thought left in his mind, which was to kill the human golden elixir present and formally conquer the Baiyun Mountains belonging to the demon clan, so as to avoid the anger of its father.

Immediately, the bear directly opened the second level of the "Angry Bear Technique", the desperate method of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

Its cultivation also entered the perfection of the golden elixir in an instant, and even its aura was constantly increasing, with a hint of the aura of a pseudo-infant realm powerhouse.

The pseudo-infant realm is a name for those cultivators who have tried to impact the Yuanying realm, but failed and survived by chance, and condensed part of the Yuanying.

The already huge body of this bear also surged to nearly 170 feet high at this moment, which was even larger than an ordinary short mountain.

A strong bloody smell emanated from his body.

Then, the bear raised the superior third-grade top-grade life magic weapon "Red Gold Wolf Fang Club" and roared at Ling Pengyun and others who came to support him, then stepped into the air and rushed towards them.

Even if the five Jindan cultivators of Xuanyang Sect attacked and blocked the attack within the Xuanyang Flying Boat Group, those attacks were easily knocked away by the bear king whose cultivation had skyrocketed, and it was impossible to stop the pace of this bear king.

Seeing this, Bailing Zhenren, who was driving the Bailing Flying Boat, immediately activated the Bailing Escape Technique of the Bailing Flying Boat under his feet, which doubled the speed of the Bailing Flying Boat.

But even so, it was no match for the chasing bear king.

The distance between the two continued to shrink.

After a while, the bear king caught up with the Bailing Flying Boat within thousands of feet.

"Go all out to stop this bear king, or we will all be in trouble."

Bai Ling Zhenren roared, raised his hand and directly used the inferior magical power "Bai Ling Hammer", which transformed into a giant hammer of 120 feet long and smashed the bear king chasing from behind.

The chasing bear king was not afraid at all. It held the mace tightly with both hands and exerted force, and then used the mace to meet the attacking Bai Ling Hammer.

The two collided, and an astonishing spiritual power fluctuation broke out, and the surrounding clouds were all dispersed.

Then, a roar was heard.

The next moment, the Bai Ling Hammer transformed by spiritual power could not withstand the huge force of the mace, and was immediately beaten into countless spiritual light fragments.

Ling Pengyun was shocked when he saw this scene.

However, he immediately sacrificed the eighteen formation flags of the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation.

The eighteen formation flags were extremely fast and quickly surrounded the bear king, and then formed a large formation, trapping him in the formation.

The trapping array weapon of this array, the "Five Elements Return to Origin Rope", also emerged and was tied to the body of this bear.

However, this bear's strength has been improved to the pseudo-infant realm through the desperate method "Angry Bear Technique", and its strength has reached nearly 1.7 million kilograms.

The Five Elements Return to Origin Rope tied to this bear is just the prototype of a magic weapon. Even if it is as powerful as an ordinary third-level low-grade magic weapon through the power of the array, it is still not enough under the powerful strength of this bear.

In just a moment, the Five Elements Return to Origin long rope bound to its body was broken by the bear king's constant use of great strength to break free, and cracks appeared on its body surface.

With a sound of breaking, the long rope suddenly turned into countless small fragments and fell into the air.

The light curtain that trapped the enemy supported by the Five Elements Return to Origin Array was also easily torn apart by the bear king using the red gold mace in his hand.

The eighteen array flags that transformed this array also dimmed their spiritual light, and were covered with some small cracks.

Ling Pengyun felt a little distressed when he saw this scene. In addition, this thing no longer had the effect of trapping the enemy, so he took it back and suspended it around the Bailing Flying Boat, transforming it into a defensive light curtain to protect the Bailing Flying Boat.

At this moment, Bailing Zhenren, who was standing on the first seat of the Bailing Flying Boat, looked helplessly at the approaching Red Gold Bear King and sighed.

"After all, I still have to use... that thing!"

He patted the storage bag on his waist and summoned the Bailingmen Zhenzong's superior third-level magic weapon "Black Flame True Fire Gourd" from it.

"Black Flame Fire Phoenix Weapon Spirit!"


The black flame gourd of true fire flashed with black light, and a clear sound of birdsong was heard. One head was no bigger than a fist, but it was full of energy, and its eyes were agile but with a hint of tiredness. It was covered with black and gray feathers and had a phoenix crown on its head. The little fire phoenix, whose temperament was transcendent and refined, and whose aura was as high as the golden elixir perfection, flew out from the gourd.

"Senior Black Wind, help me block the Bear King's hundred-breath time!"

Master Bai Ling pointed at the bear king that had rushed to a distance of nearly a thousand feet, and pleaded to the energetic fire phoenix weapon spirit beside him.

The Fire Phoenix Artifact Spirit glanced at the Bear King in the distance, whose cultivation had soared to the level of a pseudo-infant. The tiredness in his eyes immediately dissipated and turned into a look of deep fear.

"It's been hundreds of years, but it's time to make a real move!"

"Brother Bai Ling, after this battle, don't bother me again for the next three hundred years!"

It said something rude to the formerly aloof Master Bai Ling.

Then, black light flashed around the phoenix, and its size suddenly increased to more than 150 feet. Its feathers were surrounded by black flames, and an extremely powerful aura also emerged from its body. .

Ling Pengyun on the side noticed this and was shocked.

"I didn't expect that the Leopard King who killed the Cloud-Stepping Thunder Leopard clan when this weapon spirit didn't use its full strength."

"Looking at its aura, I'm afraid this weapon spirit has reached the limit of the golden elixir perfection realm. As long as this weapon spirit Yuanying is there, I'm afraid it can try to hit the realm of Yuanying at any time."

At this moment, the black flame phoenix weapon spirit, which was more than 150 feet tall, flapped its wings, and countless strong winds blew up. It suddenly turned into a black escaping light and faced the approaching Bear King. Go up.

When it approached the Bear King, the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Weapon Spirit immediately opened its mouth and spit out countless Black Flame True Fires that were nearly twice as powerful as the ordinary third-order high-grade True Fire and swept over the Bear King's body. .

Although the bear king used desperate methods to increase his cultivation to the level of a pseudo-infant, he did not dare to underestimate the real fire produced by the weapon spirit.

Immediately, it cast a defensive spell and set up a defensive light curtain around it to block all the incoming real fire.

Then, it held the superior red gold mace in its hand, and with the black flames around it, it directly attacked the black flame phoenix weapon spirit that was constantly spitting out flames.

However, that black flame phoenix weapon spirit has existed for thousands of years, has fought countless battles in this life, and is extremely experienced in combat, so it can only stand still.

As soon as its wings moved, it moved hundreds of feet to the left, widening the distance from the bear king.

Seeing that ordinary means were unable to stop the bear king, it glared hard and spit out countless black flames towards the bear demon.

After three full breaths, it stopped spitting fire, and a deep roar came from its mouth.

"Black Flame True Fire Cage!"


The countless black flame true fires that swept around the Bear King trembled slightly and quickly gathered, forming a square black flame true fire cage that was two hundred feet high and more than two hundred feet wide, trapping the bear king whose strength had soared. in.

But the strength of the Bear King was really huge. Under the fierce attack with the red gold mace in his hand, the black flame real fire cage kept shaking, as if the cage was about to collapse in the next moment.

Seeing this, the Black Flame Fire Phoenix Weapon Spirit had a look of helplessness in its eyes. It spread its wings and crashed directly into the True Fire Cage.

However, the moment the two came into contact, the fire phoenix actually merged into the cage.

The cage suddenly became aura, and lines that looked like black flames, fire phoenix weapon spirits appeared on the four walls of the cage that were constantly trembling under the bombardment of the Bear King's mace.

As a result, the four walls became several hundred percent thicker and quickly stabilized.

Even if the Bear King bombards, the most it can do is create small waves on the four walls of the cage.

As time goes by, the time for the Bear King to activate the Raging Bear Technique is almost over.

This also made the bear king extremely anxious. Once the hundred breaths passed, it would also fall into the side effects of the secret technique and become defenseless.

At that time, it would be difficult for it to save its life in the hands of the human golden elixir, let alone kill Ling Pengyun and others in front of it.

After thinking about it carefully, this bear can't control that much.

It opened its mouth and spit out the golden elixir that had been warmed for hundreds of years, and directly bombarded the wall of the real fire cage that trapped it.

It took out seven or eight more ordinary third-level high-grade attack talismans from its mouth one after another. When it left the group, it played out the ordinary third-level high-grade attack charms given to it by its mother.

Although these attack methods are not strong, they are quite powerful when combined.

As a result, the stable real fire cage was once again bombarded to the point of trembling.

As the Bear King struck several times with the red gold mace in his hand, some small cracks gradually appeared on the real fire cage.

But even so, there is still a long way to go to break this cage.

After all, this cage was transformed by the old-fashioned golden elixir perfection realm black flame true firearm spirit, and its strength is pretty good.

Although the powerful person in the pseudo-infant realm is beginning to appear extraordinary, his true realm is still within the golden elixir. The strength of this bear king is only 20 to 30% stronger than that of the weapon spirit at most.

A hundred breaths passed quickly, and the bear king who had used the desperate technique of angry bear also fell into a period of weakness.

Things like this made the bear panic.

It had never thought that it would not succeed this time, but would be trapped.

Now it has fallen into the weak period of the secret technique again, with no strength at all, and it is afraid that its life is in danger.

Under desperation, the bear had to swallow three pieces of the third-grade high-quality blood ganoderma that its mother had found for it.

Blood ganoderma is a good item for restoring blood and qi, and the angry bear technique is a secret method of burning blood and blood essence in the body. Taking blood ganoderma and other things that restore blood and qi can also help the red gold bear clan to get through the weak period of the angry bear technique faster.

And the third-grade high-quality blood ganoderma is a treasure, which can be sold at a high price of at least tens of thousands of spirit stones on the market.

After taking three pieces of blood ganoderma, the blood and blood essence consumed in the body of the bear quickly recovered by nearly 90%.

Its strength was also restored by about 90%.

After its strength was restored, it immediately continued to swing the red gold mace in its hand to bombard the true fire cage that trapped it.

Ling Pengyun and others were all shocked when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that this bear actually had a spiritual object that could restore Qi and blood.

Thanks to: Book friend 20220512105906995, dazhuang, book friend 20230219003551959, and Yongyuan 101 for their monthly tickets

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