Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 504: Domineering Ling Pengqiu, a disciple of the Jindan Tianfu Sect (2400 words, please subs

"Brothers of the Pengqiu Clan, those foundation-building casual cultivators who manage the Lingxiao Ridge territory for the family have some prestige among the casual cultivators. If they are torn apart, or their interests are affected, the thousands of people in the Lingxiao Ridge realm will be affected in the future. I'm afraid that many casual cultivators will also be in chaos, so it would be too risky."

When Ling Pengcheng saw Ling Pengqiu's appearance, he immediately guessed what Ling Pengqiu was going to do, and he said with some persuasion.

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Pengqiu, who was extremely angry, interrupted angrily.

"It's just a group of scattered cultivators in the foundation building period. There is no one who has completed the foundation building. Why should I, the Ling family, be afraid?"

"If the family didn't still need the help of those foundation-building casual cultivators, I would have destroyed them long ago."

"It's absolutely impossible not to do anything after taking my Ling family's spiritual stone. How can these foundation-building casual cultivators be honest unless they are suppressed."

Ling Pengcheng heard this and agreed. He didn't want to say anything more. He nodded lightly and called the monks in the patrol team to report to the foundation-building casual cultivators in Lingxiao Ridge.

Ling Pengqiu looked at Ling Pengcheng's figure and sighed secretly.

"Brother Pengcheng is still too indecisive to take on big responsibilities. However, it is safe to let him manage some small affairs."

Then, he turned into a breeze and rushed towards the top of Yunxiao Peak where Fangshi was located.

After Ling Pengcheng, who was still on Fangshi Avenue, arranged for someone to notify the foundation-building casual cultivators at the boundary of Lingxiaoling, he found the frightened man in black who had just returned from the foundation-building stage outside the mountain gate of Fangshi. A young monk in the late stage of Qi training who escaped from the hands of a cultivator.

The young monk was also an experienced monk. When he saw Ling Pengcheng, a monk wearing Ling's Taoist robes, approaching, he immediately raised his hands and thanked him.

"Thank you to the noble's foundation-building senior for helping me. The noble's foundation-building senior just now was too fast, and it was difficult for me to thank him in person. I am really grateful for this matter."

Ling Pengcheng felt quite satisfied when he saw the young monk's attitude, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, you're welcome. I, the Ling family, also bear some responsibility for the interception and killing you encountered in my Lingxiaoling territory. Fellow Daoist, just don't blame me, the Ling family. There's no need to mention my thanks again."

"By the way, you don't know your friend's name? How did you get into trouble with that cultivator?"

When the young monk heard this, his expression moved slightly and he replied.

"My name is Wang Quan, and I know some small ways of making talismans. In recent days, I have been setting up a stall in the Lingxiaofang City run by the nobles to refine talismans and sell them to earn some spiritual stones in exchange for cultivation resources."

"A few days ago, the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who was chasing me just now bought about twenty first-level mid-grade defensive talismans from me."

"At that time, I thought that the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building was going to buy it for the juniors, so I didn't think there was anything weird about it, so I didn't think much about it."

"Today, I just planned to leave the noble city and go on a trip. Unexpectedly, what just happened happened."

After hearing this, Ling Pengcheng's eyes lit up.

"In this way, I'm afraid that the black-clothed cultivator in the early stage of foundation building has been eyeing you, fellow Taoist, for a long time." After he said a simple sentence, he immediately asked what was on his mind.

"Fellow Taoist is a talisman maker? Can you refine first-level mid-grade spiritual talismans?"

The young Wang Quan did not dare to hide that he had sold magic talismans in the market. As long as Ling wanted to check, he could guess that he was a talisman maker through the huge number of spiritual talismans he sold.

Instead of doing this, it's better to say it directly. "I am indeed a talisman maker, and I can barely refine first-level mid-grade spiritual talismans."

When Ling Pengcheng heard the reply, he smiled and invited.

"Fellow Taoist, are you interested in joining my Ling family as a guest? My Ling family's guest service is pretty good. As long as you work for ten years, you can get a spiritual vein for free."

"In addition, I see that fellow Taoist Qi and blood are strong. I think you are not too old, fellow Taoist. You have a chance to break through and reach the perfection of Qi training before you are sixty years old."

"At that time, fellow Taoist, given your talent in refining first-level mid-grade spiritual talismans at such a young age, it is not impossible for me, the Ling family, to give you two first-class foundation-building spiritual objects to fellow Taoist to help you reach the realm of foundation-building."

When Wang Quan heard this, his eyes were startled.

Although he had not been in Lingxiaofang City for a long time, he had also heard about the Ling family's large-scale recruitment of practitioners of various arts, and the conditions were very generous.

However, he had never heard in the past that Baiyi practitioners who joined the Ling family as guest guests were given such generous treatment, and even foundation-building spiritual objects were given as gifts.

Even if they are only second-class foundation-building spiritual objects, they are still expensive. Each item on the market requires at least four to five thousand spiritual stones, and two items are worth at least eight thousand to ten thousand spiritual stones.

However, Wang Quan is not a simple person, and the two first-class foundation-building spiritual objects only shocked him at best.

If the Ling family can come up with the foundation building pill, maybe he can actually join the Ling family as a guest.

In order to avoid Ling Pengcheng's displeasure, Wang Quan no longer hid his identity, he followed suit.

"The conditions offered by fellow Taoist are indeed generous, and I am very excited. However, I am a true disciple of a second-level Talisman Master of the Chen Guotian Talisman Sect. This time I am out of the sect, just to travel around the sect."

"In a few years, I will return to the sect to practice cultivation."

"Furthermore, if the sect finds out that I joined the nobility and served as a guest guest, I'm afraid they will also blame me. After all, my Taoist friend's family is not a family under my Tianfu Sect."

"I have no choice but to miss the opportunity to join the nobility and serve as a guest. I hope my Taoist friends won't blame me."

Ling Pengcheng's eyes trembled, and he had a little more respect for Wang Quan in his heart.

Previously, the confusion caused by Wang Quan's use of two second-level talismans was also answered.

Chen State is next to Yan State where Ling Clan is located, and the borders of the two countries are also close, so the cultivators of the two countries often travel between the two places.

And the Tianfu Sect of Chen State, like Lingxiao Ling Clan, is also a Jindan force.

And this Tianfu Sect is also very famous in Chen State. This sect is a Jindan sect based on spiritual talismans.

There are many talisman makers in the sect, and even a third-level lower-grade talisman maker in the Jindan realm.

"So you are a disciple of Tianfu Sect. I am sorry for your disrespect. No wonder you have such cultivation and such strong attainments in the way of talismans at such a young age."

Ling Pengcheng smiled and bowed to him politely, and then added.

"It is indeed inappropriate for you, a disciple of the Tianfu Sect, to enter our clan as a guest official."

"However, from what you just said, you will stay in Yan State for at least a few years."

"During the years you have been traveling in Yan State, you must have been short of spiritual stones. It would be too troublesome for you to set up a stall to sell spiritual talismans as you did a few days ago. Why don't you cooperate with our clan and do business together?"

The Ling family is now in urgent need of a hundred-artist to refine the huge batch of monster materials obtained by the family from killing the giant swamp crocodile clan into spiritual talismans, and then turn them into spiritual stones.

Therefore, Ling Pengcheng tried many ways to retain the talisman maker Wang Quan.

Wang Quan, who was remembered by Jie Xiu because of his stall selling spiritual talismans, was immediately moved when he heard the proposal of doing business together.

He also said. "Daoyou might as well tell me in detail."

When Ling Pengcheng saw Wang Quan's response, he knew that there was a way out of this matter, and his smile became more.

"My clan provides a place to live, and the materials for refining talismans are also provided by my clan. You only need to bear the cost of refining talismans."

"The success rate is guaranteed to reach more than 40%. For every first-level lower and middle-grade talismans you refine, you can get half a spiritual stone and one spiritual stone for craftsmanship."

"In addition, my clan can guarantee that the information of your transaction with my clan will not be leaked."

"Does this price seem appropriate to me, Wang Daoyou?"

Wang Quan was not satisfied with the price after hearing this, and he also bargained.

"This price is a bit low. I can guarantee a 60% chance of refining first-level lower and middle-grade talismans, but I will need seven spiritual stones for every ten lower-grade talismans, and one and a half spiritual stones for every first-level middle-grade talisman."

Ling Pengcheng heard this, and the light in his eyes became brighter.

The success rate of refining first-level lower and middle-grade talismans is not low.

This level is enough to try to impact the first-level upper-grade talisman maker.

The success rate of refining the first-level lower and middle-grade talismans increased by 20%, and the value it could bring was also extremely huge.

"Is the success rate you said true?"

Ling Pengcheng said happily.

"Of course." Wang Quan nodded confidently.

"Well, then, I'll pay the price you said." Ling Pengcheng said with a smile.

Wang Quan was also happy to see Ling Pengcheng agree.

Immediately, the two of them walked together to the depths of the market.


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