Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 472 Chapter 466 Rare Medium-Sized Mineral Veins (2400 words, please subscribe)

A little over half a month later, in the muddy swamp, next to a second-level earth spirit vein deep in the black mud of the swamp.

Ling Pengyun, a Jindan Zhenren, was facing a piece of black mud in front of him, performing the art of controlling objects.

In an instant, a piece of black mud that was a hundred feet wide and dozens of feet high kept trembling, slowly floating up, and flew towards the second-level earth spirit vein not far away.

But at this moment, Ling Pengyun suddenly discovered that there was a hint of spiritual energy fluctuation deep in the land where the black mud he had moved before was.

He looked over and saw that there was no black mud and the mud area deep underground was exposed. There was nothing unusual. His expression moved, and he waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power to blast the ground.


With a huge sound, the ground was immediately hit by the spiritual light that Ling Pengyun hit, and a deep hole dozens of feet deep was created.

And the spiritual energy coming out of this deep hole became more and more dense.

Seeing this situation, Ling Pengyun was secretly amazed.

Then, he sent out another spiritual power, extending the deep hole for dozens of feet. But just when the remaining spiritual power was exhausted, it seemed to hit a piece of metal, causing a sound of iron and steel.

The remaining spiritual power was exhausted and disappeared.

Ling Pengyun was delighted when he heard this sound. He looked and saw that at the bottom of the deep hole, which was nearly a hundred feet long, there was a layer of iron ore with a flashing iron luster, yellow color, unevenness, and rich earth spirit.

"It is indeed a spiritual iron vein."

Just now, there was a groove several feet deep where the iron wall was hit by the spiritual power, and many small iron ores fell around.

Ling Pengyun performed the art of controlling objects, waved his hand to pick up a small piece of iron that fell into the deep hole, and took it in his hand to look at it carefully.

"Judging from the appearance of this spiritual iron, it should be a first-grade, top-grade earth-type spiritual iron, Huangyan steel."

"If the scale of this vein is good, relying on the solidity of this steel, the family can make a small profit."

"The family's financial shortage caused by setting up formations for the spiritual veins in various places in the muddy swamp can also be alleviated."

Huangyan steel is an extremely solid spiritual iron. In terms of solidity alone, this spiritual iron is enough to rank among the top of various first-grade earth-type spiritual irons, and can be regarded as a relatively superior first-grade, top-grade spiritual iron.

And this spiritual iron, because of its solidity, is most suitable for refining earth-type defensive magic tools.

And the refined defensive magic tools are generally of excellent quality and are very popular in the market. Basically, there is no shortage of market.

In order to set up formations on the more than 2,000 spiritual veins in the muddy swamp, which covers an area of ​​200,000 miles, the Ling family has recently used up all the spiritual stones in the clan treasury, which were not many, and used them all to buy the materials needed to set up the formations.

Even half a year ago, Ling Pengyun sold the third-level lower-grade life magic weapon "Black Evil Wind Control Banner" of the third-level Jindan Black Wind Wolf Demon to Bai Ling Zhenren, and now he has used up tens of thousands of spirit stones.

I am afraid that it will not be long before his 250,000 spirit stones will be used up.

According to Ling Pengyun's estimation, if he wants to set up a formation on the more than 2,000 spirit veins in this area, it will take at least one million spirit stones.

Although he knows that this expenditure is huge, it is difficult to complete it with the current financial situation of the Ling family. It is a huge project.

But if the more than 2,000 spirit veins in the muddy swamp area are not set up with spirit veins, it will not take long before those spirit veins will be occupied by monsters or rootless floating cultivators.

The Ling family has few people, and if the spirit veins in some remote places are occupied, it will be difficult to find them in a short time.

Those spiritual veins belong to the Ling family. Although it is difficult for the Ling family to use them at present, even so, the Ling family does not want to see their spiritual veins being occupied by others for free.

In this case, if there are arrays protecting those spiritual veins, such a situation can be avoided.

At the same time, with those arrays, the spiritual veins rented out by the Ling family in the future will also be guaranteed.

If the cultivators who rent the spiritual veins do not follow the rules, they can directly use the arrays arranged on the spiritual veins to kill the cultivators in the array.

A few months ago, the Ling family killed more than 200,000 monsters in the muddy swamp and obtained 210,000 monster corpses of great value, but the materials on these monsters are difficult to cash in in a short time.

First, there are countless monsters in the Baiyun Mountains where monsters are rampant. In the past few decades, the other five sects of Yan State have also killed many monsters. The Baiyi practitioners in the five sects have also refined a lot of such spiritual objects through the materials on those monsters and put them into the market.

As a result, the market for such spiritual objects is saturated.

Even if Ling's family refines all the materials from the 210,000 monsters into spiritual objects, it will take at least a hundred years to sell them all and exchange them for spiritual stones.

Secondly, there are not many people in Ling's family who have hundreds of skills. It will take at least a hundred years to refine all the materials from the huge number of monsters into spiritual objects.

Combining the two, it will take at least two hundred years for Ling's family to really turn the corpses of the monsters into cash.

Due to various reasons, Ling's current finances are becoming increasingly scarce.

Ling Pengyun's eyes moved away from the "Huangyan Steel Ore" in his hand and looked at the Huangyan Steel ore in the deep cave below, which was of unknown size, with a hint of expectation on his face.

Then, he began to rely on the powerful Jindan realm consciousness to cross into the deep cave where the Huangyan Steel Ore appeared, and gradually explored the scale of this vein along the direction of the vein.

Because his spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a strong person at the third level of the Golden Core, it can cover the surrounding area three thousand feet.

It didn't take long for him to detect the true size of this Huangyan steel vein.

What surprised him was that the Huangyan steel vein stretched for more than 2,500 feet and was about 500 feet wide. It could be regarded as a very rare "medium-sized vein".

According to his experience, this vein contains at least about 500,000 kilograms of Huangyan steel ore.

Ten pounds of Huangyan steel ore can be used to extract one pound of Huangyan steel.

First-grade high-grade Huangyan steel is generally about 30% more expensive than the same-grade spiritual iron due to its financial strength. The price of a pound of Huangyan steel on the market is about thirteen spiritual stones.

After conversion, the value of the ore alone from this medium-sized Huangyan steel vein is as high as about 650,000 spiritual stones.

And if it is refined into pieces of earth-type defensive magic weapons, the value of these ores will be doubled or even tripled.

"With the strong properties of the defensive weapons refined from this spiritual iron and the size of this mine, the family's reputation as a weapon refiner will surely be enough to make the entire Yan Kingdom famous."

"In the future, I am afraid that all the first-level earth-based defensive magic weapons of the Yan Kingdom will be surrounded by my Ling family."

"By then, there will definitely be a lot of spiritual stones coming into the clan."

"It's just a pity that tedious things like mining spiritual iron can be made up for by relying on mining puppets."

"Defense weapons made from Huangyan steel are also relatively popular on the market, and there is no shortage of market."

"But currently there are not many weapon refiners in the family. If you want to refine all the ores into magic weapons, it will be difficult to complete in a short time. Just like the family's huge batch of monster materials, it will take a very long time to completely refine them. Realize.”

"The family's weapon refining still needs to pay attention, and the other hundred arts also need to do the same. Otherwise, even if there is an opportunity for the family, it will be difficult to seize it."

"Such artists also need to be recruited in large numbers, relying on outsiders to stabilize the family foundation first, and wait for the clan members to grow."

Ling Pengyun looked at the Huangyan steel veins in the deep cave. Although his face was full of smiles, there was some helplessness in his eyes.

There are currently not many weapon refiners in the Ling clan, only three, namely Ling Pengyun, a second-level high-grade weapon refiner, Wen Nianling, who just broke through to become a second-level mid-level weapon refiner a few days ago, and the family's "Yun, Xiao, Peng, A member of the Cheng generation clan among the five generations of Cheng and Wan.

The name of the Cheng generation clan member is "Ling Chenggang", and he is ranked twenty-fifth in the Cheng generation. He is now forty-eight years old, has reached the ninth level of Qi training, and has reached the first level of weapon refining.

This kind of cultivation talent is pretty good as well as the weapon-refining talent, and it is one of the clansmen that the Ling family is currently focusing on cultivating.

In the past, Ling Chenggang had been staying in Clan Mountain, refining magic weapons for his family.

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