Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 398: Demonic Cultivator of the Holy Demon Sect (2700 words, please subscribe)

Muyuan Jubao Pavilion.

The steward in gorgeous clothes and the maid who had received Ling Pengyun earlier sent Ling Pengyun away, but returned to the quiet room in the Jubao Pavilion.

"Xiao Ya, you did a good job today. You can get 1% of the sales of 50,000, which is 500 spiritual stones."

The steward in gorgeous clothes praised the maid named "Xiao Ya", then waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out 500 shiny spiritual stones from it and put them on the ground.

Xiao Ya was very happy when she saw this.

With these 500 spiritual stones, she can buy a lot of cultivation resources, thereby speeding up her cultivation.

This also made Xiao Ya, who was just over 20 years old, had only four spiritual roots, and had only served as a maid in the Jubao Pavilion for a few months, see a bright future as a maid in the Jubao Pavilion.

Perhaps, she can also explore the foundation-building realm by serving as a maid.

Even if she can't, it is not impossible to improve to the perfection of Qi training in this life.

"Thank you, Steward." Xiaoya also understood human relations and only collected 400 spiritual stones, leaving 100 spiritual stones on the ground to honor the steward.

The steward in gorgeous clothes was quite satisfied with Xiaoya's actions and smiled more.

"Yes, if you can keep doing this in the future, I can guarantee that you will always be the reception maid here."

The steward in gorgeous clothes was also quite fond of this. Although he was at the foundation-building stage and the steward of the Muyuan Jubao Pavilion, he could make a lot of money, but hundreds of spiritual stones were also a considerable amount for him, so he said with a smile.

Xiaoya's eyes suddenly became hot. This reception maid job was a good job for a Qi training cultivator like her.

"Thank you, Steward, for your kindness." Xiaoya bowed her hands in gratitude.

The steward in gorgeous clothes saw Xiaoya's expression, and his triangular eyes couldn't help but look up and down at Xiaoya's curvy figure, and a ball of evil fire suddenly rose in his lower abdomen.

However, thinking of the sect rules, one cannot have an ambiguous relationship with the maids under the sect, so as not to affect the reputation of the store, he could only "let Xiaoya go".

"Go away."

After saying this, the steward in gorgeous clothes simply sat cross-legged on the mantle of the quiet room, regulating his breath and suppressing the evil fire.

Xiaoya, who didn't know what was going on, nodded lightly and left the quiet room.

However, as soon as she left the quiet room, a beautiful female cultivator who was born in the same ordinary place as her in the Muyuan Sea Realm and had poor qualifications, but was sent here as a maid by the Muyuan Immortal Sect because of her appearance, came to her.

"Xiaoya, what did the distinguished guest buy in the store just now? Why did even the steward get alarmed?"

Xiaoya had a good relationship with the beautiful female cultivator. She looked around and saw that there was no one, so she leaned over to the beautiful female cultivator's ear and said happily.

"Qingmei, the distinguished guest just now bought 10,000 kilograms of water-based spiritual iron and six second-level inferior longevity shells, which made me a lot of money."

"This Jubao Pavilion is more and more interesting the longer I stay here."

After hearing this, the beautiful maid named Qingmei's expression moved, and a touch of joy of finding prey appeared in her eyes.

However, this strange expression was quickly hidden by her, and she also congratulated Xiaoya.

Xiaoya was also happy and agreed to treat Qingmei, who had a very good relationship with her, to a bottle of first-level inferior spiritual wine to celebrate together.

After thanking her, the maid named Qingmei asked Xiaoya to keep an eye on the guests in the store, and she quickly left the Muyuan Jubao Pavilion and wandered around the alleys of this market that was like a huge city.

Finally, she entered a guest room of a brothel called "Qiuyue" through a back door in an inconspicuous alley in the market.

Then, she cast a communication talisman.

Not long after, a cold-faced old woman with the aura of the late foundation building stage came up.

"Qingmei, why are you here?"

This old woman is the madam of this brothel.

At the same time, she is also a demon cultivator of the Holy Demon Sect hiding in this Muyuan Market, and occasionally dares to do some ambush work.


"Disciple, I found a fat sheep today. In addition, the fat sheep bought the water spirit iron that you asked me to pay attention to in the Jubao Pavilion."

"That person bought quite a lot, as much as 10,000 kilograms of water spirit iron, and six second-level low-grade life shells."

Qingmei Guan saw the appearance of the old woman, her expression became respectful, and she bowed and shouted to the old woman.

As early as a year ago, the old woman who had built the foundation had taken a fancy to Qingmei's appearance and accepted her as a disciple.

A few months ago, Qingmei was valued by Qingmu Xianzong and arranged to serve as a reception maid in Jubao Pavilion. It was also the help of this old woman.

However, this matter was extremely secretive and involved many things. Even the manager of Jubao Pavilion did not know Qingmei's true identity.

And the old woman arranged the clever Qingmei in Jubao Pavilion in order to find people with wealth and then kill them and plunder their wealth.

She arranged some spies like Qingmei in shops with good business in various places in the market.

The cold-faced old woman heard this and her expression moved slightly.

"Could it be that the core disciple of Canglan Bihai Sect reappeared?"

However, as soon as this idea came out, she was ruled out.

Those who can become the core disciples of Canghai Bihai Sect are valued by Canglan Bihai Sect and do not need to buy in such shops in the market.

If not, she would not have been arranged here by the sect for decades without finding a disciple of Canglan Bihai Sect, resulting in her not being valued by the sect.

As a result, she could only earn her daily cultivation resources by running a brothel.

Fortunately, her cultivation had reached the perfection of foundation building, and no one caused trouble in the brothel she ran, so she could earn a considerable fortune every month.

"Even if he is not a core disciple of that sect, the ten thousand catties of water-type spiritual iron purchased by that person is also valuable. If I can snatch it, I can be one step closer to buying spiritual objects to break through the golden elixir." The cold-faced old woman's eyes flashed with a touch of heat, and she thought about it secretly.

Then, she came back to her senses and asked Qingmei.

"What is the cultivation level of that fat sheep?"

Qingmei guessed. "My cultivation is not high, so it is difficult to detect the cultivation of the fat sheep. However, judging from the generous way he spends, his cultivation has at least reached the late stage of foundation building, or even the state of perfection."

"By the way, Master, this is the portrait of the fat sheep."

"The fat sheep has now entered the teleportation hall in the market. It is estimated that he will use the teleportation array in the teleportation hall to travel."

After saying this, Qingmei took out a portrait of Ling Pengyun from the storage bag and handed it to the cold-faced old woman.

After the cold-faced old woman took it, she glanced at the portrait and said to Qingmei with satisfaction.

"Well done, if this can be accomplished, after it is accomplished, it is not impossible to give you the superior magic skills of my Holy Demon Sect, the Holy Demon Skill, to practice."

Qingmei's face was immediately filled with joy when she heard this.

Although she only has the qualifications of four spiritual roots and was born in the mortal world without a backer, the probability of building a foundation is extremely slim.

But as a cultivator, who doesn't want to break through the foundation and enjoy a lifespan of two hundred years?

A few months ago, she would risk her life to enter the Muyuan Jubao Pavilion to act as the spy of the cold-faced old woman and look for fat sheep.

She wanted to rely on the old woman who had completed the foundation building of the Holy Demon Sect to worship the "Holy Demon Sect", the largest demon sect in the Wubianhai area, and obtain the advanced skills of the demon sect.

It is said that there are many powerful secrets in the advanced skills of this demon sect, which can assist cultivators to break through the foundation building.

Even many cultivators who were only five spiritual roots have reached the foundation building realm through this magic path.

Five spiritual roots can enter the foundation building, and Qingmei, who has four spiritual roots, naturally wants to explore the foundation building realm.

"Thank you, Master." Qingmei thanked him immediately.

"Hurry back to the Jubao Pavilion, don't let the store manager find out your abnormality."

After the cold-faced old woman said this, she turned into a breeze and left the quiet room first.

Qingmei also left quickly behind.

After a hundred breaths,

The cold-faced old woman who had completed the foundation building quietly entered the quiet room of a secluded courtyard in the residential area of ​​the market.

In this quiet room, an old man in black clothes sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

The old woman who had always had a cold face was very respectful when she saw this man, and she bowed to him.

"Uncle, I have a disciple who found a big fat sheep. This person is carrying at least 50,000 spiritual stones."

"But according to my disciple's guess, this person's cultivation is at least in the late stage of foundation building or even perfect foundation building. I am not sure to take him down with my own strength, so I want to seek help from uncle."

"If uncle can help me, I am willing to share the property of the big fat sheep with uncle."

The old man in black heard this and slowly opened his eyes, and two fierce lights shot out from them.

"40-60, I'll take 60, you take 40."

The cold-faced old woman frowned, but thinking of the strength of this master, with him taking action, there will be no accidents this time, so she nodded and agreed.


Immediately, the two of them left the courtyard and rushed to the teleportation hall in the core of Muyuanfang City.


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