Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 15 Yunmeng Market (Please add to favorites and recommend)

Four months later.

In Qingshi Mountain, in a cave halfway up the mountain, Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged on a futon, looking helpless and muttering to himself.

"In the past four months, I have spent six Qi Training Pills and twelve Huangya Pills, but I still haven't been able to break through to my current level!"

"Now I am only one step away from the fifth level of Qi training. If I can still have a few Huangya Dan to help me, I will definitely be able to break through my current cultivation level and enter the fifth level of Qi training!"

He took out all the spiritual stones he had and counted them. He saw that there were ninety-three pieces in total, and he had an idea.

Among these ninety-three spiritual stones, twenty are used to activate the mountain-protecting formation of Qingshi Mountain, and the remaining seventy-three spiritual stones belong to Ling Pengyun himself.

Early the next morning, Ling Pengyun went down to Qingshi Mountain and told the village chief of Qingshi Village, "Ling Dong", that he would be away for a while and asked Ling Dong to lead the hundreds of Lingxiao guards in Qingshi Village to patrol more in the near future.

Then, he took out a map of the power distribution of Huaishui County that Ling Ruda gave him when he left the clan. He looked at it carefully, took out a linen Taoist robe from the storage bag, and changed the Ling family Taoist robe on him. Next, he dressed up as a casual cultivator, practiced the light body technique, and ran away in the right direction.

Anyang County, where the Ling family is located, is close to Ping'an County, which is also Huaishui County.

The overlord of Ping'an County is the Yunwu Wen family. Like the Lingxiao Ling family, they are both foundation-building families. The Wen family is about the same overall strength as the Ling family, and their experiences are similar to the Ling family. They were originally small qi-training families. Due to the breakthrough of the clan leader Establishing the foundation, he followed the Bailingmen to conquer the territory and made great achievements. In the newly opened Huaishui County, he was given a second-level spiritual vein by the Bailingmen, which made the Foundation building clan a big family and occupied a county.

The Wen family has opened a small trading market in their own territory for the surrounding casual cultivators or family monks to trade spiritual objects.

During this trip, Ling Pengyun's destination was this gathering of clouds and mist.

Although this Yunwu Market is more than a thousand miles away from Qingshi Mountain where Ling Pengyun is located, it is half closer than the Lingxiao Market and Zushan Mountain opened by the Ling family.

Basically, foundation-building families in the world of immortality will build small markets within their borders to add a way to sell spiritual objects and increase family income.

As for the majority of people who come to this gathering to buy spiritual objects, they are the most "loose cultivators" in the world of immortality.

Because Huaishui County is close to the boundary of the Hundred Thousand Demonic Python Lake where monsters roam, this also means that although Huaishui County has only been established for four years, there are still many casual cultivators in the county. This is also As a result, the markets established by the five major families in the territory, including Huaishuifang City, are doing pretty well.

The Ling family also established a small market called Lingxiao Market near Lingxiao Mountain.

Clan members who are sent by their families to guard low-level Lingshan cannot leave their garrisoned place for a long time.

First, it is to prevent monsters from harming the mortal village built next to the low-level spiritual mountain.

Secondly, it is to prevent the low-level spiritual mountains stationed in the spiritual mountains from being attacked by casual cultivators and monsters, causing the spiritual plants planted in the spiritual mountains to be taken away.

It was for these two reasons that Ling Pengyun turned to the Yunwu Market in Ping'an County, which was closer.

At night, Ling Pengyun traveled more than a thousand miles and arrived outside a valley shrouded in clouds and mist according to the place marked on the map in his hand.

"The clouds and mist outside this valley should be the same as the clouds and mist outside my Ling's market. They are all transformed by the magic circle that protects the market. Normally, it just acts as a thing to hide the sight of mortals. But when the market faces an attack, When the city protection array is fully activated, the cloud will be strengthened by more than ten times. I am afraid that even the monks in the late stage of Qi training will be trapped in this cloud and have difficulty escaping!" Ling Pengyun looked at the large cloud in front of him, his eyes revealed. A hint of fear.

After hesitating for a while, Ling Pengyun stepped into the clouds and mist.

After all, if the market wants to last for a long time, it relies on credibility. Losing credibility and relying on the magic circle to trap and kill fourth-level Qi training monks like Ling Pengyun is completely unnecessary.

After entering the clouds and mist, Ling Pengyun silently recited the incantation and performed the qi-expanding technique.

With the blessing of the hope technique, this was just a cloud that obscured the vision. As if there was nothing, Ling Pengyun quickly came to the entrance of the valley among the clouds.

On a huge rock above the entrance to the valley, there are four big characters "Yunwu Market" engraved on it!

At the entrance of the valley, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe with clouds embroidered on his sleeves sat cross-legged.

When this person saw Ling Pengyun arriving, he stood up and said calmly.

"Fellow Taoist, I am the guard of Yunwu Market. Do you have the entry and exit token for Yunwu Market?"

Ling Pengyun looked at the middle-aged man in blue robe blocking his way, and saw that the lines on his blue robe were the symbol of the Yunwu Wen family, and he guessed in his heart that this man was the guardian of the Yunwu Market. Ling Pengyun must know the identity of the guardian and his cultivation level without having to guess too much. This person is at least in the late stage of Qi training.

Ling's Lingxiao Market is guarded by an ancestor who is in the late stage of Qi training.

Knowing that the market required spiritual stones and the rules for purchasing a pass, Ling Pengyun didn't say much and directly threw a spiritual stone to the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man in blue robe took the spirit stone, took out from his arms a token with the word "Wen" engraved on the front and the word "Exit" on the back, and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

Then he said with a smile. "I also hope that fellow Taoist will not lose this token. I, the Yunwu Wen Sect, only recognize the token and not the person in this market."

"I have been stationed in Yunwufang City for more than ten years. I think this is the first time I have come to our Wen family's market. I, the leader of the Wen family, am a second-level low-ranking official. Wen Refiner, I am also from a well-known refining family. If you are a Taoist friend and want to buy magic weapons, you can go to the Yunwu Baiqi Hall in the deepest part of the market to buy them! The quality of the magic tools in the store is guaranteed! There are also many first-level magic weapons!”

Ling Pengyun was a little moved when he heard this. The name of the Yunwu Wen family was indeed a family of weapon refiners, and the quality of the magical weapons sold by their family was indeed of good quality.

The black iron sword in his hand was made by the Yunwu Wen clan.

"Well, if there is a need, I will definitely go!" Ling Pengyun said.

The middle-aged man in blue moved his body to make way for the entrance of the cave.

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, stepping on the bluestone street under his feet, and entered the market.

The Bluestone Market is not big, it is just a small valley covering an area of ​​no more than a few hundred feet.

On both sides of the main street, there were more than ten monks who looked like casual cultivators setting up stalls. When they saw Ling Pengyun entering the market, they all shouted at the things on their stalls.

"The best water spirit rice, a piece of spirit stone is ten and a half kilograms. Fellow Taoist, would you like to buy some? The spirit rice I sell is half a pound more than the market price!"

"A low-grade magical weapon, the Golden Spirit Sword, only costs thirty spirit stones. Fellow Taoist, come and take a look!"


Five years ago, when the Ling family was still a qi-training family and the family was based in Yunshui County, Ling Pengyun once visited Yunshuifang City, where his parents worked.

At that time, he followed his parents to visit the unique stall area in the market. At first, he was very interested in the management method of the stall area. However, when his parents told him that there were few good things in the stall area, and he himself I also confirmed that it was indeed what my parents said.

This incident also made Ling Pengyun ignore the words of the stall owners in Yunwu Market and go directly to the five shops deep in the market.

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