Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1282 Why help my tribe (please subscribe)

Then, the four demonic forces discussed the battlefield situation of various immortal cultivation worlds through the communication mirror, and then dispersed.

And the Black Dragon Ancestor, who received the support and affirmation, finally put his mind at ease.

"With the strong support of the three parties, I think the crisis faced by my Black Dragon Lake clan this time can be resolved."

"However, based on the situation of my Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World this time, I am afraid that the righteous gods who have not yet appeared in other immortal cultivation worlds have also regarded this place as a breakthrough."

"In this case, I am afraid that this place will eventually become the main battlefield."

"It seems that we have to prepare some backup plans."

Thinking of this, the Black Dragon Ancestor immediately used the means of transformation to go to the boundless sea immortal cultivation world, but strangely, he did not go deep into this world, but just wandered around the edge of this world and returned to the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. 1


The other side.

The Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

Deep in the sea dragon clan.

The old sea dragon ancestor who was glad that his Yuanying perfect fellow who was first sent to the Northern Wilderness to support him did not die tragically was suddenly startled by a communication talisman during his meditation.

It was a little curious, so it immediately looked at the contents of the communication talisman.

But it was precisely because of this that it was furious.

Immediately, it left the place of meditation and went to the place where the fate cards of the Yuanying and above were stored in the clan. It immediately took the fate card of the Yuanying perfect fellow who was first sent to the Northern Wilderness to support him and looked at it carefully.

This fate card was very different from the previous one. At this moment, its spiritual light was dim.

In the end, it was directly broken.

"It's just as the old black dragon loach said. My Yuanying perfect fellow is in danger and death is only a matter of time."

"And according to the soul of my Yuanying perfect fellow left in this life card, it should not be targeted by the incarnation, but killed by ordinary attacks."

"It seems that the Northern Wilderness cultivation world is really going to be in chaos. I don't know whether our demon forces can really rely on the Black Dragon Lake clan in that cultivation world as a breakthrough point during this world-destroying chaos, and finally gain some benefits during this world-destroying chaos here."

After thinking a lot, he finally sighed.

His thoughts then thought of the tragic death of the Yuanying perfect fellow.

"With the tragic death of my Yuanying perfected fellow, there are only two Yuanying perfected strongmen left in my clan. This is a problem, which is equivalent to weakening our clan's strength by several times."

"In this way, no matter whether this world-destroying chaos goes smoothly, it is estimated that in the future, when facing the Xinghai Pavilion in the same boundless sea cultivation world, our clan will be at a disadvantage."


At the same time.

Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

Above a certain mountain range.

"Finally, the dragon with a perfect Nascent Soul was killed."

"Now, we just need to kill the demon cultivator from the Red Buddha Demon Sect, and everything will be over."

"However, this incident must have caused quite a stir. Why hasn't the God-Transforming Ancestor of the Black Dragon Clan appeared yet?"

"Could it be that he has noticed my righteous plan?"

Yan Siyi looked at the remains of the dragon with a perfect Nascent Soul that had just been besieged to death by herself and more than 20 other righteous Nascent Souls, and the demon cultivator with a perfect Nascent Soul who was struggling to resist the siege of everyone, with a bit of joy and a bit of sorrow in her brows.

Some time ago, she proposed to resolve the crises of the four major battlefields of the Ling family, Tianxing Pavilion, Maple Leaf Li family, and Lingbao Academy, and mobilize the four forces to support the front line of the Four Immortals Market. In fact, there are not only two plans to resolve the crisis and join forces to fight the enemy, and to lure the Nascent Soul monsters on the front line of the Four Immortals Market to strangle them.

But there is a third plan.

This is also Yan Siyi's real purpose.

At the same time, it was also the plot of the righteous incarnation forces in various cultivation worlds.

Even Yan Siyi and others' rebellion this time was indeed as guessed by the Black Dragon Ancestor and other incarnation demons, and was instructed by those righteous incarnation demons.

If not, Yan Siyi, a Yuanying in the early stage of the Yuanying, would not dare to imitate the extraordinary Ling Pengyun's act of raising the flag and causing chaos.

However, those righteous incarnation demons are not in this Beihuang cultivation world for the time being, but are still in several other cultivation worlds.

Otherwise, if they enter this world at will, they will be easily discovered by the Black Dragon Ancestor.

The way to conceal the breath between Yan Siyi and those incarnation demons is the mother-child token, which was given by Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, the master of the Yun Qian lineage of Xinghai Pavilion, and he is also the real core planner of this plan.

As for the third plan, it is naturally to use oneself as bait, kill Yuanying demons and beasts wantonly, and lure the Black Dragon Ancestor, such as the incarnation demon, to appear.

In this way, the righteous gods hiding in the dark can surround them and fight them.

As long as this is successful, the world-destroying chaos launched by the demon forces this time is nothing but a joke.

But unfortunately, this plan has long been guessed by the Black Dragon Ancestor and other gods, so the plan of the righteous gods can only fail.

It's just that Yan Siyi and others can't confirm this for the time being.

As time goes by.

Everyone saw that nine of the ten demons above the late Nascent Soul stage lured out this time had been killed, leaving only the Nascent Soul Perfection Demon Cultivator of the Red Buddha Demon Sect, but still failed to lure out the Black Dragon Ancestor. It can probably be confirmed that the Black Dragon Ancestor has noticed the plan.

For this reason, Yan Siyi and others no longer held back, and instead killed the demon cultivator here in one go.

Once this matter is settled.

Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun raised his hand and collected the bodies of the two Yuanying Perfect Demons and their spiritual treasures.

The group of righteous Yuanyings who had followed him from the Four Immortals Market to support this place earlier saw this, although they had some opinions, after all, those things were extremely valuable.

But Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun was extraordinary after all, and he made the greatest contribution this time, so no one dared to refute this matter.

For this reason, they could only silently divide up the wealth of the remaining nine Yuanying demons.

Although Yan Siyi and other Ling family cultivators were only in the early stage of Yuanying, they led more Yuanying spirit ghosts after all, and they also had Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun as a backer, so they got all the wealth of three Yuanying late demons.

This also made Yan Siyi and others slightly happy.

After all, the Yuanying of the three Yuanying demons can be used as things to cultivate spirit ghosts, and the blood and flesh of Yuanying monsters can be cooked into spiritual food, and the blood and flesh of demon cultivators are good materials for refining magic pills.

As for the five or six fourth-level middle-quality spiritual treasures and magic treasures on them, they can enhance the strength of the Ling family cultivators and the spirit ghosts of the family.

However, at this moment, the old True Lord Tianxing, the Fire Phoenix of the Maple Leaf Li family, and the Lingbao True Lord of the Lingbao Academy had no backers, and their cultivation was not as good as those of the Nascent Souls from various Divine Transformation forces, so they could only suffer a loss and finally only got two fourth-level middle-quality spiritual treasures.

Although this is not bad, compared with the huge benefits gained this time, it is not worth mentioning at all.

For this reason, the old True Lord Tianxing and others couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

'If my pavilion could also get a strong man like the old True Lord Yunqian as a backer.



For a while.

After the division of spiritual objects was settled.

The old True Lord Yunqian directly summoned everyone to leave here, and then quickly returned to the Sanxianfang City through the teleportation array node hidden in the mountains.

This also made everyone feel relieved. After all, there is a fourth-level superior defense formation here, and there are more than 20 righteous Yuanyings in charge.

If we add the Yuanying combat power of Yan Siyi and others who just arrived here from ordinary Yuanying forces in various places in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World, and the Yuanying of Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun who went out to support Yan Siyi before, there are nearly 50 Yuanying combat power in total.

You know, this is enough to compare with the heyday of the demon force that caused chaos in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation World.

And now, the demon force has suffered heavy losses due to the planning of Yan Siyi and others, and there are only more than 30 Yuanying combat power left.

Moreover, most of them are in the early and middle stages of the Yuanying, and there are not many Yuanying late-stage strongmen, and there are even no Yuanying perfect strongmen in charge.

In addition, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun and other three major incarnation forces sent here are leaders, who are suspected to have incarnation treasures.

Even if the Black Dragon Patriarch himself stopped here, it would be difficult to capture this place in a short time.

For this reason, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun immediately said to everyone.

"Now the strength of the demon forces in this world is less than 50% of the past. It is a good opportunity for us to counterattack. Are you willing to follow me and directly destroy the demon forces that are causing chaos in this world."

Yan Siyi and other Ling family cultivators who knew some secrets naturally agreed immediately after hearing this.

"We Ling family Yuanying are willing to follow the senior to fight the demons."

However, the other Yuanyings were somewhat reluctant.

Some cultivators have even spoken.

"Senior Yun Qian, although we seem to have an advantage now, don't forget that the God-transforming ancestor of the Black Dragon Lake Clan has not appeared, and we don't have a God-transforming ancestor sitting in front of us. At that time, if we force the Black Dragon Lake Clan into a corner, I'm afraid that the ancestor will also appear."

"And I'm afraid we will be in danger when that happens."

The other Yuanyings echoed one after another.

"Yes, yes!"


After hearing this, Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun sneered.

"What I want is the appearance of the Black Dragon Ancestor."

The people present were a little surprised, but they were all smart people, so they quickly guessed some possibilities.

For this reason, they did not stop the counterattack, but agreed to it with some expectations.

But who would have thought that when they were about to counterattack, the group of Yuanying demons outside the city, who had been attacking fiercely, retreated without fighting and fled directly, which was not like their previous style.

And Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun was afraid that this situation was a trap set by the demons, so he did not dare to send his Yuanying to chase, and finally his plan could only fail.

'This group of demons is smart. I guess they did realize that we had designed to kill Yuanying demons in large numbers before, and lured out the Black Dragon Ancestor. '

Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun looked at the scene outside the city and murmured.

Afterwards, he thought about the current situation and what might happen in the future, and gave instructions to the Yuanying in the city who were planning to launch a counterattack.

"Since the demons that are causing chaos in this world have noticed our intentions, we estimate that it will be difficult to lure out the Black Dragon Ancestor, so let's forget about the counterattack."

"However, the major demon forces in this world have always used this place as a breakthrough point to swallow up the righteous forces of us. Therefore, whether it is the Black Dragon Lake clan in the cultivation world here or the demon forces in the other cultivation worlds, it is estimated that they will not easily give up this battlefield."

"It is estimated that the other demon forces will send support here again in a short time to besiege the defense line of the Three Immortals Market. Therefore, there will be many tough battles to fight next. Let's go back to the caves in the market as soon as possible to recuperate."

"This is a rare moment of peace for us."

When Yan Siyi and others heard this, they all showed a bit of solemnity.

Afterwards, everyone discussed the matter again and planned to retreat on their own.

However, Old True Lord Yun Qian left behind Yan Siyi and other Ling cultivators.

"Master, uncle, you left me here to wait, but for the sake of those ghosts?"

Yan Siyi had a delicate mind and had already guessed some possibilities, so she immediately asked.

This kind of thing also made Ling Lihao and ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing shudder beside him, and they couldn't help but be a little more vigilant.

After all, they are not familiar with True Lord Yun Qianlao.

Although Old True Lord Yun Qian was slightly aware of this matter, he did not take any action. He just smiled at Yan Siyi and others.

"You, my wife, are quite smart."

"It is true that I left you here this time for the sake of those ghosts, but I have no other intention."

"Your clan has too many Nascent Soul spirit ghosts. Although this is my righteous realm and seems to be particularly safe, the Nascent Souls here all come from different forces. They are a mixed bag of fish and dragons and cannot be protected. There are some The bad guys have already targeted your Yuan Ying and are waiting for the opportunity to take action. "

"And you don't have the strength of Peng Yun. Under such circumstances, if one of you is wrong, you will end up in danger because of those Nascent Soul Ghosts."

"For this reason, it is best for your clan's Nascent Soul Spirit Ghosts to use less of them and leave this matter to me."

Yan Siyi was slightly surprised when she heard this, but Old Master Yun Qian was extremely sincere at the moment and indeed had no other intentions. This also made her feel a little more favorable towards this elder of the sect.

After all, his move would indeed be helpful to Ling.

But she didn't understand why Lord Yun Qianlao would help her.

"Uncle, why did you do this?"

Ling Lihao and ghost cultivator Ling Pengxing were also curious about this, so they set their sights on Old True Lord Yun Qian.

But Old True Lord Yun Qian just smiled and said.

"Although my cultivation has reached the realm of Nascent Soul perfection, my lifespan is limited. If this world-destroying chaos lasts longer, I may not be able to survive this battle."

"And by that time, our Yunqian lineage will only have one Nascent Soul Consummation seedling, Pengyun, and he has a good conduct in society. Therefore, the senior leaders of our lineage and I have already planned to pass on the position of the leader of the lineage. "In this way, the foundation of my Yun Qian Yi Lineage can be stabilized in Xinghai Pavilion."

"And you are Pengyun's wife. If I don't help you, why don't I help those unfamiliar righteous Yuanyings in Fang City to plot the Yuanying ghosts in you or ask you how to get ghosts?" (This chapter) over)

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