Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1224 The plan begins (please subscribe)

At the same time, he also had another idea.

The Taoist Monument of Taichu in his sea of ​​consciousness has become much more effective since he entered Yuanying. Now it absorbs the Qi of Taichu or the essence of Taichu produced by the essence of the sun and moon. It can not only be used by living creatures, but also You can also transfer spiritual objects such as magic weapons.

"The effect of the Qi of the Absolute Beginning is relatively small, and it is unlikely to be of much help to magical weapons. However, the Essence of the Absolute Beginning can not only improve the qualifications of monks, but also pave a way for the monks to impact the Nascent Soul, and even impact the transformation." God has some help, which can increase the probability by half.”

"This is undoubtedly equivalent to opening the door for monks to become gods."

"I don't know if this essence of the beginning will be helpful in forging the spiritual treasure that is the basis for becoming a god."

When he thought about it, he suddenly felt a little moved.

Then he thought that although Ling Pengcheng, the second-tier Nascent Soul seedling in the family, would be able to attack the Nascent Soul after more than thirty years, this would be about the same time as the Taichu Sutra could once again condense the essence of the Taichu.

But now there is great chaos in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World where the family lives. Even if you give him an Essence of Absolute Beginning, it will only improve his qualifications and increase his probability of hitting the Nascent Soul by an additional 10%. It is difficult to help him much. Change.

On the contrary, it would be of great significance if a spirit treasure with the foundation of incarnation could be created through this object. After all, according to the description of the ghost fairy lantern, this type of spirit treasure with the foundation of spiritual transformation that rarely appears in the outside world is very powerful.

The last time Ling Pengyun condensed the essence of Taichu was more than fifty or sixty years ago. At that time, he condensed an essence of Taichu for his second daughter, Ling Chengxin, to help her change her qualifications.

And if you want to condense the essence of Taichu, you need to gather nine qi of Taichu, which will take a full eighty-one years.

Come and go, this essence of Taichu only takes more than twenty years to complete.

In addition, the third echelon of the Yuanying Miaozi, the old patriarch Ling Yunhong, the formation master Ling Penglin and others are relatively far away from the attack on the Yuanying. Their longevity is not bad. Even if they get the essence of Taichu, it will only be the icing on the cake.

The direct Taoist companion Yan Siyi, the eldest son Ling Chengxia, and the second daughter Ling Chengxin all refined an essence of the beginning. As for the younger son Ling Chengmi, whose qualifications are too high, refining the essence of the beginning can only be the icing on the cake. It is estimated that only after entering the Nascent Soul, the essence of Taichu will be in greater demand.

In this way, Ling Pengyun planned to keep the essence of Taichu that could only be condensed twenty years later from the Taichu Sutra for his own use.

"And more than twenty years is not a long time. After careful calculation, it can just catch up with the huge chaos in the world of immortality in the boundless sea after more than twenty years."

"If I can have a spiritual treasure with the foundation of becoming a god to help me, I want to collect enough combat merit to exchange for two earthly soul essences and two nine-day profound energy to help the black-armored turtle, and the probability of Cheng Xia's kid attacking the Yuanying. It’s bigger, and it’s much easier to purchase a large number of cultivation-like heaven and earth spiritual objects with war achievements.”

Ling Pengyun's face was filled with anticipation.

Then he chatted with the ghost fairy lamp for a few more words, and no longer delayed the ghost fairy lamp to help cultivate the ordinary-quality Nascent Soul initial stage evil ghost.

He then started chatting with Ling Pengxing, the Yuan Ying ghost cultivator in his family.

According to what he said, in the past five years, he had barely succeeded in refining the fourth-level high-grade flying sword ghost treasure of the late Nascent Soul black phantom evil ghost in the secret realm.

Moreover, because he is good at kendo, follows the path of kendo, and has a strong talent in this way, he has already raised his kendo attainments to the level of the true meaning of quasi-fourth level kendo.

In this way, he was barely able to use his own cultivation as the source and his strong sword intention as an aid to fully activate the full power of this treasure.

This was also the reason why he gave priority to refining this treasure in the first place.

After all, he obtained the fourth-level ghost weapon of the late Nascent Soul black phantom evil ghost. There are three in total, namely the flying sword ghost treasure that he used to sacrifice, the magic shield ghost treasure, and the black phantom evil ghost clan behind it. The most precious treasure of the town is the black magic mirror.

As a result, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. As long as he holds this sword, his strength is close to that of an ordinary mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. Generally, an early-stage Nascent Soul monk is no match for him.

Ling Pengyun was particularly happy for this, and at the same time he paid more attention to the progress of Ling Pengxing's swordsmanship, so he asked about it.

And because Ling Pengxing considered that Ling Pengyun had been kind to him, and gave him Yuanying spiritual objects to help him attack the realm of Yuanying, he did not hide it, but said with a bit of helplessness.

"The fourth level of swordsmanship, the true meaning of swordsmanship, is particularly profound. I don't have much confidence that I can break through this state."

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly and turned around.

"If there is a powerful sword cultivator who has attained the fourth level of swordsmanship to give guidance, would you be sure?"

Ling Pengxing's eyes lit up slightly.

It must be reasonable for Ling Pengyun to ask like this, otherwise it would be meaningless for Ling Pengyun to ask this question.

And although there are probably no such people in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, he knows that his family is backed by Xinghai Pavilion, the deity transformation force in the Boundless Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

With such a huge force, there are only those who have mastered the art of swordsmanship to the fourth level.

For this reason, he nodded immediately.

"30% sure."

"Brother Pengyun, do you know such a person?"

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his frown finally relaxed and he turned around.

"The 30% certainty is not low. If we are lucky, we can probably make it happen."

"As for these people, I do know them, but it's troublesome to ask them to teach you the way of swordsmanship, brother."

"Whether this can be accomplished depends on whether we can successfully establish meritorious service according to the plan."

"If this thing can be done, we will have a clue to seek his guidance, but if this thing fails, the chance will probably be slim."

When Ling Pengxing heard this, he immediately thought of the huge plan that Ling Pengyun had mentioned five years ago.

His expression condensed.

Although the benefits brought by that plan are huge, it is also extremely dangerous, and the commotion it causes is bound to be huge.

This is related to the Black Jiaohu clan, the demon overlord of the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm.

In the event of an accident, if he, Ling Pengyun and others are not protected, their lives will be in danger.

But this is the only way to ensure that the family can survive this great chaos in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm. For this reason, we can only do it and cannot retreat.

What's more, there is still a chance to get guidance from the Fourth Realm Sword Master on this matter.

Therefore, Ling Pengxing immediately followed the path.

"Don't worry, brothers of the Pengyun clan. When that plan begins, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

Ling Pengyun smiled and nodded, then said.

"Brother, in the recent period, Senior Guixiandeng still needs to cultivate an ordinary-level Nascent Soul early-stage spirit ghost for our clan. See if you can try to sacrifice the defensive ghost treasure. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be unable to defend yourself." Become your Achilles’ heel.”

"After all, fourth-level defensive spells or defensive magical powers consume extremely ghost power."

Ling Pengxing said solemnly.


Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with him for a few more words, then left the place and went back to his cave to continue to understand the spirit plant and practice it firmly.

As time passes.

In the blink of an eye, another five years have passed.

This day.

Ling Pengyun finally shook the bottleneck of spiritual cultivation and understood most of the spiritual cultivation techniques to the fourth-level mid-level realm.

Now the only thing missing is the core technique of pregnancy and implantation to reach the fourth-level mid-level realm.

As long as this can be accomplished, he can truly enter the fourth-level mid-level realm with his spiritual cultivation.

According to his estimate, this matter will probably take about ten years, which is not much different from his original estimate.

In addition, even if his spiritual plant has not officially entered the fourth-level mid-level realm, with the few spiritual plant techniques that have reached the fourth-level mid-level, he can double the growth rate of his spiritual plant.

Taken together, he is currently enough to increase the growth rate of a fourth-level low-grade spiritual plant eleven times.

This would be enough to shorten the growth time of the fourth-level low-grade spiritual plants he planted by several years.

In addition to the hundred-year Nascent Soul chance incident, ten years have passed.

This also made it possible for all the fourth-level low-grade spiritual plants in the five acres of Golden Wing Mountain, the fourth-level spiritual mountain on the border where he was located, that originally took twenty or thirty years to mature, to mature in just ten years.

The fourth-level low-grade spiritual plants in the quasi-fourth-level spiritual mountain Lingxiao Mountain and the clan's Ice and Snow Valley that originally took seventy or eighty years to mature now only need a short fifty years.

This greatly alleviated Ling Pengyun's problem with cultivation resources.

At the same time, it made him determined to follow the path of Lingzhi.

And his cultivation has not been neglected during this period. With the help of the fourth-level high-grade cultivation elixirs given by the Xinghai elders, he can condense three rays of Nascent Soul spiritual power every year.

Ten years have passed, and he has gathered thirty rays of Nascent Soul spiritual power.

Strictly speaking, this cultivation speed is actually not slow.

However, if you want to reach the realm of Yuanying perfection, you need to gather at least 1,800 Yuanying spiritual powers.

But he currently only has 1,230 spiritual powers, which is still 570 spiritual powers short.

If he proceeds step by step, it is estimated that it will take nearly 190 years for him to reach Nascent Soul perfection.

By then, he would have missed the chance of the century-old Nascent Soul mentioned by the ancestor of Xinghai.

"It is still necessary to understand the spirit plant as soon as possible. Only in this way can the problem of cultivation progress be resolved."

Ling Pengyun secretly made up his mind.

Then he continued to enter seclusion.

But within half a year, he was alerted by the outside world.

Once he was out of the house, he discovered that it was the ghost fairy lamp that had cultivated the last ordinary-quality Nascent Soul early-stage spirit ghost that it had promised to cultivate for the family.

This spirit ghost was cultivated according to Ling Pengyun's requirements, so it is a Qianjun spirit ghost who is good at frontal combat and has a strong body.

Even if the family does not have a suitable ghost weapon for the time being, its strength is good. Although it is difficult to compare with those early Yuanying monks who have one or two fourth-level spiritual treasures, it is still no problem to fight with them.

For this reason, Ling Pengyun was particularly satisfied with this ghost.

"As a result, the family's Nascent Soul's combat power will increase by one more."

Adding this ghost, the family now has three Nascent Soul ghosts.

They are the current Qianjun Spirit Ghost with ordinary qualifications, the Qianjun Spirit Ghost with average quality, and the high-quality Black Phantom Ghost who is good at illusions.

This is undoubtedly the combat power of the three-headed Nascent Soul, which only adds a little bit to the family's strength.

He immediately thanked the ghost fairy lantern.

"This ghost is really good. I have thanked you, Senior Ghost Immortal, for the past few years."

The ghost fairy lamp said with a smile.

"This is my promise to your clan, no need to thank you."

"By the way, I wonder if the plan you mentioned ten years ago can be implemented?"

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw how active he was, but he thought that he could get some powerful souls through this matter, and he was good at cultivating spirit ghosts.

The secret realm that the Ghost Immortal Sect left behind in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World was captured by everyone again, enough to start preparations for rebuilding the Ghost Immortal Sect.

For this reason, he immediately understood.

"I think Senior Gui Xian Deng intends to use this incident to gather a sum of money to rebuild the family of Gui Xian Sect."

Then he said to Gui Xian Deng.

"Since Senior has completed the task of cultivating ghost spirits, the plan should naturally begin."

"I will call my wife to deal with some chores."

After that, he entered the cave again.

After a while, when he came out, Yan Siyi followed him.

Then he went to find Ling Lihao, the newly promoted Yuanying with a heavenly spiritual root in the family.

After briefly explaining that he and Yan Siyi were going out, he gave him a fourth-level high-quality talisman given to him by Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun, the master of the Yun Qian lineage, and then he felt relieved to take Yan Siyi away from home.

After a few days.

He and Yan Siyi and others secretly rushed to the territory of Tianxing Pavilion, a Yuanying early stage force next door where the battle situation was relatively tense.

There are monsters everywhere here, and all forces, big and small, are surrounded by monsters, and there may be danger.

Moreover, some spiritual veins have been captured, and there are fierce monsters lurking in them.

This situation made Ling Pengyun and others frown, but in order to avoid leaking their whereabouts, they could only temporarily ignore it and go straight to the main battlefield of this area, the Bear City.

This city is the closest to the monster territory in the Tianxing Pavilion, and can be called a border city.

Although it is a market on weekdays, it is particularly prosperous.

But when the Tianxing Pavilion was first established, it was intended to resist the neighboring Yuanying monster clan, the Red Gold Bear Clan.

For this reason, the Tianxing Pavilion attaches great importance to this place. Every once in a while, this sect will spend a lot of resources to cultivate the spiritual veins here.

After many years, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of spiritual veins here.

There is even a quasi-fourth-level spiritual vein.

And this sect has also arranged powerful formations on it, and even the fourth-level defense formation is here.

As a result, the border city here is particularly strong.

And because it is a border city, when the chaos in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World began, this place became the strongest line of defense for the Tianxing Pavilion to resist the huge demon tribe led by the Black Dragon Lake Clan.

But the demon tribe that attacked here was too strong, and this city was suppressed.

Now there are demon beasts everywhere outside the Bear Miserable City, and you can't see the end at a glance.

There is even a powerful old Yuanying early stage demon king and an old Yuanying middle stage demon king sitting behind the demon beast group, which directly suppressed the cultivators in the Bear Miserable City and dared not have any other thoughts.

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