Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1177 Entering the Secret Realm (Subscription Request)

And his cultivation level has also entered the realm of golden elixir.

This actually gave Ling Pengyun a bit of unexpected joy.

And based on casual chat, he also learned from Ling Liqin and Lin Luo that they had given birth to three more children in the past hundred years.

Although two of the children have no spiritual roots, their youngest child has dual spiritual roots and also has good Talisman qualifications.

At present, Lin Luo and his wife also regard him as their successor.

And its name is Lin Zhong.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also met his acquaintance Ling Pengqiu here.

And Ling Pengqiu is the fire magic elixir of the Ling family, and his fire attribute magic is quite mysterious.

His current cultivation level has been upgraded to the late stage of the Golden Core, and his strength is a bit terrifying. He can fight even the ninth-level Golden Core monks and remain invincible.

And he is also the leader of the Fire Dragon Sect branch in the Mingshui Sea Area of ​​the Ling Family's Immortal Cultivation Realm in the Boundless Sea. This branch was also established by him in his early years.

As for the reason why he is here, it is a bit special.

According to the loud-mouthed Lin Luo and his wife, the current relationship between Ling Pengqiu and Ling Pengyun's senior sister Wang Ying is a bit delicate.

Ling Pengyun also secretly guessed.

"I guess there's some romance in it."

But this matter made Ling Pengyun a little depressed.

Ling Pengqiu is his clan brother, and Wang Ying is his senior sister.

If the two really become a couple, their relationship in this generation will be a bit complicated.

But even so, he was still very supportive of this matter, and even secretly gave Ling Pengqiu a death order, telling him to marry Wang Ying.

In this way, it can be regarded as a close relationship.

In addition, Wang Ying's power is not weak. If she can be married back to the Ling family, the Ling family will make a lot of money.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while.

Ling Pengyun also learned from Ling Pengqiu and Wang Ying that their wooden dragons and fire dragons had reached the middle stage of the golden elixir due to their special dual cultivation method.

Moreover, the two of them have produced many children over the years.

Half of it belongs to Wang Ying, and the other half belongs to Ling Pengqiu.

However, the descendants of the dragons in Ling Pengqiu's hands were all sent back to the family's treasure land, Jiaomang Lake, which contained dragon veins.

Back then, that land was shared by the Ling family and the Bailingmen.

But during the last chaos that lasted for a full hundred years, Bailingmen was attacked by monsters. In desperation, Bailingmen had no choice but to ask for help from the Ling family.

At that time, Ling's request was the right to use the Jiaoman Lake, which contained dragon veins, for the next five hundred years.

In this way, although a hundred years have passed, that land will still belong to the Ling family in the next four hundred years.

In addition, Ling also spent countless spiritual stones and special spiritual objects to specially cultivate the dragon vein, which was only at the third-level mid-level, to the third-level high-level realm.

If the Ling family didn't have a quasi-fourth level formation master, the Ling family really planned to train him to a quasi-fourth level.

As for Ling's willingness to do so, he naturally planned to adopt this dragon vein as his own.

Of course, as a Nascent Soul force, the Ling family is not prone to robbery.

For this reason, the senior leaders of the Ling family planned to wait until the free rights to use the dragon vein were exhausted, and then use a third-level high-grade spiritual vein plus some high-level spiritual objects to replace the dragon vein from Bailingmen.

As for exchanging it now, it's very simple. Now it's free, so why waste resources?

Save if you can.

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with Lin Luo and his wife and others, and learned about the situation of the Fire Dragon Sect branch from Ling Pengqiu. He left here and returned to his family.

The day he agreed with Tianxing Pavilion and the Maple Leaf Li family to explore the secret realm was coming soon.

In addition, after he returned to the family, considering that he did not understand the family situation, he deliberately asked for information on all the clan members.

And he also observed the changes in his people in the past hundred years.

There are quite a few outstanding ones among them.

For example, the old clan leader Ling Pengyun and the Fire Magic Golden Pill Ling Pengqiu.

Although they do not have the opportunity to attack the Nascent Soul, they all have the opportunity to attack the ninth level of the Golden Core and even reach the perfection of the Golden Core.

As time goes by, those people can become the mainstay of the family.

"Due to the great chaos in the past hundred years, I haven't paid much attention to the changes in the clan."

"In the future, we need to train them more."

Ling Pengyun said secretly.

As soon as this matter was settled, he entered into meditation and waited for the appointed day to arrive.

A few more years passed.

The date of the appointment also arrived as scheduled.

Ling Pengyun also left the family and rushed to the Tianxing Pavilion.

Liu Haochan, the true king of Tianxing Pavilion, had already been waiting outside the mountain gate. As soon as he saw Ling Pengyun arriving, he enthusiastically welcomed him into the mountain gate of Tianxing Pavilion.

Finally, they arrived at a huge square deep in Tianxing Pavilion.

It looks like it is newly built.

Moreover, this place is full of monks from Tianxing Pavilion.

Ling Pengyun estimated that there were at least tens of thousands.

Moreover, there are more than twenty Jindan monks among them.

"It is estimated that more than 70% of the monks in Tianxing Pavilion are here."

Ling Pengyun said secretly.

And under careful observation, he found that all the monks were carrying formation flags.

As if ready to fight at any time.

It is also worth mentioning that in the center of this group of people, there is a special hall shrouded by a fourth-order trapping formation.

When Ling Pengyun learned that Liu Haochan was going to take him into the hall, he immediately became more alert.

If he entered casually and the Tianxing Pavilion wanted to harm him, he would not be able to escape.

Moreover, there were so many Tianxing Pavilion monks around, which was extremely dangerous.

For this reason, he also frowned and said to Liu Haochan.

"Brother Liu, why did your sect set up this trap array in the hall?"

"And why are there so many dilutions here?"

Liu Haochan said with a smile.

"Brother Ling, don't misunderstand, this array was set up by our pavilion to avoid accidents."

"In the past, many forces invaded those natural secret realms and encountered counterattacks from the forces in the secret realms."

"For this reason, setting up the fourth-level trap array and this group of monks in advance can also avoid some accidents."

Then, in order to prevent Ling Pengyun from thinking too much, Liu Haochan also made a heavenly oath.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun felt relieved, but he did say something.

"I told my brother Haiyun from Haiyun Xianzong when I came here this time."

"If something unexpected happens when I come here this time, you should know the consequences."

Liu Haochan felt a chill on his back when he heard this.

At the beginning, he and the Red Flame Fire Phoenix of the Maple Leaf Li family came to threaten Ling Pengyun to give up the pseudo-infant spirit vein in Lingxiao Mountain Range.

Haiyun Zhenjun from Haiyun Xianzong stood on Ling Pengyun's side decisively, and his words were full of murderous intent.

If they really fought with Ling Pengyun at that time, I'm afraid that Haiyun Zhenjun would also fight.

In addition, he heard recently that Haiyun Xianzong was also related to a mysterious force.

Therefore, he guessed that the relationship between Ling Pengyun and Haiyun Zhenjun was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

For this reason, he didn't dare to provoke Ling Pengyun again.

However, he had a clear conscience, so he quickly recovered and nodded.

"Don't worry, Brother Ling."

Ling Pengyun saw this and followed Liu Haochan into the trap array and entered the special hall.

This place was particularly spacious and without any furniture.

The master of Tianxing Pavilion, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun, sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, and in front of him were hundreds of array flags with the aura of the fourth-level middle-grade realm.

Moreover, according to Ling Pengyun's investigation, the void covered by the array flags was particularly fragile.

It is estimated that as long as the spiritual power is used lightly, the void of the ground will be broken.

At this time, Liu Haochan also introduced it.

"Brother Ling's place is the entrance to the secret realm discovered by my pavilion."

"However, it can only be triggered with the help of the large array arranged by my master. Otherwise, even if the void is shattered, it will not be possible to enter the secret realm."

Ling Pengyun immediately understood what Liu Haochan meant when he heard it.

Liu Haochan just wanted to express that this matter was led by Tianxing Pavilion, and he should not think about it, otherwise he would not even be able to enter the secret realm.

Ling Pengyun did not care about this, but just nodded.

The old master of Tianxing Pavilion, who was sitting cross-legged in the depths of the hall, also opened his eyes and stood up.

However, when he looked at Ling Pengyun, he found that the aura on Ling Pengyun was a little unfathomable.

At least he could not detect it.

This matter also surprised him.

In this case, either Ling Pengyun's consciousness was stronger than his, or Ling Pengyun had learned a high-level breath-retaining technique.

Both of these situations were extraordinary.

This also made him look up to Ling Pengyun, and then he smiled at Ling Pengyun.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Ling has already reached such a level of cultivation."

"Fellow Daoist is really a natural talent."

"I'm afraid that in the near future, Fellow Daoist will become the first late Nascent Soul True Lord since the establishment of my Northern Wilderness Cultivation World."

Ling Pengyun saw that Old True Lord Tianxing was so polite, but he didn't put on a stern face, but said politely.

"Senior, please don't embarrass me."

"If you want to talk about natural talent, it should be you."

"There are very few formation masters who can set up a fourth-level middle-grade formation such as the Exploration and Fate Formation with the cultivation of the early Nascent Soul."

"I really admire this feat."

When Old True Lord Tianxing heard this, he felt a little proud.

Ordinary people really can't achieve such an achievement.

However, he was a little helpless because of this.

It would be better if his cultivation could be higher.

In that case, he could set up a fourth-level middle-grade formation more easily without using the blood essence.

Previously, when he set up the formation to explore the world and find fate, he consumed a lot of blood and essence, which also slightly affected his lifespan, at least making him lose about ten years of life.

This matter made him particularly distressed.

But there was no way.

If the secret realm could be conquered, it was possible to search for some things to improve his cultivation, and then he could benefit himself.

At the same time, it could also benefit the future of Tianxing Pavilion.

He attached great importance to the future development of Tianxing Pavilion.

After sighing in his heart, he came back to his senses, and then he chatted with Ling Pengyun.

Then everyone waited for a while, and Liu Haochan sensed that the Red Flame Fire Phoenix of the Maple Leaf Li family had arrived outside the Tianxing Pavilion, so he went to greet it.

And soon, he came back with the Red Flame Fire Phoenix.

Then, everyone spent some time to restore their condition to the best.

The old True Lord Tianxing also handed a high-quality fourth-grade lower-grade formation flag to Ling Pengyun and others, and explained.

"This formation is called the Wu Tu Mie Yuan formation, which is an earth-attributed formation for both offense and defense."

"Once we enter the secret realm, it is better for us to work together to fight the enemy."

"And with this formation, we will be safer in dealing with troubles."

"At the same time, the four of us can set up this formation together to reduce the consumption of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power."

"In this way, we can also have enough spiritual consciousness and spiritual power to use other means to fight the enemy."

Ling Pengyun agreed with this. He carefully looked at the twenty or thirty formation flags in his hand. Seeing that they had no hidden dangers, he began to sacrifice this formation.

Because the formation flags of the formation were of a higher grade, Ling Pengyun and others spent several months to complete it.

And once this matter was settled.

The old True Lord Tianxing also opened the formation of exploring the world and looking for fate.

In an instant, countless mysterious array patterns were released from the hundreds of array flags in this array.

And merged into the void surrounded by the array flags.

As time passed, the void also cracked, and a strong space force and countless white lights emerged from it.


At this time, Tianxing Lao Zhenjun changed his finger method, and a huge sound of breaking suddenly came from the void.

Then, a black hole about ten feet in size appeared in front of Ling Pengyun.

"Follow me to support the array and enter it."

"Before, when I used the Exploration and Searching for Fate Array to forcibly open this entrance, it made a lot of noise."

"For this reason, the creatures in the secret realm also discovered my movements early."

"Therefore, I am afraid they have been waiting for us at the connection of this entrance."

"Also, once you enter it, you must work together."

"If anyone has an accident, it will be a loss to us as a whole."

Tianxing Lao Zhenjun said.

Upon hearing this, Ling Pengyun and the others all agreed and offered the flag of the Wu Tu Mie Yuan Great Array.

And Tian Xing Lao Zhenjun also used the array plate of the Wu Tu Mie Yuan Great Array to open the array.

A thick light curtain immediately enveloped the four of them.

According to Ling Pengyun's observation, the defensive ability of this array should be good. Even in terms of defensive ability alone, this array is about twice as strong as the defensive ability of the middle-level life spirit treasure Five Elements Heaven-shaking Copper Bell in his hand.

It is estimated that even a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage will need at least a moment to break through this array.

And this situation also made him realize the horror of high-quality defensive arrays.

He also secretly planned to get such an array.

Then, he followed everyone into the void entrance of the secret realm.

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