Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1145 Success (Subscription Request)

Several months passed.

The territory of Wu Kingdom, the most powerful in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm.

Haiyun Immortal Sect.

There is a fourth-level mid-level defensive formation on the top of Huajie Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who had been sitting here in meditation for a long time, finally restored his condition to its best.

"The time has come for it to begin."

Ling Pengyun's eyes ignited with some anticipation, and he secretly said.

Once you enter the realm of Nascent Soul, you will enter the upper echelons of the world of immortality.

At that time, both himself and the Ling family behind him will have rights and benefits far beyond imagination.

Take the Tianxing Sect, an ordinary Nascent Soul force in the Beihuang Immortal Realm, for example. This sect can occupy more than 30 million miles of territory, and there are also three affiliated Jindan-level affiliated countries.

The number of monks under his command is at least millions.

There are countless mortals.

However, whether they are mortals or monks, they are only in the pockets of the Tianxing Sect.

If only what he was about to do today could come true.

The Ling family is the next Tianxing Sect!

Ling Pengyun took a deep breath, calmed down, and summoned his golden elixir that shone with the five elements and suspended it in front of him.

Then, he began to use the "Five Elements Condensation Method".

This method comes from the superior Nascent Soul Perfection Cultivation Technique "Hunyuan Five Elements Treasure Book" given by his master.

In addition, this book also records the common "Method of Condensing Infants".

However, there is a big difference between the two.

One can condense the Five Elements Nascent Soul, while the other can only condense the best Nascent Soul.

Of course, if the Hunyuan Five Elements Book hadn't been a Five Elements Kung Fu method, it wouldn't have recorded the Five Elements Condensation Method.

But this is a good thing for Ling Pengyun, otherwise he would have to spend time searching for this method of condensing the infant.

After all, he had long planned to try to condense the Five Elements Nascent Soul with his Five Elements Golden Elixir, and this was also his best way out.

If he settles for the next best thing and tries to condense the ordinary Nascent Soul, it will be a complete waste of his powerful Five Elements Golden Elixir.

After a while, Ling Pengyun used the Five Elements Condensation Method to quickly condense a special five-color seal and penetrate it into the Five Elements Golden Pill he had just summoned.

The Five Elements Golden Pill flashed with inspiration and turned into a ball of liquid in an instant.

And quickly evolved into a human-shaped liquid that shone with five colors of light.

If you look closely, you can even find that the human-shaped liquid is somewhat similar to Ling Pengyun.

But at this moment, the humanoid liquid actually flashed a strange light in the void.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Pengyun's mind began to become confused.

During this period, all his early experiences appeared before his eyes.

When he was young, he planted spiritual plants in Qingshi Mountain in Anyang County, Huaishui County, and went to Lingyun Mountain in Yunshui County to take care of spiritual plants, and improved the first new type of spiritual rice in his life... …

Scenes emerge one after another.

Moreover, he was personally involved in it.

However, fortunately, these memories did not hinder Ling Pengyun.

Even, after gradually adapting, Ling Pengyun actually regained his original consciousness in these memories. He still had a feeling that as long as he had a thought, he could break through these memories and reach the end.

"Is this the benefit of being the first to reach the realm of Nascent Soul with your spiritual consciousness?"

Ling Pengyun was secretly happy.

Then, he didn't delay, he just had an idea.

The images that appeared in his mind were shattered one after another.

And every time a broken sound sounded, his heart would feel lighter.

When all the strange movements dissipated, he even felt an unprecedented peace of mind.

The human-shaped liquid eyes transformed by his golden elixir also shone a little smartly at this time.

At the same time, a huge abnormal movement spread out from his body and rippled in all directions.

The spiritual energy within fifty million miles of the surrounding world trembled, and was attracted by it, swarming towards the human-shaped liquid.


at the same time.

Haiyun Immortal Sect.

Beyond Huajie Mountain.

True Monarch Yunxiong, who had already arrived here from Sanxianfang City on the front line of Wu Kingdom, saw the movement around him, and his face was filled with joy.

These fluctuations broke through the inner demon tribulation at the Yuanying level and triggered the spiritual energy filling the body at the Yuanying level.

But in just a moment, he noticed that the phenomenon of fluctuating spiritual energy filling his body was a bit strange.

"Why is this fluctuation so huge?"

As soon as this doubt arose, he immediately thought of a possibility.

His body suddenly trembled in shock, and his brows were filled with disbelief.

"I originally thought that when this kid entered the realm of golden elixir, he could only condense one high-quality golden elixir at most, but I never thought that this kid could actually condense the five elements of golden elixir."

"This kid is really a genius."

"Looking at the current movement, I'm afraid this kid is using the Five Elements Golden Pill as a source to try to condense the Five Elements Nascent Soul."

Although he had met Ling Pengyun once at that time, Ling Pengyun had the Taoist Monument of Yin and Yang Taichu on his body to cover everything up. Therefore, True Lord Yun Xiong did not see that Ling Pengyun possessed the Five Elements Golden Pill at that time.

And at that time, he only thought that Ling Pengyun was really a person with bad luck as the Canglan True Lord of the Canglan Bihai Sect said, so he had the protection of luck to cover up his physical condition, so he did not delve into the matter.

Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of this that it gave him an unexpected surprise.

"If Pengyun can successfully condense the five elements of the Nascent Soul this time, he will definitely become a seedling of the pavilion's transformation of the spirit, just like Senior Brother Yunqian did in his early years, and get support from the pavilion."

Thinking of this, Yunxiong Zhenjun, who had experienced many ups and downs and was from the Xinghai Pavilion, a force at the level of transformation of the spirit, could not help but get excited.

Moreover, there was a hint of expectation on his face.

This time, Yunqian Zhenjun, who came with him to the Northern Wilderness to help the three major immortal sects of the righteous path and sit in the Sanxianfang City, was not an ordinary person, but a Zhenjun whose cultivation was far beyond ordinary people and reached the highest point of the Nascent Soul.

As long as he can go further, he will reach the legendary transformation of the spirit.

It is also worth mentioning that Yunqian Zhenjun's spiritual root ratio is very special. Like Ling Lihao, the heavenly spiritual root of the Ling family, and Canglan Zhenjun of the Canglan Bihai Sect, they are all water-attributed heavenly spiritual root cultivators, and he also has a medium-level water-attributed spiritual body.

With the power of these two factors, when he entered the Nascent Soul in his early years, he was able to successfully condense a special water-based Nascent Soul that was stronger than ordinary superior Nascent Souls but weaker than the Five Elements Nascent Souls.

Such existence is rare even in Xinghai Pavilion.

For this reason, he also became one of the few seedlings of the Transformation of the Gods in Xinghai Pavilion at that time and was supported by Xinghai Pavilion.

It was precisely because of this that Yun Qian Zhenjun was able to enter the realm of Nascent Soul perfection.

Otherwise, relying solely on the financial support of Yun Qian's lineage, it would be difficult for Yun Qian Lao Zhenjun to achieve the Nascent Soul perfection he has today.

In fact, if Xinghai Pavilion had not found it difficult to find any spiritual objects at the Transformation of the Gods level, I am afraid that the old Yun Qian Zhenjun would have already tried to impact the Transformation of the Gods.


On the other side.

The main battlefield of Wu State.

In the rear of the countless monsters that were besieging the Sanxianfang City, two huge black-scaled dragons with a body size of more than seven or eight hundred feet suddenly flew out from the depths of a boundless river.

Following closely behind were nearly ten Yuanying dragons that were several hundred feet long.

And now, all of these dragons were looking in the direction of Haiyun Xianzong.

"Why is this Yuanying-level spiritual energy filling the body so big?"

The leading black dragon, which had a trace of death on its body, but had the aura of Yuanying Perfection, had a hint of doubt in its eyes.

This dragon was the Yuanying Perfection dragon that the Black Dragon Lake Clan sent here to lead the demons to invade the righteous path in the past few decades. Its name was Heiyu, and it was also a royal family of the Black Dragon Lake Clan, with the blood of the Black Dragon Ancestor.

At the same time, this dragon was also the father of the Yuanying late Heiyun dragon that originally led the demons here.

Soon, the old Heiyun dragon in the Yuanying Perfection realm, like Yunxiong Zhenjun, guessed the reason for the large spiritual energy filling phenomenon, and it was also shocked.

"I didn't expect that there are still people in the righteous way of the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World who can condense the Five Elements Golden Elixir at the time of the Golden Elixir."

The son Hei Yun Jiaolong, who was in the late stage of the Nascent Soul, also saw the reason. He raised a little fear between his eyebrows and asked his father Hei Yun Lao Jiao.

"Dad, do you want to send a demon to stop this?"

The Hei Yun Lao Jiao, who was in the perfect stage of the Nascent Soul, was going to refuse this matter directly after hearing this.

The difficulty of condensing the Five Elements Nascent Soul is extremely high.

Even the Black Jiao Lake Jiaolong Clan has not condensed the Five Elements Nascent Soul in the past ten thousand years.

There are a few Jiaolongs who condensed a single-attribute Nascent Soul, but not many.

For this reason, it also felt that Ling Pengyun, who was trying to condense the Five Elements Nascent Soul, would fail in nine out of ten cases.

But for the sake of safety, it still said.

"Although this is a bit of a hassle, it is safer to send a demon to stop it."

"The righteous path that is trying to condense the Five Elements Yuanying should be in the Haiyun Xianzong, one of the three major immortal gates, judging from its location."

"Although the known true lords of this sect are all in charge of the Sanxianfang City and are not in the immortal sect's residence, it is said that this sect has a superior fourth-level middle-grade defensive formation to protect it. I am afraid that our ordinary Yuanying clansmen will find it difficult to break it in a short time."

"To be on the safe side, Hei Yun, you should go there in person."

"When you take action, I will lead our Yuanying clansmen and the remaining subordinate Yuanying demon lords under my command to watch the righteous true lords stationed in the Sanxianfang City."

"When the time comes, you can attack Haiyun Xianzong as soon as possible."

When Hei Yun Jiaojun, who was in the late Yuanying period, heard this, his eyes suddenly raised a touch of blood-red light.

In recent decades, it has been difficult to get away because of its heavy responsibility to lead the demon clan to try to break through the Sanxianfang City.

Otherwise, it really wanted to bypass the Sanxianfang City, which was an extremely solid defense line of the righteous path, go deep into the heart of Wu State, flatten countless righteous forces, and swallow all the mortals and cultivators in it.

"Okay, Dad, I'll go."

After saying that, the Black Yun Demon King performed a superior escape technique and disappeared here.

Seeing his reckless look, the Black Cloud Old Demon King quickly sent a message.

"Be careful."


At the same time.

In the heart of Wu State.

Deep in the Haiyun Immortal Sect, one of the three major immortal gates, Huajie Mountain.

Although the Nascent Soul prototype condensed by Ling Pengyun attracted countless spiritual energy to help the Nascent Soul prototype transform, making the five elements of light flashing on the human-shaped liquid-like Nascent Soul prototype stronger and stronger.

However, Ling Pengyun gradually felt that he could not control the countless huge and violent spiritual energy that poured into the Nascent Soul prototype.

I'm afraid that in a moment, the embryonic form of the Nascent Soul formed by his golden elixir will be broken by the violent spiritual energy.

This also made Ling Pengyun a little surprised.

You know, his current spiritual consciousness is barely comparable to the strength of a cultivator at the first level of the Nascent Soul.

"I didn't expect that my spiritual consciousness would be unable to support my Nascent Soul embryo to refine those violent spiritual energies."

"That's not surprising. It's recorded in various inheritances that only with the help of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi and the Earth Soul Essence can a cultivator condense the Five Elements Nascent Soul."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun immediately took out the two mysterious Nascent Soul spiritual objects in his hand and put them into the Five Elements Nascent Soul embryo.

He pinched his fingers and cast a small method recorded in the Five Elements Nascent Soul Condensation Method, "The Method of Concentrating the Mind and Building Roots", into his body.

In just an instant, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Qi turned into the spirit of the Five Elements Nascent Soul embryo.

And the Earth Soul Essence turned into its foundation.

The combination of the two stabilized the Five Elements Nascent Soul embryo, which was unable to withstand the countless violent spiritual energies pouring into its body.

Moreover, its speed of refining those violent spiritual energies has also increased a lot.

Coupled with Ling Pengyun's powerful spiritual sense assistance.

The situation of the five elements Yuanying embryo has also improved. As long as the spiritual energy that flows into its body, it can basically be refined into a trace of pure solidified spiritual power with the help of Ling Pengyun in the next moment, and merged into the body of the five elements Yuanying embryo, and strengthen this Yuanying embryo.

One day passed.

The Yuanying late Hei Yun demon king who came from the front line just stepped into the vicinity of Haiyun Xianzong and planned to kill a lot when he heard a loud shout.

"Hei Yun old earthworm, you are so brave to come here."

"You really think there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell, but you insist on breaking in."

"Now you don't have your Yuanying perfect father to protect you, let's see how you run."

The Yuanying late Hei Yun Jiaolong shuddered when he heard this.

"Damn, isn't this the voice of Yunxiong, the god-transforming force in the boundless sea?"

"Why is this guy here?"

Immediately, it turned around and planned to run.

But at this moment, a huge demon bear hundreds of feet long flew out from Haiyun Xianzong.

It was wearing a full body armor with a glittering light, and in its hand was a huge mountain-splitting axe with a strong aura of a fourth-level upper-grade spiritual treasure.

This demon bear was transformed by Ling Pengyun's master Yunxiong Zhenjun.

And his speed was also faster than Heiyun Jiaolong, and soon, it caught up with Heiyun Jiaolong.

The two also fought fiercely.

Because both of them had reached the late stage of Yuanying, it would take a long time to decide the winner.

Unknowingly, the two fought for a full twelve days.

It was also at the beginning of the morning of this day that the five elements of spiritual energy that Ling Pengyun had caused suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, huge calamity clouds began to condense on Haiyun Xianzong.

Seeing this, True Lord Yunxiong, who was in the middle of the battle, showed countless excitement in his eyes.

"Good guy."

"It actually worked."

And the Black Dragon showed countless horror.

"The righteous Yuanying of the Five Elements Yuanying?"

"This is bad. I'm afraid that the righteous way of the Northern Wilderness cultivation world will produce a Yuanying level figure, or even a figure at the level of Huashen."

But in just an instant, its concerns disappeared into smoke.

Now, it is at a disadvantage in the fight with True Lord Yunxiong, and what it is most worried about is its life.

On the other side.

The calamity cloud in the sky of Haiyun Xianzong also fell one after another with powerful calamity thunders.

However, they were all blocked by the fourth-level middle-grade defense formation of Huajie Mountain.

But the Yuanying calamity thunders, which should have lasted only eighteen, suddenly increased by twice as much, reaching thirty-six calamity thunders.

When all thirty-six calamity thunders fell and the calamity clouds in the sky dissipated,

The fourth-level middle-grade formation on Huajie Mountain was also directly struck by the thunder and turned into charcoal. The entire formation was on the verge of destruction.

This is a powerful formation that can withstand a Yuanying middle-stage True Lord.

But now it is about to be destroyed.

It is amazing.

However, a huge aura far beyond that of an ordinary Yuanying first-level cultivator also spread from the top of the mountain. (End of this chapter)

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