Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 993: Staying or Letting Go in Baiyun Mountains (Subscription Request)

By that time, if the Ling family wants to restore the rest of the world of immortality to the grand prosperity of the family today, I am afraid that even if it takes countless years, it may not be possible.

Once he leaves, it means that nearly two hundred years of hard work will be turned into ashes.

Ling Pengyun was really reluctant to give up.

He still wants to defend.

He wants to hold on to this land that can bring a better future to the Ling family.

I also want to hold on to this land that can bring endless benefits to myself.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and his eyes became extremely firm at this moment.

Then, he asked his son Ling Chengxia and the great elder Ling Chengyuan to collect the Longyuan Jiao King and the demon corpses they brought.

He also ordered the "Frost Spirit Tree", the spiritual tree that suppressed the clan in the middle stage of the golden elixir, to rush back to the Ice and Snow Valley where he was stationed.

Soon, only Ling Pengyun, Great Elder Ling Chengyuan, and Ling Pengyun's son Ling Chengxia were left here.

"Grandpa Pengyun, do you have any plans regarding the current situation?"

The Great Elder Ling Chengyuan asked after seeing Ling Pengyun's posture.


"Cheng Yuan, you will gather those good young men who have just entered Taoism but have shown their talents and are currently stationed in the clan. In addition, you will personally visit all the major areas of the clan and gather those who are stationed in the clan during this monster chaos. All the clan’s golden elixir seedlings from the realm and some trustworthy clan members were brought back to the clan.”

"The number shall be one thousand."

"And your mission, Cheng Xia, is to work with the Dragon Dragon King on your body to escort those good seedlings, keep heading north, take the sea route, cross the desolate sea area, and go to the boundless sea area to cultivate immortality. The clan members were first sent to the two branches of the clan, the Fire Dragon Sect and the Qian clan, to prevent the situation in the world of immortality from becoming uncontrollable and to leave some fire for the clan."

Speaking of this, Ling Pengyun looked at Ling Chengxia with a bit more complicated eyes.

"Once this matter is settled, Cheng Xia, please don't come back."

"This is the token of the White Shadow Secret Realm. You can enter that place in another fifty years. You should go to the entrance where we went back then. With this token and the techniques recorded in the book, you can enter that place. The secret realm opens."

"My black water turtle is in that secret realm. The black armored turtle has extraordinary qualifications. Like you, it condenses the best golden elixir. If something unexpected happens here, it depends on the two of you whether the family can regain its current strength in the future. ”

"Both Pengqiu and Pengshan from the branch are your uncles. They are also much older than you. They have rich experience in handling various matters. If you encounter problems in the future, listen to their opinions more."

"Go and arrange this."

After hearing these words, the Great Elder Ling Chengyuan and Ling Chengxia all trembled.

"Uncle Peng Yun, are we really going to this point?"

The Great Elder Ling Chengyuan said in a low voice.

"This is no longer something we can intervene in. It is even difficult for us to participate in upper-level decision-making. Things that are beyond our control will lead to endless possibilities. Preparing early is also a way out."

Ling Pengyun said.

"Uncle Peng Yun, what should we do over there in the Baiyun Mountains? Should we give it to the Red Gold Bear Clan for self-protection?"

Ling Chengyuan knew the seriousness of this matter, sighed lightly, and talked about another matter.

Previously, Moye Laojiao had said that this time he would lead a group of Jindan dragons, half-jiaos, and the red golden bear to the borders of the Yan Kingdom to cause trouble, in order to attract the Jindan stationed in Baiyun City on the front line of the Baiyun Mountains to leave the city. , and then killed them to reduce Baiyun City's defensive strength.

In the end, Baiyun City was conquered and the Baiyun Mountains that belonged to the demon clan a hundred years ago were taken back.

Even Mo Ye Laojiao wanted to destroy the Yan Kingdom.

Unfortunately, something unexpected happened, and the old dragon from Mo Ye met Ling Pengyun and King Long Yuan, and the matter became nonsense.

However, the matter was resolved.

However, no matter what, Moye Laojiao's trip was arranged by a Nascent Soul Jiao King of the "Black Jiao Lake" in the boundless Daze Holy Land.

Ling Chengyuan was also a little afraid that if the Baiyun Mountains were not taken back by the Red Golden Bear Clan, they would attract the attention of the Nascent Soul Demon King from Black Dragon Lake.

"The demon tribe is a group of bloodthirsty beasts. Giving in to the Baiyun Mountains will not change anything. The Tianxing Sect is doing the same thing."

"With the Baiyun City in the Baiyun Mountains, which has many spiritual veins and formations, if the Black Dragon Lake Dragon Clan really intends to stir up a great turmoil affecting the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World in the future, our clan can also rely on that place to attract some monsters. Clan, increase the possibility of us guarding the family territory."

Ling Pengyun said sharply.

After hearing this, Ling Chengyuan said nothing more and became silent, but his face was full of sorrow.

However, when he thought that his only son "Ling Wanhui", who was very talented, was currently in the immortal cultivation world in Zhongzhou and not in the northern wasteland, he felt a little more at ease.

At this moment, Ling Chengxia clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were even bloodshot, and he just said in a deep voice.

"Dad, don't worry."

After saying that, he followed Ling Cheng Yuan Tengfei and rushed to the clan land.

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but smile on his face as he listened to the words echoing in his ears.

"This kid has grown up a lot."

Then, he rushed to the "Baiyun City" at the boundary of the Baiyun Mountains in the Baiyun Mountains on the front line of the Yan Kingdom's monster rebellion.

One month later.

Baiyun City is still the same as before.

It’s just that there are a lot fewer Golden Core cultivators in the city, and there are more Golden Core demon corpses.

The monks who defended the city still only defended but did not attack, and the monsters and demonic cultivators who attacked the city did their best.

After Ling Pengyun returned to the city, he asked Yan Siyi and others to remove several demonic corpses. He used his attack methods to block several golden elixir demonic beasts.

But he still did not kill them.

This peaceful war can be delayed for one day.

The strength of the demons attacking the city is weak. If they fight, they can't beat the monks of Yan State in Baiyun City. They are also afraid of death. If there is no pressure from above, they would have run away long ago.

Now seeing that the monks defending Baiyun City are willing to drag it out, they are naturally happy to do so.

For various reasons, neither side wants to fight to the death.

After a few days, the other Jindan monks from various forces who were originally stationed in Baiyun City but temporarily left Baiyun City and went to help because of the Black Dragon Lake Jiaolong Clan's sneak attack on the hinterland of Yan State also came back.

The ones who went to help from Bailingmen were Bailing Zhenren, who had reached the ninth level of Jindan and was also the sect master, and Lingfu Patriarch. The rest of the Bailingmen Jindan did not dare to leave Baiyun City to prevent Baiyun City from being breached.

The one who returned from Yaowang Valley was Yaowang Zhenren, who was in the late Jindan period.

The one who returned from Qingxin Taoist Temple was the old Taoist Qingxin who was at the sixth level of Jindan.

However, at this time, they all looked a little embarrassed and were all injured.

Especially the Bailing Zhenren who had reached the ninth level of Jindan, his breath was weak, his face was pale, and the death energy around him became several times stronger.

According to Ling Pengyun's cousin Yang Siling, who was at the fake Dan realm and married into the Bailing Sect, who had a good relationship with him.

Some time ago, there were two dragons and a python that made trouble in the Bailing Territory of the Bailing Sect. They were all several times stronger than the monsters of the same level, and the two dragons and one python had the cultivation of the late Jindan stage, and their strength was extraordinary.

Even some time ago, Bailing Zhenren, who was at the ninth level of Jindan, and Lingfu Laozu, who had entered the middle Jindan stage, returned to the Bailing Sect, and cooperated with the new female Jindan "Duoling Zhenren" who stayed at the Bailing Sect to defend with the help of the mountain gate formation, but they were almost breached.

If it weren't for the critical moment, the old Bailing Zhenren directly used various methods to enhance his strength, even burning his lifespan to increase his cultivation, and stood up to repel the two dragons and one python. I'm afraid that the Bailing Sect's base would have been breached that day, and the thousands of Bailing Sect disciples who stayed behind would probably have died tragically at the hands of the three monsters.

Bailing Zhenren, Lingfu Laozu, and Duoling Zhenren, the three Jindan, had a chance to escape.

However, the other Bailing Sect Jindan who are currently stationed in this city, absolutely cannot stay here safely, and will definitely rush back.

There are countless treasures in the gate of Bailing Sect. Even if Bailing Sect is divided into factions, no one wants the gate to be lost.

And this time, Bailing Zhenren's actions made Yang Siling, who was somewhat hostile to Bailing Zhenren due to factional disputes, admire him a little.

In theory, at that time, Bailing Zhenren could have asked for help from the other Bailing Sect Jindan who were still stationed in Baiyun City.

But Bai Ling Zhenren was also an experienced person. He saw the intention of those dragons and pythons, which was to attract the golden elixirs in Baiyun City to strangle them.

Bai Ling Zhenren was afraid that the other Bai Lingmen golden elixirs in Baiyun City would be blocked and killed on their way back.

After all, apart from him and Ling Fu Patriarch, only Wu Hong, a wind spirit root cultivator, could be on the stage. The rest were only in the early stage of golden elixir cultivation. In front of such powerful existences as dragons and pythons in the golden elixir realm, they had no ability to protect themselves.

"After that battle, it is estimated that the sect master will only live for ten years."

Yang Siling sighed slightly, and there was a little more admiration on his face. (End of this chapter)

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