Ling tripod

Text Chapter 1803: The First Person in Spirit!

The jade talisman's phantom shattered, and the divine soul giant palm did not pursue it!

Xue Yiyi took this opportunity and retreated quickly, finally dodging the blow.

At this moment, his face was extremely pale, and there was blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, as if he had been seriously injured!

Lei San and Feng Qingyan, who were following him and were preparing to take action against the mysterious cultivator, were also shocked on the spot and no longer dared to move forward.

At this moment, in the void, the cold and ruthless voice came out again:

"Block a blow and avoid death!"

At this moment, more than 100,000 cultivators around the entire small mountain range were collectively stunned.

Why would the Rule Keepers take action again?

Not finished breaking through yet? This mysterious cultivator hasn’t broken through yet?

Everyone couldn't help but gasped one after another.

Among the eight Xiao Yuantian clans, Lei Shengtian, the most outstanding prodigy, has only broken through three times in a row in the Soul Realm!

Now, after three breakthroughs, this boy has not yet completed his breakthrough. Could it be that he has to break through four times in a row?

Everyone's eyes showed expressions of extreme shock.

Xue Yiyi's eyes were filled with shock and anger, and at the same time he was still frightened. If he had a life-saving treasure, he would definitely die on the spot with this blow. Even if there was a treasure, he would still be seriously injured.

Lei San and Feng Qingyan were also frightened. If they had rushed forward by themselves just now, they would not have the slightest resistance under the giant palm of the soul.

"Four breakthroughs, can he really succeed in four breakthroughs?"

"Could it be that his qualifications in cultivating the soul really have to surpass Lei Shengtian?"

"How could this person have such qualifications?"

"Who is he?"

Time passed, and four days passed.

The number of cultivators near the small mountain range has not only not decreased, but has increased. The number has increased to 150,000 or 60,000. The sky and the earth are densely packed with cultivators, but no one dares to take a step into the small mountain range. !

The mysterious cultivator's three consecutive breakthroughs have already spread throughout the spirit world, and everyone knows how powerful the rule guardian is!

At the same time, more cultivators became increasingly hot and urgent in their hearts. This soul qualification surpassed that of Lei Shengtian. If they were deprived of his talent, they would be the chosen one at the level of a saint.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for him to break through and immediately go to strike with thunder!

"It's very possible that his breakthrough failed this time!"

"It doesn't matter. If the breakthrough fails, the vitality will be severely damaged, so it's easy to take action!"

"Yes, even if the breakthrough fails, this is a soul qualification comparable to Lei Shengtian!"

Everyone was talking, and everyone had their own thoughts.

Lei San, Feng Qingyan and Xueyi Yi stood at the front.

Xue Yiyi's face is still a little pale due to his previous serious injuries, but the killing intent in his eyes is more obvious.

"Maybe I should take action too!"

Feng Qingyan's eyes flickered.

"This time..."

An inexplicable look flashed in Lei San's eyes.



In the sky, a huge shaking sound came again.

The boundless golden soul mist gathered and transformed into the fourth huge golden soul mist ring!

Breakthrough, breakthrough for the fourth time!

Surpassing Lei Shengtian, he is the well-deserved number one in terms of divine soul qualifications!

Just as everyone was shocked, one person moved!

I saw a whirlwind roaring towards the small mountain range!

This person is none other than Feng Qingyan!

He determined that this time must be the limit of breakthrough. Xue Yi was injured just now because he failed to grasp the opportunity. This time, he must not miss the opportunity. He must seize the destiny and become a holy son.

Feng Qingyan was extremely proud. No one was faster than herself. Even Lei San didn't react immediately, let alone the injured Xue Yi!

Xue Yiyi rushed out as soon as he saw Feng Qingyan. An anxious look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately followed him!

Lei San thought for a while and followed!

And at this moment, in the void, the voice came out again:

"Those who break the rules of the ring will die!"

At the same time as the sound came out, a huge soul palm roared out and struck directly towards Feng Qingyan!

"No, the wind spirit comes out!"

Feng Qingyan's expression changed. When a white light ball flew out of the wine mouth, the white light ball instantly transformed into a huge whirlwind, directly facing the giant palm of the soul!


The whirlwind collapsed instantly, Feng Qingyan spurted blood from his mouth and retreated as fast as he could!

The next moment, the giant soul palm disappeared again!

"Surprisingly, the breakthrough hasn't been completed yet!"

The blood was stagnant on the spot!

"Here, where is the limit?"

Lei San's eyes showed an extremely fearful look.

For a moment, the entire scene fell into dead silence. The more than 100,000 cultivators couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air again, their eyes were filled with shock, and everyone was speechless.

Four consecutive breakthroughs in the Soul Realm. This record has surpassed Lei Shengtian, but it is not yet its limit!

At this moment, not only the Soul World, but also the entire Xiao Yuantian was shaken.

Almost all the forces already knew that in the world of gods and souls, there was a cultivator whose soul qualifications surpassed that of Lei Shengtian.

The most important thing is that this boy is not a cultivator of the Eight Tribes, and his identity is currently unknown!

Dongling Alliance, the eighth peak!

At this moment, light flickered on Chu Yan's body, and a tyrannical aura spread out!

But what surprised many old men was that they couldn't tell the depth of their cultivation.

"This is the fourth time and it's not over yet!"

"Does this kid have no limits?"

"After many years, our Dongling Alliance finally gave birth to such a talented person!"

Several old men were almost in tears, they were extremely happy.

From the attention and surprise at the beginning to the tears of joy now, they still can't believe that these are true and that Xiao Xuan really has such qualifications.

"It seems that Xiao Xuan is going to hit the five divine soul breakthroughs!"

Qianzhi Sanren's eyes were full of expectation.

"It's just that the power of his soul is in the late stage of Void Refining. Now that he has broken through four times, it stands to reason that he has already reached the point of integrating the soul. However, he still stays in the Void Soul Refining Zone. In other words, the power of his soul is... It’s really hard to imagine that we haven’t reached a perfect fit yet!”

Hui Lao said with doubt in his eyes.

In addition, the ancestors of several peaks couldn't figure it out, and this matter was indeed strange.

"Thinking about it, there is only one reason. Although Xiao Xuan's soul broke through, he forcibly suppressed his soul in the Great Perfection of Refining the Void. In order to accumulate strength in the future, when he enters the integration, the power of his soul will reach an extremely terrifying level! It seems that Xiao Xuan can basically control the Void Soul Refining Zone in the Divine Soul Realm from now on!"

The gray old man said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"There is such a thing!"

When Qianzhi Sanren heard this, his eyes showed surprise.

"Fortunately, we reported it in time and blocked the news. Now, except us old men, no one knows about it anymore!"

Hui Lao couldn't help but say.

Now only these ancestors know that the mysterious cultivator in the Soul World is Xiao Xuan. They have completely blocked the news. Even the Soul Bridge has been temporarily blocked. Originally, they planned to let the disciples in the alliance come before Go to the rescue, but avoid being exposed, and finally give up!

"But, junior brother, I'm worried about whether Xiao Xuan can leave safely after his comfort breaks through!"

Qianzhi Sanren said.

"Absolutely. With the power of the soul reaching such a level, even if you are weak after the breakthrough, it is not difficult to activate the identity token. We old guys will wait here for this kid!"

Hui Lao said with a smile.

The other ancestors from other peaks also nodded their heads!

Day ten!

There were already more than 200,000 cultivators gathered near the small mountain range. Everyone looked at the four huge golden halos in the sky with disbelief in their eyes.

Ten days, it has been ten days since this boy broke through!

In other words, he has stayed in the Soul Realm for ten full days!

You must know that the power of the soul can only stay in the soul world for ten days when it reaches the early stage of integration, and now this son is still in the Void Soul Refining Zone and has not caused expulsion from the rule guardian. In other words, his soul cultivation level, Still in the Void Refining Stage, but with the power of the Soul of the Fusion Stage!

There is only one such person among Xiao Yuantian's geniuses, and that is Yan Xiaotian, the Holy Son of the Yan Clan.

Although Yan Xiaotian's spiritual soul cultivation is still in the void soul refining stage, the power of his divine soul is comparable to that of a cultivator in the early stage of integration. He is also the only one among Xiao Yuantian's geniuses who can be both in the void soul refining area and in the integration stage. People in the soul zone.

And this mysterious cultivator, not only that, he also achieved four consecutive breakthroughs.

It can be said that Xiao Yuantian has no one who can match him in terms of qualifications above the soul.

Among the eight tribes, with the benefit of the top leaders within the tribe, they sent elites one after another. It can be said that once this child breaks through, his death date is determined!

Without the support of a big force, and with such qualifications, he must make wedding clothes for others. At the same time, a war between the eight tribes to snatch this son's soul is unavoidable.

Wait, all the adults are waiting at this time.

In the cave.

"Damn, are you reaching your limit?"

Chu Yan's face turned a little pale at this moment, and his whole body almost felt like it was about to explode!

Within the dantian, the power of the soul vortex became more and more terrifying. Countless soul beans were swallowed by Chu Yan and turned into a rolling torrent of souls flowing into the body.

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