Life With You

Chapter 81 I'll wait for you to go home

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Song Xi comforted and said: I have also dealt with George Sheng, he keeps what he says, this time he is the one who helped send me in to see you.

Song Yuanqing said: His father had something in my hands back then, and I can't get out now, and there are too many people out there trying to trick you, if I don't find you a strong backer, you will be in danger. I can imagine his attitude towards you, as long as he doesn't go too far, don't tear yourself apart with him, now looking at the entire Night City, only he can protect you.

Song Xi nodded, I know, I won't tear myself apart with him.

After finishing speaking, Song Xi clenched Song Yuanqing's hand a little harder, resisting the instant burning of his eyes, and asked aloud, Dad, I miss you, when will you come out?

Seeing the tears in Song Yuanqing's eyes rolling down in an instant, he squeezed Song Xi's hand back forcefully. He paused for more than ten seconds. During this time, Song Xi had already guessed something, and bit his inner lip again, but the blood in his mouth was still lingering. Inner fear and sadness.

Song Yuanqing opened his mouth, took a breath first, and then said earnestly: Xiaoxi, listen to me, no matter what happens, I mean everything, you must first protect yourself, do you hear me?

Song Xi was in so much pain that he closed his eyes and wanted to nod, but his neck was disobedient and he couldn't bend it no matter what.

Seeing this, Song Yuanqing squeezed her hand and urged, Did you hear that?

Song Xi shook his head, tears fell on the table, dots one after another, like big raindrops that fell unexpectedly during the rainy season.

Song Yuanqing's eyes were filled with distress, and he said to Song Xi: If you think this way, why should I play around? You have something wrong, I really don't have to live.

Song Xi bent down and buried her face on the back of Song Yuanqing's hands. Song Yuanqing touched her face with his backhand, and what he felt was damp and warm.

A man in his fifties, who had spent half his life in the officialdom, was used to being flattered by people from all walks of life. He always dealt with it calmly, but only in front of Song Xi, his eyes turned red from crying, and he said to her in an extremely suppressed voice: Xiaoxi, it's because Dad didn't take good care of you, do you blame me?

Song Xi's entire face was in Song Yuanqing's hands, her shoulders trembled, she cried and shook her head.

Song Yuanqing whispered: You are the person my father cares about most in this world, and the person I desperately want to protect. I think every day, are you doing well outside alone? Have you been wronged? Will it be? Being bullied? If you didn't have a father like me, life wouldn't be so hard now...

Song Xijue's heart hurts to a certain limit, like walking through hell, the reason why he is still alive is because he has a reason to live.

Slowly raising her head, she looked at Song Yuanqing who was also in tears through her blurred vision. Being strong is a choice, just like Song Xi at this moment.

She opened her lips and breathed slowly, and when she calmed down a little, she said, Dad, the luckiest thing in my life is that my surname is Song and my father is Song Yuanqing. Don't worry, I will do it no matter what. Live a good life, I won't embarrass you...

Swallowing hard, Song Xi asked, Tell me, how long? How long will I be waiting for you outside.

Song Xi's instant strength made Song Yuanqing's eyes shine brightly, which was both gratifying and sad.

The Adam's apple rolled up and down, Song Yuanqing said: Seven or eight years, the longest is eight years.

Song Xi's heart didn't know whether it was numbness or invulnerability, she didn't feel the slightest pain at this moment, she just nodded without hesitation, Okay, I'll wait for you.

Song Yuanqing said: I made an agreement with George Sheng. From today onwards, for the next three years, unless you don't want to be with him, he will have to take care of you. As you said, George Sheng is still trustworthy when he speaks. , Handing you over to him is indeed a helpless act of Dad, you just treat him as an umbrella, and don't touch him if you don't want to touch him.

After a pause, he continued: In a few days, the higher authorities will announce my punishment. At that time, there will be a lot of noise from the outside world. If you don't want to hear it, don't go to the hospital for the time being, and rest at home for a while.

Song Xi didn't care about this at all, she took Song Yuanqing's hand, and asked in a low voice with red eyes: Dad, are you really corrupt?

Song Yuanqing lowered his eyes subconsciously, and was a few seconds late before replying: Don't worry about these things, trust Dad, Dad promises you, you will never wait outside for eight years.

Song Xi was taught by Song Yuanqing. Although he is far less smart than Song Yuanqing, he has finally learned some superficial things. Song Xijue's Song Yuanqing has something to say.

After a moment of silence, she changed the question again, You always know who reported it, right?

Song Yuanqing quickly shook his head, I don't know.

After all, without waiting for Song Xi to ask carefully, he took the initiative to say: Although I am inside now, the Qiao family should be afraid of me, so don't be afraid of George Sheng. If he dares to bully you, you can call Cheng Deqing. I also sent someone to bring me a message, saying that you went with George Sheng, and Cheng Deqing was also spying on me. I didn't say anything, but Cheng Deqing will take care of you, and you can contact him at any time if you encounter problems that you can't solve by yourself.

Song Xi nodded. After Song Yuanqing had finished speaking, he looked at Song Xi deeply, with infinitely distressed and doting eyes, and said after a long while, You are twenty-five years old. Dad is afraid that when you go out again, you will be married. It's all over, I think the children can call me grandpa.

Song Xi was heartbroken, tears streaming down her cheeks, she tried her best to raise the corners of her lips and said, I don't even have a boyfriend, I'm not in a hurry to get married, when you come out, I'll get married again.

Song Yuanqing said with a smile: Then you won't be an old girl anymore? I can't delay my daughter's marriage. Dad is inside, and it doesn't affect your dating outside. If you meet a good partner and plan to get married, bring it here for me to see.

Song Xi laughed while weeping: Then I'll be a high-ranking emperor from now on, and I won't accept military orders abroad, so what should I do?

The two talked and laughed, just like when they were at home. Song Xi had a very short time and forgot where she was. She hadn't seen Song Yuanqing for a long time, and she just wanted to concentrate on chatting with him until The door was knocked and pushed open.

A staff member in uniform stood at the door and said, Twenty minutes are up.

Song Yuanqing held Song Xi's hand tightly, Xiaoxi, take care of yourself outside, and ask Dad if you need anything.

No matter whether he is in a high position or in prison, if he asks his father for anything, this is Song Yuanqing's promise as a father.

For twenty-five years, he has always been Song Xi's sky, and now even the sky is no longer bright, Song Yuanqing is left with deep reluctance and resignation.

Song Xi saw that someone was coming in to take Song Yuanqing away, she panicked, she held Song Yuanqing tightly with one hand, and frantically took out the gift box from the bag with the other hand, the box was opened, it was a silver wrist watch, suitable for Song Yuanqing's age, low-key .

Song Xi put the watch on Song Yuanqing's wrist with his own hands, suppressed tears, and said with lowered eyes: Look at the watch when you miss me, I'm waiting for you to go home.

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