Life With You

Chapter 68 Someone Always Thinks About Her

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Jiang Zongheng is from Jiangcheng. He has been in Yecheng for many years and still can't get rid of the problem of speaking his native dialect when swearing. In the past, he could hear him swearing every time he walked in the operating room. Many doctors will say that translated into Mandarin: You have a brain hole!

Generally, powerful people are not very kind-tempered, and Jiang Zongheng is the best among them. His temper is so violent that the doctors and nurses outside his heart see him like a mouse seeing a cat. They really want to learn from him, but they are afraid of being scolded by him. Heart attack, after all, in Jiang Zongheng's brilliant resume, apart from his blinding titles, the most jaw-dropping thing is that he once scolded a postdoctoral doctor of medicine so much that he completely abandoned medicine and went into business, and changed his career.

This is a legend in the entire Xiehe. Doctors in other departments want to scare the doctors who are out of their minds, just say: Your Director Jiang is here.

Let's see, the doctor who is out of his mind can take out quick-acting heart-relief pills from his pocket in fright, regardless of whether Jiang Zongheng scolds himself or not, even if he scolds others, those standing beside him are sweating coldly.

Jiang Zongheng has a bad temper and a difficult personality, so there are only two students for so many years, and Song Xi is lucky to be one of them.

Listening to him swearing at the brain and putting him in prison, Song Xi has listened to it tens of thousands of times in seven years, it really doesn't hurt or itch.

With a smile on his face, Song Xi pretended to be innocent and said: It's not my fault. After the announcement upstairs, Director Ding took me down to convey to my colleagues. I didn't have time to say hello to you halfway.

After all, without waiting for Jiang Zongheng to scold, Song Xi added: Besides, how smart I am, I thought at the time, what would you do if you were here? Sure enough, I immediately blocked their mouths. gone.

Jiang Zongheng muttered angrily and distressedly, Are you saying it can be the same as me? Let me tell you something, they don't dare to rebel, but if you say it, they don't rebel on the surface, but they will also say something about you behind your back and offend others.

Song Xi smiled lightly and said, I used to think that being a doctor would be easy, just curing diseases and saving lives. If I'm lucky, I can make a few good friends at work so that the work won't be too boring. Later I found out that I'm still too young too Naive, it turns out that whether you like to look at the five sense organs or not, and whether you like it or not depends on the three views, so now it’s just a matter of curing the disease and saving the patient, as for whether it will offend others, I don’t care so much.”

Jiang Zongheng was silent for a moment, his anger subsided, and he said earnestly: You used to be too straightforward, and I was afraid that you would see the dark side, and you would not want to do this job in the future.

There was a flash of helplessness in Song Xi's eyes, but soon, she replied with a light smile: Actually, it's like this in every line of work. I'm not that fragile, and I don't want to do it every now and then. If I leave, I won't waste your education. My ability?

Jiang Zongheng scolded in a low voice, Don't do this with me.

The master and apprentice chatted for a while, and Song Xi suddenly thought of something, It's still midnight over there, right?

Jiang Zongheng gave a casual 'hmm', and Song Xi hurriedly said, Go to sleep, I'm so busy and confused, bye bye, we will talk when you wake up and have time.

After hanging up the phone, Song Xi adjusted his breathing again, opened the door and walked out.

The hospital is still the same every day, welcome and send, Song Xi doesn't have so much time to spend in intrigue among colleagues, with that free time, can she do one more operation?

Song Xi got busy and had no sense of time until he received a call from Gu Dongxu, who asked inside, Is there any news from Uncle?

Song Xi replied: Not yet.

Gu Dongxu said: It's been four or five days.

Song Xi realized later that she had been back from Yazhou for so long, but it seemed that George Sheng hadn't returned home yet, and she didn't even know if he was in Night City.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a while, Gu Dongxu immediately changed the subject and said, Are you free tonight? Please have dinner with Fat Chun.

Song Xi replied: Go and eat with Da Mengmeng, I am on duty tonight.

Gu Dongxu said: Then I'll bring you a midnight snack.

Song Xi smiled and said, I want to eat pan noodles.

Gu Dongxu didn't even get stuck, Got it.

After hanging up the phone, Song Xi didn't think about anything else, and continued to work, but Gu Dongxu was frowning.

He had always hoped for the person Song Xi went to meet in Yanzhou. He had been thinking about it for several days, and there should be some news. He only found out when he called today, and she was still waiting.

I don't know if that person from Yazhou is reliable, don't hang on to her all the time, how uncomfortable will she feel?

In the past few days, Gu Dongxu's mind is full of one person, George Sheng.

It's strange to say that Gu Dongxu has been determined to keep a distance from the Qiao family from the moment he knew his relationship with the Qiao family. Even when Song Yuanqing had an accident, he never thought of asking George Sheng for help. The first time he was sought for revenge, George Sheng found out who was behind the scenes in one night. This action was so fast that he was superficially disdainful, but in fact he was extremely shocked.

George Sheng has extraordinary abilities, if he asks him for help, even if it's just for Song Xi to meet Song Yuanqing, it shouldn't be as difficult as reaching the sky, right?

Once this kind of thought arises, it will never go away, it is like a magic spell, wrapped around Gu Dongxu's head, whether to ask or not, tortured him to the point of going crazy.

The final decision is often made in an instant.

Gu Dongxu asked himself, if face is more important than Song Xi's affairs, the answer is obvious.

Dude, for so many years, he couldn't just watch Song Xi suffering, he was just begging for someone, it didn't matter if he closed his eyes or opened them.

Thinking about it, Gu Dongxu called Qiao Shuxin, and when he was about to speak, it was still a bit difficult, and some of them said a lot, and finally bit the bullet and said: Mom, give me George Sheng's phone number. .”

Knowing Gu Dongxu's temper, Qiao Shuxin couldn't help but wonder: What do you want his phone for? Is something wrong?

Hearing Qiao Shuxin's panicked tone, Gu Dongxu immediately said: No, don't be fooled, I have other things with him, and it has nothing to do with me.

Qiao Shuxin instructed: You can find your little uncle to do things, please treat me better, he is your elder after all.

Gu Dongxu frowned when he heard that, what elder? George Sheng was only one year older than him.

Asked for a number, after listening to Qiao Shuxin's ten-minute lecture, when he got the number, Gu Dongxu's hands were wet, so he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and dialed the phone.

There was a beeping connection sound, and the other party didn't answer after five or six beeps. Gu Dongxu couldn't tell whether he was lucky or worried.

After a moment of divine effort, a cold male voice suddenly came from the phone, Hello.

Gu Dongxu, a born young master, who is he better than?

But at this time, he subconsciously tensed up, saying that he was not nervous was deceiving himself.

Hi, it's me, I'm Gu Dongxu.

Yeah. The other party was neither cold nor hot.

Gu Dongxujun blushed and wanted to call Mr. Qiao, but he was afraid that it might sound provocative, but let him call him uncle, forget it, and kill him.

He had no choice but to say without any address, only softly said: I want to ask you for a favor.

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