Life With You

Chapter 55 An urgent call in the middle of the night

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Surprised and annoyed, Song Xi stared and said, What are you doing?!

She just fell asleep, coupled with the irritability after being awakened, she looked like a cat with a blown fur.

George Sheng, who was dressed in black pajamas, was sitting opposite her, and seemed to be taken aback by her reaction. There was a flash of stupefaction on his handsome face, and then he was overwhelmed by contempt and ridicule all over the sky.

Looking at Song Xi coldly, George Sheng opened his thin lips, and replied in a low and provocative voice, Turn off, the light.

There were only two words in total, and he purposely spoke very slowly, every word was paused, and it was clearly passed into Song Xi's ears.

Song Xi instinctively turned her head to look, and saw the switch on her bedside table behind her at a glance, and she immediately glanced at George Sheng's bedside, sure enough there was no switch.

Most of the anger disappeared in an instant, replaced by the embarrassment of not being able to raise his head, Song Xi wished he could stay where he was and hide, how could he be so embarrassing.

Both of them were sitting on the bed in different postures, one was sit up in a dying sleep, the other was lying innocently on the gun, time stood still at this moment, Song Xi was in a trance, thinking it was just a nightmare.

She had experienced George Sheng's poisonous mouth, and she was afraid that he would hurt others, so before he spoke, she quickly admitted her mistake, lowered her eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: Sorry, I'm hysterical.

George Sheng pulled the air-conditioning blanket over his body, lay down and said, If you don't feel safe, don't make do with each other. It will harm others and not benefit yourself.

Closing his eyes, he was ready to sleep.

Song Xi's face was burning with flames. What Qiao Sheng said was not pleasant, but it was the truth. She had made a mistake in the first place, and she couldn't refute it.

If she could lie down in place again, she would be considered a man, but she really couldn't do it.

Getting out of bed in embarrassment, she took the blanket from the sofa and spread it on the carpet beside the bed, and took off her own pillow.

Raising his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, the room was instantly dark, Song Xiniao lay down quietly, half covered with a blanket.

The floor is not as comfortable as the bed, and a layer of carpet plus a layer of air-conditioning blanket is still uncomfortable. Song Xiping lay down with her eyes open, and when her vision got used to the darkness, she could vaguely see the bed beside her. There are upper and lower bunks, but she is playing the ground berth.

She was too concerned about face, so after experiencing the embarrassment just now, she was extremely energetic at this time, and she didn't feel sleepy for a while.

Song Xi was puzzled, why when she was with George Sheng, nine and a half times out of ten times she was at the disadvantage? Could it be that the two are not compatible?

In the silent night, Song Xi was lying under the bed, thinking wildly. After lying down for a long time, she wanted to turn over. The floor was so hard that she grinned and scolded George Sheng wickedly. She knew that she had back disease, but let her sleep on the floor. It was almost fatal.

Lie flat on your buttocks, lie on your side with your hips open, and lie on your stomach with your chest exposed.

Song Xi was tossing and turning under the bed, and George Sheng on the bed had her eyes closed, and occasionally she could hear her light sigh.

When she climbed into bed at first, he was very disdainful in his heart, thinking that Song Yuanqing's daughter was nothing more than that, a woman who took the initiative to climb into a man's bed, what good things could he think of? Eighty percent of them want to make a fake show for real, and make a temporary backing into a long-term meal ticket.

She was lying on the bed pretending to be asleep, and he deliberately ignored her to see what tricks she could come up with in the end, but she actually fell asleep in the end.

It was impossible for George Sheng to spend the night with her, and he would not leave the bed to her. After a day of intrigue, he was also tired, and was about to turn off the lights to sleep, when he suddenly exploded. Although he was expressionless at the time, he In fact, his heart was beating so fast that he was really taken aback by her.

If she didn't piss him off, he wouldn't drive her to sleep on the floor. Don't blame him, but blame her for being suspicious and sentimental.

The two of them are on one bed and the other under the bed, and they have different thoughts. If they have to find something in common, there may be only one thing: they both dislike each other.

As the night gradually deepened, both George Sheng and Song Xi fell asleep slowly, especially Song Xi. It was not easy for her to fall asleep again after being frightened. She had just dreamed of rock climbing with Han Chunmeng. Han Chunmeng almost fell halfway, and Song Xi tried hard He raised his hand and grabbed her.

Han Chunmeng held Song Xi's arm tightly, and shouted in surprise, Xiaoxi, save me, save me!

Song Xi... Song Xi!

George Sheng called Song Xixi a few times, but she didn't respond at all, so he had to get out of bed and go around to her side, only to see Song Xi lying on his side on the ground, with his right hand and right foot up at the same time, like a gecko climbing posture.

Frowning, with anxiety and disgust in his eyes, he leaned over to pat her arm, he really didn't have any sympathy for her, he was so strong that Song Xi woke up directly from his sleep.

She opened her eyes suddenly, feeling very frightened in her heart, but her face was expressionless.

George Sheng stood in front of her and said condescendingly: Hurry up, Cheng Deqing has a heart attack, and his personal doctor is not here.

When Song Xi heard this, she braced her body and thought of it almost immediately, but her waist was not strong enough, she frowned in pain, and hummed softly.

Seeing this, George Sheng was about to leave, but now he had to bend down, clasp her arm with one hand, and lift her up from the ground.

Song Xi himself was even crawling and helping, and when he got up, he frowned and asked George Sheng, When did it happen?

George Sheng said: Just now, Wang Qingbin was waiting downstairs, hurry up and tidy up.

Song Xi replied without thinking: What else do you need to pack, hurry up and leave.

After all, without waiting for George Sheng's response, Song Xi had already stepped on his slippers and ran to the door quickly.

George Sheng was stunned, looking at her back, she was still wearing pajamas.

When Song Xi, dressed in white pajamas and pajamas, appeared in the middle of the first and second floors, Yuan Bao on the first floor was the first to notice that there was surprise in his eyes on his usually calm face, and he hesitated to speak.

When Wang Qingbin saw Song Xi, he hurried forward to meet him, and said anxiously, Miss Song.

Song Xi said: I heard that Grandpa Cheng had a heart attack?

Yes, Mr. Cheng suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night. The family doctor happened to be away today. He came here for at least an hour and a half. I really had no choice but to bother you.

Song Xi said: Hurry up and take me there.

While the two were talking, they walked out quickly. At this time, George Sheng also came down from the stairs. He was still wearing pajamas on his upper body, and only changed his outer pants.

A group of several people drove to Cheng Deqing's residence. On the way, Song Xi asked Wang Qingbin about Cheng Deqing's condition and whether there were any emergency rescue equipment at home.

Fortunately, Wang Qingbin knew Cheng Deqing's situation very well, and he answered the questions fluently. Song Xi also had a preliminary conclusion in his mind. While calling and ordering the person who was guarding Cheng Deqing to give him medicine, on the other hand, he asked someone to prepare for the possible death later. Equipment available.

When she was very serious, there were only patients in the whole world, and everything else was ignored, but it was this kind of concentration that surprised and even impressed George Sheng beside her.

He glanced at Song Xi from the corner of his eye. She was dressed in white pajamas, obviously dressed in a laid-back way, but because of her seriousness and professionalism, she was inexplicably awe-inspiring.

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