Life With You

Chapter 289: Likes and Dislikes Questionnaire Survey

Song Xi met George Sheng's eyes and was speechless for a moment, then immediately replied with a smile: You don't have to pay, you just need to cooperate with the treatment.

George Sheng didn't answer and raised his hand to pick up the cigarette case on the table. Seeing this, Song Xi hurriedly asked: Can you stop smoking?

George Sheng looked up and Song Xixi said kindly: Maybe if you smoke this cigarette, the red date soup will be in vain.

George Sheng slowly took back his hand, leaned back on the sofa, and said lazily: Go ahead.

Song Xi asked: What do you want to talk about?

George Sheng opened his thin lips, neither cold nor hot, I don't want to talk about anything.

He had always been like this, and Song Xi could accept it, and replied without changing his expression and his heart not beating: Then let me ask, are you going back?

George Sheng was noncommittal, and Song Xi said to herself: Wait a moment, I'll be back soon.

She quickly left his room. The expression on George Sheng's handsome face remained unchanged, only the eyes were slightly different.

Song Xi came back soon, with a notebook and a pen in her hand. She squatted in front of the coffee table. She looked at George Sheng on the sofa opposite and asked, Let's start with the food. I know you like sweet and sour food. Things, besides dishes, such as other snacks or snacks, what kind of things do you like to eat?

George Sheng's expression was very calm, and his tone was even calmer, I won't eat.

Song Xigang was just about to take notes. Hearing this, he raised his head and replied, I saw you eating double-skinned milk last time... and you also ate strawberries on it. Do you like strawberries?

George Sheng looked at Song Xi's innocent big eyes, feeling ashamed of being provoked and exposed.

Song Xi quickly added before he lost his temper: I want to enrich your diet. For example, if you like strawberries, I can try to make you some strawberry desserts. If you like other flavors, , so I can prepare it in advance so that it doesn’t taste bad to you and you don’t like to eat it.”

George Sheng said: You don't even know how to cook home-cooked meals, but you still want to make snacks?

His tone was full of contempt.

Song Xixi replied grumpily: You can learn it, no one is born knowing everything.

George Sheng's heart beat wildly. He found that he couldn't listen to Song Xi's slight grievances and weak words. This would make him soft-hearted and make him unable to speak against her.

After a few seconds of silence, George Sheng said, Orange.

Song Xi immediately lowered his head and wrote in the notebook without looking up, and continued to ask: Is there any more?

George Sheng glanced at the fruit plate and said, I hate longan the most.

Hearing this, Song Xi raised his head and replied: This is longan.

George Sheng looked at her, Is there any difference?

Song Xi immediately explained to him the difference between longan and longan like an encyclopedia, and encouraged him not only to eat, but also to eat more, which would be good for his sleep.

George Sheng was annoyed by her nagging. He frowned and asked, You ask me what I like. Are you planning to avoid the things I like and only pick up the things I don't like?

Song Xi's eyes opened slightly, and she defended herself: Absolutely not. After that, she turned around and pointed to the tangerines on the bedside table, Look, I have prepared what you like.

George Sheng knew clearly that she hit her by mistake, so he didn't give her a good look, so he gave instructions: Bring it here.

Song Xi got up and walked to the bed, picked up the orange, peeled it off, put the peel in place, and handed the orange to him.

Squatting down again, her questionnaire will continue.

Ask: What color do you like?

Before George Sheng could answer, Song Xi added: Except black and white.

George Sheng said: Except for the ones I like, of course I don't like them.

Song Xi raised his head, with encouraging eyes and a flattering tone, Try to pick a few of the big guys out there.

George Sheng leaned on the sofa, completely acting like a young master. He paused for a few seconds and replied, I don't like pornographic things.

Song Xi lowered his head to take notes and said, You should look at it less if it's red.

George Sheng glanced at him and said, Why?

Song Xi said: Red can make people nervous. For example, irritable people will become more irritable when they see red.

George Sheng:

Song Xi raised his head after finishing writing, Oh, I didn't mean you.

George Sheng held back his temper, not because he was reluctant to scold her, but because he was unwilling to admit that he was irritable.

Question: What about sports? In addition to boxing and fitness, there are also things like running.

George Sheng replied: I don't like running.

Song Xi asked: Why?

George Sheng said: If you don't like it, you just don't like it. There are so many reasons why.

Song Xi whispered: Let's chat.

George Sheng pursed his beautiful lips. God knows that no one in this life has treated him like a living interview subject like Song Xi. He carefully explored all his preferences, as if he wanted to see through everything about him. He hated the feeling of being seen through. But now he is just digging his own grave.

Whenever Song Xi knew one of his likes and dislikes, George Sheng had the illusion that his protective film had faded.

What kind of movies or TV series do you like to watch?

George Sheng glanced at the person opposite who was engrossed in writing, with an imperceptible provocation in his eyes. He opened his thin lips and replied aloud: Horror, thriller, suspense.

Song Xi said: You can't watch these anymore. You have to watch something warm, sweet and romantic.

Do you like stage plays or musicals?

I like watching mimes.

Song Xi raised his head and said, You have such high-end taste?

George Sheng said expressionlessly, I don't like to hear nonsense.

Song Xi thought of what Han Chunmeng said about her second uncle, who was not used to it at first. Persistence is the key.

Instead of being angry, she smiled. She rolled her eyes at George Sheng, raised the corners of her lips and said, Actually, talking nonsense is also a way to vent. You just talk too little and have too much energy. I don't believe you are like me. Talk more. In short, when you are tired, you will naturally feel sleepy.”

This is true. Song Xi almost stayed up all night last night. Until now, her whole body was weighed down with energy. She regretted not having a cup of coffee before coming down.

George Sheng could see that she was sleepy and yawned secretly several times.

More than half an hour later, Song Xi squatted until her legs were numb, so she secretly sat on the stall, unable to resist eating the fruit from George Sheng's fruit plate, trying not to let her eyelids droop.

When George Sheng saw this, he said with a tone that was partly teasing and partly mocking: Did you come to me to cure your insomnia?

Song Xi was so sleepy that he didn't even have the energy to make a joke. He raised his head in a daze and weakly replied: Aren't you sleepy yet?

When George Sheng heard this, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he replied: I'm not sleepy, let's continue chatting.

Song Xi nodded, Okay.

It was almost difficult to recognize the words in the notebook. Song Xi tried his best to blink a few times to refresh himself and asked aloud: What kind of personality do you like?

George Sheng replied: My kind.

Song Xi couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing immediately.

George Sheng looked at her without blinking, with an obvious threat.

Song Xi was so sleepy that his muscles were not under conscious control. He could only smile and wave his hands, Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else.

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