Life With You

Chapter 287 Teamwork

On the way back to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Song Xi kept looking down at the medicinal formula in her hand. She said that she would not make anything too difficult and would start from the basics, so Qin Xuesong wrote a lot for her from the simple to the difficult. Of course, the easiest thing is to buy things directly, such as pears, lychees, and longans among fruits. These are all good for the heart and lungs, soothing the nerves and slowing down neurasthenia.

She watched carefully without raising her head. The elevator door opened and she stepped out. Suddenly someone hugged her waist from behind. Song Xi was startled and she elbowed her back to fight back.

Fortunately, the person behind him reacted quickly and ducked away. Song Xi turned around and took a closer look and found that it was Han Chunmeng. Her reaction was so big that Han Chunmeng was shocked. She stared round her eyes and said, Oh my god, what do you think? Murdering relatives and friends?”

Song Xi's expression was still frightened, and after a few seconds he said, Don't scare me, I might accidentally hurt you.

Han Chunmeng said: Aren't you afraid?

In the past, Song Xi was untouchable and could be said to be unfazed by favors and humiliations, but now that he had just survived the disaster, he still had lingering fears.

Her heartbeat was erratic. Song Xi breathed a sigh of relief and replied half-truthfully: I've been having nightmares lately, and I'm always worried that someone is going to harm me.

Han Chunmeng was heartless and said, There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me. Your thinking is not good enough.

As she said that, she saw the prescription in Song Xi's hand, stepped forward and said, What is this?

Song Xi said: Medicinal recipes for treating insomnia.

Han Chunmeng's eyes widened with an exaggerated expression, Are you still suffering from insomnia?

Song Xi couldn't tell Han Chunmeng, let alone that her sleep quality had deteriorated so much recently that she had to turn on the light every night before she dared to close her eyes.

It's not me, it's for others. Song Xi didn't sleep all night, and now he was a little out of his mind and a little tired.

Han Chunmeng glanced sideways at her, and suddenly lowered her voice and asked, Have you had a good time at your uncle's friend's house recently?

When Song Xi heard this, a hint of guilt quickly flashed in his eyes, and then he replied calmly: No, it's pretty good.

Han Chunmeng said: If something happens, don't hide it. You must tell me. Even if I can't help you much, I can always come up with ideas.

Song Xi responded, and Han Chunmeng asked again: Is this recipe for my uncle's friend?


Han Chunmeng said: I heard from my mother that my second uncle also suffered from severe insomnia in the early years. Later, he had to be cured by my second uncle.

Song Xi immediately turned his head with interest and asked, How to cure it?

Han Chunmeng replied calmly: My second aunt said that if you can't sleep, you are not sleepy or not tired. She takes my second uncle to run ten kilometers every day, and she also does all the hard work at home for me. My uncle did it, and I would drag him along to chat with me as soon as one o'clock in the evening. We chatted until my second uncle couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

Poor Song Xi was so enthusiastic that she planned to learn a folk remedy, but after hearing a joke, she immediately couldn't help laughing, raised the corners of her lips and said, Is it true?

Han Chunmeng said seriously, It's true. I saw my second uncle during the Chinese New Year last year. I joked with him and asked him how his sleep quality was lately. He said he was sleeping very well now, but there was one problem that made him have to sleep every night. Chatting with my second aunt, if I don’t talk, I always feel like I haven’t taken medicine.”

Song Xixiao said: We chat every night, how can we have so much to talk about?

Han Chunmeng said: My second aunt is amazing. The doctor doesn't say that insomniacs need to be cheerful. She tells my second uncle happy things every day. After talking about her own things, she talks about her relatives and friends. Finally, If it didn't work out, I would search for jokes on the Internet and watch comedies with my second uncle. At first, my second uncle found it annoying, but after a week I got used to it. Everything is a matter of habit. I can't sleep, but I can't. , are all habits.”

Han Chunmeng's last words gave Song Xi the illusion of enlightenment.

Everything is a habit.

After get off work that night, Song Xi and Han Chunmeng went to a nearby supermarket. Song Xi suddenly drove a car. Han Chunmeng expressed surprise. Song Xi said, My dad's friend lent me the car.

Han Chunmeng said sincerely: My uncle's friend is really loyal and attentive to you. You are worthy of being so kind to him.

Song Xi had mixed feelings in her heart. She wished that everyone's kindness could be pure and not exchanged for benefits.

The two stayed in the supermarket for more than half an hour and bought everything Song Xi needed. She drove Han Chunmeng to Dongxu's place. Han Chunmeng left her to eat. Song Xi said, I won't eat anymore. I want to go home and cook it myself. .”

Hearing this, Han Chunmeng raised her fist and said meaningfully: Come on, I wish you success.

Song Xicai ignored her insincere words, raised her chin, and left proudly.

Back at Cuicheng Mountain, it was already dark. Song Xi's stomach was growling with hunger. She had no time to make something for herself. She took out an individually wrapped cheese bread from the bag, which was about the size of the palm of her hand. Han Chunmeng recommended it crazily, saying She has been eating this recently, and can eat seven or eight in one sitting.

Song Xi thought of Gu Dongxu's comments to Han Chunmeng when he was angry, and couldn't help but said: You should eat less, aren't you talking about losing weight?

Han Chunmeng's scar healed and she forgot about the pain. With Gu Dongxu's coaxing, she was in a good mood and forgot about Qiao Shuxin's irritation to her.

Song Xi tore open the bag and took a bite. The bread was very soft. When she ate inside, there was a layer of cheese in the middle, which was slightly sweet and tasted great.

In addition, Song Xi refused to accept Han Chunmeng and ate just this. If Han Chunmeng said it was delicious, it would basically not be delicious.

Song Xi was very hungry and ate two in one go. After calming down the hunger in his stomach, he started to prepare the ingredients.

George Sheng was socializing outside. In the middle of the night, he leaned slightly and said to Yuan Bao, Where is she?

Yuan Baoma got up and went out, made a phone call and came back, telling George Sheng, At home.

After that, he added: Don't worry, additional manpower has been dispatched. Some of them were transferred directly from Haozi. They have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

George Sheng said: Let her stop wandering outside.

Yuanbao said: She left the hospital today and went to the supermarket with her friends. She bought a lot of things and sent her friends home. She didn't go anywhere and went directly back to Cuicheng Mountain.

George Sheng was silent, and Yuan Bao couldn't tell what he was thinking. He just smiled and muttered: No matter what, nothing can change a woman's love of shopping.

George Sheng's face was pale, but he was wondering in his heart, could it be that she went to the supermarket to buy something for him?

Thinking of the candies and aromatherapy burner on the coffee table in his room, George Sheng was indescribably happy. It was true that Song loved shopping, but most of the things she bought were not for her, but for him.

He said he wanted her to learn cooking, but he didn't know how well she was doing. Anyway, he would never eat it if it tasted bad. The person he would least embarrass was himself.

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