Life With You

Chapter 280 Don’t know how to coax women

After Song Xi returned to the bedroom, she turned on all the lights in the house. Standing in the bathroom, she saw herself covered in blood in the mirror. The bloody scene on the street immediately appeared in her mind, which scared her so much that she quickly took off her clothes. There were mottled blood stains on her stomach and chest. She took off her underwear and wanted to take a shower, but then she immediately thought of George Sheng's words to keep the wound away from water.

Wetting the towel, Song Xi wiped it over a large area, trying hard to forget those shocking scenes. However, no matter whether she opened her eyes or closed her eyes, those scenes were like a nightmare, clinging to her. She seemed to be able to hear There were tragic wails at the scene.

She kept telling herself to be calm, calm down. After coming out of the bathroom, Song Xi climbed into bed. She was a little afraid of the completely dark environment. After turning off the headlight, she left the bedside lamp on. She thought it would be better with the bright light, but Song Xi I lay on the bed with my eyes closed for a long time, so frightened that I was covered in cold sweat. Even though my body was extremely tired, my nerves never dared to relax at all.

This feeling is like cutting flesh with a slow knife, like those who are suspicious and distracted, and can only endure themselves to death in the end.

Song Xi hugged Qixi and Keke into her arms, hoping to gain some sense of security from them. Seeing the two of them sleeping soundly, Song Xi couldn't help but feel a little jealous. It was great to be able to sleep.

Thinking of sleep, Song Xi inadvertently thought of George Sheng. She only suffered from insomnia occasionally. He said he had been like this for the past ten years, but he still hadn't gone insane?

But then I thought about it, looking at his weird personality now, it's probably because he couldn't sleep well. If his insomnia could be cured... Tsk, where did he want to go?

Song Xi turned over, feeling a little irritated.

In the silent night, with the warm lamp, Song Xi couldn't sleep in bed. She found that only when she was thinking about George Sheng, those bloody scenes would not appear in her mind. Could it be that this is the legendary fighting fire with fire?

Just as she was thinking about it, her phone suddenly rang. She was in a terrible state now. How could she not be frightened?

Her beautiful eyes widened, and it took her three seconds to realize that she didn't know who was calling in the middle of the night. Song Xi was still a little annoyed until she saw the word 'S' displayed on the screen.

Why was he on the phone at three o'clock in the middle of the night?

After staring at the screen for a few seconds, Song Xi pressed the connect button and put it to her ear, Hello?

George Sheng's voice came from the cell phone, Go downstairs.

Song Xi asked: What are you doing?

He said: Come to my room.

Song Xi felt strange in her heart. If it were the second man, she would definitely think that he was harassing her, but if it were George Sheng... don't be afraid, he is Monk Qiao.

After hanging up the phone, Song Xi lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walked all the way to the door of the master bedroom on the second floor, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Come in.

Song Xi pushed the door open and walked in. Not long after, she saw a pair of long legs lying across the big bed. George Sheng was lying on the bed reading a book. Seeing her come in, he raised his eyes and motioned to the aromatherapy burner on the coffee table, Take it away. .”

Song Xi looked at the incense burner and was stunned.

What does he mean?

George Sheng's expression remained normal and he said calmly: It's useless if you leave it here. You can take it and use it.

Song Xi was naturally unhappy. Even though she was not asleep, he asked her to come downstairs in the middle of the night just to ask her to take away the things that were given to him?

Before tonight, she might not be able to hold back and ask, but now, the anger only circulated in her heart a few times. Song Xi's face was calm, he walked to the coffee table, picked up the aromatherapy burner, raised his eyes and asked: Is there anything else?

George Sheng didn't look at her, his eyes fell on the book, No.

Song Xi turned around and walked out. George Sheng, who was on the bed, raised his eyelids, looked at her back, and thought to himself that he didn't even say thank you, which was rude.

Song Xi returned to the room. She had experienced too much this day. She didn't even have the energy to be angry. She sat by the bed with the aromatherapy burner, feeling sour in her heart.

She looked up at the coffee table opposite. The candies that should have been in his room were now on her side. The two of them were upstairs and downstairs. The layout of the rooms was the same. It seemed like a few days ago, she went to his room every night. Although it was difficult to deliver medicine to him at the time, I still hoped that the relationship between the two would become closer. Now that I think about it, it is simply a dream.

Looking at the aromatherapy burner in her hand, Song Xi quite liked it. He didn't have to pull it down, she could use it herself.

After lighting the incense burner, Song Xi lay on the bed, staring at the light smoke curling up from the burner in a daze. He didn't know whether he was really sleepy or the scent of the medicine had taken effect. Song Xi fell asleep for a while, but it was just a dream. It was full of fighting and killing, and it was bloody.

Opening her eyes suddenly, Song Xi stared at the white ceiling in a daze, her body stiff. Half a minute later, the alarm clock on her phone rang, reminding her that it was time to get up and go to work.

Today she had a relatively large operation. Because the process was complicated, Ding Huiqin personally cooperated with her. When the operation lasted for an hour and a half, Song Xi was covered in sweat. The nurse next to her kept wiping her sweat with a towel. Ding Huiqin saw this , said: What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?

Song Xi lowered his head, kept moving his hands, and replied: No.

Ding Huiqin said: You look bad. Didn't you get a good rest last night?

Song Xi responded.

Ding Huiqin said: If you are tired, don't force it, I will do the rest for you.

Song Xi replied: It doesn't matter, I can do it.

The operation lasted for a total of two hours and fifty-eight minutes. The process went smoothly and the result was perfect. Ding Huiqin said, I will take out the video later and use it as a teaching material for other doctors.

A doctor's surgical procedures can be used as teaching materials. This is an absolute honor in any field. Only some directors and deputy directors with particularly senior qualifications have done this. There are only a handful of doctors as young as Song Xi.

Song Xi is famous for being serious in his profession, and only in moments like this will he show a satisfied smile.

Walking out with Ding Huiqin, Song Xi said, Director Ding, I'm going to start writing a paper recently. You can help me take a look at it then.

Ding Huiqin said: Are you starting to prepare now? Didn't you start writing already?

Song Xi concealed his guilt with a smile and replied: I didn't have any inspiration a while ago.

Ding Huiqin said: I think you still don't want to determine your professional title and raise your salary.

After making the point, Song Xi could only laugh.

Han Chunmeng was still having fun in Min City. After get off work at night, Song Xi was alone. She was planning to find a quiet place to prepare thesis materials. Someone called her. Song Xi saw that it was Huo Jiamin.

Huo Jiamin asked her to go out for dinner, and Song Xi agreed. Forty minutes later, the two met at a Japanese restaurant.

After Song Xi sat down, he smiled and asked, Why are you free to ask me out today?

Holding her chin, Huo Jiamin replied aloud: I want to ask you out to play every day. I know you are busy and I'm sorry to bother you. Today Zhi Sheng called me and said that something happened to you yesterday. I’m looking for you to come out and have a chat.”

When Song Xi heard this, he was immediately stunned.

Huo Jiamin looked at her and suddenly smiled: Don't tell him, he won't let me tell you.

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