Life With You

Chapter 243 If your child is disobedient, you must get used to it

Song Xi didn't sleep well at night and was inevitably sleepy when she went to work the next day. She usually drank water, but today she also made a cup of coffee for the first time.

Seeing this, Han Chunmeng asked unexpectedly: What's wrong with you? You didn't say that drinking coffee is bad for your brain, why don't you never drink it?

Song Xi had trouble saying that George Sheng had been tormenting her in the middle of the night for several days in a row. No matter how high her sleep quality was, it would still have some impact on her.

Pursing her lips, she sighed softly: Maybe I was working the night shift a while ago.

Han Chunmeng said: I asked you not to change the night shift. Everyone is eager to go, but you are the only one who rushes forward. As long as you guard your frontline battlefield and perform several surgeries every day, who dares to pick on you? What's the reason? Even if you choose, I'm too embarrassed to do it blatantly. It's none of his business what's going on behind the scenes, as long as it doesn't come up in front of us.

Song Xi sat aside, reading a book on traditional Chinese medicine in his hand. Han Chunmeng said, When you are tired, take a rest.

Song Xi didn't look up and replied directly: It's okay, just read for a while.

Han Chunmeng came over to take a look, and then said: What are you doing? Are you going to transfer to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine? What are you looking at?

Song Xi replied: Recently I want to take care of my body and pick up all the knowledge from university. It's a pity to lose it.

Han Chunmeng curled her lips and said with envy: The world of top academics is completely incomprehensible to us scumbags. Being able to enter the Union College has already used up all the knowledge reserves in my life. I haven't figured out this little thing yet. You'd better do it. , outside my body and in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I even wonder if Director Qin wants to take you away while our Director Jiang is away.

Hearing this, Song Xi chuckled and said, Don't tell me, Teacher Xuesong really has such an idea.

Han Chunmeng immediately laughed and said, Tell her to give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible. Director Jiang will fight her to the death.

Speaking of this, Han Chunmeng suddenly asked: Hey, how are you preparing for your thesis?

Song Xi stared at the book in his hand and said calmly: I didn't write it.

Han Chunmeng frowned, You are so good. You haven't even written a thesis in this major. You still have time to study other things. Do you want to take care of your body or save lives?

Song Xi thought to herself that saving a life is not a big deal, but helping George Sheng is more valuable than building a seven-level pagoda. Moreover, George Sheng's ten-year-old problem is a challenge for her. She likes to do things that others can't do. Yes, this sense of honor after victory brings her excitement and hard work.

Moreover, she is still waiting for his pennant.

She disliked Han Chunmeng's nagging and it hurt her ears. Song Xi raised her head and said, Have you memorized all the exam questions?

Han Chunmeng looked at Song Xi and after three seconds said, You're going too far!

After saying that, he twisted his huge, round but flexible body and walked away.

Song Xi's time in the hospital passed very quickly. An operation took at least an hour and a half from the time she entered to the time she came out. In addition, she had to run to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department in her spare time, so it was time to get off work in the blink of an eye.

Originally, Gu Dongxu wanted to invite Song Xi to go home for dinner, but Song Xi declined. After leaving the hospital gate, she first went to a nearby chain supermarket.

Taking a hand basket, Song Xi first bought a few bags of rock candy, and then walked to the children's candy section. Looking at the shelves full of various colorful candies, Song Xi couldn't help but smile in a good mood, and put each item into the basket. Pack.

Seeing Hua Mei Tang accidentally, Song Xi couldn't help but think of her childhood. Because her mother left early, Song Yuanqing was afraid that she would be sad, so she always had a variety of snacks and candies at home. Every time he watched the news at home , she would sit next to him and stuff a plum candy into his mouth after he finished drinking tea.

At first he was reluctant to eat it, but later he developed a habit. When there was no plum candy at home, he would urge the nanny to buy it.

After taking two bags of plum candies, Song Xi was lost in thought when he suddenly heard someone behind him shouting: Xiao Song?

Song Xi turned around and saw a man and a woman pushing a shopping cart not far away.

Sister Dan. Song Xi slowly regained consciousness and then smiled.

Huang Lidan smiled and said, It's really you.

When the two parties came together, Huang Lidan introduced Song Xi, This is my husband.

Song Xi nodded and greeted with a smile, Brother-in-law.

The man responded with a smile, This is the beautiful doctor you often call your favorite, right?

Huang Lidan said: Yes, I didn't expect to meet him here.

As she said that, she glanced at the shopping basket in Song Xi's hand and asked with some surprise: Why did you buy so many candies?

Song Xi had an idea and replied: I bought it for a friend's child.

Huang Lidan said: Children should not be too accustomed to it. Eating too much sugar is not good for their teeth.

Song Xi said: I'm sick and I don't take medicine without sugar.

Huang Lidan said: Today's children are spoiled and pampered. How dare they refuse to eat when we were young? When adults scare us, we will eat everything immediately.

The three of them stood face to face and chatted for a while. Huang Lidan's husband reminded her not to waste Song Xi's time. Huang Lidan said to Song Xi: Go pick it up quickly. We are also going to buy groceries. Yes, you can buy some candied fruits after taking the medicine. Eat a piece of candied fruit and there will be no bitter taste in your mouth.

Her husband said: Or cooking some sweet soup at home is better than eating sugar.

Song Xi responded and asked where the preserves were sold. The three of them said goodbye and went their separate ways.

It was still bright when we came out of the supermarket, but by the time we took a taxi home, it was already dark.

After Song Xi entered the door, she went straight to the kitchen. There were two medicine jars, one black and one white. She boiled the medicine first. The black jar on the left was for George Sheng to remove kidney fire, and the jar on the right was the medicine Qin Xuesong prescribed for her. Body prescription.

After the medicine was cooked, Song Xi was also hungry. He took out the fried noodles and two dishes he bought in the supermarket, put them in the microwave, and set the time.

It was only around eight o'clock in the evening. Song Xi went upstairs to take a shower and came down. Unexpectedly, there was an extra person at the entrance. He was stunned for a moment. Song Xi asked with surprise in his eyes: Why are you back so early?

George Sheng changed his shoes and walked in. When he heard this, he replied in his usual indifferent and unscrupulous tone: You still have to find time to go home?

Song Xi resisted the urge to pout, and turned around and entered the kitchen without saying anything.

The food was already hot, and she brought it to the table. Just as she was about to sit down and eat, George Sheng's voice suddenly came from behind her, I haven't eaten either.

Song Xi turned to look at him and asked reluctantly: Then will you eat with me?

George Sheng replied, ‘What do you think? ' Looking at him, Song Xi had no choice but to go get him a pair of chopsticks and a bowl.

When she came back, George Sheng had already sat down. Looking at the simple fried noodles and two side dishes on the table, he couldn't help but look up at Song Xi, Why are you getting more and more stingy?

Song Xi was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with surprise.

George Sheng said directly: When you didn't get the money your father left for you, you didn't live in such a tight situation.

Song Xi's eyes flashed with displeasure, and he suppressed his temper and replied: I'm fine eating by myself. A portion of fried noodles is enough for a normal person.

With her standard equipment, it is not considered luxurious in the hospital, but it is also considered business.

Hearing this, George Sheng asked nonchalantly: You think I'm redundant?

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