Life With You

Chapter 213 Princess Hug

There was no other way to wait like this. There was no way. Song Xi held an umbrella in one hand and took out her mobile phone from her bag with the other hand. Her bag was already soaked. Fortunately, her mobile phone was still fine. She used her mobile phone to call a car, and soon she was there. Someone takes the order.

Not long after, the familiar license plate number came from far away. Song Xi waved her hand, and the car stopped beside her. Before she could open the door, the window was lowered. The driver sat in the car and looked at her with a troubled expression. Said: did you do this?

Song Xi's face turned pale and he replied, I'll add more money.

The driver was obviously a little embarrassed. He said No first, then took off the empty license plate and said, Come up first.

Song Xi finally got into the car, the door was closed, and the driver couldn't help but said: You are carrying an umbrella, why are you all wet?

Song Xi had no expression on his face and replied softly: It's for someone else.

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror and said with a half-smile: You are too thorough in helping others, aren't you?

Song Xi didn't respond, only feeling cold all over and shivering uncontrollably.

The driver drove towards Cuicheng Mountain and chatted with his colleagues on the communication device on the way. Someone inside said: There was a traffic accident just in front of the Guoan Building. There was an old man in the car who had a heart disease. There was a traffic jam here and the ambulance was still there. He didn't arrive, but guess what? A little girl came running from behind against the rain. She looked like a doctor. She borrowed an umbrella from someone and braved the rain by herself. She held an umbrella for the patients and their families, and forced the old man to go. Going out, we all said, luckily she is here, otherwise that person would probably be finished today.

The driver didn't react at first. He was about to say that he also had a passenger who was soaked in the rain. But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly woke up, turned to look at Song Xi and said, Little girl, is that you?

Song Xi's heart was beating fast and her head was buzzing. Just now, when the driver was talking to someone, her left and right ears were buzzing. She seemed to understand, but she didn't. She endured the discomfort and said, Master , could you please turn on the air conditioner?

At this time, the driver looked at Song Xi no longer with disgust, responded instinctively, and immediately turned on the air conditioner.

It was summer, and the air conditioner was blowing cold air. Song Xi was soaked and her clothes stuck to her body. After five seconds, she couldn't help but said: Master, help me adjust the hot air.

The driver was also in a panic. He cursed himself for being stupid and quickly turned the cold air into hot air.

Little girl, you look bad. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Shall I take you to the hospital?

Song Xi shook her head. Such a simple movement made her feel dizzy. It was over, and she was probably going to catch a cold again.

Not wanting to talk, she leaned on the back seat and closed her eyes to rest. The driver turned up the air conditioning heater, and the temperature inside the car gradually increased.

Song Xi was in a daze, her body felt cold and hot. In a daze, she just wanted to go home, to the government building, to her own home.

It’s not like she has never come out of the operating room for more than ten hours in a row. She didn’t even have time to eat. After she came out, it felt like someone had drained a thousand cc of blood. People who didn’t know it thought she was seriously ill. , whenever this happens, she wants to go home and sleep in darkness. She is not sick, but just too tired.

The driver took Song Xi to the place, turned around to see her eyes closed, and the sides of her cheeks were abnormally red, and whispered: Little girl? We're here.

Song Xi was not asleep. The driver called out. She immediately opened her eyes, then slowly raised her heavy arms, wanting to give him money.

The driver hurriedly said: No, no, I won't charge you any money. Where do you live? Do you want me to take you back?

Song Xi squinted all the way, but her physical condition did not get better, but became more serious. Her eyes seemed to be popping out, and she had a splitting headache. She was really speechless, so she just shook her head.

The driver came out in the rain to help her open the door, and also picked up her umbrella and held it open for her.

Song Xi got out of the car and whispered, Thank you.

The driver asked: Can you do it alone?

Song Xi nodded.

The driver watched her leave and quickly got into the car. Less than ten seconds after the car drove away, a message came from his mobile phone that the user had paid.

Song Xi resisted pressing the button to confirm payment. Feeling dizzy, she put away her phone and walked back.

She felt cold before in the car, but now she was outside, and her whole body felt like it was on fire. Her feet were on the ground, as if she were stepping on cotton. One foot was deep and the other was shallow. Her whole body was floating of.

It usually only takes five or six minutes to walk, but today it took more than ten minutes. When Song Xi saw the familiar door, she could barely breathe.

Standing under the eaves, she hung her umbrella upside down on the umbrella stand nearby. There were two umbrellas on the umbrella stand, and the other one was also wet.

Taking out the key and opening the door, Song Xi held on to the door frame and took off her shoes. Her feet were wet. She simply bent down and planned to carry the slippers back to the third floor. But as soon as she lowered her head, the world suddenly spun, and everything in front of her was pitch black. She squatted at the entrance. , didn’t stand up for a long time.

George Sheng flashed from the direction of the kitchen, carrying a bottle of mineral water in his hand, wearing a black bathrobe, and his hair was half dry. He had just finished taking a shower and came down to drink water when he was thirsty. I glanced accidentally and saw a person curled up at the door. I took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't Song Xi?

He stood there and looked at her quietly for five seconds, ten seconds... She never moved.

Frowning lightly, George Sheng walked towards her, stood one meter in front of her, looked at her and said, What are you doing squatting here?

Song Xi put her face on her knees and heard the voice coming from above her head. She also heard that it was George Sheng talking. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but she couldn't. What made her most powerless was that at this moment, she She couldn't even stand up, and she felt uncomfortable being looked at by him so condescendingly.

George Sheng stared at her unblinkingly, unable to wait for her answer. He should have turned around and left, but instead he bent down unexpectedly, grabbed one of her arms, and tried to lift her up.

Song Xi's body was as weak as plasticine. George Sheng gave a little force and she fell down. Instead of standing up directly, she fell to one side. When George Sheng saw this, his movements were faster than his brain. He immediately took a step forward and used The weight of his arm across her body didn't make her fall to the ground, but instead she fell onto him.

Song Xi completely lost all awareness of his body. He couldn't feel his legs, couldn't feel standing, and couldn't even feel the support of George Sheng's arms.

With her lips slightly open and eyelids drooped, she looked like a drowning person, unable to struggle, leaving only a slight gasp.

Only then did George Sheng see that her cheeks were red, and the skin he touched was as hot as a branding iron.

There were no less than ten words in his mind that wanted to scold her, but when the words came to his mouth, George Sheng felt stuck in his throat and said nothing. He bent down slightly and put his arm through her knees. The next second, Song Xi The whole person was lifted into the air by him.

This time, her feet completely lost the feeling of being on the ground. Song Xi lay flat on her back, and the beautiful decorations on the ceiling flashed before her eyes. As she looked at them, she closed her eyes exhausted.

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