Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 45 It’s broken, I’ve become a salted radish

When Kitami Minoru received a call from Tamura Koji, he was sitting down to drink water and replenish salt after his morning run.

The other party suddenly called me, his tone full of excitement.

"Beicheng-kun! He's out of the entertainment industry! "The Grudge" is out of the entertainment industry!"

Tamura Koji's voice on the phone was very excited.

Mainly because it’s really hard not to get excited.

You must know that the first-day box office performance of "The Resentment" can only be regarded as above average.

Tamura Koji held his breath and did not inform Kitaki Minoru specifically.

As for the steadily rising box office revenue of 13.67 million yen on the second day and 16.98 million yen on the third day, as well as the reputation of "The Resentment" that continues to ferment outside and the gradually rising popularity. The film schedule rate, all this proves that "The Resentment" is indeed gradually becoming popular.

Tamura Koji finally couldn't hold it in any longer, so he called Kitumi Minori early in the morning.

Because the most important thing is not the rising evaluation and reputation of "The Resentful Son".

But while "The Grudge" is gradually rising in popularity, it also brings the name of its own heroine "Kitasumi Minoru" into the audience's horizons.

Ziyi, who has never been heard of before, showed mature acting skills.

It even made the audience's scalp numb with fear in the center of the screen, occupying an important position in the entire movie with a sense of hair-raising horror.

In this way, the curiosity of the audience was naturally aroused.

Especially in this era where appearance is justice.

After seeing Minoru Kitazumi's handsome and cute face even after being made up in a ghastly way, she immediately started to pursue her.

It's a strange world.

Obviously, the image of Kitumi in movies always appears with his eyes covered by bangs, and he looks 'gloomy', 'creepy' or even 'scary'.

But the beauty that occasionally shows off will still be caught by people, and people will start to pursue it.

Likewise, probably because of the saying that ‘others’ will always attract ‘others’.

As the "alien" time traveler in the sub-game, Kitumi Minori has also attracted the attention of another part of the audience who are "alien".

Why are these people said to be aliens?

Perhaps their preferences are different from those of ordinary people.

Most people mainly look at acting and appearance.

But they are different.

What they like is actually Kuroda Naichi's sinister and malicious eyes as if through the screen.

Videos with some outrageous titles such as 'Mizu looks at me like I'm looking at trash, it's really cool', 'I also want to be kidnapped by Mizu, fixed on a chair, and let him do whatever he wants to me' , began to spread on a small scale on tiktok, a popular software among young people.

This is somewhat mixed with other sexual interests.

It made Beicheng Minori feel a little uncomfortable all over.

But no matter what.

Although not as exaggerated as Tamura Koji said.

But in the circle of niche horror films.

Kitaki Minoru is indeed a little popular as a sub-contractor.

After Tamura Koji excitedly explained the current trends on the Internet to Kitacumi Minori, he deliberately waited for a while, wanting to hear Kitacumi Minoru's excited voice on the other end of the phone.

However, he waited here for a long time.

There was still no movement from Beicheng Minoru over there.

This made him wonder:

"Beicheng-kun, what's wrong? You don't seem particularly happy?"

If the children of the same company heard about this result and asked their parents for some pocket money to buy a lollipop or two, why would Kitazumi not even feel excited about asking for a lollipop?

You know, even when he walked in the office today, some colleagues stood up and congratulated him with a smile.

It's completely different from the previous feeling of looking at low-level agents. It's more like his ability to cultivate subordinates has been affirmed - although Kitumi Minoru's current growth is not something he has to worry about for the time being.

But even so, such great good news is enough to make Kitachi Minori overjoyed.

Why is there no movement from the other party?

He was a little surprised, so he asked.


Kitaki Minori heard the voice of Tamura Koji on the other end, and then she reacted and said with a smile: "I'm quite happy."

He was very happy.

Even you are exaggerating, right? He was breathing heavily when he spoke, and his voice was slightly distorted with excitement.

Didn't you just hold my hand a few days ago and say you wanted to make me a first-class servant?

Where is this? Is your enthusiasm about to ‘burn out’?

This is still my new account

Kitazumi rubbed his eyebrows, still remembering that Tamura Koji grabbed his hand after watching the movie two days ago and said that he wanted to become a first-rate subservient.

As a result, there is only a tendency to become a little angry, and I start to gasp for breath when I talk.

Tamura Koji coughed dryly, obviously he also realized his gaffe.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised in his heart.

This kid's mental state is so calm.

There is a feeling of honor and disgrace.


You are indeed my favorite son-in-law! Ten points deserved!

Tamura Koji silently gave Kitumi another ten points in his heart, and then smiled and talked about business:

"Anyway, Beicheng-kun, your performance in "The Resentment" is very good. In addition, I have good news here."

At the end of the sentence, he deliberately sold it off: "Would you like to guess what the good news is?"


In addition to "The Resentful Son", there is also good news on his side.

That's about upgrading Kitumi Minoru's treatment.

It's been mentioned before.

AR Shikama Training Center mainly operates with an elite strategy.

The shikama under its umbrella are classified into six levels: A/B/C/D/E/F.

Needless to say, the A-level is the mainstay of the AR Shikama Training Center. There are only two people in the entire training center, and they are at the level of Akiyama Shion in the industry.

The B and C levels are the so-called second-rate shikama, who can get jobs, but most of them are only jobs for major supporting roles, and there are few opportunities to be the main actors.

As for D, E, and F, there is actually nothing to introduce about the last three levels. They are nothing more than low-level shikama who play minor roles and rest for ten months out of twelve months a year - Kita Sumire was a D-level shikama before.

But this time Kita Sumire's performance was really eye-catching.

He has prepared written materials and is ready to propose an upgrade for his salary at today's morning meeting.

At least he can be C-level, right? Maybe he can go directly to B-level?

He thought excitedly.

You know, since he met Kita Sumire, he has had a sense of crisis.

Kita Sumire doesn't need him to introduce jobs, doesn't need him to introduce connections, and even expands his connections.

This is simply treating him like a salted radish!

But is he a salted radish? !

He is Tamura Mitsuji! A man who aspires to be the best agent! How can he always be led by an eight-year-old child?

And this time is his rare opportunity to show off.

He must make Kita Sumire's salary upgrade thorough and leak-proof, so that Kita Sumire, an outlier among the sub-actors, can also praise him sincerely!

But what Tamura Mitsuji didn't expect was that he had just opened his mouth.

Kita Sumire on the other side seemed to have expected something: "Are you going to upgrade my salary?"

He continued.

"Mr. Tamura, I have already taken care of the work over there. Last time I went there, I had already submitted the paper materials for the application for the upgrade."

"I performed quite well in "The Grudge" this time. The General Affairs Department should send you a new contract soon. When the time comes, please come to pick me up and I will go over to sign it."

He arranged things very clearly, and even Kita Sumire had arranged what Tamura Koji would do next.

No? You? Huh?

Fight for the treatment of the subordinates.

Isn't this my job?

Does it mean that you also do my job?

Are you still a subordinate?

Do you know that you are only eight years old?

Or you can just be an agent too?

Can't I just quit now?

The corners of Tamura Koji's mouth twitched.

It's a good thing that the subordinates are capable.

But this subordinate is too capable, isn't it?

In Kita Sumire's affairs, Tamura Koji didn't feel involved at all.

This time he finally had a chance to show off, but Kita Sumimi got the job first?




Huh? ? ?

Tamura Koji touched his head and sat down with a confused look.

It's bad.

He seemed to be raised as a "big salted radish" by an eight-year-old child.

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