Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 279 Crisis is an opportunity (4200 words)

Chapter 279 Crisis is an opportunity! (4200 words)

Has the AR child training center offended someone?

When Kawamura Takefumi said this, Kita Sumi immediately became alert.

Fortunately, Kawamura Takefumi is also an old hand. He has been in the industry for so long and doesn't like to keep people in suspense. After throwing out the first sentence, he threw out all the information he knew like a string of beads.

The meaning of the words is also very simple.

The general statement is that there may be peer firms in the industry that are jealous of Kita Sumi, so they exposed the fact that Maejima and Ogawa bullied other child actors.

This matter seems to be aimed at the AR child training center and Maejima and Ogawa, but in fact it is aimed at Kita Sumi.

The fact that Maejima and Ogawa bullied other child actors is just a breakthrough to attack the AR child training center and Kita Sumi.

Kita Sumi nodded his head after listening.

In fact, even if Kawamura Takefumi didn't come to inform him, he actually realized that something was wrong in his heart.

After all, this happened by chance.

And he had already taken action to rectify the bullying of other actors by Maejima and Ogawa last year.

In addition, this matter happened within the AR actor training center.

Even the agent and the professional teacher who taught singing and dancing skills did not notice it.

How come it was suddenly dug out by a bunch of outsiders this year like a treasure?

And Maejima and Ogawa are not famous actors at all, and the AR actor training center is just a small actor agency. There is nothing to attract readers on both sides.

The journalists of the home entertainment column are not fools, and it is impossible for them to do such a thankless task.

But do you want to say that this matter has an impact?

"To be honest, the impact is quite large, and it has indeed affected you, Kitasumi boy."

When he said this, Kawamura Takefumi also had a headache.

The topic of children is sensitive, and the bullying of actors in the industry is even more fuel to the fire.

Kita Sumire is the biggest focus of the current shoujo industry and the poster shoujo of the AR shoujo training center.

The industry reputation of the AR shoujo training center has been affected, and the evaluation of Kita Sumire, who is tied to it, will naturally be affected.

And this is also the most headache for Kawamura Takefumi.

The second season of "Little Canteen" is about to start filming.

The first person he thought of was naturally Kita Sumire, his "lucky general" from the previous season.

Kita Sumire is easy to use, sensible, and his acting skills are not bad. He can be called the ceiling of contemporary shoujo.

Add to that his current popularity

There is no need to think about it.

As long as there is no problem, the position of the main role in the second season can be said to be Kita Sumire.

Kawamura Takefumi also thought so.

But who knows?

There really is a problem!

Once the bullying of shoujos in the AR shoujo training center was exposed, it attracted the attention of everyone in the industry.

The same is true for their Dongguan TV station.

Kawamura Takefumi simply revealed all the information he knew: "The production department is now discussing whether to replace you and choose another male role."


When this was said, Kitasumi was a little surprised: "I thought that even if there was a problem with the AR male role training center, you would choose me to audition."

"I originally thought so too. Even if there was a problem with the AR male role training center, it shouldn't be you who should take the blame, but the situation is different this time."

When Kawamura Takefumi said this, his voice paused.

"Kitasumi boy, do you know that Tachibana Ayumi has potential ratings?"

Tachibana Ayumi?

Kitasumi was stunned.

Because he really had an impression of this male role.

He was also a very famous male role in the male role industry, and his business ability was on the same level as Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

Of course, Kitasumi was able to remember the other party for more than just this reason.

The most important thing was that he remembered that he had snatched the other party's work several times.

The first time was Shiraishi Jun's "Night Walk", and the second time was the recording of "Meizi's Role is Here!".

There were actually a lot of other interactions afterwards.

But basically, Kitasumi took away all the job opportunities of Tachibana Ayumi, who was also a competitor.

As for the estimated ratings.

The TV station will estimate their "potential ratings" based on each artist's comprehensive performance, TV ratings, and generation ratings each episode - that is, how much ratings this artist will bring by participating in this TV series.

For example, the famous Kimura Takuya revealed some time ago that his potential ratings were 13.1%, and his basic salary per episode was 3.5 million yen.

This is actually a routine agreed upon between the industry and TV stations.

It is mainly convenient for TV stations to calculate basic salaries based on this data.

"And judging from the ratings estimate for this episode, Kitasumi, your potential ratings are 9.21%, which is only 1.2% higher than Tachibana Ayumi."

"So my ratings estimate is so low?"

"Kitasumi, 9.21% is already a remarkable achievement."

Hearing Kitasumi's surprised voice, even Kawamura Takefumi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

9.21% ratings, this result can be said to be quite outstanding.

In the Japanese industry, it belongs to the category of popular artists.

Therefore, Kitami Minori's basic salary this year is completely different from last year - Hikaru's basic salary per episode reached an astonishing 1.25 million yen.

This number can be said to be quite terrifying.

The salary of 1.25 million yen per episode is really something that the average production team cannot afford.

What's more important -

"Boy Beicheng, you haven't filmed a few TV series in total, right? It's normal for the ratings to be a bit low."

That's right.

It has only been a year and eight months since Kitumi joined the industry, and most of it was film shooting, with only two or three TV series being shot.

The most outstanding ones are "Night Walk" and "Little Canteen".

It has been four years since Tachibana Ayumi officially entered the industry.

The filming of TV series was even more merciless.

In this way, he could barely catch up with Kitaki Minoru.

One can imagine how terrifying Kitumi Minoru's rising speed is.

This has already happened, but this little thing is still not satisfied.

"But the ratings of TV dramas can't just be judged by their potential ratings. Uncle Kawamura? I'm confident that I can perform better than Tachibana Ayumi. He doesn't know how many times he has lost to me. I want him to take over the TV series I have acted in." , I’m afraid this is a bit difficult, right?”

Kitaki Minoru spoke with a smile, and at the same time did not forget to say "Tachibana Ayumi".

After all, he and the other party are now considered competitors.

And what he said is true.

The so-called 'potential ratings' are nothing more than words on paper. You must know that the TV ratings in real shooting are not only linked to the performance of the actors, but also have a great relationship with the scripts of the director and screenwriter.

Therefore, the table of potential ratings is only for reference at best. Anyone who takes this thing seriously is a real fool.

"I know all the things you said. Even now, I actually give priority to you as the main protagonist."

Kawamura Yuefumi sighed.

The main protagonist of the second season of "Little Cafeteria" must be Kitazumi Minoru.

That's how he sees it.

He doesn't care about potential ratings or scandals at the AR subcontract training center.

This has nothing to do with him as a director.

As a director, the most important thing for him is to shoot perfect works that all audiences will buy into.

That's all!

Kitami Minori's performance in the first season is obvious to everyone.

He should be allowed to film the second season.

So when I heard that the production company was interested in replacing Kitazumi Minoru.

He came to express his opposition - there is no reason why an actor with excellent acting skills should not be used because of some boring rumors from the outside world.

But who knows.

It’s not just Kitazumi’s position as the main player that cannot be kept.

Even his position as director can be said to be 'precarious'.

The reason is simple.

It's been mentioned before.

Kawamura Takefumi is an employment-based director, which is equivalent to the kind of director who signs a contract to receive a salary and will leave when the employment is over.

So strictly speaking, he is not the director of the Dongguan TV faction.

And this also made some people think wrongly.

The first season of "Little Diner" was quite successful in terms of ratings.

It stands to reason that if "Little Canteen" is moved to a more perfect time slot in the second season, its results will only be better, not worse.


"The guys at Dongguan TV plan to use the second season of "Little Cafeteria" to promote the directors within their TV station. The people in the production bureau have already made a decision."

When he said this, Kawamura Yuefumi was really angry and laughed.

Bastard! This is not how you kill a donkey by removing the grinding wheel!

The TV series I finally made last season, this season you can pick peaches.

Isn't your appearance looking too ugly? !

The key is that Kawamura Takefumi also got the news.

The director who kicked him in the butt this time seems to be a relative and friend of the TV station's managing director, named Kodai Shiga.

It seems that Tachibana Ayumi was also contacted by this guy.

Mainly for the sponsorship brought over by Tachibana Ayumi's investors.

It was instantly clear.

It turns out that not only did the other party plan to replace Kitami Minori, the other party also planned to replace him as the director from the beginning.

After hearing the news, Takefumi Kawamura almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage from anger.

Isn't this just a case of nepotism? !

It made him feel like he was holding his breath in his throat and couldn't spit it out.

But what Kawamura Takefumi didn't expect was.

After listening to his words, Beicheng Minoru over there didn't look at all flustered or angry.

He even laughed cheerfully and added: "Really?"

"." Kawamura Yuewen.

Are you still ‘really? ’

What I'm talking about is that the two of us may be doomed.

Kitami Minori was affected by the 'boy bullying incident' at the AR yakuza training center, and her work in the autumn season is not expected to go too smoothly.

The most intuitive and direct way to break this influence is to appear on the screen, break doubts with your own acting skills, and coupled with the crisis public relations of the AR Ziying Training Institute, maybe you can turn the crisis around.

Why is Kitumi Minori still so optimistic?

"The main reason is that it's useless to care too much. And Uncle Kawamura, I don't think the filming of the second season of Dongguan TV's "Little Canteen" will go smoothly."

"That's true."

Listening to Kitumi Minoru's words, Kawamura Yuefumi was stunned for a moment and then laughed out loud.

It's true, if you don't let me take pictures, I won't let you take pictures.

You should know that the reason why the last season of "Little Diner" was so successful was that the key was to choose Kitasumi Minoru as the owner.

Because Kitasumi Minoru's acting skills are so excellent!

The owner in the script is clearly an expressionless face.

But under Kitasumi Minoru's acting skills, even the manager's expressionless face seems to be emotional.

It is very difficult for even adult actors with excellent acting skills to express emotions through expressionless faces to reach Kitasumi Minoru's level - Kawamura Takefumi doesn't think that Tachibana Ayumi can reach Kitasumi Minoru's level.

And this season?

Not only did the best main role change, but the director was also replaced, and a nepotism director came on stage.


If you want to shoot, shoot!

I want to see what you can shoot!

I have to say that after the "lucky general" Kitasumi Minoru's comfort.

Kawamura Takefumi's mood has also improved a lot.

He reminded Kita Sumire again, asking him to be careful in what he said and did during the time when AR Actor Training Center was caught in the storm, and not to cause any more trouble.

At least, he had to wait for AR Actor Training Center to conduct crisis public relations and get through the storm during this period.

This is similar to the saying that "the Internet has no memory".

Kita Sumire's acting skills are good enough, and it is normal for him to want to rise again after the storm.

Kita Sumire naturally agrees with this point.

After all, the other party's move is completely aimed at AR Actor Training Center.

He has no good solution for the time being, so he can only try not to let this fire burn on himself, so as not to expand the impact again, which is even worse for AR Actor Training Center.

And Kita Sumire himself has other things to deal with.

It's just that Kita Sumire thought very well, thinking that nothing would happen, and the public opinion storm slowly subsided.

But as the popularity of "Reiwa's No. 1 Beauty" and "The Scenery in the Eyes of Father and Daughter" rose again, the newspapers naturally began to discuss him, the most popular child prodigy at the moment.

As a result, the impact of the AR child training center's incident has expanded again.

The incident of Maejima and Ogawa bullying other child workers continues to ferment.

Even though the AR child training center has dealt with Maejima and Ogawa, removing the two from the agency's list, it has not forgotten to issue public apologies and other public relations measures.

Even Okano Yoshiko has worked overtime for many days in a row, but she can't suppress the continued fermentation of the discussion.

In addition, bullying is a vicious incident.

While blaming the AR child training center for poor management.

Various rumors began to spread in the market.

What AR child training center forced every child worker to inject slimming injections, for example, the child training center charged high fees, causing the child worker's family to go bankrupt. These rumors are of various kinds, and some of them are pure rumors and slander.

But 'it's easy to make a rumor, and it's hard to refute it'. The AR child training center is already overwhelmed, and it is even more difficult to deal with these false rumors at this time.

And this discussion lasted for two days.

A newspaper suddenly revealed a live record of Kita Sumimi bullying children from the same school when he was in Nerima Elementary School.

This time, public opinion was in an uproar, and began to comment on Kita Sumimi, who rose like a rocket and had the shadow of a top star in the sumimi industry.

"It's finally here."

Kita Sumimi glanced at the news on his phone.

Just as he expected.

The incident of teaching those naughty kids who bullied the original owner a lesson in Nerima Elementary School.

Sure enough, it was also brought up in this incident.

But it's okay.

Negative news is not a bad thing.

As long as the original owner can be clearly explained.

The direction of public opinion will become the direction in which the bullied are forced to fight back.

It can also break through the current public opinion storm with AR sumimi training!

Take a shower and continue writing! Come on!

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