Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 277 Isn’t that my boyfriend’s office? (4200 words)

This is indeed very strange.

Because it is already the end of August, and the summer schedules of Japan's major TV stations and theaters are almost over. If you wait for a while, they will enter the new autumn schedule.

At that time, major TV stations will launch large-scale TV series within the schedule, and theaters will also re-release a batch of new movies.

And now that Dongguan TV has decided to film the second season of "Little Canteen".

So according to the specific shooting process, as the director of "Little Cafeteria", Takefumi Kawamura should have sent himself a shooting invitation at this time.

After all, it is definitely better to let the actors know some shooting details as early as possible, so that they can be better prepared.

But judging from the current situation, there has been no news from the filming team of "Little Canteen". This is not a good sign.

Kitaki felt quite strange, and at the same time, he told Tamura Koji next to him about his doubts.

"Indeed. According to Beicheng-kun, this is indeed a bit strange."

Tamura Koji frowned.

As Kitaki Minoru said, the notice that should have come in advance did not come. This is indeed abnormal.


"I think there's actually no need to worry too much."

Tamura Koji put the tea cup in his hand on the table, thought for a while, and expressed his opinion.

"Oh? What do you think, Tamura-san?"

Kitazumi raised his eyes, and he was a little curious about where Tamura Koji's optimism came from.

"The reason is very simple. Beicheng-kun, you are the main protagonist in the first season of "Little Cafeteria"."

What Tamura Koji said does make sense.

In the first season of "Little Cafeteria", Kitumi Minoru's performance was quite outstanding.

In the last episode, "Little Canteen" even reached the top four in the season's popular list with an average rating of 11.7% and an instant ratings of 12.7% in the late-night slot that had almost withered.

This ratings result is enough to be called excellent.

There is no reason why Dongguan TV Station needs to replace him as the main protagonist.

Besides, Beicheng was still the main protagonist in the first season.

You must know that changing the generals on the spot is a taboo, not to mention that Kitumi Minoru's performance as the main player is quite eye-catching.

This is even less reason to replace Kitazumi.


"It should be that we are still discussing sponsorship with the sponsors of the TV series, or maybe moving "Little Cafeteria" to a better time slot. If we are more optimistic, Beicheng-kun, maybe the TV station and them are already discussing it right now. What about the advertising problem in the second season of "Little Cafeteria"?

Tamura Koji's voice paused, and then he spoke cheerfully.

"When the time comes, Beicheng-kun, as the main protagonist, will definitely be able to earn another amount of advertising endorsement fees."

"Tamura-san, this is too optimistic."

What Tamura Koji said did make sense, but when he heard the rest, even Kitazumi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

The first two points are easy to say.

After all, the first season of "Little Canteen" did have excellent results, and the second season will definitely attract a number of sponsors to invest. It does take time to select suitable sponsors and negotiate matters.

The second point is also normal.

The first season of "Little Diner" ended with an average ratings of only 11.7%, and it was so difficult to break through 10%. The main reason was that the late-night slot was too bad.

As long as it is broadcast at another time, it can easily exceed 10%.

But when it comes to the last third point, this is a bit exaggerated.

The results haven't even started yet, and you're already discussing advertising?

Do you really think it is a national-level work like "Naoki Hansawa"? I’m going to give you the whole “return the pen ten times”, “return the frying pan a hundred times” and “return the seat a thousand times the soil” before it even starts broadcasting?

"Ahem, it's just a joke."

Tamura Koji coughed dryly and felt a little aggrieved: "And didn't Kitachi-kun tell me that? The most important thing for an actor is confidence."

He has been with Kitumi Minoru for so long.

To a greater or lesser extent, he is also tainted with Kitumi Minoru's character. Unlike before, he would make a fuss when encountering something.

"That's true."

Beicheng Minoru nodded.

No need to panic at any time.

The most important thing for an actor is confidence.

"And I do think you are overthinking it, Beicheng-kun. You are very popular in the industry now."

Tamura Koji said another word.

The most crucial thing for an actor to survive in the industry.

To put it bluntly, it’s heat.

And look at Kitazumi's popularity this year?

"9-year-old prodigy", "Jade Dragon Flag Capture the Flag" and now "Reiwa's most beautiful girl" and "youngest advertising script writer" and other titles.

These names have completely spread.

Maybe Beicheng actually didn't know.

Even the children of his relatives would discuss Kitami Minoru with their playmates from time to time.

This is enough to show the popularity of Bei Chengzhi's current reputation.

Continue to develop at Kitaki Minoru's pace.

Maybe, as Ryoko Okano expected, he could become a top-notch prostitute like Ashida Aina and Suzuki Fuku.

Unless there is a terrorist attack on the production office of Tokan TV, and a vicious incident like the Tokyo Pictures fire occurs on the entire TV station - there is really no way.

Otherwise, Tamura Koji really doesn’t know why the main character is not Kitami Minoru.

"That's true."

Kitaki Minoru nodded his head gently.

As Koji Tamura said.

No matter from the fame, acting skills, or his performance in the last season, he can't lose the main role.


Kitasumi put down the phone.

Perhaps it was the intuition of the Kitasumi swordsman that he had experienced before.

Kitasumi always felt that things should not be that simple.

As the agent of Hosokawa Shibaizumi and the industry's leading business, Kusakabe Kazuko is also working diligently today.

And now, what bothers her more is that-

"Shibaizumi-chan's number of job invitations for the autumn season has indeed decreased."

Sorting out the job invitations sent by major TV stations, Kusakabe Kazuko rubbed her temples with a headache.

She actually knew the reason for this.

That is-

"That kid is back."

Kusakabe Kazuko put down her fingers and exhaled.

That kid here refers to Kitasumi who has always been a headache for her.

Not only that their signature actor Hosokawa Shibaizumi clearly has a good impression of Kitasumi.

What made her feel even more headache was Kita Sumire's terrifying fame and popularity.

To be honest, even she herself had never seen such a role before - Kita Sumire was busy transferring schools and moving, and had been absent from the industry for nearly half a year.

During this half year, except for some variety shows and reality shows.

Kita Sumire rarely appeared in public.

But who knows.

As long as he appeared in public, it would basically be a hot topic in various news.

'Prodigy fever' 'Jade Dragon Flag Sword Saint Tide' - even shooting an advertisement can get the title of 'Reiwa's No. 1 Beauty' and 'Advertising Script Writer'.

It's just like a 'hot spot maker'.

Just raise your hands and stamp your feet, and the public's attention will return to him.

This made Kusakabe Hezi almost vomit, and she said that Tamura Koji was really a good trick - she didn't expect that this agent who she used to look down on would actually think of using Kita Sumire's academic ability and kendo skills to make a fuss.

It's really a good move!

After all, if it were an ordinary male actor who had not received a serious filming job for more than half a year, he would basically be sentenced to death.

Where else can you find someone like Kita Sumire?

Even if he is not in the industry, his name is well known in the industry?

This guy is definitely an out-of-the-ordinary existence, completely different from those first-class male actors who can only act.

And this is where Kusakabe Hezi is having a headache.

Kita Sumire is too popular now! Really too popular!

Even Hosokawa Shibaizumi was "burned".

The number of job invitations originally planned for Hosokawa Shibaizumi has decreased a lot.

To put it bluntly, most TV stations want to take advantage of Kita Sumire's current terrifying popularity and start cooperation with him.

This made Kusakabe Hezi headache and speechless at the same time.

Generally speaking, the popularity of male roles will not affect the popularity of female roles.

Because after all, there is still a difference between men and women - male roles occasionally play female roles, but most of them basically play male roles.

"But this guy is an exception!"

Staring at the job invitation in front of her, Kusakabe Koko gulped down a mouthful of water, feeling extremely depressed.

Who knew that Kita Sumire could look so good in a female role? ! Even Hosokawa Shibaizumi was affected.

If this happened in the past, Kusakabe Koko would never dare to think about it.

After all, a male role affects the work of a female role by virtue of a temporary female role in an advertisement-if this is really said out, it will really be laughed at.

But now.?

Kusakabe Koko really can't laugh.

Because Kita Sumire, a male role, is really taking the work of her female role.

Why? !

You are a male role!

Put the water bottle down heavily.

Kusakabe Koko wiped the corners of her mouth and looked back at the job invitation in front of her.

Of course, this does not mean that Hosokawa Shibaizumi was squeezed to the point of not being able to survive.

Judging from the number of job invitations, there is indeed a decrease, but it is just a lack of jobs for major supporting roles - these places can be filled through variety shows and reality shows.

But the operation of a training center is not only based on the signature actor Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

Their Marigold Agency has other first-rate and second-rate actors in the industry.

There are as many as five or six hundred actors on the payroll.

But even the actor they promote, such as Hosokawa Shibaizumi, has been affected by Kita Sumire.

It is conceivable how much the autumn season work of other actors will be affected.


"There is no way."

Kusakabe Hezi sighed lightly.

The job opportunities in the actor industry may fluctuate in each season, but generally speaking, they are fixed.

Kita Sumire did not use any insidious means, but defeated them head-on.


Even if she is depressed, Kusakabe Hezi is at most "depressed".

To put it bluntly, she is not as skilled as others.

Kusakabe Hezi patted her cheeks and stopped being depressed.

Instead of thinking about it, it is better to take action first.

She thought so and did so.

But before she could take action.

A notification sounded from the other side.

"Kusakabe-san, Minister Pingyang wants you to go to the big conference hall on the third floor immediately."

"Ah okay."

Kusakabe Hezi felt very strange when his name was suddenly called.

‘Minister Pingyang’, this is the general manager of their Marigold Office.

Mainly responsible for human resources, finance, purchasing and other functions within the department.

Even within the Marigold Agency, the other party is considered a very powerful person.

It's just that although the other party has great power.

But on weekdays, it actually has little to do with her work. At most, the personnel transfers of her colleagues will be discussed to the extent that she will be discussed.

But it was such a general minister who had little relationship with her on weekdays. Calling herself over at this time? And it’s a big conference room?

Could it be that there is something important?

There was a rush over there, and Kusakabe Hezi didn't have time to think too much.

He just roughly put aside the work at hand for the time being, and followed the other party towards the large conference hall on the third floor with doubts.

The doubt in her heart was quickly replaced by shock.

Because it is in the large conference hall of Marigold Office.

She met someone she never expected.

"Miss Sugi.?"

Sitting across from him was Shoko Sugiki, the manager of Shion Akiyama, who was a member of the Big Daisy Troupe and was also the rival of Hosokawa Shibaizumi. Kusakabe Koko was really stunned for a moment.

Why does Shoko Sugigi from Daidaidai Theater Company appear here?

The other party seemed to have noticed her gaze, and after nodding towards her, he showed a wry smile.

It was only then that Kusakabe Hezi discovered it.

It turns out that there is more than just a large-scale sub-service training center, namely the Daisy Theater Company, in the conference room.

Agent Umeki from MJ Office, Agent Shiozawa from CR Office, and Ema Aida from Himawari Garden.

Most of the first-rate and large-scale offices in Kanto are gathered in this conference room.

What is going on?

So many large firms gathered together?

Do you want to fight in the sub-service industry?

Kusakabe Hezi swallowed, and sat next to Sugi Shoko according to the request of the receptionist next to her - they were the two with the lowest position and the most junior qualifications, so they naturally sat next to each other.

But as soon as he sat down, Kusakabe Hezi couldn't hold back, and directly lowered his voice and asked Sugi Shoko beside him.

"Miss Firgi, what on earth is going on?"

"I don't know either. I was called by our minister to attend this meeting."

Although Shoko Sugi had trouble with Koko Kusakabe because of Shion Akiyama's crush on Minoru Kitazumi.

But this was her first time seeing such a big battle.

Now I finally met an acquaintance, and naturally we started talking.

But unfortunately, even if two people don't know what happened, they can't come up with any results even if they discuss it.

Just when the two of them didn't know what to do next.

Someone above spoke.

"Well, now that everyone has arrived, I will start distributing the plans."


Gathering so many people from large-scale training centers in the industry just to distribute this stuff?

Shoko Sugi and Koko Kusakabe couldn't understand.


Wait until you clearly see the title of the plan handed out to you.

Sugi Shoko and Kusakabe Heko looked at each other.

The title reads neatly - "Draft on How to Deal with Unfair Competition at AR Training Centers."

AR training center?

Isn't that the training center where Shibaizumi's (Shiyin) boyfriend Kitazumi Minoru is?

Thanks to Buchengzhuhou for the 500 starting coin reward! Thanks to Xiaoqian Biji for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much! (Brother, your name has turned me upside down)

One more chapter! Keep writing!

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