Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 268 Where did this all-powerful monster come from (4000 words)

Actually, it’s not that there is no way to solve it.

He just needs to tell Kubo Shigenori that he made a typo, take the advertising script back, revise it, and write it as “The Scenery in the Eyes of Mother and Child”.

But the problem is that today is the day he signed a contract with Sagami Railway Company.

Let’s not talk about the Japanese being particularly particular about time and contracts.

Speaking of ordinary companies, when companies connect and sign contracts, if you come up with a plan with huge mistakes when handing over work, others will not say that they will tear you apart, but they will definitely not have a good face towards you, let alone rework and revise.

Although Kita Sumire’s case is different from this situation.

But overall, it is indeed his mistake.

After all, he has been entangled with the advertising script these two days, and his mind is full of how to write it well.

He actually made such a low-level mistake.

But it’s not that there is no way to remedy it now.

That is Kita Sumire directly "make the best of a bad situation" and play the role of "daughter".

After all, there is no big problem with the advertising script, it’s just that the gender is wrong.

It is not uncommon for male actors to play female roles, but there are many in the industry.

This is quite normal.

For example, when a neutral girl image is needed, directors in the industry will choose male actors to play female roles.

Similarly, if there is a tomboy, or a weak and cute male role, directors in the industry will also choose female actors to play.

To put it bluntly, it is purely a work issue.

After all, whether it is a male or female role, the sexual characteristics on the body are not obvious, which also makes the casting of male roles more relaxed.

In order to make the picture look better, the effect is more exaggerated.

Sometimes it is quite normal for directors to let male or female actors play alternately.

As for whether Kita Sumimi, a male actor, will have any psychological burden when playing a female role.

Kita Sumimi does not have much pressure at all.

To put it bluntly, this is nothing more than working to make money, and it is not her own hobby.

Making money is not bad.

If there is one thing that makes Kitasumi more worried...

It is nothing more than the buff that the weird system gave him, "Appearance value +1 when shooting commercials."

His appearance value is 9 points.

If it is +1 during the shooting process.

When thinking about this, Kitasumi has a headache.

I hope that the 10 points of appearance value will not cause him any trouble.

Don't make a situation that he is more famous than the male role when playing a female role... Then he will feel really bad.

Thinking of this, he looked up and told Kubo Shigenori his idea.

"I see... Kitasumi-kun will play the role of the daughter?"

Listening to Kitasumi's words, Kubo Shigenori showed a little understanding.

So that's what Kitasumi planned.

He originally thought that there might be a typo on Kitasumi's side... So that's what happened.

A male role plays a female role...

Hmm... Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be a good idea.

After all, Kita Sumire's appearance is there, absolutely perfect.

That handsome and lovely appearance must be very photogenic no matter what kind of appearance, and it should not be a big problem to play the cute role of "daughter".

"I understand, Assistant Matsumoto, please take out the contract."

The last question was also answered, and now Kubo Shigenori had no worries.

He turned his head and asked his assistant on the other side to take out the contract documents that had been drafted long ago.

The content of the contract was quite simple, it was nothing more than hoping that Kita Sumire would assist the director and other staff as the script writer of the advertisement, and at the same time hoped that he would appear in the advertisement.

This was not much different from the content of the contract discussed before.

Tamura Koji handed it to the legal advisor of the AR training institute who came with him.

After confirming that there was no trap in the contract, he signed the contract and stamped it.

Then, the next thing was very simple.

After another round of greetings and courtesy, the meeting and negotiation with Sagami Railway Company ended here.

Kita Sumire didn't care much about it.

He just looked at the contract worth 31 million yen in his hand and breathed a sigh of satisfaction.

It was a life simulation, and he worked hard with Kitasumi Yubo to revise and polish the story... All these efforts were not in vain.

"Finally I got it."

Kitasumi was satisfied as he flicked the contract in his hand.

These days he was bound by his poverty.

He had already made a lot of money as a shoujo.

But he was still "poor as hell".

Which first-class shoujo in the industry could be worse off than him?

Who hasn't made enough money to last a lifetime at a young age?

Of course, Kitasumi was just complaining and didn't really care.

After all, it had only been a year and a half since he climbed out of the pit of a low-level shoujo.

He had already made 40 to 50 million yen, which was already considered a leader in the shoujo industry.

Put all these miscellaneous thoughts aside.

Kitasumi stretched his body.

As for now.

Kita Chengshi also wanted to finish the filming quickly and end it directly. However, the preparations for filming commercials are no less than those for ordinary TV dramas and movies.

Not to mention the subway advertisement written by Kitami Minori this time.

Shooting of large-scale promotional advertising videos for railways like this.

The selection of subway scenes alone is enough for Sagami Railway Company to have a drink.

Not to mention contacting the commercial shooting team and directors.

In short, it’s all miscellaneous.

According to Kitami Minori's detailed analysis of Hosokawa Shibaizumi, a major advertising company, Sagami Railway Company would have to prepare for at least more than a month in order to prepare all these people.


"I didn't expect that."

Standing in the shooting studio, looking at the filming staff who were already giving instructions, Kitazumi sighed with emotion on his face.

He really didn't expect it.

It only took seven or eight days for the Sagami Railway Company to prepare all the filming preparations.

"And this handwriting..."

When he looked at the thirty or forty commercial actors in front of him, many of whom were familiar faces to him, Beicheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart - being rich is really arrogant.

He originally wrote in the commercial script that as time goes by, the time spent between father and daughter gradually increases... This can actually be briefly covered with some daily scenes of father and daughter.

But who would have thought that the Sagami Railway Company would actually hire thirty or forty actors of different ages for the filming effect - there are actors like Kitami Minori who are only ten and eleven years old this year, and there are also actors in their twenties and thirties. Year old adult actor.

Apart from anything else, it would cost a lot of money just to invite these actors over, right?

Although we know that Sagami Railway Company, as a major subway operator, has strong capital...

But looking at it now... Kitami Minori felt that she had underestimated the Sagami Railway Company.

He stood nearby with a sigh on his face.

Then I heard a familiar voice from the other side.

"Oh? Isn't this the Beicheng boy?"

Kitumi subconsciously looked back, and then saw the middle-aged man on the other side walking toward him with a smile.

"Uncle Honma?"

That's right, the person who came over was none other than Homma Toshihiko, whom Kitami Minoru had collaborated with in "Kidnapped Natsuko".

"Well, it's me. Kitari-boy, do you also want to star in this Sagami commercial?"

Honma Feiyan responded with a smile at first, and then spoke with some surprise.

You know, he just checked the list of actors participating in the show, but he didn't find Kitami Minori's name on it.

And isn’t this a father-daughter type script?

Why is Kitazumi, a male slave, here to join in the fun?

He was a little confused.

But before he could express his doubts. On the other side, Kitaki Minoru started to attack in advance.

"Uncle Honma, you are a film director, why are you here shooting commercials? Could it be that you have offended the TV station executives?"

We are no longer strangers to Honma Feiyan, so Kitazumi uses practical words very casually.

But his 'casual' words almost made Honma Feiyan angry to death.

He couldn't help but glare at Kitumi Minoru.

But it’s actually not surprising that Beicheng had such doubts.

Generally speaking, art film directors like Honma Toshihiko, who are capable of making movies and are quite famous in the industry, have no shortage of investors to invest in filming.

Who would let a director like this come over to shoot a commercial?

Other than offending a certain TV station executive who forcibly demoted him, it's really hard to find any other reason.

Seeing that Kitumi Minoru was really not understanding, Honma Hihiko couldn't help scratching his head, and lowered his voice while approaching him.

"Boy Beicheng, I'm only telling you this, don't tell anyone else."

It turns out that Sagami Railway Company made a special trip this time to find Sakura TV, which belongs to Toshihiko Honma, for cooperation.

Among the contents of the contract, Honma Feiyan is also a part of it.

To be honest, Honma was quite shocked when he first received the news. He wondered whether the TV executives' brain structure was different from ordinary people.

In Japan, advertising shooting is something that unknown and inconspicuous directors do.

Although he doesn't say how high his status is, he can be regarded as having his own territory in the field of literary and artistic healing films.

How could you be willing to shoot a commercial?

If those bitches and bad friends in Qingshui Mountain found out, how many months would they make him feel disgusted?

Not to mention that he also has the dignity and integrity of a director!

How could he go to shoot commercials?

At that time, he directly argued with the senior management and repeatedly emphasized his wishes.

The answer given by the TV station executives was also very simple.

That is because the Sagami Railway Company is willing to pay him a high price.

And this angered Honma Feiyan even more.

What about high-priced rewards? I am a director with dignity!

To put it bluntly, do I care about your dirty money?

What? 8 million yen reward? 80 million is useless! My dignity and noble soul do not allow me to...wait? How many?

And then... there was no more.

"So that's it."

After hearing Honma Feiyan's answer, Kitaki showed a look of understanding.

8 million yen.

A two- to three-minute commercial shoot is just one or two weeks’ worth of work.

Only fools would not do this business.

Honma Feiyan is obviously not a fool, so he appears here.


"Boy Beicheng, it's almost time for you to answer my question."

Honma Feiyan glanced at Kitaki Minoru in front of him.

If it is understandable that he came here.

Then what about Kitasumi Minoru in front of him?

His name is not on the cast list.

He just got the script today and read the content.

There is no need for a male role.

Then what is Kitasumi Minoru doing here?

He was a little confused.

The question he raised was not complicated.

Kitasumi Minoru just thought about it and understood the reason.

Probably the people from Sagami Railway Company counted him as part of the screenwriter team, so his name was not on the cast list.

Kitasumi Minoru simply told his idea to Honma Fuhiko.


He saw Honma Fuhiko's expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Kitasumi boy, although I have always known that you like to tease adults, it is better to make fewer jokes like this. The creators are still more sensitive."


He would not care much about Kitasumi Minoru's jokes on him. At most, he would just laugh it off.

But the advertising script writer is different.

The other party may not know Kitasumi Minoru.

Kitasumi Minoru's direct impersonation is indeed quite inappropriate.

And this time, Honma Fuhiko has also read the script of the advertisement.

Sagami Railway Company calls it an "advertising script worth at least 10 million yen."

But from Honma Fuhiko's point of view.

If this advertisement is well shot, it will be worth more than 10 million yen?

Whether it is from the perspective of the advertisement concept or the story plot.

The script of "The Scenery in the Eyes of Father and Daughter" can be said to be quite outstanding.

Many of the metaphors and the designed echoes can be called "God advertisements".

Even he, a director who has shot many outstanding art films, can't find any faults in it.

Kitasumi Minoru's talent as a son-in-law is indeed amazing.

But that is limited to son-in-law.

Advertising shooting is a completely new field for Kitasumi Minoru. At least Honma Fuhiko has never heard that Kitasumi Minoru has ever been involved in advertising-so far, Kitasumi Minoru seems to have never received any work in advertising shooting, right?

This is the kind of person who doesn't even know how to shoot an advertisement.

He suddenly said to Honma Hiko, 'I wrote the script for this advertisement worth 10 million yen.'

Do you think Honma Hiko would believe it?

Of course not - do you really think Kita Sumire is a superpowered person from somewhere? Can do everything?

He even took out the list of the creative team that he had just received and had not had time to read, ready to speak with facts.

However -


Honma Hiko's fingers paused as he was flipping through the book.

The original expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry, which was unable to do anything to Kita Sumire, also changed at this moment.

He rubbed his eyes.

When he confirmed that the name 'Kita Sumire' was marked behind the screenwriter column.

He looked at Kita Sumire in surprise.

"Kita Sumire, did you really write "The Scenery in the Eyes of Father and Daughter"?"

You kid, this is not even in the category of superpowers.

Where did you come from, an all-round monster?

I had written over 3,000 words before I went on a long trip, but then I got lost in the airport and only started writing after that. I was really vomiting.

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