Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 265 I am a professional! (4300 words)

Chapter 265 I am a professional! (4300 words!)

Except for occasionally entering the weird game of life experience to experience life.

Bei Chengshi almost never took the initiative to open his user attribute panel.

After all, it was murder and abduction, just a glance was quite upset, there was no need to ruin his mood.

But this time was different.

After all, it was a reward linked to his so-called "appearance value".

In addition, he really hadn't opened the user attribute panel for a long time.

Bei Chengshi thought about it, stretched out his hand, and unfolded the attribute panel of the life experience game.

It was different from before.

The note of the "talent" line was "none" before.

But now it is filled with miscellaneous things such as cooking (happiness), swordsman, and sword heart.

Bei Chengshi's eyes skipped the talent line.

Look at his personal attributes.

[User name: Bei Chengshi]

[Appearance value 9, learning ability 8, athletic ability 6. 】(This rating is based on a 10-point system)

[Specialties: Acting LV4, Social LV5, Cooking LV5, Kitasumi Sword Saint Ancient Swordsmanship LV5. 】(This rating is based on a 1 to 5-point system)

"Looks like a 9 indeed."

Kitasumi's expression was a little off.

You know, when I was filming "The Grudge" and I didn't have a system yet, Shimizu-san chose me for the role of Kuroda Uchiichi because of my looks.

At that time, he was already loved by everyone, both men and women - even if he was sleeping on a small recliner in the filming crew, someone would come over and fan him.

Looks 10

How horrible would that be?

Don't let me be used as a mascot by Sagami Railway Company before the commercial is finished.

But -

"Forget it, there's no point in thinking about this now."

Kitasumi shook his head.

That's right.

There's no point in thinking about this now.

He hadn't even started writing the advertising script in his hand, and he was already thinking about how to pick peaches before he even started writing the script.

This was a bit unrealistic.

Kita Sumire withdrew his eyes from the system page.

The deadline given by Sagami Railway Company was August 3rd.

Excluding today, the 27th, there was still a week left.

As long as he could come up with a plan within this time, there would be no problem.

Kita Sumire no longer hesitated.

With an idea and a direction, the next step was to work hard.

He simply called Tamura Koji over and asked him to accept the job invitation from Sagami Railway Company. He already had an idea for the advertising script.


"Are you serious, Kita Sumire?"

Tamura Koji had been thinking about what kind of answer Kita Sumire would give.

Would he be very mature and say he would just give up like before?

Or would he struggle for two days, study for two days, and then give up?

In short, Tamura Koji considered all kinds of possibilities.

The only thing he didn't consider was that Kita Sumire actually planned to accept this job commission.

You should know that this commission is completely different from the previous actor shooting, and it is a brand new field of "advertising shooting script".

As for what Mitsuji Tamura knows about Kita Sumire,

the other party has always been mature, not like a child, and never fights such an uncertain battle.

In terms of the generous advertising endorsement fee and personal reputation in the industry.

He believes that Kita Sumire will definitely be as steady as ever, and simply choose to give up.

But who would have thought that Kita Sumire, the always steady general, would actually "go crazy" today and take him, the salted radish No. 2, to fight such an uncertain battle.

This time, Mitsuji Tamura couldn't hold it back.

"Kita Sumire, are you really going to take this commission?"

He wanted to persuade him again, but he couldn't really watch his general "seek his own death".

Probably because he saw Mitsuji Tamura's hesitation.

Kita Sumire didn't keep him in suspense, and said directly: "Believe me, Tamura-san, there will be absolutely no problem."

He said this with full confidence, his eyes were firm, and his back was straight.

If it were usual.

Seeing Kitasumi's "sure" expression.

Tamura Koji would have agreed without saying anything and nodded.

But the problem is——

"Kitasumi-kun, I remember you had no experience in advertising scripts before, right?"

Tamura Koji's mouth twitched and he began to ask.


Kitasumi's "Yeah" made Tamura Koji's mouth twitch even more, and he continued to ask questions.

"And I remember Kitasumi-kun asked me to buy you a reference book on advertising shooting this afternoon, right?"

"That's right." Kitasumi-kun nodded.

"That means Kitasumi-kun, you only spent an afternoon studying on your own, and you already have a preliminary idea in your mind, right?"

At this moment, Tamura Koji felt that he was a little short of oxygen, so he took a deep breath and asked back.

"Almost." Kitasumi-kun spoke as a matter of course.

At the end, he even added in front of Tamura Koji, who was almost out of oxygen: "It's okay, believe me, Tamura-san."


Bei Chengjun?

Are you serious? !

Still ‘alright’? Are you sure you’re not ‘not dead’?

Listen to Bei Chengshi’s words ‘believe me’.

Tamura Koji even covered his abdomen directly, and felt that his stomach, which had been forced to drink by a group of agents two days ago, began to hurt again.

To be honest, he also wanted to believe Kita Sumire.

But the question is, is there any factor in the conversation with Kita Sumire that is worthy of his trust? !

Half a day of self-study?

And you already have a preliminary idea?

Where did you come from, the "God of Advertising"?

You must know that Sagami Railway Company is not the kind of company that can successfully fool people by casually taking out an advertising plan.

As a company that can jointly represent Tokyo subway lines with other railway companies in Japan, the capital behind it cannot be underestimated.

Just the 31 million yen advertising endorsement fee can show how rich the other party is.

And Kita Sumire only studied by himself for half a day.

Tamura Koji really doesn't understand where Kita Sumire got the confidence to think that he can take on this job commission.

The key is that Kita Sumire's expression is still very serious, leaving him no room for rebuttal.

This made Tamura Koji sigh deeply.

"Okay, I got it. I'll give Sagami Railway Company a reply later."

- Well, let's die.

Anyway, if Sagami Railway Company can't come up with a plan that satisfies Sagami Railway Company, at least he will die with Kita Sumire.

He nodded in agreement.

Kita Sumire breathed a sigh of relief.

Strictly speaking, the son-in-law and the agent are two lives in one body.

The agent is equivalent to the "temporary guardian" of the son-in-law in the industry.

Like this time.

If Tamura Koji disagrees no matter what.

Then he can't bypass Tamura Koji and discuss the contract directly with Sagami Railway Company.

Let's take a 10,000 yuan.

Even if the contract is finally discussed.

In the end, this contract still has to pass through Tamura Koji's hands-a 9-year-old child has no corresponding civil capacity at all, and even if it is signed and sealed, it has no legal effect.

As an adult, Tamura Koji is willing to believe the extremely unreliable request of his 9-year-old child, which is really not easy.

Then of course I can't disappoint him. I can't really dig a hole and bury him and myself, right?

After today's work at the AR child training center was finished and Tamura Koji sent me home.

Kita Sumimi then bent over the desk and started writing.

He first wrote a semi-prototype story of "Tokyo, so far away" based on himself in the life experience game.


"It turns out that there is still a lack of writing experience."

Looking at the story in his hand, Kita Sumimi sighed a little.

Although he already has the story in his mind as a foundation, it is also a fact that he has no experience in writing stories.

In his mind, some places can obviously be written better and more tear-jerking.

But when he got started, it became something like "round eyes" and "small lips".

It is completely different from professional writers.

Kita Sumimi is not in a hurry.

He does have some shortcomings, but there are people who can help make up for it!

He held the manuscript and knocked on the door of Beicheng Youbo's room next door without hesitation, then pushed the door open and went in.

It was just a little strange.

Beicheng Youbo's room was a little dark without the lights on. She was kneeling in the corner of the room, doing something unknown. She looked like she was worshipping something, and she would make silly laughs from time to time.

"Aunt Youbo, what are you doing?"

"Ah? Hey? Shi, Shi-chan? I didn't do anything."

Upon hearing his voice, Beicheng Youbo in the corner panicked all of a sudden, and was busy packing things up like a war.

This action was incredibly fast.

Beicheng Shi had just taken a step forward.

She seemed to have finished packing, and hurriedly turned on the light, panting.

"Shi, Shi-chan, what do you want to do with your aunt?"

It was a close call!

Shi-chan almost knew that she was worshipping the "holy objects of the Beicheng Religion"!

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Bei Chengshi was not very interested in what Bei Cheng Youbo was doing.

He just glanced at Bei Cheng Youbo's red face, and then, in her shy and surprised eyes, he hugged her directly.

You still have to have the attitude of asking for help.

This little benefit should be given to Bei Cheng Youbo.

But to be honest.

When Bei Chengshi hugged her, Bei Cheng Youbo's brain had actually crashed.

The reason is also very simple!

So close! And so fragrant!

Ah-today's Shi-chan is so cute.

I really want to touch his head like this!

She thought so and did so.

However, before her hand was fully extended, Bei Chengshi smiled and placed it on the manuscript in front of her.

"Don't worry about touching the head for the time being, Aunt Bei Cheng, I came here this time to ask you to help me look at the story I wrote, is there anything that can be changed?"


After hearing what Bei Chengshi said, Bei Cheng Youbo was stunned for a moment, and his eyes subconsciously fell on the manuscript handed over by Bei Chengshi.

Is this the story written by Shi-chan?

What's going on? Does he want to be an author too?

Kitamura Yuha was a little surprised, but he still followed Kitamura Shi's request and looked at the manuscript.

Oh? !

After just a quick glance at the beginning, Kitamura Yuha showed a surprised expression.

Let’s put aside the words, format, and writing style.

Kitasumi’s story has a really good foundation.

This story tells the story of a father and his daughter taking the subway.

In order to coax his daughter to take the subway.

The father deliberately told her, ‘Tokyo, it’s just a blink of an eye.’

But the daughter thought, ‘Tokyo, it’s so far away.’

Times have changed.

The daughter grew up slowly, gradually became rebellious, and gradually began to mature and become independent.

Until one day.

Also on the subway, the elderly father bid farewell to his daughter.

Looking at her back gradually going away, he stood in the subway and suddenly exclaimed, ‘Tokyo, it’s so far away.’

But the daughter turned around and smiled at him, ‘Hey, isn’t it just a blink of an eye?’

The story ends here.

On the surface, this may be a simple story.

But Kitasumi Yubo just dug a little deeper and understood the meaning of various images in it.

The subway in the story can actually be regarded as ‘life’.

Life is a straight-forward train.

The image of the ‘father’ represents the relatives who care about you.

The ‘daughter’ represents the ‘self’ who is ignorant of the world.

The daughter’s first sentence of ‘it’s so far’ actually represents the fact that she didn’t want to be separated from her father when she was a child and always depended on him.

Later, she moved away during her rebellious period.

Then, in the end, ‘it’s here in the blink of an eye’, she no longer depends on him as a mature and independent adult.

And the father’s last sentence of ‘it’s so far’.

Rather than lamenting the distance, it’s better to say that it’s his nostalgia for his daughter and family.

The father’s completely different attitudes from the beginning to the end form a closed loop.

Then, the emotions towards relatives at different ages.

It gives people a plain but real sense of warmth.

It’s really well written.

Except that the writing foundation is indeed a little bit poor.

This is indeed a good story.

Bei Chengyoubo sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but glance at Bei Chengshi.

She knew that Bei Chengshi was very good at acting.

But she had never heard that her little angel could write such a heartwarming story.

She sighed over there.

Bei Chengshi on the other side was not polite and asked directly.

"How is it? Aunt Youbo? Is there room for this story to be adapted?"


After Bei Chengshi said this.

Bei Chengyoubo remembered the purpose of Bei Chengshi bringing the manuscript over.

He wanted her to help him revise it.


Bei Chengyoubo's pretty face showed a little embarrassment.

She originally thought that the story written by Bei Chengshi could be changed at will in her hands.

After all, she is a professional writer! She really eats the bowl of literary writers.

How difficult can it be to change Bei Chengshi's story?

But who knows?

Her little angel actually came up with such an excellent heartwarming story.

And this story is quite complete both at the beginning and the end.

If it is changed casually.

Maybe the plain and real warmth of the whole story will be changed.

Alas, it is really too difficult, there is no way to change it.

Should I tell the little angel honestly that it cannot be changed at all?

Although I really want to make Bei Chengshi happy.

But things that cannot be done are indeed impossible.

Although it is a bit regrettable, I should be honest here-

"If Aunt Youbo can help to change the whole story to be more outstanding, I have prepared a very generous reward for Aunt."

Bei Chengshi's soft and particularly pleasant voice suddenly sounded in her ears.


"And not only that, like today, it is not impossible to sleep with Aunt's head touching."


"So can you help me, Aunt?"

Bei Chengshi's voice had a begging meaning at the end.


"Don't worry! Shi-chan! Aunt will definitely show all her skills! Even if she vomits blood in front of the computer, she will help you change the story!"

Pattling her chest hard, Bei Chengyoubo turned her head with almost no hesitation.

At this moment, her eyes were as firm as if she wanted to join the party.

All the confusion and difficulty she felt before had completely disappeared from her face.

Sleeping with her head rubbed!

Rich rewards!

And Shi-chan's begging!

In comparison,

It's just changing a story!

You also call this difficult?


Forget about changing a story!

Even if she was asked to write a novel of one or two million words today, she would have to write it!

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