Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 218: Senior Anda is fine, Ayumi-chan is fine (4200 words)

Chapter 218 It’s okay, Adachi-senpai, it’s okay Ayumi-chan. (4200 words!)

The total investment of "Tokawa Samurai's Daughter" is 1.8 billion yen.

"Swordsman Den: Rejuvenation Chapter" has a total investment of 2 billion yen.

If we just look at investment.

In fact, there is not much difference between "Samurai Tokawa" and "Swordsman Den".

In addition, Ayumi Adachi in "Tokawa Samurai" plays her best healing role.

The plot is also quite easy to understand.

The protagonist, samurai Ashikawa Tokawa, obeyed his lord's order and escorted the girl to escape to the area near Owari.

As a result, before Tokawa could reach the place, news came from behind that his lord was killed in battle.

A warrior and a child began a long journey of escape in this troubled world.

The big action scenes are also shot very well.

From Umeki Ryuhei's point of view, it is an action movie that is definitely not inferior to "Swordsman Den".

The samurai's coldness at the beginning, and then the tenderness he shows to the girl later, are the finishing touch.

But such thoughts will only stay until I finish watching "Swordsman Den".

After completely watching "Swordsman Den".

Umeki Ryuhei really felt a little confused.

Naturally, he has also seen such a big comic book-turned-movie as "Swordsman Den".

But it gave him such a strong visual impact.

There is only today's "Rejuvenation Chapter".

Even Shion Akiyama, who is quite famous in the industry, seems a bit eclipsed by Kitami Minoru's performance.

This kind of performance is coupled with the expensive advertising and distribution of "Swordsman Den".

As long as the audience is not collectively blinded.

The box office results are basically not too bad.

In fact, this is not to blame Ayumi Adachi for not trying her best, it's because Minoru Kitazumi is too perverted.

Thinking of this, Umeki Ryuhei glanced at Ayumi Adachi sitting in the back seat.

From the time I just watched "Swordsman Den" to now.

Adachi Ayumi asked, 'Can I really win? ’ After saying this, he stopped talking.

Completely different from his usual energetic appearance.

Obviously, Ayumi Adachi is already doubting life.

This is inevitable.

When filming "The Samurai of Tokawa", Ayumi Adachi continued to improve her acting skills and repeatedly watched her own shots, just to defeat Kitami Minori.

As a result, "Swordsman Den" is now released.

"Samurai of Tokawa" is scheduled to next week due to schedule reasons.

Kitazumi's performance was so outstanding, it couldn't even be described as excellent, it was simply 'perverted'.

Such a 'perverted' servant already has the qualifications to be one of the top servants in the industry.

It's natural that his son-in-law can't win.

There is no need to compare with this kind of out-of-standard subservient.

Of course, he couldn't just watch his son become autistic.

After organizing his words a little, Umeki Ryuhei was ready to speak.


"Forget it, staying depressed all the time is not an option. Just give him a call."

Adachi Ayumi sighed and raised her head, apparently feeling refreshed.

This made Ryuhei Umeki, who was about to speak, stunned for a moment: "Ayumi, are you not feeling uncomfortable anymore?"

"Of course it's uncomfortable!"

Adachi Ayumi kicked her fair calf angrily.

Even now, when she thought that Beicheng Minoru actually defeated her, she felt so angry that she wanted to cook him and eat him.

Her attitude also made Umeki Ryuhei a little confused: "Then why do you still call him?"

Isn't this just making yourself miserable?

"There's no reason. If you lose, you lose. I'm not a mangy dog ​​who would cheat in a place like this."

Ayumi Adachi said angrily.

"." Umeki Ryuhei.

As expected, he is still a simple child.

If he were a dirty and dirty adult, he would only think about how to pretend to be silent at this moment.

Thinking about this, he coughed and said something comforting.

"Actually, Ayumi, you're not a loser in the strict sense, right? Our "Samurai of Tokawa" will be released next week. How about we take a look at the box office next week?"

This is indeed true.

Kitazumi did indeed perform quite well.

But when it comes to movie box office, you really can’t tell who will win until the end.

"Swordsman" will be released a week early, while "Tokawa Samurai" will be released next week.

What if "The Samurai of Tokawa" does better at the box office than "Swordsman"?

"What I pursue is to beat that despicable guy in terms of acting. Even if the box office is actually higher than him in the end, it will only be ahead in terms of script and director! My acting skills are completely incomparable with his!"

Adachi Ayumi gritted her teeth, very unwilling to do so.

But in the end she accepted the result.

no way.

Although I really want to defeat Kitami Minoru head-on and let him know how powerful he is.

But this time it was Kitazumi who won.

Whether it's her acting skills or the feeling she gives to the audience, Kitumi Minoru performed so well this time.

but! Although I lost this time! But she will never lose next time!

She would never forget that this guy Kitumi Minoru clearly said he wanted to be friends with her, but in turn he forgot everything.

At that time, she still foolishly believed that Beicheng really wanted to make friends with her!

The results of it!

Think so.

Ayumi Adachi reached for her phone.

She will not cheat and is willing to admit defeat. No matter what Beicheng Minoru asks for, other than being friends with him, she will agree!


Ding ding ding.

A quick cell phone ring rang.

Ando Ayumi was stunned.

Because the name on the cell phone screen was Kita Sumire.

She didn't expect that she hadn't called yet, but the other party called first.

Ando Ayumi's expression was a little strange.

What did the other party want to do?

Could it be that he wanted to humiliate her?

She swallowed her saliva, her expression changed slightly, and she reached out and answered the phone.


"I'm so sorry, Ando-senpai, I confused your name with that of a sub-serviceman in another sub-serviceman's office."


Hearing the apology from the other end of the phone, Ando Ayumi showed an unexpected look.

Mainly because she didn't expect the other party to call and apologize on his own initiative.


"You guy! It's useless even if you apologize on your own initiative!"

Ando Ayumi was merciless.

She didn't forget that she called, but Kita Sumire didn't know anything.

However, her mercilessness didn't seem to shake Kita Sumire on the other end of the phone.

He spoke again.

"In fact, I can understand that Senior Ando would be angry, but I was really busy some time ago."

Whether it was the filming of TV series such as "Night Walk" and "Little Diner".

Or variety shows such as "Little Director".

His schedule was packed some time ago.

Under such a busy situation, it was really difficult to remember the agreement with Ayumi Ando.

His voice was quite sincere, without any falsehood.

In addition, he took the initiative to contact and apologize.

This made Ayumi Ando hesitate.

But her eyes soon lit up, as if she had discovered the other party's flaw, and she simply spoke.

"But when I called you, you completely forgot about my affairs! And you confused me with other female roles!"

That's right!

Before, you could use excuses to fool around when you forgot the agreement.

But you can't find an excuse for forgetting even the name of the person, right?

Ayumi Ando was very proud, and at the same time, she put her ear close to the phone, trying to hear what excuses Kita Sumi would make next.


"This matter is indeed my fault. I admit my mistake here, and please forgive me, Senior Ando."


Ayumi Ando widened her eyes.

It was different from what she expected, Kita Sumi would talk about other things.

He admitted his mistakes straightforwardly without any quibbling.

This attitude of admitting mistakes was too sincere! Even if she wanted to find fault, she couldn't find any fault!

And to be honest.

Hearing Kita Sumi's sincere apology.

Even though she had a heart of stone, she was actually "soft" by half at this time.

She scratched her head.

But in the face of Kita Sumi's "sincere pleading" attitude, she couldn't bear it in the end, and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I forgive you."

Thinking about it carefully, it was true.

Busy with work, plus they haven't seen each other for more than half a year, it's normal to forget.

There should be no problem in forgiving him here.

Of course, it's not just forgiveness.

Ando Ayumi did not forget the "promise" and admitted to Kita Sumi that she lost.

Hearing this, the other end of the phone really became interested.

"Oh? So, can I ask Ando Senior to promise me something unconditionally?"

"Well, after all, I keep my word. I will agree to whatever you ask."

Ando Ayumi nodded.

She is a top-notch actress in the industry, and she has no intention of breaking the contract.


"Then please be friends with me according to the agreed content, Ando Senior."

"I don't want to!"

Without any hesitation, Ando Ayumi directly refused.


Kita Sumi's voice was full of incomprehension.

"I don't want to be friends with a despicable kid like you! I always feel that I will be fooled by you!"

Although she has forgiven Kita Sumi, she doesn't want to be friends with Kita Sumi.

This guy is full of bad water.

She didn't want to do that because she might get herself into trouble someday.

Ando Ayumi simply frowned and decided to ignore whatever Kita Sumimi said next.


"We're just friends. Senior Ando is such a great first-class actor, so he shouldn't bother with a little actor like me, right?"

Kita Sumimi on the other end of the phone began to praise.

"I told you I won't——"

"Or is the cute and handsome Senior Ando still angry about what happened before? If that's the case, please allow me to apologize again."

Continuously flattering and praising.


Listening to Kita Sumimi's voice full of admiration and worship.

Ando Ayumi's face, which was originally frowned, seemed to be 'melted' like an ice cube.

Her voice became hesitant, her tone was stammering, and her face was a little red.

"Hmph, you're smart."

"So does Senior Anda mean that he agrees to be my friend?"


Thinking carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being his friend, right?

Although this guy looks like he has bad intentions.

But he just praised me so much!

Doesn't he treat himself as a respected senior?

Respecting his juniors like this is just a request to become friends.

Shouldn't he agree directly?

Thinking of this, Ayumi Adachi finally let go.

"Then I'm sure - I won't agree!"

Her face turned red the next second.

"Beicheng! Do you really think I'm a fool?! Just say a few nice words and I'll be fooled! Didn't you already use this trick last time?"


Didn't Kitazumi use this trick last time?

Did this guy completely treat her like a fool?

"You guys, don't you think that I will fall for the same tricks you used last time?"

Adachi Ayumi made a furious sound.

How could she still be fooled? !


"Oh, it's indeed my problem. It's natural for a powerful servant like the clever Anda-senpai not to be fooled twice."

"it's useless!"

Head tilted to one side.

"But since Adachi-senpai is so powerful and broad-minded, why can't you forgive me?"

"I told you I won't do it...!"

"Just make friends with me, Senior Anda, I really need seniors like you to guide me on the road of subservience."

"You said it can't be done!"


One minute later——

"I'm such an idiot!!!"

Covering both sides of her head, Adachi Ayumi wanted to die.

My brain clearly knows it’s not possible! Can't!

But after hearing what Beicheng Minoru said, I couldn’t refuse!

Is this charm magic? It's charm magic!

This guy is indeed what the outside world calls a succubus slave!

However, Kitaki Minoru on the other end of the phone didn't care so much.

He just smiled and spoke.

"Then from today on, Ayumi-chan is my friend. Please give me more advice in the future."

"Hey! Didn't you call me 'Adachi-senpai' before?!"

Ayumi Adachi opened her mouth wide and her face turned red.

"Adachi-senpai" if you have something to do, and "Ayumi-chan" if you have nothing to do?

Isn't this guy going too far? !

She was just about to have a seizure——

"I just think the name Ayumi-chan is closer, or is it because Ayumi-chan is already my friend, but she doesn't want to get closer to me?"


Adachi Ayumi was speechless.

"Then please ask Ayumi-chan to follow my personal homepage as promised. Of course, I will also follow Ayumi-chan. As for anything else, let's talk about it later."

"No. Just wait."

What else did Ayumi Adachi want to say.

But the words just came to my lips.

Kitaki Minoru over there had already said 'goodbye' with a smile and hung up the phone.

"." Anda Ayumi.

Looking at the phone in silence.

She turned her head blankly and looked at her agent.


Umeki Ryuhei quickly turned his head to the side, pretending to be concentrating on reversing the car.


".What's the matter?"

"Am I a little too coaxable?"

She was silent for a long time, her face full of confusion, and she suppressed these words.

".Yes. A little bit?"

Umegi Ryuhei, who had been observing the situation just now, scratched his head.

I felt that my son-in-law lowered his head in confusion again.

He was a little helpless and comforted:

"But thinking about it on the other hand, it's a good thing to be friends with Beicheng-kun, right? His acting skills are very good. If you follow his personal homepage, you might be able to find a chance to defeat him in acting. After all, as an opponent, you must understand your opponent. Bar?"

This does make sense.

Especially the last sentence, "As an opponent, you must understand your opponent" aroused Adachi Ayumi's determination to win.

That’s right!

As an opponent, you must understand your opponent!

She still knows nothing about Beicheng Minoru.

Now that the friend's matter is a foregone conclusion, it's better to think about how to defeat Kitazumi Minoru in the future!

Think of this.

Adachi Ayumi opened her personal home page without hesitation.

Then he found Beicheng Minoru among them, and raised his hand to pay attention to it.

But if you just follow your personal homepage, you won't be able to get any confidential information at all.

Think of this.

Ayumi Adachi looked at Kitazumi's private channel page.

She gritted her teeth.

Reach out and click in.


This guy actually has two private channels!

Do you have to pay him 2,000 yen a month?

so expensive!

I had a cold before, so the updates were very unstable, but now that I have recovered from the cold, I have resumed an update frequency of 8,000 words a day. terribly sorry!

Thanks to book friend 20230128003209314 for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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