A little strange.

Very strange.

The overall ratings of the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" were 9.67%, and the average ratings were mostly in the range of 9.50 to 9.80%.

This result is compared with the previous ratings of 13.08%.

It's totally okay to say "Waterloo".

And it’s still the kind that’s extremely ‘slippery’.

"But it shouldn't be."

Sitting in the rest area prepared by the filming crew of "Night Walk".

Kitazumi once again clicked on the ratings statistics of "Night Walk".

It was really hard for him to understand.

It is understandable that the ratings have dropped, but it is indeed a bit abnormal to drop so much.

Not to mention that the online reviews are completely inconsistent with the TV ratings - most viewers still give positive reviews, and even the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" received a lot more positive reviews than the average of the first ten episodes.

Could it be that Jun Shiraishi asked the data department to forge the positive data?

Otherwise, the gap is too big and completely incompatible, right?

It's not like the statistics are wrong. The ratings for the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" are actually higher than this data?

Touching his chin, Beicheng Minoru was really puzzled.

This is also the main reason why he returned directly to the city just after the filming of "Swordsman Den" ended.

He originally wanted to ask Shiraishi Jun for details, but no one answered his calls.

It's probably because the ratings of "Night Walk" fell below double digits, and the other party has been a little anxious these past two days, right?

Just when Kitazumi was about to continue looking through the specific data.

Kitayama Rie's sighing voice came from the side.

"Oh, it's so tragic, Beicheng-kun."

"Tragic? What's going on? Sister Beishan?"

Seeing Rie Kitayama slowly walking over, Minoru Kitaki asked.

After all, what the other party said was a bit confusing.

"Huh? Don't you know, Beicheng-kun?"

Kitayama Rie glanced at him strangely at first, and then showed a surprised expression.

"That's right. Beicheng-kun went to Kyoto to film "Swordsman Den" two days ago. It's normal not to know what's going on in the industry in the capital. Look here."

As she spoke, she took out her phone and handed it to Kitumi Minoru.

"Look, our "Night Walk" has been scolded a lot."


Stretching out his palm, he held Rie Kitayama's cell phone steady, and Minoru Kitayama looked at it with both eyes.

What he had watched before was the positive reviews from ordinary viewers of "Night Walk".

What Rie Kitayama showed him were articles and reviews by some of the more authoritative people in the industry, some professional film and TV drama bloggers or film critics.

"Night Walk" has indeed received a lot of positive reviews from ordinary audiences.

But here I was scolded miserably.

Among them are mainly criticisms against the script adaptation and director of "Night Walk".

It was said that 'Only a fool would end the show with two episodes of flashback', and 'Night Walk destroyed a good hand'.

Even him and Rie Kitayama were affected - a lot of film and television drama critics sang bad words in their articles.

They felt that director Shiraishi Jun had exhausted his talents and actually chose two second-rate actors in the industry instead of a top-notch actor like Tachibana Ayumi.

The most critical director has been 'blind' to this extent.

It's normal for "Night Flight", which is about to wrap up, to suffer miserably in ratings.

In the end, they expressed their hope that Shiraishi Jun would not disappoint them next week, as if they were deliberately being sarcastic.

They still believe in Shiraishi Jun's ability as a director.

Should be said or not.

This sarcasm is indeed very spicy.

It's as if the "Night Walk" crew is doomed.

Even the kind that Beicheng would frown upon seeing.

But if you click carefully and take a look at the personal homepages of these so-called neutral film critics. In fact, it is not difficult to find that these so-called film critics and film and television drama bloggers are basically the main writers who are affiliated with other TV stations to evaluate TV dramas.

Other TV stations have a purely competitive relationship with Fuji TV.

"Night Flight" is the hottest TV series of the season.

It's natural to be targeted by them.

To put it bluntly, it is not the signature TV series of their own TV station anyway.

The firepower of the trolls will definitely be full, and they will continue to criticize and criticize - "Night Walk" has been complacent for almost the entire fall season. Now that the opportunity is rare, they naturally have to seize the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Although this method is somewhat dirty and dirty.

But it is a relatively common thing in an industry that is not very clean to begin with.

Most of these comments should not be taken seriously. They have too strong a business flavor and are just for fun at most.

But how to say it.

This feeling of being poked in the nose and scolded without being able to retaliate is really unpleasant.

It's like you know clearly that what the other person says is not to be taken seriously, but you are really being babbled a lot.

You will still feel very uncomfortable.

He handed the phone back to Kitayama Rie and saw that the ten-year-old girl still looked cheerful in front of him.

Kitaki Minoru was also a little speechless.

Although I know that Rie Kitayama is showing off, taking advantage of the situation, and being absent, isn't this too optimistic?

It's okay for Kitazumi, after all, he did a really good job in the crying scene.

No matter how much the 'film critics' from other TV stations try to slander it, this is an indisputable fact - the audience is not blind and will definitely choose to believe the facts.

But Rie Kitayama was different.

In the article, she was criticized by a group of so-called film critics, who directly called her "ratings poison".

Isn’t this disgusting yet?

This attitude of optimism is a bit too much.

"Sister Beishan, don't you feel a little disgusted? Being scolded like this?"

He asked her, pointing to the term 'ratings poison'.

In the end, Kitayama Rie just smiled and waved her hands: "Oh, it's not a big deal."

have to.

Beicheng Shi shook his head, he finally saw it.

Kitayama Rie belongs to the lying flat family.

She didn't feel angry about being called a 'ratings poison', but was actually very happy - this would reduce the number of filming crews calling her by name in the future.

It was actually a good thing for her who always lay flat.

Beicheng was helpless and wanted to say something.

But the words haven’t been spoken yet.

When he raised his head, he saw Jun Shiraishi, a big lump of ice, standing behind Rie Kitayama at some point.

This does appear a bit unexpectedly.

Beicheng was stunned for a moment and planned to say hello first.


Rie Kitayama continued to speak with excitement on her face.

"Speaking of which, Beicheng-kun, why are you looking so sad? Anyway, we are servants, and the one who gets scolded the most is the 'big ice lump', and it has nothing to do with us."


no? Do you have to say this now?

Kitaki glanced at Shiraishi Jun behind her and coughed 'hardly'.

It's a pity that Rie Kitayama didn't pay attention to his cough.

Instead, he showed a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong? Beicheng-kun? Is your throat a little uncomfortable?"

"No, by the way, what do you mean by the 'big ice lump' you just said?"

"Oh - that! This is the latest nickname I gave to that 'sub-killer' Jun Shiraishi! Look at him, he doesn't talk at all and has a cold look. Doesn't he look like a big ice lump? Let me tell you. "

While talking, Kitayama Rie also stood up, and it seemed that she was ready to broaden the concept of "big ice lump" for Kitazumi.

Kitazumi was silent.

Mainly because he could feel that Shiraishi Jun's usually expressionless face was now a little darker.

So he gave the unlucky kid in front of him two more winks.

"Huh? Beicheng-kun? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with your eyes? Is there sand in them?"

Kitayama Rie obviously still couldn't understand it, so she approached and asked with concern.

"." Beicheng Shi.

never mind.

I can't hold it in any longer.

He simply stood up and said hello to Shiraishi Jun who was behind Rie Kitayama.

"Hello, Director Shiraishi."

He simply spoke.

It has been clearly pointed out in this way, now Rie Kitayama should finally understand the meaning of his previous behavior, right?


"Oh, it's true, Beicheng-kun, don't make such a joke."

Kitayama Rie laughed out loud.

"How could it be such a coincidence? Just when someone was saying bad things about him, that big ice lump appeared behind him——"

Kitami Minoru is indeed an interesting kid.

I actually like the tone of this ‘scare joke’.

She said, looking back with a smile.


The pretty and lovely smile solidified.

He looked at Jun Shiraishi who was staring at him expressionlessly.


Kitayama Rie's voice, which had been cheerful just now, was now filled with the desire to survive.

The meaning of this call is obvious - why didn't Kitazumi tell her earlier.

In response, Kitazumi just shook his head.

He was really trying his best to save her.

But Rie Kitayama really couldn't stand it and was trying her best to give it away.

He did not continue to look at Kitayama Rie, who was too scared to speak, but looked at Shiraishi Jun.

"Director Shiraishi, the ratings of "Night Walk" this time."

"It has nothing to do with your acting skills. You both performed very well."

"Is it?"

Unexpectedly, Shiraishi Jun took the initiative to take the blame away from him and Kitayama Rie.

This is indeed somewhat unexpected.

"But there must be a reason why the ratings of "Night Flight" have dropped so much, right? Director Shiraishi?"

Kitaki Minoru asked again.

"Well, I analyzed it with several familiar directors. It should be a matter of expectations for the series."

Shiraishi Jun nodded.

As said before.

The first ten episodes of "Night Walk" tell the semi-mystery story of Kirihara Kenji and Nishizono Miho as they battle wits and courage with the criminal police.

It is equivalent to the first ten episodes having concluded most of the plot of the original work - the male protagonist Kenji Kirihara committed suicide by falling from a building, and Miho Sazono did not tell the truth in the end.

Because Kirihara Kenji killed his father, the two of them "walked at night" for nineteen years, concealing the truth and not hesitate to use their friends and relatives around them.

And all this came to an end with Kirihara Kenji's suicide.

Facing the death of Kirihara Kenji.

Miho Nishizono never looked back once.

From then on, she was the only one left in the Night Walk.

This ending is very sad.

It meets most of the audience's expectations for "Night Journey".

For them, "Night Walk" has ended here, and they feel that no matter how they shoot in the future, it is impossible to get a better ending than this.

This is also the main reason for the decline in ratings - the story in the first ten episodes is too complete, which is equivalent to the ending of "Night Walk".

This will of course have an impact on the eleventh episode of "Night Walk", and it is normal to lose some viewers.

The other party explained this.

Kitazumi finally understood the reason why the ratings of "Night Walk" dropped.

No wonder the online reviews are so good.

The ratings plummeted.

The contrast is huge.

It turns out that’s the reason.

Likewise, reversing this situation is easy.

All it takes is Kitumi Minori and other actors to keep up their acting skills, and the filming team to maintain the quality of the twelfth episode of "Night Walk".

Naturally, the lost audience can be brought back, and the ratings will also return to normal levels.

This is like reading a novel online - readers are not blind or stupid, your work is good enough, and they will naturally be willing to read it.

In other words——

"The ratings for the eleventh episode of "Night Walk" are just a reference. Is the most critical episode the twelfth one?"

Kitaki Minoru touched his chin and murmured to himself.

According to Shiraishi Jun.

Episode 11 is just the beginning.

When those lost viewers find out that the reviews for episode 11 are pretty good and decide to watch episode 12 of "Night Walk" again.

That’s when the results really come out.

Got this figured out.

Kitaki Minoru naturally cheered up.

His appearance made Shiraishi Jun look at him more.

You must know that he discussed this issue with many professional statistics and directors in the industry.

This conclusion was finally reached.

In the end, he just gave Kitumi Minoru a hint.

The other person can figure it out on his own.

It's really a bit too clever.

Originally, he thought it was Honma Feiyan and the others who were exaggerating, saying that Kitami Minori was completely different from ordinary subservients.

The result now seems

This eight-year-old child is indeed completely different from the other children.

Thinking of this, Bai Shichun took the initiative to speak.

"No matter what, if you want to increase the ratings, you cannot do without your acting skills, Beicheng-kun."

This evaluation can be said to be quite high.

It's enough to show how much Shiraishi Jun values ​​​​to Kitaki Minoru.

Kitazumi naturally nodded without hesitation.

"I understand, Director Shiraishi."

Mainly because Kitumi Minoru thought of the comments made by film critics working for major TV stations that she had just seen on her mobile phone.

Although most of them were aimed at Shiraishi Jun, he was hit by AOE at most.

But the words "Kicking off Tachibana Ayumu was really the result of director Shiraishi's ignorance", "Second rate in the industry", "My acting skills are average" are still a bit disgusting.

He is not a generous person.

These guys who like to pick out words take the initiative to make themselves feel disgusted by riding on their faces.

Of course Kitaki Minoru wouldn't be polite either.

The slap is going to be rounded and slapped!

Ratings for episode 12 of "Night Travel"!

He must 'swell' the faces of these pen-biting guys!

But before that——

Kitazumi looked in the direction of Kitayama Rie.

"Beicheng-kun and I have finished talking."

Shiraishi Jun lowered his head.

"I have something to tell you next, Beishan."


Kitayama Rie actually wanted to answer "I don't want to tell you."

But she is just a brat.

It was impossible for the filming crew to resist Jun Shiraishi as the director.

Watching her face full of tears, she followed Shiraishi Jun to the other side.

Beicheng Minoru held his forehead.

how to say

The other party does have a sense of being self-inflicted.

Chapter two! Everyone, take a rest early! Good night!

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