Life Hunter

Chapter 777 No reward

The lucky man touched it for a long time, took off the jade pendant with the flying crane pattern, threw it into the pile of treasures, slowly turned his head, and stared at the wall in a daze.

"Great renunciation, great achievement." Gai Fengyou said earnestly.

"Are these enough..." Lucky Man asked.

"Master Gai and I took stock and prepared to dispel the demon's curse."

The lucky man nodded and sat aside.

Li Qingxian and Gai Fengyou stood in front of the treasure pile and began to count and classify them.

Gai Fengyou turned his back to the lucky man, took away the jade pendant with the flying crane pattern, and put it into his lucky silverbait bag.

After the two of them had finished counting, Gai Fengyou sighed softly and said: "It's not enough. I'll go back to the mountainous area to collect some. Master Ye, please prepare the magic circle. The longer it brews, the more curses will be dispelled."

"Okay, please excuse me, Master Gai."

Li Qingxian waved his hand, and mana spurted out. Tables, chairs and other objects rubbed against the ground and were slowly pushed against the wall, leaving an open space.

Gai Fengyou walked straight out, and when he reached the gate, he took out the lucky man's flying crane jade pendant from his lucky silverbait bag.

After walking out of the gate, Gai Fengyou glanced at the old guard Uncle Sheng, shook the jade pendant with the flying crane pattern in his hand, and said, "My dear sir, I want you to follow me to the mountainous area to collect treasures."

"Yes." Uncle Sheng immediately followed Gai Fengyou.

Under the night sky, the two slowly walked up the mountain.

"Your name is Uncle Sheng, right?" Gai Fengyou said.

"Yes, Master Gai." Uncle Sheng replied via voice transmission.

"How long has it been fourth grade?"

"It's been many years, but it's a pity that the Dantian has been injured, and it's difficult to make any progress. Thanks to the eldest lady's treatment back then, otherwise I'm afraid I might have fallen back to the sixth level now, and I wouldn't even be able to defeat my enemies." Uncle Sheng said.

Gai Fengyou pinched the jade pendant in his hand and said, "Do you know the origin of this jade pendant?"

"The eldest lady's dowry is now in the hands of the young master. The young master gives you this so that I don't doubt you." Uncle Sheng said.

Gai Fengyou nodded and said, "Good sir, you are currently bathing and fasting, starting the basic exorcism. When we gather the treasures in the upper mountainous area, we can carry out the final exorcism."

"Thank you, Master Gai. My young master will definitely repay you."

"I don't covet his reward. After all, the conditions have been agreed upon. The reason why I help him without telling the King of Chu is because I value his ambition and future prospects. Looking at the world's top students, lucky students are enough to rank among them. Top ten." Gai Fengyou said.

"You have a keen eye for pearls." Uncle Sheng said.

"Master and servant, please be honest with each other. You also know that he is cursed by the five demons, right?"


"Do you think ordinary power can dispel it?"

"It's really difficult." Uncle Sheng sighed.

"Who do you think is the person with the strongest luck in Fu Town today?"

"I believe it is our young master, but after all, the King of Chu is a dragon, and His Highness the King of Chu is still ranked first."

"That's right. Therefore, if you want to dispel the demon's curse, you must rely on the power of King Chu."

Uncle Sheng sighed: "That's difficult. The young master asked the King of Chu for help many times, but he didn't pay attention at all and was even on guard against my young master. Although it's hard to say these things to you, you must have known it for a long time. "

Gai Fengyou nodded.

"So, we have to find someone else."

Gai Fengyou sighed: "If I had been allowed to prepare a month earlier, and the good Lord would give me enough reward, I could have persuaded all the families in the upper district to borrow some treasures first. But now, there is no time, and the good luck student must drive away the demon today. Curse. We have no choice but to take His Highness King Chu’s treasure.”

"This..." Uncle Sheng's eyes were full of doubts.

Gai Fengyou said: "I am worshiped by the King of Chu, so I cannot do anything that betrays my master. But Lucky Sheng is a hero of the world, and I promised to help him get rid of the curse of the devil, but I have to do it. Now, I am in a dilemma. "

Uncle Sheng listened quietly.

Gai Fengyou continued: "Now I need someone to take away the treasure from King Chu's hand and hand it over to the lucky man."

Uncle Sheng's heart skipped a beat, his brows furrowed and then dispersed. He raised his head, looked at Gai Fengyou's back, and said, "Mr. Gai, what are your orders?"

Gai Fengyou asked, "Do you remember the yellow silk box in the middle of the hall of Prince Chu's Mansion?"

Uncle Sheng said: "Remember, I heard the young master say that it is the core of the general situation you set up for the King of Chu, and inside it is the precious imperial crown of the old dynasty."

"I need to use this thing to save lives, but there is no other way." Gai Fengyou said as he walked.

Uncle Sheng looked at the jade pendant with the flying crane pattern that Gai Fengyou held in his right hand. His eyes moved slightly. Scenes appeared in his mind, and he guessed the possibilities. Suddenly, the beautiful woman appeared in front of him, and the woman was crying like pear blossoms. In the rain, I knelt down and held up my swaddling clothes, trusting him alone.

Uncle Sheng smiled calmly and said: "Whatever you want me to do, please give me detailed instructions from Master Gai. As long as I can do it, I will fight to the death, no matter how hard it is."

Gai Fengyou sighed and said, "My plan is very simple. You and I go in, and I lure the King of Chu away. You take my magic-breaking talisman and the object-transmitting talisman, rush to the yellow silk box, and use the breaking talisman first." Use the magic talisman to break the protection, and then use the teleportation talisman to take away the box. The teleportation talisman will send the box into my hands, and I will use the imperial crown to rescue the lucky person."

Uncle Sheng looked calm, nodded and said, "Then what?"

Gai Fengyou sighed for the second time and said: "The King of Chu must know that you have passed this thing to the lucky person. Once you go down the mountain to cause trouble, the exorcism ritual will be in vain. Therefore, you have to put aside the relationship with the lucky person and let Chu Wang has no way to start and buy us the last time.”

Uncle Sheng followed Gai Fengyou and walked silently. After ten breaths, he said, "I know what to do."

"Once the King of Chu catches him, everything will be lost." Gai Fengyou said.

Uncle Sheng smiled calmly again and said, "It's all worth it to save the young master."

Gai Fengyou sighed three times and held out the spell-breaking talisman and the object-transmitting talisman.

Night Guard Yamen, side hall.

Magical arrays are arranged, magic weapons are surrounding, yellow talismans are hanging all over, and smoke is curling up.

In the center of the huge Bagua formation, the lucky man sits barebacked.

Li Qingxian stood between the good luck student and the altar and said, "Before I formally exorcise the demon, I want to say two things."


"First, I have told you repeatedly that this is the power of the five demon gods. Even if I join forces with Gai Fengyou, I may not be able to completely expel it. However, I am 100% sure that I can help you weaken it."

"I know."

"It's not whether you understand or not. I want you to know that I may fail, and whether you can bear the consequences of failure."

Good Luck Sheng said: "The matter has come to this, a dead horse should be treated as a living horse by the doctor. If the doctor can't revive it, it's my fault that I have bad luck. I can't blame others."

"Okay. The second thing is the most important. The "Thunder Jade Sutra" you gave me is so powerful that it is unimaginable. I don't want to violate my conscience, so the "Thunder Jade Sutra" is your reward for exorcism. You don't have to think about it. However, you threatened me again and again, do you know why I didn't kill you?" Li Qingxian asked.

Lucky Sheng remained silent for a while, then said: "My luck is strong?"

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