Life Hunter

Chapter 281: Make it through the dense forest without any problems

"Then what if I use life skills to use others to pass the test?" Li Qingxian suddenly smiled.

"Let me ask the superiors..." The examiner looked helpless.

After a while, the examiner nodded and said: "A fortune-teller can use all methods. However, I advise you not to hurt others. I heard that during the mid-level Qingyun exam two years ago, some fortune-teller secretly killed someone The lack of people caused the Qingyun test to end early."

"I'm just asking." Li Qingxian said.

The examiner led Li Qingxian into the second door, then pointed forward and said, "You can enter the thorny land from here. There are rules written on the notice board next to it. Please read it again."

Li Qingxian thanked the examiner and looked forward.

There was still ordinary green grass in front of him, but ten feet further ahead was a muddy swamp.

In the gray-black swamp, mud surged and weeds floated. In the midst stood steel puppets holding bows and arrows, constantly shooting at passing candidates.

From time to time, candidates were hit by arrows, some insisted on moving forward, some raised their hands in surrender, and the puppet stopped attacking.

Li Qingxian walked to the notice board and carefully read the rules of the second exam together with many candidates.

In this scene, the number of things that monks can use has increased, and Taoist cultivators are allowed to use spiritual talismans, but they must be made on-site.

This scene only started when he stepped into the swamp, so Li Qingxian sat on the grass, took out the talisman materials, and made the talisman.

After each piece is made, it is placed in an ordinary cloth bag around the waist for the examiner to see to avoid being said to be cheating.

At first, the examiners didn't pay much attention to Li Qingxian, but soon, they looked at Li Qingxian helplessly.

Li Qingxian made one piece after another, endlessly.

After the mana is exhausted, immediately visualize the spiritual platform and recover quickly. After recovery, continue production.

Song Baige and others in the distance couldn't help laughing and scolding Li Qingxian, he was indeed afraid of death.

After being promoted to the eighth level, Li Qingxian's Qi pulse was long, the boys from all directions became more powerful, and their magic power was incomparably deep.

An hour later, Li Qingxian finally stopped making the talisman.

The examiners looked at Li Qingxian frequently. Even if they spent the lowest amount of mana to make the talisman, it would take too long.

Song Baige, who was in the distance, saw this scene and asked: "Lao Qiu, when Scholar Wanfu was in the eighth grade, he could make talismans for an hour in one breath without the need for elixir supplies?"

Qiu Ye shook his head.

"Stop talking about the small five hundred magic talismans, right? What's the difference between playing like this and taking the magic talisman outside?" Wang Buku asked.

"Looking at those examiners, their necks are almost broken."

Li Qingxian stood up, moved his body, walked to the examiner in the swamp ahead, and said: "Examiner, I am going to take part in the second exam."

The examiner stared into Li Qingxian's eyes and said: "Starting from the moment you step into the swamp, I will be watching from the side when you enter the river and walk through the forest. There are also adults who use magical instruments to monitor and record all the details. Please pay more attention. "

"I understand. Can I use the life weapon now?"


Li Qingxian first stood on the edge of the swamp and observed the process.

The swamp area is relatively simple, just ordinary puppets bending their bows and shooting arrows, and hiding in the mud.

Once in the pool, the difficulty suddenly increases, because puppets will suddenly appear under the water and shoot, not ordinary bows and arrows, but faster and more concealed crossbows.

In the woods farther away, the difficulty increases further. The puppets inside no longer shoot arrows, but instead throw all kinds of hidden weapons wildly, making it impossible to prevent and avoid.

However, this test cannot defeat the puppets, nor can it destroy the hidden weapon arrows. At most, it can only be caught with the hands. Even a hidden weapon master cannot catch them all.

After Li Qingxian finished observing, he sacrificed one life weapon after another.

In a large wooden house not far away, dozens of huge silver mirrors surround the whole house, reflecting every part of the examination room.

Four high-ranking officials in purple sat in the middle, arranged in four directions, looking at the silver mirror in front of them.

Outside the purple-clothed officials, rows of Fei-clad middle-ranking officials stared at the silver mirror.

The destiny weapon that ordinary people cannot see appears on the silver mirror.

"Where did Mr. Gang Feng's son get so many life weapons? How could the Ming Xun Sect be willing to teach him about the Immortal Bee?"

"That sky-gazing mirror is also rare. Add in the fortune-telling ruler and the fortune-telling scale, and you have a perfect plan. I guess this second game he may not touch a single leaf, and he will be super armor."

"Not necessarily. There are many life magicians who have life weapons but lack strength. He is young and no matter how talented he is, his life magic ability is limited."

"That's right. Life skills are accumulated bit by bit. It is difficult to achieve success until you are middle-aged."

"He casts the spell, let's see how he does."

After Li Qingxian sacrificed four life weapons, he used mana to cast life spells.

Soon, all the details of all the puppets' positions, angles, firing rates, frequencies, patterns, etc. were determined through the life tools and life skills.

Compared with people's complex numerology, the changes and information of these puppets are simply a fool's errand.

Li Qingxian wanted to learn from Jiang Youfei and construct a full real-life map in his mind so that he could pass through it better, but he stopped only halfway through the construction.

Insufficient strength.

With no other choice, Li Qingxian had no choice but to take out the fortune-telling board presented by Shen Xiaoyi and send in mana.

The inner and outer rings of the fortune-telling plate rotated slightly, and then, streaks of light erupted and fell into Li Qingxian's eyes.

Ten breaths later, the scene before Li Qingxian's eyes changed drastically.

On the surface of each puppet, there is an identical transparent puppet, wrapping the body like a transparent passport.

These transparent puppets shoot one second in advance, and one second later, the real puppets shoot. No matter the range, rate of fire, landing point, or all the details, they are exactly the same as the transparent puppets.

The five life weapons are arranged in five directions, hovering in the sky.

Li Qingxian took out a series of spiritual talismans from the leather bag with his right hand, and used all the spiritual talismans he had learned, such as Qingshen, Piaoyu, Feifeng, King Kong, Iron Armor, Lushui, Treading Waves, etc.

Li Qingxian's whole body was filled with light.

The examinees nearby were stunned when they saw it.

Especially those martial arts candidates, they originally thought that the martial arts cultivators would have a big advantage at this level. After all, martial arts cultivators are not only better at body skills, but also have better eyesight and faster hands than the arts cultivators. However, Li Qingxian used so many spiritual talismans that even seventh-grade martial arts cultivators could not compare.

Li Qingxian carefully checked himself, nodded, and stepped into the swamp.

If the shoes are not heavy, the person will not fall, and walking on the swamp is like hard ground.


Li Qingxian turned into an afterimage, rushing forward with strong wind blowing around him.

There was a puppet every few feet on the road, shooting rapidly.

However, a scene that surprised all the examiners happened.

Li Qingxian seemed to have eyes in all directions. No matter how the puppet shot, he could always avoid it in advance.

Li Qingxian had already passed through the swamp a hundred feet away before the examiner finished his sip of tea, and then stepped into the fifty-foot-wide pool.

Li Qingxian ran on the water. Even if a sneak attack puppet suddenly appeared in the water, he could always dodge in advance and keep running at high speed as before.

Soon, Li Qingxian rushed out of the pool and rushed into the dense forest.

As soon as they entered the dense forest, they were greeted by large nets from all directions, followed by densely packed hidden weapons that screamed and shrieked.

However, Li Qingxian miraculously used the branches and trunks as cover to avoid large nets and hidden weapons, and dodge and maneuver in a small space.

All hidden weapons and arrow trajectories seem to be affected by the power of fate, always one step behind.

Even if there are a large number of hidden weapons in all directions without blind spots, Li Qingxian can completely avoid them by relying on natural obstructions such as trees.

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