Life Hunter

Chapter 1156 Meeting people

In the Champion's Palace, a golden lion slowly rose into the sky.

His eyes were shining with divine light, and his whole body was as golden as flames.

But I don’t know why, compared to the legend of Megatron Dahe, this figure lacks something.

"This king is a hero of the human race." Above the sky, the champion king roared.

A ray of sword light tore through the sky. The Champion King raised his paw, and with what seemed like a slight tap, the sword light exploded.

Then, three hundred thousand sword lights flew over.

The champion king was alone high in the sky, dodging and moving, his whole body shining with golden light, repelling three hundred thousand sword lights one by one.

The sword light receded.

Then, a big pen came from the west, using the sky as paper, and splashing ink, he wrote about wind, rain, thunder and lightning, gods, ghosts and ghosts, heading towards the champion.

The champion king fights proudly.

Then, a figure with white light jumped out and challenged the champion with both fists.

After a hundred moves, the figure retreated.

The human race is super-grade, making moves one by one.

The champion takes on the heroes with his peerless appearance.

Or win one move.

Or half a move.

Or evenly matched.

Both sides tried their best, but did not risk their lives.

When the battle reached the seventh person, the flying sword penetrated the champion lion's palm, carrying a line of golden blood, and flew high into the sky without a trace.

The champion king looked at his lion paw in astonishment.

"You lost." An old voice sounded.

The champion was silent.

He knew that the most powerful super-class human race had yet to take action.

The champion king slowly fell back to the palace.

The air froze, and both humans and monsters almost stopped breathing.

Six streaks of blood flew out of the Champion Palace and landed in the new city on the north bank.

Six super-grade treasures, a ransom for defeat.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The roar of the human race shook the sky, and there was silence in the champion's palace.

Afterwards, each demon clan shed tears.

The sharp claws that stepped on this land finally retracted into the flesh pads.

From then on, no claw marks of the demon clan could be seen on this land.

The city of God.

"Report... The human race has won a great victory. The champion king has handed over six super-grade treasures and is about to withdraw to the demon world!"

The whole country cheered.

"The human race is invincible!"

"The human race is invincible!"

All over the world, all over the world, cheered for joy.

The dark clouds that had been weighing on the human race for decades finally dissipated, and golden light filled the place.

Countless people looked at the sky and enjoyed the real sunshine.

On the wall of Xianwang City, Li Qingxian smiled, turned around and walked down the wall.

"Your Highness, do you want to move up a level?" Lu Jing asked.

Li Qingxian didn't answer.

"If you get promoted again, it's just an additional title, which is meaningless." Yu Ping said.

"You can add something interesting," Lu Jing said.

"You have bad intentions." Yu Ping smiled.

"Someone has to sit in that chair."

"Heavenly people don't sit on human chairs." Yu Ping curled his lips.

"Sit down for a while first, and then continue to be a heavenly being." Lu Jing said.

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian, but Li Qingxian ignored them.

"Your Highness, are you going to prepare for the celebration party?"

"There is no need to prepare for the celebration. The generals will prepare it naturally. I am going to learn fortune-telling."

"Huh? Okay..."

Li Qingxian walked into Feikong Pavilion, sat beside the peach seedlings, and read into the spiritual platform.

A spring and autumn has passed since the fall of the great general king to the victory of the championship city.

For nearly a year, Li Qingxian practiced every day without interruption.

The accumulation of second grade is extremely profound.

Especially as a life magician, and blessed by the luck of King Xian's army, his cultivation speed can be said to be rapid.

To the north of Tianmen Pass, there is a heroic leader, whose destiny favors him and all the people want to follow him.

In a few days, you will be able to calm down and reach the first level.

As usual, Li Qingxian entered Tiansui Academy where he went every day.

Time passes and space changes.

Li Qingxian blinked and found himself in Tiansui Academy again.

This time I came in and the place had a new look.

Countless situations and magic formations are hidden everywhere. Within the vast mountains, there are many buildings, ten times more than before.

On the highest peak ahead, the main hall has been renovated and made more magnificent.

The grand atmosphere is right in front of your eyes.

"Yuanhai." An old voice sounded.

Li Qingxian followed the sound and saw Xiao Shenfeng, with white hair and white beard, wearing a white robe, slowly walking towards him.

Time has carved scars on his face that cannot be concealed, but his eyes are becoming clearer.

In terms of momentum, it was far inferior to the last time.

The charm is restrained and does not show off its edge.

"Shen Feng."

This time, Li Qingxian looked at Xiao Shenfeng with particularly complicated eyes.

The two stood side by side, facing the highest peak, looking at the back of the hall, but did not speak for a long time.

"Your sect is doing very well."

"Two hundred years at most, and if it has been passed down for four generations, it will become the number one destiny sect in the world." There was no pride in Xiao Shenfeng's tone, but instead revealed unspeakable regret.

"You are very powerful." Li Qingxian said.

"I... I opened two sects of my own. One is based on me, and the other is implemented according to Xingping's philosophy. Over the years, the two sects have developed smoothly, without distinction. But..."

Xiao Shenfeng paused for a moment and said: "The fate technique I created suddenly issued a warning."

"It's a very powerful life technique that even the gods from the upper world cannot break." Li Qingxian said casually.

Xiao Shenfeng did not continue this topic, but said slowly: "Back then, the four of us, you, me, Gao Yuzhao, and Chen Xingping, determined to strengthen our destiny, establish destiny for the human race, change the world, and create a flawless world. You said something at that time Words, wake us up."

"You said that it is very simple to build a flawless world. Find the most powerful, certain, and unchanging force in the world, master it, use it, and then you can change the world."

"This sentence started our different paths."

"Yuzhao left early. The three of us have different philosophies. You said that inheritance is the most important thing in the human race, so we must create a method that can be passed down for generations, without cutting off the art. If possible, promote each cultivation and pass it on for generations."

"Xingping believes that the power of all living beings is the most powerful, and intends to create a situation that connects all living beings and lasts for hundreds of generations to resolve the catastrophe that the human race may encounter."

"I believe that fate magic is supreme, and this world should be controlled by fate magicians."

"Later, you and I learned from each other, and slowly realized that maybe the three of us were right. So, I inherited Xingping's legacy and opened two sects on my own, just in case something unexpected happened. But today, I learned that someone wants to harm me. Foundation, destroying this great land before us."

Xiao Shenfeng looked around.

"What do you do?" Li Qingxian asked.

"I believe in fate."

"I believe too."

Xiao Shenfeng sighed softly and said: "Your realm has reached its peak. You can no longer come to Tiansui Academy."

The two turned around and looked at the restored Tiansui Academy, the empty playground, and an ordinary row of houses.

Full of old times.

"Maybe I can do it again."

"Yes, you can do it again."

"Maybe twice."

Xiao Shenfeng smiled, took out a book and handed it to Li Qingxian.

"This is the general situation of Jiutian Shenxiao Thunder City that everyone jointly deduced. You can refine it now."

"And you?"

"I can only watch."

"You are a top grader. Please point me out."


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