Life Hunter

Chapter 1150 Mo Dao’s direction

After the fall of Champion City, the human race formally set foot on this land for the first time.

Just a few thousand meters away, the ground shook.

The most elite bodyguards of the champion king of the monster race began to take a run.

The first army of Champion City, composed of elephant demons, lion demons, tiger demons and wolf demons, showed their claws.

Their vital points,

They ran and roared together.

Back then, it was the same roar that penetrated the Champion City of the Human Race from south to north, broke through the Human Race's army at the rear, and drove the Human Race's army into the river.

The group of demons rolled towards me like a tsunami.


The undefeated champion king's bodyguards charge.

The generals looked at He Bao's back and sweated.

That is the champion king's personal guard. Even if placed in the demon world, it is still a first-class powerful army.

The river defenders met and were defeated in three battles.

The champion's personal bodyguard has its own number.

Invincible army.

In the first battle, the invincible army was sent out, and the demon clan's intention was obvious.

Suppress the human race.

The king north of the river is the king of champions.

He Bao held the sword in both hands, looked at the second-grade lion king in front, and grinned.

"Array up!"

The Mo Dao Army was running according to the formation. With an order, all the soldiers stood at a strict distance.

The soldiers used the exercises, and the true energy and blood flowed through the body.

The 50,000 Mo Sword Army are all of high quality.

Each person holds a Da Mo Dao that is taller than himself, slightly tilted, and shines like a cold moon in the sun.

The soldiers of Modao Army looked forward, inhaling slowly, exhaling slowly, inhaling, exhaling...

The whole world slowed down, and the entire battlefield became silent.

There was no sound except for my own breathing and heartbeat.

The invincible army trampled through the earth, carrying wind and sand all over the sky, and attacked head on.

Getting closer, getting closer.

Mo Daojun in the front row took a deep breath and took his last breath. He held Mo Dao horizontally with both hands, twisted his waist to the right like a twist, and stepped hard on the ground with his right foot. The ground sank and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

After an instant, he turned around, swung Mo Dao horizontally, and stepped out with his left foot.

Bang bang bang...

With the sound of intensive footsteps breaking through the earth, accompanied by the exploding dust, the Mo Dao Army, which had been accumulating for many days, swung its first sword on the battlefield.


Pieces of crescent light blades about three feet wide flew out of Mo Dao and flew towards the invincible army ahead.

After swinging the first sword, the soldiers in the first row retreated, turned around, shouldered the Mo sword, trotted back, controlled their breathing, and circulated their Qi.

The second row staggered away from the standing soldiers and swung the second sword.

The second row of Mo Dao's light blades roared and danced.

He Bao, the one in the middle, roared angrily, soared into the sky, and slashed vertically at the second-grade Lion King from top to bottom.

The second-grade lion king roared, and the mane on his neck exploded, facing He Bao, and slapped him straight.

The giant claws of the lion king surround the golden flame, burning all things and destroying everything.


Mo Dao slashed through and the lion's claws flew down.

Along with the second-grade Lion King, there was also the invincible army rushing to the front below.

The flying blade attacks and all the monsters are destroyed.

Pieces of monsters fell to the ground. Some had their legs and feet broken, some had organ fragments ejected from their chests, and some had half their heads flying out. They stumbled and fell to the ground. Their bodies twitched and they could no longer stand up.

After that, there was a continuous flow of flying blades.

The Modao Army is like a neat mechanism, swinging the sword, retreating, waiting for the opportunity, swinging the sword again, and retreating again.

The 50,000-strong army slowly moved backwards like flowing water.

The demon clan in front of them fell on their backs.

The Modao Army's retreat was no faster than the demon clan's charge.

The monster in the front row fell, and the monster behind stepped over the corpse and pounced on the human.

The demon clan's eyes flashed with blood, anger, and fear, but they did not retreat.

Charge, and tear apart the Terrans.

When the demon clan rushed forward, the humans, who had originally formed a loose formation to facilitate swinging swords, quickly shrank their formation.

In the next moment, the invincible army, like a giant beast, was about to collide with Mo Dao's army.

However, the Mo Dao soldiers in the first ten rows held Mo Dao tightly with both hands, the tip of the knife pointed to the sky, and the handle of the knife pointed to the ground. Their whole bodies were full of energy, their clothes were bulging, and their hair was flying.

They shouted softly and hammered the ground with their hilts.


Infusing energy into the earth.

The ground ahead undulated, mud and rocks erupted, and the bodies of all the demon clans shook and suddenly slowed down.

The monsters in the rear couldn't avoid it and bumped into them one after another. Only a few jumped into the air and landed on the ground or on other monsters.

Individual wolf monsters stepped on other monster clans, howled, leaped high from the sky, fell from the sky, jumped over the first few rows, and threw themselves into the dense military formation.

In mid-air, swords flashed.

Pieces of wolf meat and blood splattered.

The charge of the Invincible Army was interrupted.

"Push forward!"

He Bao took the lead and slashed straight ahead.

The five-foot-tall light blade, like a crescent moon traveling in the sky, separated from the ground and flew straight forward amid the flying dust.

The high-grade monsters in front of them ducked out of the way.

Wherever it passed, all the monsters were destroyed.

The Mo Dao Army in the front row, as if they were worshiping gods, raised their Mo Dao high, straight up and down, and slashed out with all their strength.

Hee hee hee…

The light blades and sword energy flew out vertically, densely packed, and landed on the demon clan.

Separate the fur, separate the flesh, separate the bones, separate the internal organs.

The demon clan in front of the army broke into two.

After the first row of soldiers swung out, they did not turn around and retreat as before, because between the two rows, soldiers stepped forward one by one, passed them, and swung the second sword.

Tsk tsk...

The sound of densely packed blades cracking through the air was heard.

The monsters in front of them all dodged.

The charging formation was completely disorganized.

Modao Army, advance forward.

Round after round of sword energy and light blades pushed forward, the demon tribe suffered heavy casualties. However, not long after, the invincible army demon tribe in front went crazy and rushed to the Modao army's formation without fear of death.

The Invincible Army tore open holes in the dense formation of Modao Army.

Wielding a pair of sharp long knives, the blades attached to the true energy are sharper than the light blade and the sword energy.

The light of the sword collided with the claws, and blood and residual limbs flew.

The entire army on both sides did not take action, silently watching the two colliding armies in the middle.

Looking from a distance, the two armies looked like two huge waves colliding.

Where the armies meet, they are intertwined, advancing and retreating.

"Push forward!" He Bao growled.

"Push forward!"

"Push forward!"

Under the unbelievable gazes of everyone, the 50,000 Mo Sword Army waved their long swords and continued to move forward.

The demon lion, kill it.

Demon tiger, kill it.

Demon wolf, kill it.

Monster elephant, kill it.

Wherever Mo Dao goes, he will kill everyone.

Among the pieces of meat flying around from the demon clan, long knives fell to the ground.

However, the Modao army is advancing.

Looking from a distance, below the Great Wall of Righteousness, a human city wall composed of Modao Army was advancing forward.

When the Invincible Army stopped charging and fought with the Mo Dao Army, they kept retreating.

Mo Daojun keeps moving forward, forward, forward.

The rear of the Invincible Army was clean and tidy.

Behind the Mo Dao Army, corpses of demons and humans were everywhere. Long knives and sharp claws were scattered, blood was flowing, and the remaining limbs were still warm.

"Push forward!"

He Bao's voice was like steel.

Mo Dao's army rushed in like a wall, and all the monsters were shattered.

Until the sun reaches its peak, the last lion demon of the invincible army falls.

More than 20,000 soldiers of the Modao Army, covered in blood, supported each other, held their Modao soldiers, straightened their chests, and looked forward.

In the rear, there were fields of broken corpses.

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