Life Hunter

Chapter 1133 Troop Training

In the city of the wise king.

At Geng No. 34 Recruit School Ground, the sound of drills of one hundred hundred-man brigade could be heard one after another.

"Goose-step! Left...right...left...right...stop!"

The soldier commander held a whip in his hand and aimed it at a recruit's left leg and whipped him hard.

"How many times have I said it! I just won't change! I just won't change! Come out, and the corps commander will come out and teach him step by step! What are you looking at? Keep going!"

Several generals stood on the edge of the school field, looking around at the new recruits.

A young captain frowned and said, "Is this kind of training method really done by the prince?"

"That's what the prince did."

"We are going north soon. The recruits have to learn everything, including military formations, fighting on the battlefield, and all kinds of things. But now they spend an entire hour every day practicing walking. When they get up in the morning, they have to fold their quilts into tofu blocks. If they can't do it well, they'll have to learn everything. smoke?"


"Does this mean more dignity than honor? Yes, it looks good with so many people walking neatly and folding quilts, but what's the use of fighting?"

"At first, I thought it was useless, and then I asked General Lu for a reaction. General Lu said that he didn't understand it at first, but the prince asked him to figure it out for himself. Slowly, he figured it out. Frankly speaking, the prince was simply practicing King of armies.”

"How to say?"

"General Lu asked me, for example, there are two gangs in Shendu now, both with fifty people. One has a seventh-grade per capita, and they play around all day long, fight, and make a mess. There is also a gang with only a ninth-grade per capita, but These fifty ninth-level people eat together, practice boxing together, and line up neatly even when going out. No one is left alone. Once something happens, fifty people rush together, and they can even walk faster than others. Others are tidy and fold their quilts more neatly than others. Okay, now, you are the night guard commander. You are short of manpower and can only monitor one gang. Which one are you monitoring? "

"I...even though the former one is of a high level, I always feel that something is missing. Although the latter one is of a low level, either nothing will happen to him, but if something happens, it will be serious. I'd better keep an eye on the latter one."

"These people have learned the Xianwang Kung Fu. If they really go to the battlefield, they can practice it in a few days. But do you know how to make them survive the first few battles?"

"Like before, force it."

"That's the stupidest thing to do."

"General Lu said that this simple activity of walking together and stacking tofu cubes may seem useless on the surface, but in fact, it is training obedience. Once a person is willing to do these seemingly strange but not difficult things , if you do it too much, you won’t suddenly disobey orders.”

"This...makes sense, it is true."

"Secondly, these people have all kinds of skills. They come from all over the world. It is impossible to have familiar people together in the army. They have to mix together. This makes everyone very strange. What should we do? Let everyone do it. If you do the same thing, everyone will agree and have unity. Moreover, competitions between different pawns, battalions, and armies will increase cohesion. Especially if everyone is united in a short period of time, you will have better Is there any way?"


"Finally, there are coordination, military discipline, morale and other aspects. It is very unrealistic for them to be exposed to those strict and harsh things at the beginning. We are all human beings, not dogs, not to mention dogs biting people when they are anxious? Only by starting from These seemingly simple beginnings allowed them to do this well, recognize this place, and recognize the brothers. This is the most important thing from the beginning. Were you not here for the exercise the day before yesterday? "

"I came back from outside last night."

"That exercise used veterans, recruits with new military training methods, ordinary soldiers, and brand-new soldiers. In the end, it was proved that only recruits with new military training methods could withstand the impact of veterans. The other two types of recruits, under normal circumstances, It's okay, but once they encounter a sudden and powerful impact, they will quickly collapse, because they are not a whole and will always fight on their own. But the new recruits trained by the new military training method can hold up the veterans for a while, and beat the other two types of recruits to pieces. Not just one, but all of them.”

"I see. It seems that I underestimated His Highness Prince Xian. There is such a profound meaning in such a simple thing."

"These new recruits who have been trained with the new method have a different spirit. You can see that each team can be twisted into a rope. In the past, only the old brothers who had fought in several battles could be so united, but How many lives did that cost?”

"Yes. Over the years of military training, the most troublesome thing is the casualties of new recruits. If the demon clan puts a little pressure on them, half of the new recruits will often die. If this military training method had been used in the past, at least half of the new recruits could have been saved."

"More than that. When these soldiers are twisted into a rope, they often turn from defeat to victory. The more they fight, the braver they become, and more people survive than imagined. In fact, the main cause of death in battle is that soldiers lose their energy. God. As long as there is energy and spirit, as long as there is such a breath in the heart, everyone will be like a fist with five fingers, not afraid of the demon clan. Humans, as long as they are not afraid, it will be different."

"I also want to learn this kind of military training method and experience it myself."


Outside King Xian's city.

There are hundreds of entrances to the recruitment office in a row, and there are long queues outside each entrance.

The noisy sound is like flying peaks.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Brothers and sisters, it's not that I'm irritable, it's that there are too many people. Stop talking. Everyone, line up and verify your identity one by one... As long as you practice the King Xian technique, you can go directly to the temporary camp established by the puppet cultivator... …Don’t be in a hurry, don’t be in a hurry…don’t crowd, don’t crowd…”

"Hurry, someone has fainted. This person has a family and a family. We must not chill the people's hearts. Go and get treatment quickly..."

"Sir, I know you have mastered Xianwang Kung Fu to a high level, but we don't dare to use your body and bones. Do you want to watch? Do you know how many people need to watch now? There are tens of thousands of old men and women..."

"Ah? Eight hundred people in your town want to live together? I...I'll go ask my superiors for instructions. You leaders, please help settle the people first. If you want anything, go to the logistics department to get it... What is logistics? I don't understand. , anyway, it was the prince who changed it... Who knows, it is probably to distinguish it from other armies, but it is quite convenient to call it smooth..."

"Rogue cultivators from the Dongding Kingdom? Welcome! We are all human beings. Who is our country? As long as we fight against the demon clan, we are all members of our own family! Practicing Xianwang Kung Fu? That's even better, we are all brothers..."

The line is getting longer.

"Hey, when is it going to end? I vomited all the way on the airship, and my head feels like I've poured rice soup. I haven't recovered from this yet, and I have to queue up again..."

"Are all young people today so careless? I am fifty years old, and I slept soundly along the way. Everything that flies in the air is just a boat."

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