Life Hunter

Chapter 1106 Wrath of Destiny

Zong Huatian snorted coldly and said: "Although we have different ideas from Li Xuzhong, he will never be stupid enough to risk his life and fortune to take the destiny. There are only two possibilities for Li Qingxian to obtain the destiny."

Everyone's bodies leaned toward Zong Huatian.

"First, Li Qingxian comes from the upper world, possesses the fortune-devouring destiny, and possesses the status of an immortal god, surpassing the local destiny's son. Second...this world has changed its destiny."

The faces of the elders trembled slightly.

Either possibility would be a fatal blow to the Tianming Sect.

If it is the first one, it proves that Li Qingxian's background is not a hidden sect, but the upper realm. Hasn't the Tianming Sect been against the upper immortals in these years?

If it's the second one, it feels better, but if you analyze it carefully, doesn't it mean that the Tianming Sect is in opposition to Tianming?

The elders fell into deep thought.

"Then Li Qingxian's super-level skills can't really come from the upper world..."

There was silence.

After a long time, Zong Huatian sighed: "Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is losing again and again without knowing it. Now that Ye Han is dead, we have to change our strategy."

Some elders' expressions softened.

"We support Li Qingxian?"

The eyes of some elders were much brighter than before.

Zonghua Tiandao: "Use the dragon to test the sky."

The elders were stunned and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Zong Huatian said slowly: "Our sect has a deep hatred for Li Qingxian, and he is also a destiny magician. Once he grows into the true son of destiny, our destiny sect will inevitably face annihilation. Of course, the destiny formation has been strengthening over the years. , especially when I was in retreat, it doubled, which is gratifying. Therefore, the worst result is to close the mountain and close the door, and wait for Li Qingxian to come out again after he has passed away. However, the worst result is to close the mountain and close the door. The door is the last step. I think that if we support Li Qingxian, not to mention that he may not appreciate it, it will not be easy to explain to Emperor Taining. Then we might as well not fight with Li Qingxian, but fully support Emperor Taining. "

"Full support? Like the last battle of kings?"

The elders looked troubled.

Last time, in order to help Emperor Taining, the Tianming Sect spent all their money, and only then could they surpass the others.

Zonghua Tiandao: "Last time Emperor Taining showed the true dragon form, we just followed the trend, and the cost was a bit high, but after twenty years, it has basically recovered. This time, Taining Emperor's dragon form is dim and unclear, and it is even more expensive. If you need our help, we can take the opportunity to raise the price."

The elders suddenly realized that this was the case.

"That's very good. There are many good treasures in Emperor Taining's palace."

"You must not break the jade seal of our country."

"Dragon energy is also essential."

"I think, how about canonizing the leader as the Great Heavenly Master?"

"Very good!"

"Once the situation becomes clear, we will make a final decision."

The elders slowly began to talk freely. Once they received help from the royal family, the Tianming Sect would not even be afraid of the Son of Destiny.

Zonghua Tiandao: "However, it will take some time for the imperial court and King Xian to have a full-scale conflict. In these days, we will slowly make plans. However, before that, we must first find the person who ruined my destiny inheritance!"

"Since the leader has decided, I will fight to the death!"

"Let them bear the wrath of destiny!"

All the elders nodded and agreed to Zong Huatian's use of the Great Zhoutian Ten Thousand Stars Life-Chasing Technique.

"When do we use it?"

"When the secrets are at their most chaotic."

"Master, there is new news about Li Qingxian."


"Li Qingxian left Xianwang City and went south to the Tianxiao Sect. I heard that he was going to treat Jiang Youfei's injuries."

"If the Tianxiao sect goes further south, it will be the Demon Mountain."

"It seems that Li Qingxian still can't sit still."

"Then shall we help the Demon Alliance now?"

"Wait and see, the most important thing is to find the real culprit who leaked the inheritance."

King Xian travels and spreads the news throughout the world.

After the battle in King Xian City, Li Qingxian's reputation was like a strong wind, sweeping across the human race.

All over the world are paying attention to Li Qingxian's every move every moment.

Especially on the eve of the Demon Alliance.

Lizhou is separated from Jiangzhou by a river, and to the south is the Lizhou Demon Gate, which is under the control of Hua Mo Mountain.

The north is a land of plenty, rich in wealth and rich in literature and art.

Above the Tianjiang River, a huge bridge like a long dragon flies across the north and south, which was built by the super-grade puppet cultivator himself.

North of the giant bridge, a bustling city is built on the water, the famous Jinling City.

Jinling City embodies the splendor of the Jiangnan water town. Even on weekdays, it is brightly lit and crowded with people.

These days, the number of outsiders in Jinling City has increased suddenly, with the number increasing by tens of thousands a day.

Nowadays, the entire Jinling City is overcrowded. Whether it is wine shops, teahouses or Qingshe Painted Boats, there are people everywhere.

Literary cultivators from all over the world flocked to it as if they had made an appointment.

Scholars from all over the world were centered in local guild halls and scattered in nearby restaurants and teahouses.

Many restaurants and teahouses are not only full, but also full of people standing.

In Tingchao Tower, Wuyang Wuyang's guests are like animals, and they have to turn sideways to pass through the aisles.

After all, this is the place where Zhao Shoufu composed his poems.

The song "Looking at the Tide" still hangs in a prominent place in the restaurant.

"Report...King Xian has gone south!"

The restaurant was already noisy, but when the person at the door shouted, the whole restaurant exploded.

"I said King Xian would take action!"

"King Xian will definitely destroy the Demon Alliance!"

"All those sons of good luck were killed by King Xian, and the inner factory didn't even dare to fart. What does the Demon Alliance mean?"

"Is Lu Han that powerful?"

"I have seen the photos of the battle at that time, and it was almost comparable to the Super Battle."

"Lu Han is the son of destiny appointed by the Tianming Sect. This matter has been spread among everyone for a long time..."

"However, King Xian went to the Tianxiao sect and has not yet reached Jiangzhou, let alone Lizhou Hua Mo Mountain."

"Yes, don't be too happy too early. Prince Xian is a court official after all. It would not be good if he went south at this time."

"What's not so good? Is it not so good to kill the Eagle King's army? Or is it not so good to overthrow the Lion King's army? Or is it not so good to save Xianwang City? Is it because he doesn't care about anything, and the monsters rush towards him like a tide? Okay? As long as the court thinks it’s not good, it must be great!”

"The establishment of the Demon Alliance is such a big thing, and the imperial court still supports it. Alas, it has never happened in a thousand years."

"Yes, the human race has been standing for thousands of years and has seen everything. The imperial court and the demon sect are as close as one family. This is the first time we have seen each other."

"Since that one came to the throne, the strange things in the past are no longer strange."

"Be careful what you say."

"Let's talk about King Xian. I heard that he went to save Fairy Qingcheng."

"I guess Xuan, that is the Champion King. Apart from the General King, there is probably no super-class human being who can beat it."

"Yes, with a super-level blow, even the clone, no matter how powerful the second-level one, can't catch it."

"I heard from people sent by Tianxiao that Concubine Jiang Youfei has completely... lost all her skills and is living in seclusion in the back mountains. There are some rumors in the sect that someone proposed to marry Concubine Jiang Youfei. Isn't this a martial arts marriage?"

"Want to marry King Xian? Not bad."

"The key is not to marry the idle king, but to marry the prince."

"Is the Tianxiao sect crazy? Who doesn't know that King Xian and Fairy Qingcheng are engaged, and they are said to be husband and wife."

"Don't talk nonsense. The reality of the couple may not be certain, but the engagement is certain."

"I don't believe that the Tianxiao sect wouldn't be that stupid."

"Who knows, it's probably just a rumor. Let's wait to refute it..."

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