Life Control Chart

Chapter 868 Ye Mobai vs. Di Ruo

"Wow! How did the tree get into your eyeball? What just exploded?" Xiao Hei exclaimed in shock.

Zhu Yanlan and Di Ruo also saw this amazing scene, and they couldn't figure out when Shi Yu took the entire Heart of All Things into his eyes.

"It's not that exaggerated! Haha.

I'm just using my true spirit as a seed, and watering it with divine power. As long as I have enough divine power, one day I will have such a powerful true spirit!"

Xiao Hei climbed onto Shi Yu's shoulder and scratched his eyelids to look inside, but the sapling inside was gone.

Shi Yu patted Xiao Hei lightly and said with a smile: "You'd better turn into armor quickly, maybe you will have to fight with Ye Mobai later."

Xiao Hei turned his head and looked at the light column, but he didn't see Ye Mobai running out.

But he still listened to Shi Yu's words and turned into a hideous black armor and draped it over Shi Yu's body.

"And what about the eyeball? Did you use it?" Zhu Yanlan was still worried.

Shi Yu shook his head, "This eyeball has been refined into a magic weapon, so it's okay to use it. Now I can't drive that eyeball out, so just accept it first!"

Shi Yu said it lightly, but Zhu Yanlan was more worried, but since Shi Yu said that he couldn't drive it out, she could only suppress her worries first.

In fact, Shi Yu was just relaxed on the surface. The inexplicable eyeball rushed into his eyes, and he started planting trees regardless of anything. Everything was out of Shi Yu's control.

Shi Yu suddenly felt the powerlessness of being covered by the black stone armor.

"Is there an old soul inside?" Shi Yu thought to himself, and his mind kept wandering around him.

Xiao Hei could feel Shi Yu's mood better than Zhu Yanlan, and whispered: "Brother Shi Yu, is something wrong? How about I help you dig out the eyeball? Then grow a new one."

Xiao Hei saw that Shi Yu couldn't make up his mind to remove the eyeball, and his uneasy mood caused his heart to beat faster and slower.

Shi Yu patted the scales with his hand and said, "Don't you have a natural sensitivity to treasures? What do you feel about the eyeball?"

Xiao Hei was silent for a moment and whispered, "No, I want all the good things, but the eyeball has no attraction to me."

"Do you feel any danger or disgust?"


"Never mind, I'll think about it when I have time."

The biggest reason why Shi Yu accepted the foreign body so quickly was that Mo Lu could fully exert his power.

The first moment the little heart of all things appeared, Shi Yu felt that Mo Lu and himself had merged into one, and he followed his thoughts and feelings as he wished.

Within a few words, Ye Mobai fled from the sky-high light column, and all the secret realm guards who blocked his way were slapped into blood mist by a palm, and rushed towards Shi Yu with great momentum.

Shi Yu remained silent, stretched out his hand to open the accompanying space, and stuffed Zhu Yanlan in.

Such a miraculous skill made Diruo's eyelids jump again, and he squinted his eyes and took a deep breath.

Regardless of whether Shi Yu was willing or not, Diruo took a few steps forward and touched the place where Zhu Yanlan disappeared. He didn't feel anything unusual except for the clear flow of spiritual energy and the smooth space barrier.

Shi Yu glanced at him and smiled noncommittally.

Diruo was thoughtful, and his fingertips twirled lightly. Suddenly he looked up and asked Shi Yu: "Have you controlled all the space?"

Shi Yu nodded, stretched out his hand and cut open Diruo's body space, pulled out a white ivory, and waved it in front of him like a sword, "I once snatched an ivory, and it's a pair with yours."

Although Diruo had already guessed, seeing Shi Yu quietly break his storage space, his face suddenly changed, and he swallowed hard.


Ye Mobai landed in front of Shi Yu with a wooden face, and slowly said, "It is indeed much stronger, but it still has not broken the confinement."

"Do you want to compete with me? Or fight with Di Ruo?" Shi Yu stretched out his fingers and drew a few times in front of him, and countless space folds spread out in a small space.

Ye Mobai's eyes suddenly turned cold, and without warning, he shot a bright light at Shi Yu. The strong and condensed power instantly cut through the space and hit the small barrier that Shi Yu had just set up.

The power that could have exploded on Shi Yu in an instant seemed to solidify between the two of them at this moment, and slowly advanced towards Shi Yu bit by bit.

A large amount of chaos gushed out from the cracks that were cut open, splashing on the void and the earth, hissing and corroding everything.

"Do you know I will take action?" Ye Mobai looked at the power that seemed to be able to touch Shi Yu in thousands of years, and his face did not change at all. He understood that Shi Yu's seemingly meaningless waving just now was actually a precaution against him.

Shi Yu chuckled at Ye Mobai, "You and I were never close friends, and now that you're even more powerful, I have to be careful.

Just because I don't want to kill you doesn't mean you don't want to kill me."

Ye Mobai snorted coldly, and threw two more punches, one at Shi Yu and one at Di Ruo who was standing quietly beside him.

Di Ruo raised his palm to block Ye Mobai's punch, and asked Shi Yu with a smile on his face but full of coldness, "Can I kill him?"

Shi Yu casually threw the ivory long knife in his hand to Di Ruo, and replied indifferently, "Whatever, I just want to see what you can do."

Di Ruo smiled even more brilliantly, and suddenly roared, blasting out an invisible sound wave from his mouth, easily smashing the punch in front of him.

Ye Mobai's eyes shrank suddenly, and he focused all his attention on Di Ruo.

The two punches he just threw were just a test, wanting to see if he could be stronger than Shi Yu.

But the punch still failed to break through the space barrier set up by Shi Yu, just like the strange light in his eyes a moment ago, it was fixed in front of Shi Yu.

With just these two simple strikes, Ye Mobai knew that he didn't need to waste any more effort. Shi Yu looked normal as before, but he would never win.

But Di Ruo was different.

As a top powerhouse who had once broken into the upper realm, the terrifying noise Di Ruo made when he was beaten out of the upper realm was many times stronger than Ye Mobai falling straight down without any resistance.

Out of a competitive spirit, Ye Mobai also wanted to have a good fight with Di Ruo.

Di Ruo broke Ye Mobai's offensive with one strike, and counterattacked mercilessly, with the ivory long sword in his hand dancing wildly, slashing out a series of sword lights like the creation of the world and rushing towards Ye Mobai.

Ye Mobai did not dare to underestimate them. When he fought with Xuan Pan and others, he knew that the strong men in this world were not the same as those in the previous reincarnation. Even if he became a soul-guarding slave and experienced the cleansing of the true spirit, he would still be defeated or even killed if he was not careful.

Without saying a word, Shi Yu fled hundreds of thousands of miles away and released Zhu Yanlan to watch the great battle between the two peerless masters.

Without the protection of the space barrier, Shi Yu instantly felt the power of Ye Mobai and Di Ruo.

The huge waves of spiritual energy raised by the aftermath of the battle made his body tremble slightly, as if a heavy punch hit him.

Zhu Yanlan had already put on her own armor in the folds of space, and at this time, she was blown by the air waves. If Shi Yu had not held her tightly, she would have been blown away.


None of the sword lights from Di Ruo missed, and all of them fell on Ye Mobai who was trying to test his strength.

Ye Mobai's body trembled violently, and he was repeatedly chopped back by the sword lights. The protective energy was shattered in three or five sword strikes. He relied on his strong body to withstand the continuous attacks.

"Good! You are worthy of being the best in this world! Xuan Panruo is far from you!"

With a roar, Ye Mobai praised Di Ruo, and while drawing a circle with his palms in the air to shatter the sword lights that followed, he smiled fiercely at Di Ruo.

Diruo knew that this attack, which was not even a warm-up, could not succeed, and laughed: "I have only heard of who Xuan Pan is. Kill you and then kill him! Let me see how strong you strong men are!"


Ye Mobai chuckled, clenched his ten fingers into claws, and waved them in the air like a wheel, drawing a series of bright silk rays that wrapped around Di Ruo.

"Diro is strong, but when I became famous, you hadn't even started reincarnation yet! Let me show you how strong the first person who reincarnated several generations ago is!"

The thousands of sword lights that Diruo chopped down one after another seemed to have lost all their power when they touched the silk thread that Ye Mobai flicked out, and they slowly moved forward in the void, which was similar to Shi Yu's Wanlikong.

Shi Yu had seen Ye Mobai's true ability in another time and space. He hadn't used the Light Condensation Divine Art yet. Under the Light Condensation Divine Art, the space was solidified, and any opponent could only be slaughtered like a bug in amber.

Diro's innate magical power is to be able to distinguish between true and false people, good and evil. This magical power seems useless in battle, but it actually has great benefits that are unknown to others.

Every time the enemy attacks him, Diruo can tell whether the attack is strong or weak, real or fake, and even how it was launched.

It can be said that as long as the battle starts, Diruo can firmly grasp the situation on the field and calmly deal with every attack of the enemy.

Even when facing a top strong man like Ye Mobai, it is no exception.

So even if the blade light was entangled and imprisoned, Di Ruo was not panicked at all.

He smiled coldly and stepped on the space again, and a circle of space ripples a hundred feet high swung out from under his feet, chasing the blade light that had been chopped off before and quickly passed the blade light, shaking all the silk threads into broken strands, and crashed into Ye Mobai like a chariot.

His blade light broke free from the entanglement of the silk threads, instantly recovered to its maximum speed, and rushed towards Ye Mobai following the space ripples.

Ye Mobai was about to raise his strength to block it, but he saw Di Ruo's offensive in the distance change again, and he used another killing move before he changed his moves, blocking all the attacks that he had not yet released before the outbreak.

With his eyes wide open, Ye Mobai knew the terribleness of Di Ruo.

If every attack was detected by Di Ruo in advance, Ye Mobai would have no way to launch a real attack, and would become a pure passive attack.

No matter which reincarnation, he has never seen a precedent of winning by defense alone, and at most it would be a draw.

Without reservation, Ye Mobai's whole body burst into endless light, just like when he was seeking death, lighting up most of the sky, and shining with the brilliant light column in the distance.

All the attacks that Diruo fell into Ye Mobai's light immediately became extremely slow, and within less than a hundred miles, they all became phantoms condensed in the void, and Ye Mobai could defeat them with force or dissipate on his own.

Such an impeccable defense shocked Diruo, and he gave up the idea of ​​underestimating Ye Mobai.

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