Life Control Chart

Chapter 56: The Evil Cultivator in the Jinhe Realm

Before Gu Yun could change his mind, Shi Yu had disappeared. He shook his head, stopped thinking about it, turned around and left, and continued to search every Lingxiao leaf carefully.

After walking only a few steps, a few sneers burst out, and several monks suddenly appeared in front of them.

Gu Yun hurriedly restrained his posture and looked at a few people, his heart skipping a beat. These strangers obviously had bad intentions, and they all looked at him with joking smiles.

"Brother, have you gained anything? We and our colleagues in the Zhenhe world congratulate you for your abundant harvest, haha." A tall and thin monk smiled broadly, but Gu Yun only saw murderous intent in it.

What's more, he announced his family name, obviously to scare himself. The Zhenhe world is not a kind person, and it has been widely reported that he has been looting here recently. I didn't expect that I would be so careful that I would be blocked by two groups of strangers today.

Gu Yun looked at the direction Shi Yu left and understood why Shi Yu wanted him to leave first, but it was a pity that he could not understand it.

"Don't look, that kid has already left!" the tall and thin monk said again.

Gu Yun withdrew his gaze, remembering the methods of the Zhenhe Realm, and was busy exploring himself, trying to see if he had been poisoned by a strange poison, and if he still had the ability to resist.

After careful inspection, there was nothing unusual. I felt confident in my heart. I looked at the monks from the Hehe Realm with bright eyes. I condensed two balls of vitality in my hands, ready to counterattack at any time.

"Haha, after waiting for you for so long, are you finally ready?" The tall and thin monk did not take Gu Yun seriously at all.

"It's been poisoned a long time ago, but unfortunately I didn't get caught. Of course you can't find it. If that kid wasn't a little weird, he could predict our ambush in advance. He was not affected by the poison gas and could turn it invisible. Do you think we would have Let him go?"

The tall and thin monk shook his head and continued: "As for you, you have been a fat sheep for a long time. If you obediently hand over the proceeds, we may be happy and keep your body intact."

"So Brother Shi is so clever!" Gu Yun didn't know how to escape at this time, but was thinking about the monk's judgment of Shi Yu.

"I, Tian Qing Gu Yun, are not made of clay. If you want something, then come and do it!" After all, monks at this stage are not easy people, and few of them are weak.

Gu Yun squeezed the secret and clenched his fists tightly. Countless thunderbolts filled his fists, and he used up all his strength to attack the tall and thin monk. The fists and winds gusted, and he was wearing electric armor, causing the air to crackle, and his momentum was amazing.

The tall and thin monk sounded disdainful, but he didn't dare to show off when he saw this. He crossed his arms and resisted Gu Yun's punch. He stomped back a few steps. His clothes were completely destroyed where his arms were hit, and his skin was burnt black.

"Awesome! I'm looking down on you, but can you still punch me a second time? I've never heard of such a thing, haha!"

The tall and thin monk stroked the injured area and looked at Gu Yun calmly.

"You are brave enough to fight with us in close combat? Or are you extremely stupid? Unless you are one of those golden and stone creatures from the Golden Spirit Realm and Earth Spirit Realm, who can avoid being poisoned?"

Gu Yun was shocked and tried to gather his energy again. Sure enough, as the man said, the movement of his energy was stagnant. He could not exert 30% of his 100% skill. He couldn't help but feel sad. It seemed that he was going to die today.

Gu Yun is also cool and unrestrained. Since he knows that he is unable to resist, he does not want to suffer and beg for a living. What's more, he knows that even if he spends his family wealth, he cannot save his life. He simply commits suicide if his heart breaks.

It's a pity that God failed to fulfill his wishes, and his originally weak Yuanli was out of control at this time. He stood there like a piece of fish on a chopping board, worse than ordinary people. Gu Yun had never experienced such a rapid spread of poison. Saw it.

The tall and thin monk sneered and walked up to Gu Yun, "It's the same thing again, take out what you got and I'll keep it."

Your body was completely dead, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to commit suicide. Do you believe that I would strip you naked and dry you in the sun on the top of the Red Mountain, so that others can appreciate your strong body? Find a few more witches and monsters to have sex with you every day and enjoy the ultimate happiness in the world? Ha ha ha ha! "

The monk licks the blood from his knife every day and is rarely afraid of death, but what he fears most is that life is worse than death, and he is subjected to all kinds of humiliation while alive.

Hearing the words of the tall and thin monk, Gu Yun turned pale and lamented that he could not escape immediately.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly there was a burst of applause very close by.

"The evil cultivator is indeed an evil cultivator, and his actions are consistent with his nature! This kind of method cannot be done by anyone with any humanity!"

"Who! Come out!"

Everyone in the Zhenhe world was shocked.

He was so close without even noticing. If the other party had taken action directly, a few lives would have been lost first.

When Gu Yun heard the voice of the words, he felt relieved. After all, the owner of the words had just left.

Shi Yu slowly turned out from behind Gu Yun, walked slowly, looked at Gu Yun and said: "Thank you Brother Gu for clarifying my doubts. What happened today was also caused by me. If I didn't stop Brother Gu, Brother Gu wouldn't Being controlled by others. Since the beginning of the matter is mine, the end of the matter is also my responsibility.”

After saying that, he looked at the tall and thin monk from Zhenhe Realm and sighed: "I have heard that there are many strange people in your land, and they like to hurt innocent people secretly. I didn't want to be troublesome, so I didn't kill Tian Mu at first. The monk from the Zhenhe Realm who was thrown to me seems to be too soft-hearted and pedantic, don’t you think so?”

"You and Tian Mu are in the same group! Then you will die today. I wanted to let you go and let you go safely, but since you dare to come back! Then follow this fool on the road!" the tall and thin monk shouted sternly.

"I can't walk or come back. I've been standing here without moving. It's just that you are blind and can't see it." Shi Yu said lazily.


Several people couldn't help but beat their hearts. No one could see Shi Yu's move. There are many ways to escape, but at the current state, if you can't see the opponent's figure, there is only one explanation. The level gap. It's too big, so it's best to stay away.

Several monks from the Zhenhe Realm hurriedly approached and leaned together, with the tall and thin monk standing at the front. Everyone's expressions were tense, their whole body's energy was shaking, and the comfort they felt when facing Gu Yun just now completely disappeared.

Shi Yu ignored them and turned to look at Gu Yun. He put one hand on Gu Yun's shoulder. His energy was also vibrating, and he kept making a whirring sound. In a flash, he raised his palm, drawing out a piece of invisible energy, and squeezed it away and threw it away.

Gu Yun immediately felt a lightness all over his body, and the lost control returned to his body. He quickly raised his hands and bowed deeply to Shi Yu.

"Thank you, Brother Shi, for the rescue. If it weren't for Brother Shi's righteousness, I would probably be worse off than dead today."

"Brother Gu is too polite. I didn't want to take action against these people. I already noticed them when they came by spreading poison. But at that time, they were still far away and they were all of low ability. The poison was ineffective and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to come close. Hiding in the dark is like a frog meeting a python.

In addition, I don't like fighting, let alone bloodthirsty, and I won't do anything unless I have to. It's a pity that they are so bold! I let them go, but they actually took action against Brother Gu. If I hadn't had some skills, I would have been like Brother Gu today. It seems that one cannot be kind-hearted. "Shi Yu felt a little emotional.

The tall and thin monk almost spit out blood from his heart!

This young man is so good at pretending that he doesn't use curse words when he curses, and he doesn't use obscene words when insulting others. In his opinion, this is a heavier blow than physical humiliation.

They don't want to take action, but they let themselves go, and they despise their lack of ability. His hundreds of years of cultivation are so unbearable in his eyes, compared to his ability to kill people at every turn

Not keeping the whole body, but stripping and drying the body and humiliating it, that is a judgment of superiority.

He was furious and couldn't bear to listen to Shi Yu's nonsense anymore. He opened his hands to draw a light green mist ring and shot it towards Shi Yu. The fog ring flew and expanded, and when it saw Shi Yu in front of him, it could wrap him up.

When Gu Yun saw this, he pulled Shi Yu back and wanted to retreat. No matter how powerful Shi Yu was, he wouldn't do it if he couldn't force it. Poisons are the best at crossing borders and injuring the enemy.

Although Shi Yu was somewhat confident, he did not reject Gu Yun's kindness and retreated. But the green fog ring was approaching step by step, and seemed to have spirituality, turning as the two chased them.

Shi Yu was impatient to waste time, so he pushed Gu Yun and knocked him far away. Black stone armor appeared on his body, and he turned and hit the green mist ring.

The fog ring seemed to be tangible and intangible. It crackled under the impact and broke into several pieces, as if it was about to perish. The tall and thin monk sneered when he saw this, but looking at the ferocious appearance of Shi Yu's armor, he was worried that something might be wrong. He pushed his palms and several light green mist rings came one after another.

The mist ring that had been broken into several pieces turned into a ball of mist, drilling through the gaps in the armor's joints. The subsequent mist rings interlocked around Shi Yu's body, shrinking tightly inward, binding Shi Yu tightly like a real chain and iron ropes.

Gu Yun was shocked when he saw this and wanted to fly away to help Shi Yu out of trouble. The monks from the Zhenhe Realm didn't stop them and still gathered together. Just seeing that Shi Yu was trapped, their expressions became much more relaxed, and they all looked at Shi Yu's armor carefully. This appearance seems to be that of someone from the same group as them, and that it should be used by a strong and vicious monk, rather than the elegant young man in front of him.

"Don't come here!"

Shi Yu shouted at Gu Yun, stretched his arms outwards, and his Yuan Power spurted out, trying to open the green ropes, but the green ropes were tied tightly and were not affected by the Yuan Power, and they did not move at all. This made Shi Yu Somewhat helpless, I have no energy to exert my strength, and the armor can only respond to strong impacts. This kind of flexible binding has no feeling.

The light green mist that penetrated into the armor has touched Shi Yu's skin. Shi Yu suddenly felt a slight chill, as if countless ice needles were drilling into his body. The shock of Yuanli failed to force it out. If it could be seen, Shi Yu's skin had already Gradually turned into gray and black, some withered and shrunk.


Shi Yu was annoyed in his heart. He had just relied on a huge amount of Yuan Power to easily wipe out several waves of Poison Kung Fu in the Zhihe Realm, and because he was too afraid to get close, he thought it was nothing more than that.

Unexpectedly, the other party just used this skill to suppress the situation, but he was greatly restricted and tended to get injured.

Shi Yu stopped being careless and tried hard to recall the exercises he had learned, which one could transform poison, regulate qi, and get out of the current predicament. As for Gu Yun, he must not get close to him. He couldn't care about him now.

While thinking about the required skills, Shi Yu tried his best to mobilize his energy, striving to temporarily force the poisonous gas out of his body. The black stone armor was infused with so much energy, and the kongkong made a sound. Yaizhen's miserable red eyes became brighter, and the black dragon circled around faster. However, the armor seemed to be able to only protect against strong blows, but it could not prevent the pervasive poisonous gas from penetrating.

Seeing the green rings gradually fade in color, it was because the poison had entered Shi Yu's body and wreaked havoc. Several people in the Zhenhe community were relieved, and the crowd that had gathered tightly dispersed and stood aside, laughing and giving pointers.

"Boy, I thought you had some great abilities, but it turns out you are nothing more than that! Now you are hiding in the armor like a frog and a clam meeting a python! Unfortunately, I wanted to let you go, but you still have the audacity to attack us and seek your own death. . If I didn’t have some skills, I would probably be in trouble today, and I’ll be fooled by this guy. Hahahaha~”

The tall and thin monk never forgot Shi Yu's previous words and considered them a great humiliation to him. At this time, he returned them all and the evil cultivators laughed even more happily.

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