Life Control Chart

Chapter 389 Dragon Emperor Armor

The Green Dragon King hesitated for a moment, nodded slowly, held his palm flat, and a pair of white armor appeared in his palm.

As soon as the armor came out, everyone in the Dragon Clan had a complicated look in their eyes, with both enthusiasm and hesitation. Everyone lowered their heads and closed their chests, and bowed slightly to the armor.

"The Dragon Emperor's armor, the scales that the Dragon Emperor shed before he was imprisoned, are you sure you want to wear it?"

Ao Luan twisted his neck, his face distorted, "Isn't it just death? How has my dragon clan ever been looked down upon so much!"

He stretched out his palm to grab the Dragon Emperor's armor with a determined look.

With a flip of his hand, the Dragon Emperor Armor in the Green Dragon King's hand disappeared immediately. He shook his head, "Forget it, there is a first time and a second time to return to the Dragon Realm. It's not a big deal if you have to endure it again."

The Green Dragon King's low words made everyone around him feel frustrated, and Ao Luan, who had caught nothing, was even more angry.

Shi Yu waited for a long time, but no one from the Dragon Clan responded. He sneered, "Not coming? Then retreat and return to your own realm. This is the last warning."

The Green Dragon King nodded and was about to answer when a young man in black clothes stopped him with his hand.

"Give me the Dragon Emperor Armor. Master Bishui Palace, take everyone to the retreat."

The Green Dragon King was slightly startled, and said in a deep voice: "What are you doing? The Yellow Dragon Tribe has just settled down, and your Black Dragon Tribe can't sit still anymore? If something happens to you, I can't explain it to the Black Dragon King."

"The Dragon Emperor was banned, and the Dragon Clan gradually declined. Today, even a little baby has ridden on the Dragon Clan. First there was Shen Yu, and then there was Shi Yu. Sigh, are we, the Dragon Clan, really that easy to bully?

Isn't it just a thousand-year curse? You and King Qinglong can bear it, but I can't bear it? "The boy in black shirt gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, with only Shi Yu in his eyes.

Ao Lie thought for a while, took out the Dragon Emperor Armor again, and said through his spiritual voice: "This is the final battle. If you are sure, kill him. If you are not sure, run away immediately. A curse is better than death. If he dares to kill him, he will die." I will launch a big formation."

The young man in black shirt nodded slightly, grabbed the Dragon Emperor Armor and buckled it on his body.

The white armor seemed to have spirituality, covering his whole body like clouds rolling over the mountains. The burly young man dressed in black suddenly became dazzlingly white, and his aura also changed accordingly, as if he had jumped several levels out of thin air.

Shi Yu, who was looking down at everyone from high in the sky, narrowed his eyes. A pair of armor can change a person's body. This treasure is absolutely extraordinary. Could it be the Dragon Clan's own divine weapon?

Shi Yu couldn't help but think too much, but the black dragon boy had already jumped into the sky, facing him from a distance.

"Black Dragon Department, Ao Bingtian, Palace Master Shi, be careful."

Shi Yu nodded slightly and was very careful. The Dragon Emperor Armor, which the Dragon Clan was in awe of, must have something mysterious about it.

To Shi Yu's expectation, Ao Bingtian did not fly towards him with his divine armor. Instead, he looked into the sky and suddenly transformed into a white dragon thousands of miles away, making the stationed formation with a radius of thousands of miles look much cramped.

Dragons can be big or small. The red dragon just turned into a hundred feet in length for the convenience of attack, but Ao Bingtian turned into a huge beast as soon as he came up, which really puzzled Shi Yu.

Big does not mean strong, and with such a compact body, it is easy for Shi Yu to avoid attacks and find flaws.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There were continuous explosions in the sky. Shi Yu was frightened and hurriedly fled away from Ao Bingtian.

Ao Bingtian seemed to be suffering from a serious disease. Dark blue patches appeared from under his armor, and crystal blue spikes sprouted from the white scales.

This was not what surprised Shi Yu the most, but that he felt unable to control his body. There seemed to be something in the sky.

Countless invisible hands were dragging him towards Ao Bingtian.

Shi Yu could clearly feel that this power came from those sharp spikes, trying to drag him over and stab him to death on the sharp edges.

Ao Bingtian didn't care what Shi Yu was doing, he just howled in the air like a sacrifice. More and more spikes appeared outside his body, and the spikes regenerated saw-tooth barbs, tossing the white dragon like a forest. caterpillar.

It's just that this caterpillar is too fierce, too powerful, too huge, and it spreads across the sky with extremely ferocious evil.

Shi Yu wanted to test his own limits. After expelling the dragon clan, he had bigger actions to take, so he kept his strength against the inner wall of the formation and remained calm.

There was a loud "bang bang" sound that lasted for half a moment before it stopped. Ao Bingtian turned around the shapeless dragon head and stared at Shi Yu fiercely.

The dragon clan disciples on the ground screamed one after another. Apparently they had never seen anything like this before.

From what the leaders of the dragon clan had just said, it seemed that the Dragon Emperor Armor had only been used twice, so it was normal to not know the truth.

"Thank you so much for your generosity, Master Shi, for not attacking me during my transformation." Thunderous words rolled out of Ao Bingtian's mouth.

Shi Yu frowned. This was obviously not the clear and crisp tone of Ao Bingtian's young voice, but rather the calm tone that he could only express after aging and cleaning his mind, without joy or sorrow.

"You're welcome! When you're ready, just do it! Three breaths, you only have three breaths!"

Just like before, Shi Yu still agreed to stick to the time limit of three breaths, which convinced the dragon clan of defeat.

Ao Bingtian opened his mouth wide, showing an ugly smile, and nodded the huge dragon head. The blue thorns collided with each other, making a "ding-dang" sound.

The situation surprised Shi Yu again. The usually fierce dragon clan actually ran away from him at this time. Ao Bingtian ran to the position where he faced Shi Yu from afar, his smile became even more ferocious.


Shi Yu also put on his mask. The more bizarre the battle situation, the more careful he had to be.

Sure enough, Ao Bingtian let out a long howl, and his whole body suddenly exploded into pieces. The huge dragon body turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood, covering most of the world within the formation.

Shi Yu was completely shocked. He exploded right after the fight. What a cruel method. Moreover, a breath had passed, and Shi Yu was unharmed, but the exploded black dragon was dead.

Ao Bingtian's broken body was still hanging there, and the blood was still gushing out. If there was anything about him that made people feel alert at this moment, it was his pair of fanatical and exquisite eyes, which seemed to contain endless power.

An accident happened again. All the flesh and blood of Ao Bingtian rushed towards the blue spikes, tightly clinging to the outside of the spikes and squirming.

The white armor and spikes had already exploded everywhere with Ao Bingtian's self-disintegration. Now with flesh and blood attached, they seemed to come alive, roaring and colliding with each other. In an instant, a huge bone dragon was erected in the air, roaring and flying with its fangs and claws.

Ao Bingtian's flesh and blood turned into the essence of power and penetrated into the body of the bone dragon.

With white armor as scales and blue thorns as bones, the terrifying bone dragon howled and flew towards Shi Yu.

Now was the moment when the battle really began.

Shi Yu immediately clenched his fists and punched out hundreds of times in a row. One by one, the fist prints condensed by chaos and Yuanli also roared towards the bone dragon and hit it mercilessly.

Shi Yu was not surprised that the Yuanli fist prints were ineffective and disintegrated, but the fist prints condensed by chaos

also collapsed at the touch and were smashed into black mist by the solid body of the bone dragon.

"Not afraid of chaos?"

Shi Yu was greatly surprised. Chaos, as a mysterious energy isolated from the outside of the world, could corrode and annihilate everything in the world no matter how much. But at this moment, when it hit the bone dragon, it shattered and disappeared like ordinary Yuanli, without causing any damage to the bone dragon.

The bone dragon, which resisted the chaos fist prints, became even more arrogant, and its huge mouth without lips and tongue bulged, and it blasted a blue light with a thickness of a hundred feet towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's body, which was the size of an ordinary person, looked like a small flying insect in front of the brilliant light column, and looked vulnerable.

Shi Yu had just raised his arms to resist the light when he was hit by the blue light against the array wall. All the light did not touch the array wall at all, and all rushed into Shi Yu's body, expanding him dozens of times in an instant, as if he was going to swell him to death.


The dragons watching the battle on the ground cheered. Every setback of Shi Yu was a huge victory in their eyes.

Three breaths had passed, and Shi Yu's big talk did not come true. Instead, he was beaten back by the bone dragon.

But this was just an illusion of the dragon children. What was growing was the Chaos Armor. Shi Yu in the armor was wrapped in endless blue light, rising and falling like a bug in a water drop.

The strong oppression made it extremely difficult for Shi Yu to move. Every time he tried to annihilate a blue light, there would be ten times or a hundred times more replenishment, which was endless and endless.

The bone dragon was in a dominant position and did not show mercy. Seeing that Shi Yu had been imprisoned by the blue light, its hollow eyes shot out two more blue rays, which pierced through the black armor like a long sword and penetrated deeply into the armor.

Although it was invisible, everyone thought that Shi Yu had been pierced and was struggling painfully on the two sharp swords.

The dragon clan members all breathed a sigh of relief, and even many clan leaders showed a faint smile.

The flying bone dragon finally pressed its huge dragon claws on the outside of the black armor, grabbed Shi Yu and squeezed it hard.


The loud noise exploded in every corner of the formation, and all the dragons closed their eyes in pain, even the Green Dragon King was no exception.

This loud noise was not only caused by the black armor being crushed, but also by the bone dragon's own finger joints hitting violently. Just from the size of the sound, it can be seen that the power of this claw is unimaginable.

The bone dragon let out a long roar and loosened its claws. Black smoke drifted out from between the claws. There was no blood or flesh, let alone Shi Yu.


The dragon clan leaders hurriedly looked around, looking for Shi Yu's whereabouts. They all knew that Shi Yu could not be killed in one blow, but it was beyond their expectations that he could escape the bone dragon's capture so easily.

The bone dragon that failed to hit the target became even more angry. It roared wildly and suddenly exploded again. All the bone spikes of its armor stabbed wildly in all directions to the west, as if thousands of monks were dancing with swords and knives at the same time, stabbing every inch of space in the Wanli formation.

The children of the dragon clan were so scared that they turned pale. Countless thorn shadows flashed around them, scraping the shields and making a "crackling" sound. If they moved a little, the shields would be broken and the people would die under the bone dragon's killing blow.

The chaos lasted for more than ten breaths. No one could find Shi Yu's position, and no bone spikes touched Shi Yu. He seemed to disappear in the formation out of thin air.

"Green Dragon King, did that kid escape? Is he no longer in the formation?" Ao Luan stared at the battlefield and asked in a low voice.

Ao Lie was not sure either. The main purpose of the formation was defense. It was extremely difficult for outsiders to get in, but getting out would only take some effort. With Shi Yu's ability, it was not impossible for him to break through the formation and escape.

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