Life Control Chart

Chapter 349: Illusion Array

Jian Kaitian, who was howling in pain, slowly got up from the ground. His entire face had lost its human shape, and his facial features were twisted and twisted. At first glance, it was the result of a severe injury to his soul.

"Do you believe it? You are still a person with a unique soul who is not even afraid of the soul-cleansing needle. How do you feel now?" Shi Yudiao said with a smile.

Jian Kaitian glanced at Shi Yu bitterly, spit on the ground, and cursed: "You are the worst! You know that this crap can make life worse than death, yet you let me try it!"

"You asked for it! You didn't even think about whether you were my opponent or not. You just cast curses without thinking of your own abilities. That's right!" Ling Xiao was also very annoyed by Jian Kaitian's silent sneak attack and mocked coldly.

Shi Yu chuckled and put away the book of curses. He suddenly paused and wrote the word "Ye Yu" on the completely blank page.


Shi Yu spurted out a mouthful of blood. Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao's expressions changed in shock, and they hurriedly stepped forward to support his crumbling body.

Shi Yu ignored the serious injury and took out the Forbidden Sky Lock to look around.

The Forbidden Sky Lock hung limply in Shi Yu's hand, showing no reaction.

"This bastard! He actually gave up his precious treasure and clone to trick me into being careless! Let him run away anyway!" Shi Yu said bitterly.

The lingering embers of Ye Xun cast a thick shadow over Shi Yu's heart.

Shi Yu did not dare to neglect, and immediately used the world soul to gather everyone in the old nest of the three pythons, even Xiao Junshan who was wandering around and Jiang Qi'an who was leisurely exploring were pulled over.

Everyone was puzzled by Shi Yu's panicked behavior. Zhu Yanlan looked at Shi Yu's pale face worriedly, knowing that something important must have happened.

Shi Yu recounted the previous battle with Ye Yu in detail. Only then did everyone know what the cold aura had just swept across the world, and they were deeply worried that Ye Yu still had a clone to escape.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Jiang, and Miss Lu, I will send you out right away. Please tell the clan leaders of all clans to immediately recall their own children to restrain them.

I have to seal the secret realm for a while and clean it up to avoid future troubles.

Please also ask all of your clans to find formation masters and set up a strong forbidden formation outside the gate of the secret realm to prevent Ye Yun from finding an opportunity to break into the Xiyue Realm. "

The three people all looked ugly when they heard this. If it is true as Shi Yu said, then whether this secret realm can be used again in the future is a question.

But they also knew that if Ye Zhen did not die, once Shi Yu and others left, Xiyue Realm would only be at the mercy of others. He immediately nodded in agreement and was hurriedly sent out of the secret realm by Shi Yu.

"Da Jian, third brother, you two continue to walk the great world, looking for Ye Xun as the main one and the secret treasure as the secondary one.

Remember, once you find any signs of Ye Yun's possible presence, don't be brave and immediately send a message to everyone through Duxu.

How is your learning of Great Sword and Crossing the Void Sound Transmission? Shi Yu asked worriedly.

Jian Kaitian scratched his head in embarrassment and shook his head.

Shi Yu thought for a moment and said to Zhu Yanlan: "Yan Lan, you must be careful when traveling with Jian Kaitian."

Zhu Yanlan nodded slightly and asked in a low voice: "What about you?"

"I will take the three of you with you to find your master first and leave a message. She is currently in seclusion and cannot be disturbed.

Then go to the last secret place given by Sister Xinxin. If you can get it, get it. If you can't get it, forget it.

If you can't find Ye Xun, don't open this secret place again! "Shi Yu replied in a deep voice.

Everyone divided their work and walked in different directions. Everyone was very worried and cautious. While looking forward to discovering Ye Xun as soon as possible, they all walked in different directions.

They were afraid that he would sneak up and kill him unexpectedly.

Shi Yu never thought that there was such a magical place in the retreat place chosen by Chi Shang.

A semi-bright barrier as thin as a cicada's wings easily separates the Xiyue Secret Realm from the billowing chaos.

The entire secret realm seems to be breathing here. The half-bright walls tremble slightly with each breath, pushing endless chaos like waves.

Chi Shang completely turned into a stone sculpture, half of her body was still in the secret realm, and the other half was submerged in the chaos. The thin barrier of the world seemed to completely wrap her up, leaving her in a strange state of semi-consciousness. .

Shi Yu did not dare to disturb and did not want to delay. He took out a jade mirror and carved a secret message on it and placed it next to Chi Shang. Then he led the three brothers to the last secret place where the treasure was hidden.


The large, simple and desolate altars were extremely dilapidated, and countless moss and vines had eroded them beyond recognition.

With Ye Xun's lesson learned, Shi Yu did not dare to be careless anymore. He immediately used Chaos to protect his whole body, then took out the Forbidden Heaven Lock and held it in his hand, slowly patrolling between the altars.

The three of them followed Shi Yu closely. The reason why they took the three people with them was because Shi Yu was afraid that if he got entangled and couldn't escape, he would also have a chance to tell others the information.

Looking at the dead altars, Shi Yu wondered why Xiyue went to all the trouble to capture powerful people from all walks of life and imprison them in Xiyue's secret realm, and also buried many treasures here.

When she said that she was here to train Xiyue people, Shi Yu definitely didn't believe it.

But if we say that the people of the world are purely used to nourish these prisoners, it doesn't make sense now that I think about it. After all, Xiyue monk's cultivation is too poor, and it is difficult to find these secret places where the prisoners are hidden, so there is no need to sacrifice for nourishment.

If Zhu Yanlan hadn't set off a fire to expose Ye Xuan's location, who would have been able to run to free him.

And a few of the Jie Zun who were still able to tolerate it were always shouldering the burden of protecting the world. Ever since Lu Jie Zun died at the hands of Mujiao, they rarely ventured into the Xiyue Secret Realm.

The depression caused by the many confusions was no less than the pressure of Ye Yun running away and hiding. Shi Yu frowned and didn't even pay attention to Yi Da's soft calls to him.

"Young Master!" Kui San couldn't help shouting when he saw Shi Yu's lost expression. Shi Yu was shocked and his eyes became clear.

"What?" Shi Yu asked.

"Sir, this is the last altar. Those who passed by before found nothing. Only this one is hollow and has something inside." He pointed at the altar in front of him and said.

"So fast? Why don't I feel anything?" Shi Yu was surprised.

Kui San secretly glanced at Shi Yu and muttered, "That's because you are just thinking about your own thoughts, and you can't hear anything we say."

Shi Yu nodded awkwardly: "You three can leave here first and patrol outside the altar. I will explore this last one by myself."

Yida and others also knew that they could not help here, so they quickly retreated towards the periphery, flying around the altar from a distance, paying attention to Shi Yu's every move.

Shi Yu first walked slowly around the altar, and his spiritual thoughts invaded the altar to explore carefully.

Inside the altar, there were only twelve stone statues standing in awe, silently guarding around a three-foot-long six-sided awl. A stone door covered with vines sealed them tightly.

At first Shi Yu thought that these stone statues were all transformed by monks or were formation mechanisms.

But when Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts touched them, they made no sound. They were purely carved from ordinary hard stone, with the six-sided sharp point in the middle.

The cone is made of a rare material, but that's about it.

"Strange! Sister Xinxin clearly pointed out that there is a treasure here, so it's impossible for someone to get there first? Could it be that this pyramidal crystal is the treasure?" Shi Yu thought secretly.

Having tasted the benefits of the Forbidden Sky Lock and the Book of Curses, but now there was a treasure in front of him but could not get it, Shi Yu felt extremely itchy in his heart and kept circling around the altar, wondering where the treasure was.

"Who could be here? Could it be more powerful than Ye Xian? No matter what, let's go in and take a look first!"

Shi Yu's heart skipped a beat. When he thought that Yu Tong had also attacked Dajie to snatch the Kaitian artifact, he had to be cautious and make more plans for his future revenge.

Using the world soul, he escaped to the altar.

Twelve stone figures seem to be waiting for the six-sided cone forever, and the lavender luster of the cone looks mysterious and charming.

Shi Yu carefully walked around the stone man and gently placed his hand on the sharp awl.

A cold, smooth and moist feeling came through his palms, and Shi Yu felt as if he was touching ice silk.

The originally light purple pointed cone seemed to be felt by Shi Yu's warm palm, and the place where the fingers and palms touched slowly turned pink, and the peach color slowly spread.

"Huh?" Shi Yu hummed in surprise and raised his palm.

The sharp cone of body heat that was lost when it was lost gradually returned to its original shape.

"Interesting!" Shi Yu smiled softly, and a stream of fire burst out from his palm, spiraling around the sharp cone.

He seemed relaxed, but he did not let down his guard at all. His spiritual thoughts were covering every corner of the empty room, and his other hand secretly held the Forbidden Sky Lock ready for use at any time.

The pointed cone quickly turned from purple to pink, then from pink to white, and finally stood in the center of the Twelve Stone Man like mutton-fat white jade.

But that was all, the entire stone room was still silent, no mechanism was activated, and no old monster was seen rampant.

Shi Yu stroked his forehead helplessly, thinking about whether to move Jian Kaitian over. Only his formation-breaking talent could open up the suspense, but his formation skills were too low to give any clues.

Just when Shi Yu was hesitating, one of the twelve stone men turned slowly, turning the face facing away from the sharp cone to facing away. The stone head was also raised, and two strands of blood dripped from the stone eyes. Cheeks dripping to the ground.

Shi Yu was shocked. Such strange appearance was definitely not a good thing. He had already examined these stone figures carefully. How could pure stones shed blood?

After slowly taking a few steps back, Shi Yu left the center of the twelve stone men and stood in the corner of the stone room to watch the changes.

According to his spiritual sense, there was no change in the stone man, and the blood flow seemed to appear out of thin air in the stone man's eyes.

One by one, the stone men slowly turned around, and one after another shed two lines of blood and tears. The stone chamber was soon covered with a layer of plasma.

Shi Yu had to float up slightly to avoid the bright red spot.

Although it was said to be blood plasma, it was just similar in color, and Shi Yu couldn't smell a hint of fishy sweetness.

When the last stone statue shed tears of blood, the milky-white pointed cone suddenly flashed, and the entire stone chamber was transformed into an endless starry sky.

Shi Yu was surprised to find that he was standing in the void, with countless stars twinkling, and a majestic continent living freely far away under his feet.

"Illusion formation?" Shi Yu thought secretly in his heart. The spiritual mind tightly bound in the stone chamber could still feel the presence of the stone man and the sharp cone. It seemed that this place was still in the stone chamber, and everything he saw was just caused by the strange formation. To.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed past Shi Yu's side, running straight towards the continent and disappearing in the center of the earth very quickly.

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