The police said that the police had been arrested.

"The half-alien sent by the alien organization has entered Tianyu Mountain!"

"It's time to close the net!"

After the call was connected, a cold voice rang out from the phone.

"Got it!"

"The half-alien here will be dealt with immediately!"

After hearing this, Ding Kai hung up the phone first, and then looked at one of the students.



Isn't that a half-human, half-beast monster developed by the alien organization?

When he heard Ding Kai say the three words "half-alien", Su Ye found some information about the alien organization and the half-alien from the fused memory!

Alien organization!

Specializing in the study of alien blood, and then injecting the special alien blood into the human body, so that people can have powerful power beyond themselves, but the price is also huge, that is, once the evil power is used, not only will it become a half-human, half-beast monster, but the mind will also be gradually eroded. Once the mind is eroded, it will completely become a killing machine without emotion and only knows how to kill!

It can be said that!

The alien organization is definitely the most evil evil organization in the world!

"Major Ding!"

"Is there a half-alien in our base?"

Looking at Ding Kai, Su Ye asked curiously.

"That's right!"

"Before this half-alien entered the base, the Divine Alliance had already mastered all his information!"

"And the reason why he was allowed to enter the base!"

"It is to let him reveal the location of the base and lead out the people of the alien organization!"

"And now!"

"The half-alien sent by the alien organization has entered Tianyu Mountain, so it's time to close the net!"

Hearing Su Ye's inquiry, Ding Kai explained with a smile.


Did the alien organization send people?

After hearing Ding Kai's explanation, Su Ye suddenly became serious and asked, "Major Ding, will there be a half-alien in the Martial God Realm?"

? ? ?

He doesn't care who the half-alien in the base is!

But he cares whether there will be a half-alien in the Martial God Realm among the half-aliens who come?

What kind of brain circuit is this!

After hearing Su Ye's words, Ding Kai was stunned.

"Su Ye!"

"Do you really hope that a half-alien in the Martial God Realm will appear?"

After recovering from his shock, Ding Kai stared at Su Ye with a strange look and asked.



"I'm just asking casually!"

Seeing Ding Kai staring at him, Su Ye also smiled and explained.

"By the way!"

"Major Ding, who is the half-alien!"

Looking at the forty-nine people not far away, Su Ye asked curiously.

"Shunyang City!"

"Liu Lei!"

As he spoke, Ding Kai looked at one of the members of Lin Chuan's team!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At this moment, all the practical instructors appeared in front of the students they were responsible for, and then, in the students' confused expressions, they carried them up and ran!


Only Liu Lei was left in the training ground!


"I've been discovered!

Seeing that the students around him were carried away by the practical instructors, Liu Lei realized that his identity had been discovered, and then his eyes gradually turned blood red!

At the same time, his body began to swell, and when his clothes were stretched open, it could be clearly seen that his alienated body was covered with long black hair!



"Liu Lei is actually half-alien! "

When many students in the distance saw Liu Lei's appearance at this time, all of them exclaimed with their eyes wide open!

Especially the nine people from Shunyang City, because they never thought that their companions who had been together for many days would be half-alien!

"Major Ding!"

"I know I will definitely not be able to walk out of this base alive today!"

"But what I want to say is!"

"These so-called geniuses you trained are like ants in my eyes!"

At this time, Liu Lei first glanced at the many students, and then looked at Ding Kai and mocked him.


Want to provoke the anger of the students!

Then fight with them to delay time?

Hearing Liu Lei's mockery, Ding Kai sneered, and then looked at Lin Chuan in the distance and said: "Lin Chuan, the people in your city, you go and deal with them!"

"Okay! "

Hearing Ding Kai's order, Lin Chuan rushed towards Liu Lei directly, and at the same time sneered with disdain: "Liu Lei, you are a waste, even if you are injected with exotic beast serum, you are still a waste in my eyes!"

Damn it!

How dare you do this

Humiliate me!


Wait a minute!

Wait until the half-alien warriors in the organization rush into the base, and see if you will still be as arrogant as you are now!

Thinking of this, Liu Lei also rushed towards Lin Chuan.


The two fought fiercely.

"Liu Lei only has the strength of a fourth-level martial artist!"

"But after the alienation, his strength soared to the fifth-level martial artist!"

"I have to say!"

"The alien serum developed by this alien organization is really something!"

Looking at the two people in the fierce battle, Su Ye also muttered to himself.

"Su Ye!"

"The alien serum developed by the alien organization is also divided into levels!"

"And Liu Lei injected only the most common alien serum!"

"If he injected a high-level alien serum, even Lin Chuan would not be his opponent!"

At this time, Ding Kai's voice sounded from the side.


Alien serum is also divided into levels?

This alien organization is quite interesting!

Hearing Ding Kai's words, Su Ye suddenly became very interested in this alien organization.

"Ding! Random tasks are issued. Please kill the two half-alien hidden in the base. The task is successful. Ten thousand of the 100,000 [Division-level] Level 9 alien beasts in the bottleneck task are eliminated. The task fails, no penalty, and the task time is one day!"

Just then, the system's prompt sound suddenly rang from Su Ye's mind.

? ? ?

Two half-alien?

There are actually two half-alien in the base?

Hearing the random tasks suddenly issued by the system, Su Ye was directly shocked.


The system gave the information of the two half-alien!

Shunyang City, Liu Lei!

Nandan City, Leshan!


"Leshan is also a half-alien!"


"It seems that the God Alliance doesn't know about this!"

After knowing that Leshan is also a half-alien, Su Ye's eyes are full of shock.

"Lin Chuan has used his talent!"

"The battle is about to end!"

Just then, Ding Kai's voice rang out from the side.


Is Liu Lei going to die?

After hearing Ding Kai's words, Su Ye quickly looked at the two of them.

At this time!

Lin Chuan used his talent to directly control Liu Lei's shadow, making Liu Lei unable to move!

"Damn it!"

"Why haven't the people sent by the organization come in yet!"

"I'm not willing to accept this!"

"I'm really not willing to accept this!"

Seeing Lin Chuan on the opposite side holding a sharp dagger and walking towards him step by step, Liu Lei's eyes were filled with a strong sense of unwillingness.


Just then, a skeleton soldier holding a bone knife appeared in front of Liu Lei!


In the confused eyes of Lin Chuan and Liu Lei, the skeleton soldier exploded!


With a loud bang, Liu Lei disappeared directly in the mushroom cloud.

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