Chapter 76 We can defeat them! What are you afraid of?! Mechas are coming!!

The Taiping Sea is the largest sea on earth.

And it has the largest high seas in the world!

The meaning of the high seas is that it is a sea area that is not subject to any constraints and is controlled by any country.

And no country may claim any part of the high seas for itself!

Nor may it exercise jurisdiction over the high seas themselves!!

However, these are only literal constraints.

For example, right now, the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has sailed in the waters of the Taiping High Seas.

At the same time, on the left side of the Taiping Sea, a Xiaguo Peace aircraft carrier equivalent to the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is also quietly sailing on this vast sea!

And the seas around the aircraft carriers of both sides are equipped with a complete set of aircraft carrier ecological chains.

Two cruisers, two destroyers, and three frigates.

In addition, each is equipped with submarines underwater. and two logistics supply ships at the rear.

If the aircraft carrier does not move, it will be fine.

But if it moves, it will be amazing!!

The destroyers, cruisers, and frigates around it are all indispensable.

At this time, on the deck of the Peace aircraft carrier,

Mr. Pang and Mr. Xu had already arrived here a day ago.

As the captain, Mr. Pang directly controlled the entire situation.

The two stood on the deck, holding the guardrail.

From here, the shadow of the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can be seen with the naked eye.

At the same time, on the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, John, who was standing on the deck, could also clearly see the restored Peace aircraft carrier.

The two sides just looked at each other from a distance.

“Colonel Lyon”

“Drive closer!”

“I can’t see clearly!!”

At this moment,

John put down the telescope in his hand, turned around with a ferocious face, and looked at the captain of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier standing next to him.

Lyon frowned when he heard this.

Then he whispered:”Admiral John”

“This is a safe distance that both of us can maintain.”

“Can’t get any closer.”

“Otherwise, our actions will be judged as international military operations.”

“At that time, they will have the power to deal with all threats”

“What are you afraid of?”

John pulled the corner of his mouth at this time.

Hearing this, Leon stood aside quietly and kept silent.

You are looking for death, but I don’t want to die!

When he came out to perform this mission, his superiors had already told Leon clearly.

Let him keep an eye on John, and decide whether to carry out the punishment to the end based on John’s performance this time.

And now, the first order issued by John is a serious provocative action!

Leon shook his head secretly in his heart.

“Team A! Team B!”

“Start patrolling and training!!”

“Team C!”

“You are responsible for the second round of training and live-fire shooting!”

“Team D!”

“You are responsible for the third round of artillery coverage strike!”

“at last!”

“E-Team Aerial Combat Team, you can also start to show up”

“”The cruise operation has begun!”

Leon quickly issued his order!

After the order was issued, all the crew members on the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier began to mobilize.

The cruisers and frigates also began to carry out sea operations.

At the same time, about 40 crew members were quickly gathering on the deck and began to wear their flying combat mechas.


The patrol operation of the Peace aircraft carrier has also begun.

“I thought they dared to come over.”

When Mr. Pang saw that the other aircraft carrier had completely stopped, he immediately pulled the corner of his mouth and said.

Mr. Xu on the side heard this and couldn’t help but say:”If they dare to come over”

“I won’t be wandering around all year round.”

“If they dare to cross the border, their aircraft carrier will be gone.”

Mr. Xu silently glanced at his remaining aircraft carrier.

The Peace aircraft carrier was loaded with several powerful weapons!!

“Fourth brother! Look!”

“The pilots on their deck began to move.”

“That thing, can it be called an aircraft? ?”

Old Xu immediately picked up the telescope, and through the telescope, he could clearly see that on the deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, those figures were constantly debugging the aircraft.

If it was the old Xu before, he might have been a little jealous.


After really seeing the two sets of mecha developed by Lu Li.

He realized!

That was the real mecha!!!

The aircraft on the opposite side with heavy equipment was not worthy of the word”mecha” at all!!

“call out——”

“call out——”

At this moment, two extremely fast and fierce sounds of breaking wind exploded in the sky!

At the same time, Lu Li’s voice came from the radio headsets of Elder Pang and Elder Xu.

“Lao Pang! Lao Xu!”

“I said you are not kind!”

“Such a big thing, but you didn’t even inform me.”

At this time, all the crew members on the deck of the Peace were stunned.

They raised their heads and looked at the two figures that were slowly descending in the sky.

When they saw the two figures clearly, they were shocked all over!!


“This, this, this, isn’t this a mecha?!”

“What is going on!!”

“Science fiction has become reality?!”

“Wow! The last time I saw such a handsome mecha was in the cinema during the holidays!”

All the crew members couldn’t help but exclaimed!

At this time,

Lu Li also successfully harvested a large number of shocking feedback points!

After all, he bought a nuclear condensed energy amphibious all-weather patrol aircraft carrier, but it killed 400,000 of his modification technology points! How could I be missing from this place that can harvest shocking feedback points ?!

“Lu Li?!”

“Zhang Dayong?!”

“”Why are you here?!!”

At this time, Elder Pang and Elder Xu came to Lu Li and Zhang Dayong quickly.

Although they had seen the Nano Zeroer mecha on Lu Li and the Proton Vanguard mecha on Zhang Dayong before, but!

When they saw them again, they were still filled with endless shock!!

“I heard that the US aircraft carrier is coming.”

“Besides, haven’t I been designing and modifying aircraft carriers recently?”

“So I came here to find some inspiration.”

Lu Li released the mecha mode.

The nanofluid mecha once again turned into a watch in a posture that ordinary people could hardly imagine.

At the same time,

Lu Li also adjusted the Zeroer mecha to the detection and alert mode.

“Come for inspiration……”

“No, Lu Li”

“It’s too dangerous here!”

“”Go back quickly!”

Pang Lao said quickly.

The safety of himself and others was not at the same level as Lu Li!

Therefore, he had to ensure Lu Li’s safety at the first time!

“Too dangerous?”

Lu Li smiled and said:”Old Pang”

“I am here, and I am the biggest danger!”

“Don’t worry!”

This Nano-Zero Mech on my body.

If I really run it at full power!

Even if the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier on the opposite side explodes, I won’t be injured at all.


I am the real biggest danger!!

“By the way, Mr. Xu”

“When I was in heaven”

“I saw a lot of mosquitoes flying around on the aircraft carrier over there.”

“Those things……”

“Could it be the latest air combat mecha that the United States claims to have developed?”

Lu Li looked at Mr. Xu and asked.

“Yes!” Mr. Xu nodded.


“Those weird things are worthy of being called air combat mechas?!”

“Can you tolerate this?!”

Lu Li pulled the corner of his mouth

“Zhang Dayong! Come alive!!”

“Let’s go over and take a look.”

After that, the Nano Zeroer mecha on Lu Li’s left wrist once again turned into nanofluid. It immediately covered Lu Li’s whole body!

A black as ink, emitting coldness and cruelty, once again appeared in front of everyone.

And Zhang Dayong on the side also immediately completed the transformation of the Proton Vanguard mecha!



The palm jet engine and palm engine started up!!

Immediately, the two steel mechas began to take off!!

Slowly flying towards the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in the distance!!

“Lu Li! Zhang Dayong!!”

“Come back!”


When Mr. Pang saw this scene, he was shocked!!!

He wanted to speak out to stop it.

At this time,

Mr. Xu suddenly stretched out his right hand, put it on Mr. Pang’s left shoulder, and firmly held him.

“Fourth Brother! Hurry up and persuade him!”

“this this this……”

Pang Lao turned around anxiously, his eyes full of doubts.

Why did Lao Si stop him?!

“Second brother!!”

“Do you still think we are the same as before?!!”

Mr. Xu’s eyes suddenly… became extremely sharp!!

“Don’t forget it!”

“We are no longer the Xia Country we were more than half a year ago!”

“We are now!!”

“Your Navy Department alone is equipped with a hundred Type 0 fighter planes!!”

“And our Air Force is currently equipped with 300 Type 0 fighter planes!!!”

“The army of India, the Type 99 modified magnetic storm atomic tank”

“I heard from my third brother that there are already nearly 400 of them!!”

“With our current military level!”

“Can directly push them sideways!!”

“Let me ask you!”

“What are you afraid of?!!!”

Old Xu’s voice came out from his throat.

It was like a slap in the head!!

It hit Old Pang’s brain hard!!

At this time,

Old Pang only felt a roar deep in his brain!!


The next second, his body couldn’t stop shaking!!


What am I still afraid of?! What else do I need to be afraid of?!! I am not afraid of anything here!!!

Thinking of this , suddenly,

Old Pang’s eyes were filled with tears!!!


I don’t have to be afraid of anything here!!

In an instant, his thoughts suddenly changed!!

If it were in the past, perhaps some tasks in military operations.

They needed to consider it again and again.

But now!

What are you still considering?!

What do you need to worry about?!!

Just as Old Xu said!

I can just push it across here!

What am I afraid of!!!


“The Dawn of Nuclear Fusion Project will officially enter the final stage of construction in a week!”

“Our Xia country is about to take off!!”

“What are you still afraid of?!!”

Old Xu’s voice was also a little choked!


He knew.

All of this, the confidence in his heart!

All came from the powerful military industry!

And behind this powerful military industry, it was the ancient genius! Lu Li!

At this moment.

On the deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

“Report it!!”

“Found two, two, two……”

At this time, a remote reconnaissance crew member on the deck suddenly spoke loudly.

However, at the end of the sentence, he stuttered.

“What did you find?”

John turned his head and asked unhappily.

“Found two… two……”

“What on earth is this?!!”

John was originally furious when he came here.

Seeing that the crew members couldn’t even speak complete sentences, he immediately became angry!


The look on the reconnaissance crew member’s face suddenly changed!!

“That, that, what is that!!”


“Please forgive me!”

“What on earth is that?!”

The expressions of John and Leon changed to different degrees.

They looked from a distance and didn’t see anything.

Moreover, the radar detection equipment didn’t show anything.

So it couldn’t be any military items.

John walked up to the remote reconnaissance crew member and pushed him away.

Then his eyes met the long-range telescope.

Then, a few seconds later,

Leon saw that John was shaking all the time and didn’t speak.

Then he walked over, frowned and asked:”Admiral John”

“What did you see?”

“I saw…FxxK!!!”

John suddenly yelled!

“How is it possible!!

Then, then, what on earth is that!!

” In the perspective of the telescope, there are two steel mechas!

They are flying straight from the distant sky towards the aircraft carrier on their side!

That kind of mecha!

Even John has only seen it in movies!

And in just a minute, the Nano-Zero Mecha and the Proton Vanguard Mecha have arrived in front of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier!

They are just quietly suspended in the air!

Under the sunlight, the surface of the Nano-Zero Mecha and the Proton Vanguard Mecha is emitting a cold glow!

At this moment!

John and Leon, as well as the crew members on the deck of the aircraft carrier behind them who are still wearing flight equipment, collectively feel their scalps tingling!!!


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