“Wait! You said you were Uchiha Shuishui!? ”

After Xi Rihong reacted from the shyness just now, she suddenly widened her beautiful eyes and looked at the water in surprise.

Shuishui didn’t know why Red had such a big reaction after hearing his name.

He nodded affirmatively.

And then.

I saw Hong Yu’s hand covering her red lips, and her face was full of incredulity.

“Oh my God!”

I actually saw an idol!

Her heart was like a deer bumping, and she was excited.

Due to the reason of majoring in illusion.

Red adored the first illusion master in Konoha, Shisui.

Although she was also born into a family of illusions.

But their Sunset clan is still inferior to the Uchiha clan who has chakra eyes in illusion.


She is determined to defeat the people of the Uchiha clan in illusion with her own efforts!

But since hearing the rumors of stopping the water.

She doubted herself a little.

Will he be able to surpass Uchiha in illusion…

Recent Konoha.

There are many rumors circulating large and small about stopping water.

For example.

At the age of seventeen, Shisui became the patriarch of Uchiha!

Another example.

Some time ago, Shisui led the Uchiha clan to sweep the criminals of the entire Konoha!

Received praise from Naruto-sama!

Some people have even heard.

Even if the three wars are over.

Shuishui has also been stationed on the front line!

Lead your squad to defend Konoha against foreign enemies!

And successfully resisted many invasions of other countries!

This pile is put together one by one.

It shows the extraordinary strength of stopping water.

Let them be peers who are not much different in age.

I was really impressed!

The experience of stopping water has exceeded most of them!

Red is a typical trivial.

She was well protected by Konoha.

Except for missions out of the village, he has been staying in Konoha.

There is no such wonderful life as stopping water.

So she yearns for this kind of life.

After hearing these rumors.

She became interested in stopping water.

It is also the spirit of not admitting defeat in the heart.

That’s why she came to this extremely dangerous forest of death to practice.

Expect to reach the height of stopping water one day.

But I never expected it.

She suffered setbacks on the first day.

By mistake.

Unexpectedly, she saw her idol.

Or rather, the goal of catching up.

Recalling the scene where the beast was instantly shredded just now.

Red has a new understanding of stopping water.


His knife skills are also very strong!

The speed of the instantaneous technique is also so fast that it is impossible to react at all!

Too strong!

This is the famous Uchiha stop water!

Hongmei stared at the water without blinking.

This makes the water stop a little embarrassing.

He hadn’t been in any love in his previous life.

Movies and television about love are also rarely watched.

I saw a lot of conspiracy and calculation.

So I don’t understand what girls are thinking.

Shui Shui saw the wound all over his body.

Even the clothes were torn, revealing the white shoulders.

Pretending to cough, he said dryly: “That, do you want to continue cultivating?” ”

“Or, shall I send you out?”

Hong saw Shuishui with an ignorant look of a big boy.

Finally couldn’t help it.

Poof, laughed.

It’s so funny.

It has such a famous water stop.

Real people look like a big boy next door.

It’s so cute!

At this time.

Twenty-year-old Hong became deeply interested in seventeen-year-old Shuishui.

But notice where the water stops.

Red blushed slightly, pulled on the torn clothes, covering her fair skin.

She had no fatal wounds on her body, though.

But some small wounds, to a few.

If left untreated, the wound will soon become infected.

It will be dangerous.

“Then, please take me to Konoha Hospital.”

Hear the words of red.

Shuishui nodded slightly, simply picked up the red princess directly, and quickly moved towards the outside of the forest.

Red buried her head in Shuishui’s arms and hugged Shuishui’s neck with both hands.

There is both excitement and shyness in my heart.

She tried to adjust her mentality and did not want to miss this rare opportunity.

Ask Shuishui for magic tricks.

Shuishui’s boring cultivation alone these days is also a little boring.

So I’m happy to explain my magic experience to Hong.

The two started.

One person asks a question and the other answers.


The two walked out of the Forest of Death.

During this period, Hong saw that he had already left the forest, and pedestrians began to appear on the street, and out of shyness, he wanted to leave the embrace of the water.

But Shuishui insisted on not allowing the already injured Red to act.

So there is no letting go of red.

Instead, he hugged him tighter.

To this.

At the same time that Hong was helpless, a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Shuishui walked forward holding Red.


A slightly strange sound came from the ball shop on the side.

“Huh? Isn’t this red? ”

“How did it hurt so badly?”

Shui Shui and Hong both turned their heads in unison.

It was found to be a watermelon-headed man in a green tights talking.

And he’s not alone.

There are three other people sitting around a table with the watermelon-headed man.


“Also, Genma, Ebisu and… Kakashi! ”

When Hong saw the acquaintances who had a good relationship on weekdays, he lost his voice and whispered.

Thinking of the scene where he was hugged by Princess Shuishui, he was seen by acquaintances.

Hong’s face turned red, and his eyes became confused.

What to do?

What to do?

It’s also too shameful!


Kneel for collection! Fresh flowers! Appraise!!!

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