“It is also my honor to compete with you, the number one powerhouse of Uchiha.”

“In the end, regardless of winning or losing, I will support your decision.”

Although he is a bit conservative and rigid.

But today’s water stop gave him hope that Uchiha would rise again.

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity.

If you can defeat the water stop, it is better to take it under your wing.

But if he loses, he will also be convinced to take the oral auxiliary water and control Uchiha.

After all, the Uchiha family has always respected strength.

Power is the right to speak!

What’s more, he saw hope in Shuishui.

Maybe the water stop can really do what you can’t do.

“It’s better to choose the day than to hit the sun, so be now.”

“Let’s go find a training ground.”

Seeing that Fugaku agreed, Shisui finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

A big stone in my heart has finally fallen.

Fugaku agreed.

Then, as long as the victory is obtained, the task of the system is mostly completed.

Make sure the system doesn’t self-destruct and gain the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

This battle, he is bound to win!

After Fugaku packed up his equipment and clothing.

Shisui and Fugaku walked outside the house.

The two are ready to find a hidden training ground to fight a battle that will determine the future survival of Uchiha!

Seeing this, Mikoto and Itachi sighed.

Knowing what to say could not change the fact that the two were dueling.

With their own complex thoughts.

Followed behind the two.

Mikoto will also bring Sasuke, who is in a coma, with him.

But soon after.

As soon as several people walked out of the gate, three men walked in front of them.

All three wore Konoha ninja uniforms with a badge on their shoulders representing the Uchiha Garrison.

He is the three capable generals under Fugaku.

Uchiha Taohuo, Uchiha Tetsuhuo and Uchiha Yatsushiro.

The three of Taohuo were also stunned when they saw the oncoming Shuishui and Fuyue’s group.

The originally ugly face converged a little, and he walked closer in a few steps.

Tao Huo looked puzzled and took the lead in asking, “Captain, Lord Shisui, Mrs. Mikoto, where are you going?” ”

As a member of the Uchiha Garrison, few of them called Fugaku the patriarch.

So it’s generally called captain.

And Shuishui is the strongest in the clan and is respected by everyone.

Shuishui’s mind is focused on the upcoming battle, and he is grasping to integrate all the combat experience of his predecessor, Shuishui.

So there is no answer to Taohuo’s question.

Fugaku did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically

“What happened?”

When he saw the ugly faces of the three Taohuo before, he faintly guessed something in his heart.

Sure enough.

Hearing his inquiry, the three of Taohuo immediately explained the reason for their ugly faces before.

It turned out that when they were enforcing the law, they clashed with Konoha’s ninja again, and they almost started to move!

The cause was that two drunkards drank too much and got into a fight at the door of the tavern.

They went up and arrested and detained the two.

But the brother of one of the parties is a Zhongnin, who happened to pass by with a friend and saw the scene of arrest.

Then several people clashed with the garrison.

In the end, the Zhongnin brother was naturally not an opponent of the garrison, and he was also violently arrested by the garrison.

As for several of his Zhongnin friends, they had to call someone over when they saw that they couldn’t beat it.

And because the garrison is a bit too heavy in the process of arresting people.

The passers-by who caused the onlookers also accused the people of the garrison for standing on the side of those who were in the middle of the ninja.

Pointing fingers at the garrisons.

Some people even brought up the Nine Tails Rebellion back then, and the garrison had no reason to blame them.

In the end, Taohuo came forward to solve the problem.

Resolutely retreat with those with the garrison.

Only the two drunkards and the Naka Shinobu brother were brought back to the garrison and imprisoned.

The impending conflict was stopped.

Uchiha Yatsushiro said indignantly: “But it’s just a matter of patience, and you dare to shout with us!” ”

“Fiercely close his black prison for ten days and a half months, see if he dares to be so arrogant in the future!”

Uchiha Tetsuhuo’s face was full of resentment: “The most hateful are those Konoha ninjas and civilians!” ”

“We helped them maintain law and order, and they actually taunted us in turn!”

“But the Konoha high-level didn’t let us interfere in the first place! Otherwise, the Nine Tails, with the captain’s chakra eyes, will definitely be able to subdue them! ”

“If we make a move, how can the village cause so many casualties?”

Uchiha Taohuo was still sensible, and said softly: “Captain, the clansmen are holding a fire in their hearts. ”

“I’m afraid that if this continues, I’m afraid that sooner or later a conflict will break out.”

“That consequence…”

Even if he didn’t say it.

Everyone here understands.

The consequences are definitely not open!

Fugaku sighed inwardly, patted Taohuo’s shoulder, and looked at Iron Fire and Yatsushiro Erren again:

“I know you’re holding back.”

“But now is not the time, we need to endure it a little longer.”

“I’ll give you an explanation to your clan soon.”

“Yes, Captain.”

The three of Taohuo said in unison.

Although they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they still obeyed Fugaku’s words.


The ferret listened to all the words of the people just now.

Sighing inwardly, his expression was full of sadness.

The family and Konoha have really reached the point of no return.

These clansmen are like bloodthirsty wolves.

Just expect that the order to “rush up” will set off a bloody storm!

“Captain, do you need us here?”

The three of Taohuo were still curious about what Fugaku was going to do with his family and Shuishui.

And also wearing a combat outfit.

Could it be that there is an incident somewhere else and needs the captain to support?

Then they must follow!

Without waiting for Fugaku to casually say a reason to prevaricate.

Shui Shui was the first to speak, “I’m going to compete with Patriarch Fuyue, do you want to come to watch the battle?” ”


“Lord Shisui wants to compete with the captain?”

“Oh my God! Big news! ”

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