The sky was full of bright lights, and the sky was full of bright lights.

A little spiritual light descended from the sky.

It flew straight to the human race and hovered in front of the statue of Nuwa, the Holy Mother of the human race.


Amid the excited expressions of countless human races, the statue of Nuwa, which they personally participated in creating and worshipping, bloomed with a brilliant golden light at this moment.

Then the eyes of the statue of Nuwa opened, and a little divine light fell.

It sank into the bodies of all the human races present, bringing excellent positive changes to all human races like nectar.

"I have more strength!"

"I am faster."

"Hahaha, I have become stronger!"

"Thank you, the Virgin Mary!"


Unlike others, Feng Hao did not get any nectar, but a seal appeared in front of him.

This seal is made of green jade, and it shines with clear light.

And outside the clear light, there are nine dragons surrounding it, and the luck of the human race is intertwined.

Feng Hao knew the origin of this seal with just one glance.

Kongtong Seal!

It turned out to be Kongtong Seal!

Feng Hao's mood suddenly fluctuated at this moment, as if a thousand-foot wave suddenly rose on the calm sea.

First of all.

Kongtong Seal is a superb innate spiritual treasure that was born very late.

It gradually devoured the dragon souls of nine quasi-saint-level dragons during the Longhan catastrophe, and absorbed part of the luck of humanity when Nuwa created humans and became a saint before it finally took shape.

It is an extremely rare innate spiritual treasure in the prehistoric world, and is of the same grade as the four twelve-grade merit lotus platform, the mountain and river map, and other treasures.

It was just that after the human race was created, it was discovered and collected by Nuwa by chance, and it has never appeared in front of the prehistoric creatures.

So it is not well-known, and even the great masters rarely know about it.

Now Feng Hao is watching the spiritual treasure spinning in front of him, and the excitement on his face can no longer be concealed.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

Not to mention ordinary cultivators, even the disciples of saints, even the saints of heaven like Zhunti Jieyin, covet the top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Putting aside the grade of this spiritual treasure, its significance to the human race is even greater.

It is more important than the imperial seal in the history of the previous life. After all, the imperial seal is only the eight words "Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Eternal Prosperity".

But mastering the Kongtong Seal is equivalent to being the well-deserved leader of the human race.

"Thank you, Mother Goddess, for the treasure!"

Feng Hao held up the Kongtong Seal with both hands and bowed to the statue of Nuwa.

Between his palms, the dazzling golden light of merit burst out at this moment.

In the somewhat astonished eyes of Nuwa in the Empress Nuwa Palace, he actually burned the power of merit directly to initially refine this top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

"Waste of nature!"

Nuwa snorted.

But there was deep appreciation in her eyes.

With a decisive and capable character, the human race should not be far from rising with such a leader.


Feng Hao almost exhausted all the merit power he could mobilize.

In addition to the 30% of the human race's luck that he could mobilize, he finally initially refined the Kongtong Seal, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with 42 innate restrictions.

Now, he finally truly knew the power of this top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

First of all, as long as there is enough human luck to promote it, the nine quasi-saint-level dragon souls can be directly revived, and they have the terrifying power to erase the laws and shatter the world.

Of course, in addition to the human luck, the panacea of ​​merit is also effective.


This spiritual treasure can mobilize the human luck at will.

In other words, as long as the human race is prosperous and strong enough, Feng Hao can still fight against the saints even if his realm does not increase at all in the future.

In addition, holding the Kongtong Seal can also abolish the human emperor at any time.

It can also mobilize the human race's faith emotions and collect the power of faith.

"The power of faith... isn't it the most primitive divine power."

Feng Hao stroked the Kongtong Seal, and the Qilin Wall appeared in one hand.

The originally vague thoughts in his mind gradually became clear at this moment.

The auspicious Qilin can keep the ghosts immortal and give them power.

The Kongtong Seal can mobilize the power of faith of the human race, and the power of faith can also be instilled into the ghosts of the human race.

Finally, add the Chengtian Net and a little bit of sacrificial method.

He can completely build a complete human holy land with this.

Even if the human elites die in battle, as long as their bodies are not completely destroyed, they can be resurrected through the Kongtong Seal and then receive sacrifices in the Qilin Wall.

Become stronger.

When necessary, feed back the power to the human race.

"Sacrifice... the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the Three Sovereigns of Heaven, Earth and Man, the Five Emperors of Heaven... the ancestors..."

"Isn't this one of the ways of the human race before the fall of King Zhou?"

"Unfortunately, after the fall of King Zhou, King Ji Fa of Zhou proclaimed himself the Son of Heaven and lowered his status to no longer be the emperor of the human race."

"The human race's sacrificial system also collapsed."

"It seems that the battle of the gods is not only about the dispute between the three religions of human, Chan and Jie, but also very likely there is a fight between the human race system and the immortal system!"

Feng Hao took a breath, but was not afraid.

Instead, he was a little eager to try.

Open up a system and compete with the immortal way.

What a boldness.

Do it!

Feng Hao secretly made up his mind.


[Global Announcement! ]

[Xia country survivor Feng Hao obtained a racial artifact, refreshed the record of this category, and was rewarded with a high-level random draw! 】

【Xia survivors set a new record, rewarding all citizens of Xia with +1 year of lifespan, and +10% of Xia's extraordinary resource awakening! 】

The huge voice swept the world.

One after another, beams of light suddenly rose from all over Xia, and could be clearly seen in space. After connecting the beams, it can be seen that they are completely consistent with the three dragon veins in the rumors.

Originated from West Kunlun, it spreads all the way east, one in the north, one in the middle, and one in the south.

After the beam of light was broken, the three dragon veins were activated.

Points of spiritual light bloomed in Xia.

At this moment, all Xia people clearly felt that the world they lived in had become different.

The air became fresher, and the haze in the sky disappeared.

Even the body became much lighter.

"Fuck! The spirit energy has revived!"

"This is the best time!"

"Didn't you guys shout that you wanted to kill us before? Come on, give it a try."

"Damn it, the little cherry blossoms show up and they're gone in seconds."


On Blue Star, the spirit energy in Xia Country has revived, allowing countless people to break through the bottleneck directly.

The basic martial arts training method was quickly introduced, and the whole body was full of blood and energy, and the fighting spirit was strong.

Every move was full of power.

People from other countries were so envious that their eyes turned red.


After the sacrifice.

The human race became quiet again. Under the promotion of Suirenshi, Youchaoshi and others, the members of the Huaxia tribe in the primitive world began the first spring plowing.

The seedlings of grains broke through the ground in the spring breeze and grew vigorously.


Inside the Four Seasons Pearl.

Feng Hao opened the attribute panel.

Now, after a series of operations, his merit limit has successfully exceeded 100 million, and has reached the threshold from LV5 to LV6.

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