After a while, Feng Hao checked his merit balance.

It took him four days and eight hours to refine the Four Seasons Pearl.

Since he obtained 80,000 merit points through Chengtian Network, the upper limit of merit has increased from 128,000 to 208,000.

The merit points restored per hour have also become 8,160 points, which is 97,920 points a day.

In four days and eight hours, a total of 456,960 merit points were restored.

Refining the Four Seasons Pearl just consumed 450,000 merit points, so he currently has more than 100,000 merit points.

First, he routinely consumed 20,000 merit points to make a wish and improve his Kanli Breathing Method.

The remaining merit points were not used indiscriminately, but were temporarily saved for emergency use.

I will use them slowly when they are almost full tomorrow.

In the past few days.

The rope weavers and fishing net weavers he specially assigned have woven three more fishing nets through mutual cooperation.

Feng Hao also selected 30 people from other personnel to form a fishing team.

Together with Suiren and Youchao, a total of 33 people followed the stream all the way down, and arrived at the lower reaches of the river that flowed through Suiren Tribe after walking for about half an hour.

Although it is only a small river, even compared to the vastness of the prehistoric world, this river is not even qualified to be called a river.

However, the water surface is still very wide.

Don't even think about cutting off the river with a 50-meter net.

If you want to fish, it is impossible to do it without a boat.

Looking at the wide river, Suiren also shook his head gently: "The length of the net is not enough."

Youchao added: "Can we connect several nets together?"

Suiren thought for a while and compared them roughly, shaking his head: "It's still far from enough."

Youchao responded: "Then we can only choose a small tributary."

But Feng Hao next to him didn't listen to them, but turned and looked at a big tree by the river.

This big tree is very big, and the trunk cannot be hugged by 20 people, and the height is hundreds of meters.


A golden light flashed.

The Danqing pen appeared in his hand, and as he waved it gently, a pen mark appeared in the void.

Then he rushed to the giant tree in front.


The giant tree collapsed.

Feng Hao cut off a section of the trunk about 30 meters long from it.

Watching his movements, Youchao subconsciously conveyed his thoughts: "Feng Hao, this tree is alive, it may sink in the water, and it will roll in the water."

Feng Hao smiled at him and responded: "I have a way to make it not sink, and it will not roll."

Youchao frowned, a little suspicious and a little curious.

Suiren said nothing, just stepped forward and waited for Feng Hao's operation.

Then I will show you a wave of the power of knowledge.

Feng Hao's Danqing pen made another stroke, dividing the cut huge tree trunk into two.

One part is smaller, and the other part is larger.

Then he operated on the larger part, and used the power of the Danqing pen to dig out a rectangular hole with a roughly trapezoidal cross-section on it.

At the bottom of the hole, a part of the wood was retained, which can be like the principle of a tumbler to keep the stability of this very primitive ship as much as possible.


He added some wooden stakes on both sides of the ship, and then made some oars on it with wood.

As his hull gradually took shape, the golden light began to gather again.

Seeing this, Suirenshi's mouth twitched, and Youchaoshi was stunned.

"This is... another merit? Is it so simple?"

Youchaoshi's thoughts were jumping, revealing his incredible emotions at the moment.

Suirenshi had seen more outrageous scenes than this before. Although he was a little surprised, his face was still calm.

"It may be difficult for others, but Feng Hao is not an ordinary person. He is my personally selected successor!"

Suirenshi learned this tone from Feng Hao.

Don't say it, I feel comfortable all over after saying it.

But Youchaoshi next to him couldn't stand it.

Why do I always have the urge to beat him up recently? What's wrong?

Youchaoshi didn't understand it, but he couldn't really beat Suirenshi up, so he could only shut up and remain silent.

[You used ordinary trees to create the first post-natal ship in the prehistoric world. The emergence of boats can allow ordinary creatures who do not possess extraordinary powers to cross rivers, and can also assist

Help other tools achieve other purposes.

You get 20,000 merits! The first acquired ship you created in the prehistoric world has been blessed with 6,000 merits and successfully evolved into a lower-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure (middle)! 】

Another merit spiritual treasure, and it is not the kind of goalkeeper, but a lower-grade intermediate one.

Very good.

The upper limit of merit has also increased by 20,000.

It's very comfortable.

Feng Hao smacked his lips and was in a good mood.

Seeing him easily make another spiritual treasure, the onlookers of Xia Country felt a little numb.

"Another merit spiritual treasure. Father Feng has too many spiritual treasures."

"But I feel that in terms of mystery, even the dragon-patterned hammer cannot compare to the newly acquired Four Seasons Pearl. There is actually a small world inside the Four Seasons Pearl. Father Feng will probably let people go in to farm soon."

"Although the grades of these spiritual treasures are not high now, I think as they spread slowly and more and more people use them, their grades will definitely increase slowly in the future.

But the grade of innate spiritual treasures cannot increase, so I think the lead is only temporary, and the power will most likely be surpassed by merit spiritual treasures in the future."

"None of this matters. What matters is that with the Four Seasons Pearl, Father Feng's combat effectiveness has been improved and his foundation has become stronger."


Feng Hao did not put away the ship of merit this time, but waved to the group of people he carefully selected.

He then explained to Suiren and Youchao with his mind.

"This thing is called a boat."

"It can make people float on the water without falling."

"People sit in the boat, and the lower part of the boat is heavier, so it won't roll in the water."

"Anyway, just trust me."

"Come on! Get on the boat with me."

Feng Hao spread his thoughts with merit and jumped on the boat first.

Suiren and Youchao followed tentatively, and Youchao even stepped on the boat and shook it twice deliberately.

Don't say it!

It's really stable.

After all, the tree is very big, and Feng Hao left some counterweights, so it should be stable.

"It's amazing."

"Why won't it roll in the water after this?"

Youchao frowned, puzzled.

"Brother Suiren, do you know what's going on?"

Suiren rolled his eyes secretly, I don't know a hammer!


Seeing that his leader was a little hesitant, Feng Hao took over the topic and gave Youchaoshi some scientific knowledge.

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