The more the better.

Another entry-level acquired merit treasure was born!

But Feng Hao was now completely calm, and he looked down on low-level merit treasures.

He smacked his lips, looked at the stone mill with a dull look, and turned around to communicate with many human races with the power of merit.

Let them start working according to their own ideas.


The merit furnace expanded to its maximum size, burning with blazing flames to melt piles of pyrite, turning into iron bars that cooled in the spiritual water pool extracted by the waterwheel.

It was then transported to the giant panda, Gungun.

There were iron bars everywhere around Gungun, and his teeth were sore that he couldn't keep up with the progress while eating and pulling.

He couldn't finish it, he couldn't finish it at all.

There were too many iron shoots.

The iron slag he pulled out was collected and returned to the furnace for calcination, and then the essence of the azurite was added to make various alloys.

These alloys have excellent elasticity and toughness, and some have good toughness and extremely terrifying hardness.

Different alloys are used to make different equipment.

For example, spears and lances are no longer made of pure alloy, but only spear heads and spear heads.

Then connect these spear heads and spear heads with the white wax rods that they used to make spears brought back by the beast, and they can become a spear or spear with a lower cost but equally superior performance.

However, compound bows, such killing weapons, still need to be made of pure alloys. However, Feng Hao has gained experience and slowly modified the shape design, and gradually achieved the effect of saving materials and improving performance.

That night.

The corpses of several beasts brought back by the hunting team of the beast-binding team were quickly decomposed, some of which were stored and some of which were used as food, and stewed into fragrant broth in pottery pots.

After the previously stored bones were ground into powder, some bamboo shoots, wild vegetables, etc. were put into a pot and stewed, and it became a relatively thick soup.

It was distributed to about 300 people for consumption.

The lower-level human race used bamboo tubes to hold a bowl of soup with some wild vegetables, bamboo shoots and plant roots.

Although they could not eat a piece of meat, they could drink broth and smell the meat.

The craftsman apprentices selected by Feng Hao could get two lumps of meat the size of fingers.

The hunting team could get five or six small lumps of this kind.

Feng Hao's bamboo tube had the most meat, more than half of which was meat.

And his bamboo tube was the largest, so the amount of food was naturally the most sufficient.

Early the next morning.

Mu Sheng led a total of four hunting teams to prepare to go hunting.

Before leaving, Feng Hao, as usual, instilled the image of the plant he needed into the minds of the new hunting team members through the power of merit.

Mu Sheng's expression suddenly changed after receiving the message.

"Little leader, I have seen this kind of thing before! Its fruit is small but edible."

The image he sent back was a plant similar to wheat, which made Feng Hao slightly happy.

"Do you know where it is?"

"Take people to get it back immediately!"

"Wait! Leave half of the hunting personnel of the Beast Binding Team, and leave half from your team to guard here!

The rest of you will go together, take me to see it in person!"

It is gradually turning to late autumn, and the wheat has already fallen down. Even if Mu Sheng and his team find a place, they may not be able to find the remaining seeds.

But Feng Hao has a chance to find it.

With the climate here, it should be no problem to plant two seasons a year.

Mu Sheng felt his slightly anxious mood, and did not dare to neglect to obey the order.

After quickly selecting the people to stay, he took Feng Hao and set off quickly.

Feng Hao sat on the back of the rolling sun, following these agile hunters through the mountains and forests, approaching the destination step by step.

They set off when the Golden Crow just rose in the east, ate some dried meat on the way, and waited until the Golden Crow gradually set in the west.

The group finally arrived at the destination.

"Little leader, it's nearby."

"But I can't find the grass you want now..."

Mu Sheng looked a little uneasy, with a hint of self-blame.

Feng Hao waved his hand and ignored it, but looked around at the surrounding environment.

This is a plain area between hills. Now that the autumn is getting stronger, everything is golden.

"Search! Everyone spread out and look for seeds on the ground."

"Pay attention to where small birds or other small animals gather!"

"Report immediately if you find them!"


In addition, if you find a small animal, try to catch it alive!"

Feng Hao's thoughts were transmitted instantly, and three seconds later the entourage quickly dispersed and began to search in this area.

There were nearly sixty people in this group of entourage, but this number seemed to be a drop in the bucket for the huge plain in front of them.

Fortunately, Feng Hao stood high on the back of the rolling beast and could see far, and the breath of the rolling beast could radiate to a far area, so he soon found something unusual.

The grass hundreds of meters away from his left front was undulating, and it seemed that some animal was running wildly in it.

"Rolling! Over there! "

Feng Hao shouted with his mind, and Gungun's huge body started instantly and rushed towards the abnormal area.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~~~"

As if there was a scream, mice in the grass, which were as big as cats on Blue Star, shuttled through the grass, and then quickly disappeared behind a small mound.

Gungun passed the small mound, and Feng Hao saw a huge mouse hole here at a glance.

Looking at this hole, a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"The mouse hole... There must be a lot of food hidden by mice."

"Most of these hidden foods are probably various edible seeds. These seeds should be able to be planted, and even some special foods in the prehistoric world can be found through these seeds!"

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

Looked at Mu Sheng who hurried over.

At this moment, he had picked up a grain of wheat from the ground that was fuller than the ordinary grains on Blue Star, and showed it to Feng Hao with excitement.

"Little leader, this is it! "

Feng Hao nodded and responded with his mind: "Very good! Do you see this hole?

Immediately let people disperse and look for similar holes in this area, and then each guard the hole and kill the rats when they come out!"

All the hunters took the order and searched again.


With Feng Hao's hole as the starting point, more than a dozen holes were found in a roughly elliptical area.

Each hole was guarded by three to four people, and everyone held their spears, lances or daggers tightly, waiting for the rats to emerge.

Feng Hao took out the bamboo bucket of merit that had shrunk many times, and used the power of merit as a guide to pour the water stored in it into the hole little by little.

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