The main job is not yet opened.

The secondary job is opened, but the main job is not opened yet. No one else can do that.

He complained in his heart and grabbed the dragon hammer in front of him.

As a mid-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure, the ability of the dragon hammer can crush the Danqing pen and the merit furnace in all dimensions.

First of all, as a spiritual treasure that opens the secondary job of the forger, it has a strong effect in the corresponding forging, which can improve the properties of the forged objects to a certain extent.

And there is a 10% probability of good products and a 3% probability of excellent products. In addition, with the buff of his title of the God of Forging, the good and excellent rates are already very impressive.

And as a spiritual treasure itself, it also has a strong combat attribute.

If a hammer hits an enemy, there is a certain probability that the opponent will enter a dizzy state.

The lethality itself is also very strong.

In addition to these basic attributes, this acquired merit spiritual treasure has an additional attribute, which is that it can stimulate a trace of dragon soul power with blood.

The dragon soul power gathers the power of the dragon spirit, which can be used to create tools so that the tools get an additional dragon soul blessing, or it can be used directly against the enemy.

Feng Hao weighed the hammer in his hand, which was as light as nothing, and looked at the merit furnace next to him.

It's time to forge iron.

First melt the pyrite to remove impurities, then add the essence of the lapis lazuli, and wait until it gradually melts and cools to become an iron block.

Then heat it up and start forging.


A sound with a hint of crispness sounded.

Several apprentices selected by Feng Hao stared at the red-hot iron block without blinking, watching his movements and learning his ironmaking method.


With the oxide scale flying, the iron block was hammered into the shape of a half-pulled scissors blank, and then he forged the other half.

Finally, with the power of the Danqing pen, he quickly forged a pair of scissors.

[You fused the iron ore and the essence of the azurite to create the first acquired scissors in the prehistoric world. This pair of scissors is very sharp and can directly cut ordinary steel, and can also cut other things.

You have obtained six thousand merits! The first waterwheel you created in the prehistoric world has obtained two thousand merits and successfully evolved into a low-grade acquired merit spiritual treasure (low)! ]


This is actually the first acquired scissors in the prehistoric world?

Feng Hao was a little surprised by this result. After all, in his memory, the first pair of scissors should be the golden dragon scissors refined by the leader of the Jiejiao, the saint Tongtian, who killed the Yin-Yang dragon and collected the essence of the sun and the moon from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

As a result, this pair of scissors actually received merits.

In other words, although the Three Xiaos have now entered the Jiejiao, the golden dragon scissors have not yet been refined?

Feng Hao smacked his lips and suppressed his surprise.

He looked at the scissors in his hand.

Although it is called a spiritual treasure, it is the lowest entry-level one so its function is really single.

However, it is stained with merit after all, and it can be called a spiritual treasure of merit. Its only sharp attribute allows it to easily cut ordinary steel.

Feng Hao picked up a piece of hammered iron and easily cut it into the shape of a sword with the scissors.

After heating it red and forging it, and then sharpening it and quenching it with soil, a long sword with cold light is ready.

He threw the long sword to the beast with a casual throw.

"Beast, you try this sword."

The beast grabbed the bare hilt, swung it twice quickly, and then chopped a bucket-sized bush next to it.


The sword tip flashed with cold light, and under his huge power, he easily cut the tree off.

The cut was extremely smooth, even like a mirror.

At this moment, the breathing of the beast and all the hunting team members in his team became rapid, and they surrounded the sword and marveled at it.

"So sharp!"

"With this thing, our hunting will become very easy."

"The little leader is so powerful!"


Nowadays, the human race has not formed an effective language system, so their expression of thoughts seems very scarce.

But their emotional changes have not been discounted at all.

Shock, horror, ecstasy...

The look they gave Feng Hao also changed again, becoming more respectful.

Even with admiration.

Feng Hao's expression did not change, but under this expression and look, he felt quite comfortable.


I like this look!

After feeling quite comfortable for a while, he continued to enter the process of making weapons, and at the same time selected for him

The human race taught forging skills.

While he continued forging, he also practiced the Kanli breathing method.

Kanli is water and fire, and the interweaving of water and fire will produce thunder.

When forging iron, these two things are just indispensable, especially in the stage of steel quenching, the agitation of water and fire produces smoke and thunder.

And Feng Hao breathes according to the Kanli breathing method, which can attract the Kanli attribute energy between heaven and earth to merge into himself, generating extremely fine bioelectric stimulation of the body.

This made his appetite soar, and he even ate more than the members of the hunting team such as the beast binding.

The teaching of several days is over.

Feng Hao successfully made the more than 20 carefully selected blacksmiths basically learn the skills they should learn by breaking down the movements and using a streamlined operation method.

The next step is mass steelmaking.

Watching the steel pieces with different proportions of lapis lazuli essence added, each with outstanding performance and stronger than the best alloy in the previous life, being formed piece by piece.

Feng Hao was in a good mood and turned around to make weapons for the hunting team.

First, close combat weapons.

The prehistoric human race usually hunts huge beasts, so medium-length weapons like swords are not very useful.

So the weapons he designed for the hunting team are divided into short swords needed for close combat, referring to the shape of the three-edged military bayonet.

Then there are the big guns used in normal confrontation.

As for bows and arrows, Feng Hao designed a compound bow based on his memory and the body shapes of the members of the hunting team of the Suiren tribe.

"Ding Ding Ding~~~"

The crisp sound of iron forging continued, and one weapon after another took shape in Feng Hao's hands.

Short swords, big guns, and spears.

Holding these equipment, Fushou and others couldn't let go.

And Feng Hao was already assembling the first compound bow.

The parts of the compound bow were drawn directly on steel with a Danqing pen, and different accessories used materials with different proportions of lapis lazuli essence added.

After the entire compound bow was assembled, he used the Danqing pen to draw pure iron arrows in batches on the steel ingot.

Draw the bow and shoot the arrow.


The huge pure iron arrow instantly pierced through a tree trunk in front that three people might not be able to hug together. A large amount of debris exploded and left a hole bigger than a human head.

The kinetic energy of the pure iron arrow had not been completely exhausted until this time. It flew forward at least ten meters and landed on the stone wall behind it, splashing a cluster of sparks!

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