Jiang Yingxue, Song Ru, and the five groups of solving the case were still buzzing in their brains.

For a moment, they were almost unable to think, they were still breaking the decryption room, but Chen Yi told them that he had replaced the deceased in it at the beginning, and they were still studying how to lock and unlock the warehouse door, and Chen Yi told them that what the victim had touched was actually just a fake door.

This modus operandi is simply bizarre.

Lin Hai exclaimed: “This modus operandi is beyond imagination. ”

Liu Qinyi patted his chest; “How do I have the feeling of watching horror movies, it’s so scary.”

Zhou Shuyu said with emotion: “Teacher Xia is wise, and he has long found that there is a problem with those nail holes. ”

Charlotte shook her head and looked shocked: “With my intuition over the years, I found that the nail holes were the most abnormal, but you look closely, those nail holes he deliberately nailed irregularly, even if I look closely, I can’t connect with the door, this modus operandi is simply unheard of.” ”

I saw Chen Yi standing next to the fake door, and continued to demonstrate: “Let’s work hard together to see if we can push this door open and escape together.” ”

At this time, Tang and Zhao should have gone up to cooperate, and they were originally happy to cooperate, but now they were afraid of Chen Yi and were not willing to approach him at all.

At the urging of the staff, he was reluctant to step forward to cooperate.

I saw that Chen Yi not only did not deliberately resist the door, but also guided them to open the door in various ways, obviously to make Tang and Zhao sure that this door could not be opened.

Tang Mou and Zhao Mou are a little dark-faced, the first time they were really desperately trying to open the door, but now they are just pretending, how can the door nailed to the wall be pushed open?

If we push harder, don’t we look like a fool?

Chen Yi can’t ask for more, now they are willing to cooperate is already good, confirm that the door can’t be opened, and after tossing for a while, Chen Yi said: “I’m so sleepy, I’m about to fall asleep, after we fall asleep, people outside won’t come in and harm us, I feel that there is a deadbolt here, do you want to find something to tie it?” ”

Then they began to fumble around, and soon Chen Yi touched the shelf in front of the real door and said: “There seems to be a shelf behind here, there is wood on it, we will dismantle the shelf, use a log as a deadbolt, bolt the door, we can’t get out, at least the people outside can’t come in.” ”

So they dismantled the shelves with a stick and bolted the deadbolt of the fake door.

Tang and Zhao cooperated with facial expressions, and they felt more and more that Chen Yi was treating them as fools.

This is just a fake door nailed to the wall, what bolt is it tockon? It’s just a tether, thanks to my first time so cooperative, I even feel that I am bolted, and people outside can’t come in. As a result, the real door has no lock at all, and it can be opened at will.

Then Chen Yi used ether to make Zhao and Tang gradually fall into a coma again, and before they were unconscious, they deliberately guided them to talk about whether they knew each other, whether they had a common enemy, and whether they guessed who the person who kidnapped them was.

After Zhao and Tang fell into a coma again, he began his next move.

The fake door was removed and the shelf was moved back under the wall opposite the real door.

Open the real door unimpeded and move the fake door out.

Then drag Duan Yongwei outside, put it next to the two, pick up a brick and pretend to smash it on Duan Yongwei’s head, simulate a crime and pretend to smash it to represent death.

Then the wooden bolt is stuffed into the real door deadbolt, and the real door is closed and locked from the outside.

The door changed direction, but can Tang and Zhao, who woke up in the dark, be able to tell clearly?

Now the whole thing has been clear.

This technique comes from a real case on Earth, and the murderer is a suspense detective fan.

This is another of the thirteen types of secret room murder, the psychological secret room, through a series of means, people mistakenly think that this is a secret room. In fact, from beginning to end, it is not a secret room at all.

There is too little discussion of murder in the secret room in this world, and the clever psychological secret room has never appeared, which is simply strange for everyone in this world.

Even in suspenseful reasoning works, this scene has not been discussed, and it is impossible to imagine that there have been murderers simulated in real events on Earth.

Of course, the method given by the system has also been improved, so that Chen Yi understood the essence of this technique and made appropriate modifications according to the on-site environment.

The comment area in the live broadcast room has completely boiled.

“I’ll go, so it is.”

“This kind of technique, can humans come up with it, first pretend to Duan Yongwei, so that Tang and Zhao are unaware, and then guide them to push a fake door nailed to the wall, and even toss to tie this fake door, so that Zhao and Tang completely believe that the door cannot enter from the outside, and cannot come out from the inside, forming a double secret room, but in fact, the real door can be opened at will both inside and outside.”

“After waiting for the matter to be done, after removing the fake door, changing the shelf to a different direction, and directly turning the Qiankun, they woke up in the dark and couldn’t tell the direction at all, they didn’t know the direction at all.”

“Poor victim Duan Yongwei never spoke.”

“Everyone mistakenly thought he was a group actor, it turned out that he only played a corpse.”

“We and the crime solving team were misled, thinking that we might use some method to open the door from the outside to open the secret room, it turned out to be a fake secret room from the beginning.”

“Jiang Yingxue has an analysis that is not wrong, Tang and Zhao are indeed not deceiving people, but the problem is that they were deceived, and they are convinced that this door has formed a double secret room.”

“Damn, they literally played murder in the secret room.”

“Tianxiu, this is simply Tianxiu.”


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