Director Wang immediately took out his mobile phone and put it in front of the dean and clicked on the video.

As a result, the dean did not believe it and did not want to look at it.

“As soon as you find a lot of this kind of video online, don’t fool the old man.” Video is p-available. ”

Director Wang saw that the dean was like this, how could that work.

“Just look, this is not a PS video, it is a live video, guaranteed to be true.”

“If you don’t look, it’s your loss.”

The dean became angry when he heard this.

“Not watching the video or my loss?”

“Look at it, hurry up, I still have to read the newspaper.”

Director Wang smiled.

The dean looked at the video patiently.

I hope to quickly finish this little ghost, so as not to disturb myself reading the newspaper.

At this time, the video just stops at the moment when the silver-white upturned mouth is hanged.

Just looked at this one.

The dean’s whole person was attracted to it, and his eyes seemed to be locked.

The face was full of disbelief.

The hand gripping the teacup grew tighter and tighter, when he saw the more than a hundred numbers on the scale.

I almost vomited the tea I had just drunk.

The dean looked like a ghost, and his face was pasted to the screen.

Keep zooming in until you reach the limit of the picture.

“It’s really pouting. More than a hundred pounds of upturned mouth, I’m afraid this scale is not broken, right? ”

As he spoke, the dean zoomed in on the screen.

See those scale patterns as well as other features.

Experience tells him that this is a cocked mouth, or a cocked mouth of more than a hundred pounds.

“It’s not like it’s p’s.”

“If this is p’s, it’s too true.”

“Water droplets, fish patterns are clearly visible.”

The dean squinted and looked at the video again, then took out his reading glasses and looked at it again.

Finally, he snatched Director Wang’s mobile phone and watched it repeatedly.

The more he looked at it, the more excited he became, and his sallow skin was a little red.

It’s like getting drunk.

The dean couldn’t stop coughing.

The director hurriedly brought the tea.

The dean took a few sips to calm down a little, and also realized that his status as the dean should not be so excited.

After a while, he calmed down and looked at Director Wang seriously.

“Are you sure this is a live broadcast?”

Director Wang hurriedly nodded, “Dean, this is indeed a live broadcast, you should believe it now, right?” ”

“Director Wang, if it’s true, you should know the value, right?”

“Teacher, I know.”

“If we can get this fish, it will be of great value to our institute.”

“Maybe it can be genetically extracted and new varieties of cocking nozzles can be bred, and the yield of artificially bred cocking nozzles will be doubled.”

Director Wang’s eyes lit up when he said this.

Their research ultimately falls to production, which can benefit the people.

The dean calmed down and looked at Director Wang seriously.

“Since you know the value, I won’t say more, let me ask you again in the end, can you fully confirm the authenticity of this information?”

Director Wang nodded seriously.

When he came on the way, he asked Xiao Hu for the address of the live broadcast room.

I saw the hundred-pound cocked mouth in the live broadcast room.

4800K extreme image quality.

Even the water droplets can be seen clearly.

P is impossible to p, and with current technology it cannot be so true.

And he had heard of this show.

This thing can’t be fake, the program requires authenticity.

The old man sat on the chair, thinking for a long time, listening to Director Wang’s extremely affirmative tone.

He took a sip of tea and said finally.

“This person has to be contacted to see if he can receive this pout.”

“It is very helpful for our biological research and genetic work.”

“As for the expenses, it comes from the research funds in the hospital.”

Director Wang nodded in determination, his face full of joy.

He was waiting for the dean’s words.

With financial support, this cocked mouth must be won.

“Okay Dean, I’ll contact him.”

“Then I won’t copy the fish collection?”

The dean smiled awkwardly, “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and find fish.” ”


After speaking, Director Wang exited the office.

It’s time for fishing in the reservoir.

Jiang Yu also didn’t want to continue fishing.

Pack your things and get ready to leave.

Actually, there is nothing to clean up.

The rod is broken.

You just need to bring the fish back.

Before Jiang Yu could speak, the fat man had already helped pack all the fish.

I specially found a foam box, put water and flushed oxygen.

It’s like taking care of your own baby.

The fat man is packed and the service is conscientious.

Netizens called out moved.

“The owner is such a nice person.”

Jiang Yu took a break and began to negotiate the price of fish.

In private fishing grounds, fish can be recycled directly for money.

First, it is convenient for anglers, so many fish are not easy to take away.

The bosses are also willing to collect it, and they can put it back in the fish pond for other anglers.

“Boss, how much do you charge for these pouts?”

“Brother Yu, 30 yuan a pound.”

Jiang Yu thinks the price is not bad.

“Then you can take it all?”

“All accepted?!”

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