Fang Yang looked at at least dozens of stones of similar shape and size on the mound, and finally realized that this was definitely not an ordinary stone.

I saw him stop the excavator and jump out of the cab and walk towards the pile of stones.

His behavior immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

The photographer asked suspiciously: “Brother, have you found anything?” ”

Fang Yang nodded: “I’m not sure yet, I will know it by looking at it.” ”

After speaking, squat on the ground and pick up a stone to deduct the dirt on it.

Yang Feng, Wu Ming, Zhao Hua and others also came up curiously.

Fang Yang looked at the stone in his hand, and the system did not give any hints.

This means that it is an ordinary stone.

But when he cleaned up a few pieces casually, he suddenly smiled.

When the photographer saw his expression, he immediately understood what he must have found: “What did you find?” ”

Fang Yang nodded and handed the stone in his hand to Zhao Hua: “Look at what is special about this stone!” ”

Zhao Hua held it in his hand suspiciously, looking no different from the mudstone slab on the ground.

Only clean the dirt on it by hand.

But when he cleaned it up thoroughly, he found that there was a fossil fishbone on this stone slab!

“This… It turned out to be a fossil… Are these stones fossils? ”

– [Digged up fossils again?] Why are there so many fossils in this place? Wouldn’t it really all be fossils? 】

——[It’s not very similar, you see he cleaned up several stone slabs just now, and the rest were thrown aside, only this one was handed to the expert, I guess this one is right. 】

——[When did fossils become something on the rotten street, a dig and an accurate?] How can I have a hunch that there is definitely more than this fossil underneath. 】

——[It’s a pity, you can’t sell for money, otherwise you can dig up fossils, you can definitely get rich.] 】

——[You people are really funny, digging fossils?] Come and I’ll give you a shovel, if you have the ability, you can dig one and see! 】

Fang Yang looked at Zhao Hua’s shocked look and couldn’t help but laugh.

“I just took a look, just this one is a fossil, and the rest are just ordinary mudstone slabs, used to build houses.”

“Oh! All right! Zhao Hua was a little disappointed, but then exclaimed: “What is used to build a house?” These mud slabs are all so regular, you don’t want to say, here…”

“That’s right! If I’m not mistaken, this should have been an old house! Fang Yang clapped his hands and stood up.

Everyone was shocked!

The second uncle was the first to come up and said suspiciously: “It’s impossible, when you migrated over, you can be sure that there is no trace of anyone living here.” ”

Others are skeptical.

Although there are beds, pots, and plows, I have not seen anyone live in these hundred years.

Even if there were people living before coming, there must be relics of human habitation.

This is not an underground ancient city, buried for many years.

Know that kettles, iron plows, these things are not too far away.

It shows that even if someone lives there, the age is not too old.

It doesn’t make any sense!

Everyone looked at Fang Yang, waiting for his answer.

Hundreds of mobile phones are recording videos at him, and the popularity of the Internet is also soaring.

Fang Yang picked up a mud and stone slab on the ground and smiled gently: “I’ll give you an analysis, first of all, I said before, such a thing as an iron plow, even if it is a big water, he can’t rush over, plus there is just a kettle here, and a bed, all of which means that there are very likely to have people living here.” ”

“It’s hard to believe, but what if you had a house here a hundred years ago? For example, the mud and stone slabs in my hand, each piece is relatively flat, is it a coincidence, just so many piled together? I guess you don’t believe it either! Then it is obvious that these are actually used to build house walls. ”

Yang Feng hurriedly interjected and asked, “But what about the house?” It stands to reason that the house will not disappear in a short time! ”

Wu Ming frowned: “Could it be that it was lost by sending a big water?” ”

“It’s impossible, even if it’s a big flood, when the water recedes, the house won’t come out, how can it run underground.”


Fang Yang nodded: “What he said is right, even if there is a big flood, the house will collapse at most, and it will not be buried in the ground, but have you ever thought about it, this is the foot of the mountain!” ”

The photographer asked blankly: “What do you mean?” ”

Zhao Hua suddenly realized: “Are you saying that the house may have been buried by the soil that fell from the mountain~’?” ”

“Almost, but not exactly!” Fang Yang looked at Yang Feng: “Remember when I first came here today, I asked you why this side is all stone and wood, remember?” ”

Yang Feng quickly nodded: “Remember, I still don’t know.” ”

Fang Yang turned his head to look at the second uncle again: “Second uncle, you said before that there was a month of heavy rain here before, and there were floods, right?” ”

The second uncle also nodded: “I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but it was mentioned in the county chronicle at that time.” ”

“That’s right!”

Fang Yang moistened his throat: “Let’s first assume that there were people living here, there were houses and beds, and there were even people doing farm work.” But one day these people left and never returned. ”

“So what was the reason for them to leave? I think most people are reluctant to leave their homes easily, unless there is no way, then there is almost only one possibility, natural disasters! ”

“But this natural disaster is definitely not a flood, because a flood will not bury the house, but a mudslide!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked stunned.

Zhao Hua thought carefully: “Mudslide? It seems that this explanation does make sense! ”

Yang Feng didn’t know, “Why?” ”

Wu Ming suddenly slapped his thigh: “I understand!” ”

Many people at the scene suddenly realized, but there were still many people who were inexplicable.

Among them, Yang Feng was the most anxious: “What is the reason, tell me!” ”

This time, Fang Yang did not speak, but Zhao Hua took the initiative to explain to him: “Because many years ago, there was a month-long torrential rain, which led to a huge mudslide on the landslide, and a large number of mudslides rolled down from the mountain and completely flooded the house, so today’s scene will appear!” ”

“The soil was full of stones and wood brought down by the mudslide, and it was not so much that the house had disappeared, but that the house was buried by the mudslide! So we are now standing on the mudslide of the year. ”

——[Awesome, solved the case, wonderful! ] This is like watching a police movie, everyone can’t imagine that there is a house underneath. 】

——[How did this Nima become a geologist again?] How much does he really know? 】

——[It’s really a pity that this IQ doesn’t solve the case, I thought that I would stop work again today, it seems that I can dig it in a while, don’t you believe that evil really works? ] 】

——[Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to witness a mudslide, and the grass was not deep everywhere, and all the houses collapsed, mainly because the mudslide was mixed with stones and a large amount of wood, and if people fell into it, they would be gone in minutes. 】

——[Finally solved the puzzle, otherwise I can’t sleep in the evening and have to think about this, and I have lived in this place for half a day. After knowing the answer, I suddenly felt less mysterious and tasteless. 】

“Groove!” Yang Feng was stunned, and now he completely understood.

Fang Yang smiled again and spoke: “Actually, I want to say more than that!” ”

“Huh? And also? ”

The people around them once again pricked up their ears attentively.

“Yes! We’ve dug iron plows before, which shows that this place has been farmed before, so I suspect that this is not just a house, but a village, and maybe there are a lot of houses buried underneath! ”


Everyone gasped.

They have lived here for generations, not even knowing that it was ever lived.

Now they are told that there is even a village buried here.

It’s terrifying to think about!

Just when everyone was surprised, Fang Yang once again said an explosive possibility.

“Besides, I suspect that this village is most likely buried with a large number of fossils!”

Zhao Hua asked excitedly when he heard this: “Why do you say that?” ”

Fang Yang pointed to the stone where dinosaur eggs were first found and said: “It’s very simple, fossils are buried deep in the ground, and they can be dug up so easily today, which shows that some of them have come to the surface after special crustal activities for so many years.” ”

“Coincidentally, the two fossils found today are mudstone slabs of this material, which they used to build houses, although I don’t know where they got them.” But for sure, they are all the same batch, if you find all these stones, maybe you can find a large number of fossils inside! ”

Now everyone was stunned!

This is far more shocking than the previous analysis of owning a house!

Especially Zhao Hua, his expression was tense.

Immediately took out the phone and dialed the Paleontological Museum.

If Fang Yang really got hit, it would be an explosive discovery. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hey! Curator! I may have found a fossil group here! ”

“Really? No kidding! ”

“Two fossils have been found, one of which is a very well-preserved and oval dinosaur egg, and the other is an ordinary fish fossil, I guess there are more below!”

“Dinosaur eggs with a high degree of integrity? Good! I know, you send me the address, and I will immediately arrange for the excavation team to go over in person! ”

At this time, Chen Feng of the Cultural Relics Bureau did not know where the news came from, and called Fang Yang.

“Hey! Who is it? ”

“Is it Fang Yang, I’m Chen Feng from the Cultural Relics Bureau, I just heard that you may have discovered a village from a hundred years ago?”

“Eh… Yes, it’s not certain yet. ”

“Okay, it’s enough to have your words, can you give me the address, I’ll take someone over to investigate immediately.”


Fang Yang hung up the phone and sent him the address.

At this time, it was almost time for dinner, and the work on this side could only be suspended.

Yang Feng, as the east traveled, specially invited Fang Yang to a meal.

During Fang Yang’s meal at noon, the Internet had already turned around.

Weibo is full of speculative articles about previous speculations.

Fang Yang dug into the underground ancient village, suspected to be a fossil village

The suspected intact and flawless Tyrannosaurus rex fossil egg was born, shocking experts at home and abroad

——[This is also too good, as long as you shoot, you will be on the big goods, I want to know, if he is allowed to dig for a year, will all the secrets of the land be dug up by him?] 】

——[This egg is so well preserved, the last time I read the news there was a nest of eggs sold for more than 60 million, that product and this one cannot be compared ah, if it is a Tyrannosaurus rex egg, it will be even more terrifying! ] 】

——[I feel that the country should focus on protecting Fang Yang, I have always felt that he does not look like an earthling, otherwise he can’t explain it at all, and he can master so much knowledge at such a young age. 】

——[I have never seen fossils in my life, and the fossils of his shot came out of the ground one by one like Chinese cabbage, which is simply outrageous. 】

——[The most important thing is that no one said that he was a script, because no script dared to act like this, it was too fake. Who dares to dig mines directly? You can’t find death! 】

– [It’s only halfway through today, and the devil knows what he can dig up in the afternoon.] 】

Such news is too shocking for netizens, but more is Fang Yang’s amazement!

A chicken dog who can dig anywhere cannot be explained by common sense.

Many people think that he is an alien or has some superpowers.

And those experts who specialize in paleontology get these news, then it is like a nuclear bomb explosion!

The other urban paleontological museums near Xihai City couldn’t sit still one by one!

After reading the news, the owner of the Yanjiang Paleontological Museum directly ordered the deputy next to him: “Go, let’s leave for Xihai City!” ”

“Pavilion master, this is not certain, what is the hurry?”

“, when it’s decided, it’s too late for you to go again, besides, didn’t you see that dinosaur egg, this thing is definitely a treasure of the town hall, and my intuition tells me that there must be a baby.”

“Okay, I’ll go to the garage right away and drive the car!”

The owner of the Tianbei City Paleontology Museum: “Quick, quickly ask two people to go to the West Sea together, and they don’t even have to drink soup after going to the evening!” ”

Xiling, Hainan, Anhai, and more than a dozen museum owners personally led the team to Xihai City.

At this time, they only have one belief in their hearts, even if there is no fossil village, they must find a way to talk about whether dinosaur egg fossils can be put on their side for a period of time.

Even if there is little hope, it is worth a try!

It was already more than one o’clock in the afternoon after Fang Yang finished eating.

When he returned to the previous construction site and saw the scene in front of him, the whole person was stunned!

Not only him, but the two brothers Yang Feng and Wu Ming, including the photographer, were all stunned.

At this time, the foot of the mountain is like a vegetable market, and ten large excavators are constantly turning the soil on the ground.

Chen Feng also brought people from the Cultural Relics Bureau to clean up the old objects that were dug up.

What’s even more outrageous is that the villagers who originally thought to see the lively scene would not come back to eat at noon.

As a result, at least several hundred people were watching at this time.

Yang Feng looked at a peer next to him and greeted: “Lie in the groove!” Why are you here too? ”

“Yo: Brother Yang: Don’t you know? At noon, word spread that a buried village had been found at the foot of the mountain, as well as fossils! It is said that the dinosaur egg fossil has been sold for more than 10 million at a similar auction before. ”

Yang Feng only felt a little funny, he actually said that he didn’t know?

You must know that when you found these things, you dug them up in your homestead.

“It’s not… You’re not from our next village, and you came all the way here to see the liveliness? ”

“Then you don’t understand, what I just said is not the point, the point is that there is a guy named Fang Yang working here, I came to see him!”

Yang Feng was completely stunned: “You know him? ”

“I don’t know, but who in Xihai City doesn’t know this name recently, and it is said that he also has a nickname called Fang Dacang, don’t you know?”

“Eh… I know! After speaking, Yang Feng glanced at Fang Yang unconsciously.

Fang Yang felt particularly embarrassed and was embarrassed to speak.

Who knew that the man continued to speak: “Brother Yang, you will follow me in a while, I have a buddy who brought me, he should know, when the time comes, let’s ask for an autograph together!” ”

“Ahhh… Forehead.. Good! ”

Just then, his friend trotted all the way over.

“Dude, didn’t you say that Fang Yang was here? It just so happens that my brother Yang has just arrived, you take us to find him, let’s ask for an autograph and take a photo together!” ”

“That’s necessary, I’m his fan, but I just searched all over and didn’t see anyone else, you wait for me to open my phone to watch his live broadcast, find where he is, it stands to reason that his response should be in the live broadcast!”

“Hurry up!”

Looking at the exchange between the two, Fang Yang’s faces were extremely strange.

If you take the initiative to say hello, it may make people feel that they are too pretending.

But now this situation, how will it end later!

Sure enough, when he opened the video in the live broadcast room, he saw the crazy comments of netizens at first glance, and how the people on the video looked a little familiar.

“Xiao Lin, is this you?”

“Huh~~ what’s the situation, didn’t you say to turn on the live broadcast, why did you shoot the video?”

“I shot you a big-headed ghost, didn’t you see me in the live broadcast room?”

“Yes, why is Brother Yang also inside, who is the buddy next to this?”

The voice just fell!

The eyes that knew Fang Yang were about to pop out.

“Fang Yang!! Groove! ”

“Huh? Who? Where is Fang Yang? “。

Người mua: Lê Naaaa, 13/03/2023 17:46

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