Zhang Xuan stretched out his hand to grab the Gryffindor classmate.

He has heard that these students have credits, and if so many people get together to fight, they will definitely be deducted points.

These people defend themselves like this, but I can't harm them.

Besides, he is really not afraid of such a pampered young master.

These little wizards at Hogwarts have magic, but he's not easy to bully.

Let them know today what it means to defeat magic with magic.

Malfoy took out his wand, pointed at Zhang Xuan and said the spell.


When Zhang Xuan was chanting the spell, he just reached out and took out a piece of yellow paper from his bosom and pasted it on his body.

The moment he finished his action, Malfoy's wand glowed intensely red.

The people around were shocked.

In a stupor, the victim of the curse temporarily loses consciousness and loses the ability to attack. It is a lethal spell.

Unexpectedly, Malfoy used such a spell when he came up!

"Malfoy, this is too much!"

"It's over, Zhang Xuan is doomed this time!"

"Damn it, Professor McGonagall must be told about this!"

The students of Gryffindor and other houses were stunned.

Zhang Xuan is now a joint student of the four colleges, and they are all their own.

"Bloodyhell!" Ron couldn't help cursing, and he couldn't wait to draw out his wand and fight Malfoy.

But at this moment, Zhang Xuan still sat there without moving, while Malfoy lay down on the ground with a 'boom'.


A group of people were stunned and had no idea what was going on.

The two dogs beside Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe, were taken aback.


The two frantically helped Malfoy on the ground, but Malfoy had already fallen into a coma.

"What did you do to the young master!" Gore and Crabbe quickly questioned Zhang Xuan.

Their angry and fearful gazes fixed on Zhang Xuan.

Dellako Malfoy is a pure-blood wizard, a ghost among wizards, and he is the only son in his family, who was raised in a honeypot since he was a child.

Ever since he was a child, no one has dared to do anything to him except for a little loss from Harry Pott.

What did this exchange student from the Dragon Kingdom do to their young master!

The other students next to him were also stunned.

How is this going?

Della Malfoy attacked Zhang Xuan, shouldn't it be Zhang Xuan who fell? Why is Dellako Malfoy the one who fell now?

This is not in line with common sense!

"This... what's going on?!"

"No matter how you look at Malfoy's current symptoms, it looks a bit like being stupefied by Stupefy."

"But didn't he attack the exchange students of Longguo?"

"Could it be that the exchange student from Dragon Country also knew this spell, so he knocked Malfoy down?"

A circle of students gathered together and whispered.

Now they can't see the direction of this matter more and more clearly.

"I think we should send the person to Madam Pomfrey first!"

Someone proposed.

Zhang Xuan said it was all right, and he helped to take a look.

Then he walked to Malfoy's side, tapped his body a few times, and said, "You're fine, just sleep and you'll be fine."

When he said that, Malfoy's two followers naturally wouldn't believe it.

He picked up Malfoy and headed towards the school infirmary.

They're going to take Malfoy to see Madam Pomfrey!

Seeing them leaving, the students here couldn't help but gather around Zhang Xuan, asking curiously.

"Zhang Xuan, how on earth did you do it just now?!"

"Yeah, I didn't see you cast magic just now."

"Yeah, not even a wand out!"

What happened just now made these little wizards fall into confusion.

It was obviously Malfoy who was attacking Zhang Xuan, but Zhang Xuan didn't move, and Malfoy who attacked him passed out!

No matter how you think about it, it's unreasonable!

Zhang Xuan glanced at the people around him, and then tore off the yellow paper he had just pasted on his body.

That is exactly a talisman 'Wan Dao Gui Yuan Talisman'.

Zhang Xuan looked at the talisman in his hand.

He is the thirty-fourth generation descendant of Longhu Mountain and the successor of the old master.

I have studied with my master since I was a child.

Although Longhushan is best at Leifa, drawing symbols is also a compulsory course.

"This is the Wan Dao Gui Yuan Talisman, I like to call it the Rebound Talisman."

Zhang Xuan put the talisman on the table and explained it briefly to other students.

This talisman can return all attacks received.

Therefore, Malfoy's fainting had nothing to do with him, it was Malfoy himself who knocked himself out.

Everyone around gasped.

This thing is simply an existence against the sky!

With such a thing on them, they feel that they can go to Voldemort to break their heads!

Zhang Xuan laughed silently in his heart.

Does he count as defeating magic with magic?

"Hehe..." Ron pushed Zhang Xuan with his shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

"Zhang Xuan, what kind of talisman do you have, can you let me play with it?"

PS: An old author with a million words, new book set sail, quality assurance, flowers, comments!

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