Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 940: : Nazi who cheated legally

The level of the giant marsh monster is only two levels worse than that of the magic wall doll. This difference is not worth mentioning in front of the giant marsh monster. He just hit the magic wall doll directly into the sky with the power of the earth. Then he fell heavily to the ground.

However, the Demon Wall Doll is a heavenly trainer after all, and was not defeated by the giant marsh monster with the power of the earth. Although he suffered some injuries, he quickly stood up, and then before the giant marsh monster approached. Quickly fly into the air with super powers.

Immediately afterwards, he began to use the super power of mind-moving objects to start wandering in the air, and his hands were constantly pinching the air. At the same time, he gave up the fighting method of directly squeezing the giant marsh monster with thought force, but resorted to This move of mental shock.

Under the control of the magic wall doll, the invisible power of thought turns into a substantive shock wave, and then attacks the giant marsh monster from all directions.

Facing this invisible thought force shock wave, the giant marsh monster is not helpless. At this time, the sky has begun to rain. Under the rain cover, the invisible thought force shock wave released by the magic wall doll can still be seen in another way.

The giant marsh monster is keenly short of this point, so he can calmly avoid the mental impact of the magic wall doll, and then launch a long-range attack through the water cannon.

However, Sato Kaede is not optimistic about this. He knows that the magic wall puppet is the best trick that the elf is good at, and that is the ability to use its own compressed air to create a temporary air wall.

Previously, the attacks of the giant marsh monster and the lightning bird were blocked. It was obviously the masterpiece of the magic wall doll, and Sato Kaede remembered that less than five seconds after the magic wall doll and the miraculous sister came out, he immediately let the giant marsh monster and The lightning bird made an attack.

But in less than five seconds, the magic wall doll has unknowingly created an air wall to block the attack. It can be seen that Nazi’s magic wall doll is in the air wall creation. Has reached its peak.

What makes Sato Kaede difficult is that these air walls cannot be detected by mental power detection. They are transparent, and mental power can easily penetrate past, so that he is completely unaware of the existence of these air walls. .

Another thing that worries Sato Kaede is that Nazi, who has been silent since the beginning of the battle, is still full of confidence after seeing the powerful strength of the giant marsh monster and the lightning bird. Obviously there is a plan to defeat them.

On the other side, the battle between the Lightning Bird and the Milip Sister was also in full swing. After eating the lightning bird's powerful thundering move, the Milip Sister immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

In addition to her powerful mind control, Milipu is also fascinated in the control of ice energy. Taking advantage of the rainy environment at this time, she uses her mind to gather the surrounding rain, and then just blow it up and talk about these using mind power to shape it into The rain in the shape of a water arrow turns into an ice arrow.

Immediately afterwards, she manipulated these ice arrows to attack the lightning birds in the air through her mind power. For a moment, it was all arrows. The lightning birds were inevitable in a short time, and they were attacked by several ice arrows in an instant. Further accumulation of listing.

However, Lightning Bird is not a vegetarian. Under the pain, the thunder on his body overflowed crazily, and then went straight into the sky. Then, thick and thick thunder fell from the sky to accurately strike the Milip Sister.

Facing the lightning bird's thundering offensive, Miss Lips approached the attack position that might distort the thunder through her thought power, and even shaped the rain through her thought power and freezing rays, and then created icicles capable of attracting lightning.

Lightning Bird and Milip Sister fought back and forth for a while, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome, but overall, Lightning Bird almost suppressed Milip Sister.

Over time, the air walls created by the magic wall dolls are obviously more and more. The giant marsh monster water cannons are almost completely blocked by these invisible air walls, and the magic wall dolls are freely released. The mental shock attacks the giant marsh monster.

"Huh, do you think I can't do anything with you like this, giant marsh monster, use mud bombs to shoot the surrounding air."

Facing the battle method of the magic wall doll, Sato Kaede finally chose to take action, and immediately issued instructions to the giant marsh monster through his heart.

The giant marsh monster received Sato Kaede's instructions, and immediately spouted a large number of mud bombs out of his mouth, and then quickly made a circle on the ground. In the next second, these mud bombs immediately interacted with the air walls in the surrounding air that were actually produced by the magic wall dolls. Collision.

The air walls seem invisible, but they are in fact tangible. When the giant marsh monsters shoot these mud bombs on these air walls, they immediately say that these air walls are polluted, and the giant marsh monsters quickly see the air walls in the surrounding air.

I don’t know, but I was shocked. In just a few minutes of fighting, the magic wall doll has actually stacked a cage around the giant marsh monster through the air wall, and now it’s almost closed the gap in the cage. Living.

Sato Kaede has already tried the giant marsh monster in the previous battle. These air walls are very hard, even if the giant marsh monster’s full punch hits it, it can’t be broken in a short time, and the magic wall doll repairs the air wall very quickly. It can be repaired almost instantly.

It is conceivable that once the magic wall doll successfully completes this cage, the giant marsh monster will catch turtles in the urn, and then the magic wall doll may do whatever it wants.

When Sato Kaede saw this, he naturally couldn't let the giant marsh monster sit and wait for death, so he immediately let the giant marsh monster jump out of the cage and let the opponent's bamboo basket empty.

However, it is impossible for Nazi and the Demon Wall Doll to easily escape the giant marsh monster. I saw that the blue glow in Nazi's eyes suddenly rose, and the fluctuation of the magic wall doll's superpowers instantly increased. I immediately suppressed the giant marsh monster with invisible thought power.

At the same time, the magic wall doll seized the time and quickly completely sealed the gap in the cage.

"I knew that this kind of thing would happen. She could really increase her super power elf power through her super powers. This is simply cheating."

Sato Kaede saw that the giant marsh monster was successfully suppressed by the magic wall doll's thought power, his face suddenly became very ugly, his eyes fired and looked at the whole team in front of him with a contemptuous smile, thinking with anger and helplessness.

He has been fighting until now, the reason why he didn't let the giant marsh monster see through the cage of the magic wall doll with mud bombs at the beginning, a large part of the reason was that he was afraid of forcing Na Zi to resort to such unfair methods.

After fighting for so long, I am afraid that Nazi has also discovered that whether it is a giant marsh monster or a lightning bird, they are invincible when facing opponents of similar level. If they take some necessary measures, they may not be able to win. Sato Kaede's.

At this time, the giant marsh monster seemed to be blocked by the magic wall doll cage, but in fact it did not suffer any harm. Most of the mental impact was avoided by the giant marsh monster or blocked by a solid muddy water ice wall.

In the battle between Lightning Bird and Milip Sister, Lightning Bird also occupies a great advantage. With its flexible flying ability and overbearing lightning attacks, Lightning Bird has gradually controlled the battle situation.

Sato Kaede believes that it will not take long before Milipu will be overwhelmed by the lightning attack of the lightning bird.

"Lightning bird, go to support the giant marsh monster and use thunder against the magic wall doll."

"Giant marsh monster, mega evolution."

In desperation, Sato Kaede had to let the Lightning Bird pass to support him, and at the same time he used the last trump card in his hand. He quickly pressed his finger on the keystone, and loudly the giant who was suppressed by the magic wall doll and Nazi thought force The marsh monster said loudly.

In the next second, with a burst of thunder, several colored light segments emerged from the Sato Kaede super ring and the mega evolution stone on the neck of the giant marsh monster.

Although the Lightning Bird obeyed Sato Kaede's command to support the Giant Swamp Monster~www.NovelMTL.com~, the Milipu Sister blocked Nazi's orders again, and directly burst out a powerful thought force to force the Lightning Bird’s thundering moves to turn. Turn around.

However, through the fight against Sister Milip during this period of time, the Lightning Bird has insight into that Sister Milip cannot turn more than three times of thunder with his mind force at the same time, so he directly releases what he can release in an instant. Thunder attack.

In an instant, five sturdy thunders erupted from him. Among them, three thunders abruptly distorted the attack direction with the power of the lost lips, while the remaining two thunders slammed on the magic wall doll.

The magic wall doll has used the wall of light moves to strengthen its own defenses long ago, so two lightning strikes on him can only be counted as one, but this also caused him to make a painful cry. He was against the giant marsh monster. Suddenly there was a slight looseness in the suppression of Nian Li.

At this time, the giant marsh monster has successfully absorbed the super-evolutionary energy in the mega evolution stone and evolved into a super giant marsh monster, and its power skyrocketed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, under Na Zi's somewhat surprised gaze, the Super Giant Marsh Monster directly exploded the powerful thought power that had restrained him.

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