Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 938: : People who can't provoke

The female ninja named Ali wears a black face mask, which makes her expression unclear, but her eyes seem to be able to speak, revealing her unruly and powerful self-confidence.

"Are there any orders?"

In front of Tomomi Sakaki, Ari didn't have the respectful attitude that Miya had when facing Tomomi Sakaki. He just put Tomomi Sakaki in the same position and asked indifferently.

Ali is one of the two heavenly king-level guest servants of Tomomi Sakaki. Now Fang is 24 years old. She was born in the Ninja Village in Light Red City. If counted by seniority, she is Axing's aunt.

"Miya has only been promoted to the Heavenly King-level trainer. Although the Heavenly King-level elf in her hand is a very powerful Hudi, I am afraid it is not Sato Kaede's opponent."

"Just in case, if there is any conflict between her and Kaede Sato, I hope you can bring her back alive."

Tomomi Sakagi didn't care about Ari's indifferent attitude, with a simple smile on his face, and then sincerely asked Ari.

"20 million, to protect her life, nothing else is responsible."

Hearing what Sakagi Tomomizu said, Ali didn't hesitate to say her request concisely and clearly.

"50 million, how about protecting her and Hu Di?"

Tomosei Sakagi frowned slightly when he heard the words, but soon eased, and continued smiling.


When A Li heard it, she hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to agree on the money.

Seeing that Ari agreed, he didn't continue to say anything, and instead focused on the tablet computer on the desktop.

At this moment, a photo of Sato Kaede riding a lightning bird flying over Yuhong City appeared on the tablet.

After A Li glanced at a text on the tablet screen, she took a step back, and then, the shadow under her suddenly wrapped her whole person and disappeared in place.

Sato Kaede did not conceal his whereabouts at this time, nor did he change his appearance, and he was still riding the Lightning Bird to the golden city.

Therefore, Miya quickly got Sato Kaede's whereabouts.

"Unbelievable, this turned out to be true. Why, I have worked so hard, and I can't compare to this bun, it's really hateful."

Looking at the photos and text descriptions uploaded on the screen of the communicator in her hand, Miya became more and more shocked at Sato Kaede. At the same time, a strong jealousy and hatred quickly grew in her heart.

Maybe Mia didn’t even notice it. Because she had been in contact with black crystals for a long time, her mind was also distorted by the evil power escaping from the black crystals. Normally, she could not express it, but once she had negative emotions, this Negative emotions will quickly be amplified.

For a while, Miya had no intention of having a conversation with Sato Kaede pretendingly. She decided to test Sato Kaede before talking to Sato Kaede. If Sato Kaede did not have enough strength, she would get rid of it. .

At this time, Sato Kaede naturally didn't know that someone was hitting his attention. He rode the lightning bird all the way. For about an hour, he finally saw the huge figure of the golden city on the ground ahead from a high altitude.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Golden City, there are many hidden masters, and there is also a Nazi who can deter all directions, even if Sato Kaede has been promoted to the king of trainer at this time and is riding a lightning bird. High profile.

Therefore, before approaching the Golden City, Sato Kaede let the lightning bird fly to the ground early, and then walked towards the Golden City on foot.

But the lightning bird is obviously too much to attract attention. He just fell from the air, and some nearby trainers who noticed the lightning bird immediately came from all directions, wanting to take a closer look at the legendary lightning bird. Elf.

Sato Kaede naturally did not want himself and the Lightning Bird to be viewed as rare animals. He just landed and said to the Lightning Bird that he had worked hard and after giving the Lightning Bird a gem-level energy cube and water, he immediately used it. The Elf Ball puts away the lightning bird.

"Guy, the lightning bird just now belongs to you, let me see it."

"Yes, yes, don't you be stingy, I have been traveling for so long, and haven't seen the lightning bird up close, let us open our eyes."

"Big brother, people want to see Lightning Bird, let me see it."


Some trainers who had already come to the nearby area were immediately anxious, and they persuaded Sato Kaede in a good voice.

Sato Maple is not a person who likes to be public. He is just in a hurry to ride the Lightning Bird this time. After all, the general flying speed of the Lightning Bird is a huge difference compared to that of the Heavenly Lightning Bird.

Therefore, before these came to his side, he moved and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already tens of meters away, and then within a few seconds, he used the instant movement again.

After Sato Kaede used teleportation five times in a row, he completely got rid of those nearby people who saw the lightning bird and wanted to come over.

However, although ordinary people are easy to avoid, it is still more difficult for Sato Kaede to rely solely on teleportation if he wants to avoid those with strong real ability.

No, when he had just entered the Golden City, someone who made him dare not provoke him appeared.

"It seems that you are quite lucky. I haven't seen you for a while, and your mental strength has grown so much. It seemed that you were underestimated at the beginning."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from Sato Kaede's mind.

In the next second, a black-haired beauty in a white dress suddenly appeared in the crowd in front of Sato Kaede, who was looking at him with cat and mouse eyes.

When Sato Kaede saw who came, he was shocked and sweated. If he didn't dare to provoke him in this golden city, the number one ranked first was the super queen Nazi of the golden city.

Now that's not bad. He didn't provoke the other party in the past, but now the other party is actively looking for the door, and judging from the attitude that the other party shows at this time, it is a bad person.

However, Sato Kaede felt that he could still be rescued. He pretended not to hear Nazi's words and did not see Nazi, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and his whole person instantly disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, he used five or six teleports in a row, and finally stopped when he came to a remote alley.

Unfortunately, when Sato Kaede thought that she had already thrown away Nazi, Nazi suddenly appeared in front of her. This time, there was an 89-level Hudi beside her.

"What's the matter, she is staring at me."

Sato Kaede looked at Nazi who suddenly appeared in front of him again and then looked at him with a joking expression, suddenly felt his scalp numb and thought.

For the strong man in front of him, Sato Kaede really feels a deep sense of powerlessness. Whether it is the strength of the elf or the cultivation of super powers, Na Zi is now a lot beyond him, and the other party is really looking at him now. He, he absolutely can't run.

There is no way, if you can't fight, you can't run away, then you really can only admit it.

"By the way~www.NovelMTL.com~ It must have been the matter between me and Sakaki who let her know. What kind of ecstasy did Sakaki fill her with, so that such a world-class superpower person is so desperate. All this took the initiative to find the door to vent his breath for him."

Sato Kaede has a keen mind. After calming down, he soon knew why Nazi was staring at him, and couldn't help but smile.

In addition to the three beasts, Sakagi's most powerful men are the three gym trainers, Nazi, Aju, and Ma Zhishi. These people are all his diehards.

I don't know why, Nazi is a diehard fan of Sakaki, and he obeyed his orders.

"It turned out to be Lord Nazi, I don't know what Lord Nazi is asking for me?"

Although Sato Kaede knew that the other party came to help Sakagi this time, he still pretended that he didn't know anything and asked Nazi with a smile on his face.

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